The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 524 Large Transaction

Chapter 524 Large Transaction
The same came out of the gentle village, but the situation was different.

Zhang Shujian woke up from someone else's master bedroom.

Long Mingyi woke up from his master bedroom.

After waking up, Long Ming went to the gym upstairs for a run.After running, he came back from the shower to see that Shen Yiren was still sleeping on the bed.

"Why did you sleep late today?" Long Ming asked Shen Yiren who was still lying on the bed after changing into a T-shirt and jeans. "Aren't you busy today?"

"I slept too late last night."

"Why?" Long Mingyi wondered, "Why don't you sleep at night?"

Shen Yiren glared at him angrily.

"Ah." Long Mingyi said: "Then you sleep more. After a while, Fengfeng will send it to Sister Zhang." After speaking, Long Mingyi kissed Shen Yiren's cheek.

"By the way, what happened to OD?"

Shen Yiren sat up, brushed her long hair and said, "You don't want me to sleep at all."

"I'm sorry." Long Ming put his arms around Shen Yiren's head and kissed her on the lips. "Go to sleep."

"Just tease me like this, how can I sleep?"

Shen Yiren flicked Long Ming angrily, and his brains collapsed. Long Ming didn't dodge or dodge, so he just smiled and took the hit.

"Get up and wash up." Shen Yiren said, "I still have a lot of things to do today. The private club will open tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Long Mingyi said: "For such a big event, shouldn't you send me an invitation in advance?"

"Do you still need it?" Shen Yiren held a toothbrush and said, "Anytime you are called."

"That makes sense. I'm a super small handyman." Long Ming nodded.

While Shen Yiren turned around to go back to wash, he kissed Shen Yiren again and ran away.

Shen Yiren in front of the mirror muttered silently, "A man never grows up, just like a child."

There are children at home, but big men outside.

Inside Zhan Dao Capital, Long Ming knocked on Wang Qiwen's table as soon as he came in. "Come to my office."

After entering the office, Wang Qiwen stood up naturally. "Little Master."

"How's the vaccine situation that you're staring at? How's the progress of Fukang Biology?"

"It is reported that some progress has been made." Wang Qiwen said: "The most conservative period is two to five months, and it may enter the clinical trial stage."

"Keep an eye on it." Long Mingyi said, "It's better not to cause any trouble."

Mi Ming knocked on the door, nodded to Wang Qiwen, and then said to Long Mingyi: "The advantage of a big customer. The manager of Linghai Securities who is in charge of our business called, and there were 1000 lots ([-] million shares) to reply. Kang Shengbio asked us if we want it?"

"One hundred thousand hands?" Long Mingyi was a little surprised.This is not a small sum.

Mi Ming nodded. "Yes, it's worth nearly [-] million."

Wang Qiwen hesitated to speak.

Long Ming said to her, "Say what you think."

"This is not conducive to the stability of stock prices. With such a large reduction in holdings, there is a high probability that it will fall, and a sudden rise is not impossible, but it will definitely not be stable."

"Many people will guess that this situation will cause problems in the market." Long Mingyi said: "The major shareholders reduce their holdings? Is there any news?"

Mi Ming nodded, "Not yet."

Long Mingyi said: "Big deal, buy it."

Mi Ming nodded.

Block trading, also known as block trading, refers to a securities transaction that reaches a specified minimum amount for a single purchase and sale of securities, and the buyer and seller reach an agreement through an agreement and the transaction is confirmed by the exchange.The closing time for block trading is from 15:15 to 30:[-].Both parties to the transaction reach a preliminary intention off-site (the transaction information can also be released in the system).Go to the respective securities business department during the trading hours, enter the block trading system, and operate according to the contents of the order.After verifying that the block transaction meets the relevant conditions, the trading system confirms the transaction, transfers securities and funds to the counterparty's account, and publishes the transaction information on the next trading day.

Long Mingyi said: "Looks like I have to ask Xin Cheng."

During lunch time, Xin Cheng and Long Mingyi sat on a bench in a small garden, eating egg-filled biscuits and talking.

Xin Cheng asked: "Aren't the two of us a little too shabby? If people see this, they will think that the two of us are bankrupt. At least we should have a steak, right?"

"Didn't you say that time is precious? I already added an extra sausage for you." Long Ming took a bite and said, "It's true that there is not much time."

Xin Cheng said, "For recovery?"

"Yes." Long Mingyi said, "Who reduced the holdings for the big deal?"

"Shareholders." Xin Cheng said, "You will know tomorrow."

Long Mingyi said: "You and I both know that many things will change dramatically in an instant, and many things may change a few minutes earlier."

"Okay." Xin Cheng looked around, "A company that invests to make money."

"This statement seems unprofessional." Long Mingyi felt that there was something in Xin Cheng's words.

"A furniture company owns [-]% of Rehabi."

"It does seem unusual."

Xin Cheng nodded and said, "I know you will look for me, and I also know that this news is useful."

Long Mingyi threw the pancake into the trash can. "Thanks. You will be rewarded."

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"It's you who said 'time is pressing', not me." Long Ming shrugged and said one by one: "I'm going to eat a top-quality veal."

"Long Mingyi. If I didn't have a meeting in the afternoon, I would fight with you." Xin Cheng looked at the pancakes and threw them into the bucket.Then call your secretary. "Ellie, prepare a seafood takeaway and deliver it to my office."

Back in the office, Long Ming found Mi Ming and Han Huan.

"A furniture company reduced its holdings in Fukang Biotech." Long Mingyi said, "Look at the situation. How much furniture does this furniture company have to sell to afford Fukang's nearly [-] million yuan in shares."

Mi Ming nodded.Han Huan got up and went to look for information.

Mi Ming waited for Han Huan to leave and asked, "Yin Shidan?"

"Maybe." Long Mingyi said: "It's better to hold it first. The research and development of Rehabilitation is progressing smoothly."

"But..." Mi Ming said: "The vaccine is harmless to people and anti-virus until the end, who can say for sure?"

Long Ming said in a low voice: "Mitch, wealth and wealth are sought after insurance. This stock is inherently high-risk. We will control the positions well. Not all of them may be held until the end."

Mi Ming nodded and went out.

Long Mingyi told Wang Qiwen, "Control all positions well, don't be too heavy."

"But the big deal is so big."

"We can sell some of what we buy." Long Ming nodded.

Wang Qiwen understood, "Guerrilla tactics."

"Smart." Long Mingyi said: "Control the position and don't let people know the direction. When we have the goods in hand, they will be even more uncertain."

The day's work is over, and the sun outside has not yet set.Long Ming stood in front of the window, watching the busy traffic outside.

Han Huan came in and said, "This company sells furniture in a furniture store. The owner of the furniture store is called Wan Fuping."

"Is there anything special?"

"It's the youngest daughter-in-law of Vice President Minghui, who is Ji Xiang's mother. Ji Xiang is the author whose book was bought by Pei Shang."

"The world is so small." Long Mingyi said: "People who seem to be out of reach can all join the table to play."

There are two trees in the courtyard of Zhang Shujian's rented community, one is a pagoda tree and the other is also a pagoda tree.Under the tree, aunts and uncles are fanning the cool wind to drive away the heat.

The fire in Zhang Shujian's heart couldn't be blown away.

Because the person in front of him is Ah Yan.

"What is Mr. Zhang thinking?"

"I've made up my mind." Zhang Shujian said, "You're right, there aren't many chances to blog once."

(End of this chapter)

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