The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 526: Sending Gifts to Each Other

Chapter 526: Sending Gifts to Each Other

In Yin Shixun's apartment, there were some dim lights accompanied by candles flickering on the table, and the environment became warm, and it was no longer a cold feeling alone.

Yin Shidan and Yin Shixun had dinner together.The two were eating steak, very gentle.

"Wine is good wine." Yin Shidan recommended his sister to have a good taste.

Yin Shidan is about 20 years older than Yin Shixun, and has always been a big brother taking care of this unrelated younger sister.

"Thank you." Yin Shixun took a sip and said, "It's really good."

Yin Shixun's face was full of worries and worries.

"I haven't seen this expression for many years." Yin Shidan put a small piece of beef into his mouth.

"Really?" Yin Shixun said, "I'm worried about Long Mingyi. On the OD side, he cooks very beautifully. A warning, but he took over the army."

Yin Shidan smiled, "This expression of yours has appeared three times in total. One time was when the male classmate you admired the most changed another school in junior high school. The other time was when your ex-boyfriend traveled across the ocean. Now, because of a general of Long Mingyi? Can't you justify it? "

"Brother, I'm serious, okay?" Yin Shixun protested Yin Shidan's random contact.

"Okay." Yin Shidan said with a smile, "No problem. If Long Mingyi can't dismantle this situation, what else should we pay attention to?"

Yin Shixun nodded.The fork in his left hand turned a few times silently.

Yin Shidan still smiled, and cut the beef, but with this knife, the sharpness showed.

Yin Shidan's dinner was steak, and Long Mingyi's dinner was beef brisket.

Yin Shidan was on the long table, and Long Mingyi was at the food stall.

"Han Huan." Long Mingyi warned: "Although I like to eat snacks, can you ask the three of us to be a little more solemn?"

Mi Ming and Xu Chen sat on opposite sides, staring at Han Huan resentfully.

"His braised beef brisket is really delicious."

Long Mingyi said, "But I can't stretch my legs."

A small square table with four small stools.Sitting Long Ming's knees reached his waist.It's like squatting.

Mi Ming said, "Me too."

Although Xu Chen is not as tall as the Shen sisters, her legs are well proportioned to her body. She has long legs, which makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

Mi Ming looked around, "Is this a children's meal?"

Han Huan said: "This saves space."

Xu Chen said: "It's also a stomach saver for the customers. How much can you eat while eating like this? How does the boss make money?"

Han Huan said with a smile: "So the turnover rate is high. Leave after eating."

"Talent." Xu Chen said helplessly.

Long Mingyi said: "With your standard of living, you don't need that much salary."

Han Huan smiled, "Brother Long's first trick is to pay the salary." She distributed the beef brisket brought by the waiter to several people and said, "You will know in a while."

Mi Ming tasted it first and said, "It's quite delicious."

Han Huan looked at it and said, "The most 'delicious' one is there."

Long Mingyi saw a woman with heavy make-up and still charming charm.She passed by, and the smell of perfume was almost pungent.

Mi Ming asked: "Is this delicious or unappetizing?"

Han Huan pointed at the woman with his chopsticks and said, "She is the major shareholder of Rehabilitation Bio. She also eats beef brisket."

Xu Chen said: "No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it. This person is too low-key."

Han Huan said: "After checking around, the house I live in, the car, and the company that sells the furniture have a total of 800 million assets."

Long Ming ate the beef brisket with a bowl in his hand.Mi Ming knew what Long Mingyi was thinking: "Unless the money is changed, or the stock is changed."

Xu Chen said, "Maybe it was created by Yin Shidan."

Long Ming finished eating after a few mouthfuls, and he put down the bowl. "Yin Shidan started changing tricks and started giving gifts."

Wang Qiwen confirmed that Kangfu Biological R&D has not changed much.This big deal was given to Linghai just for Long Mingyi.Yin Shidan knew Long Mingyi's position.

"I really know how to play." Long Mingyi said, "It's getting more and more interesting."

Mi Ming said: "He played very well."

"It seems that the time to meet is not far away." Long Mingyi said: "It's time to give him a big gift. I will take back what others owe me. I have to give back what I owe to others."

Mi Ming asked: "What should I give him? This is a big deal."

"Yes." Long Mingyi said, "It has to match."

A 300 million book, a position held by a furniture store owner.Jixiang's parents have nothing to do with Yin Shidan, I'm afraid it can't be justified.

Xiao Yuqing's new real estate is a well-decorated house, using Jixiang's father's decoration company, so the furniture is naturally from Jixiang's mother, and there is a discount.

Long Mingyi's gift was also not small.

Yin Shidan knew that Long Mingyi held a position, so he gave Long Mingyi a big gift.

As soon as Long Ming knew Yin Shidan's secret, he returned a big gift to Yin Shidan.

This is "reciprocity".

When the thing arrives, the mind arrives, and you are ordered.

On the third-floor terrace of the European-style building, Yin Shidan, wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, was using his tablet computer, watching the trend of the world's financial markets.He knew that Long Mingyi just nodded after this great gift.After the reporter went out, Yin Shixun, who was drinking coffee next to him, asked, "Why is the eldest brother still so calm?"

"Then why are you nervous?" Yin Shidan smiled and said, "That's just the tip of the iceberg. Long Mingyi will know sooner or later."

"He knows, it's very bad for us."

"Is there any disadvantage? I don't think so."

Yin Shixun said: "Starting from Jixiang's book, he will find out a lot. Then our things will be published by him..."

"You are still too young." Yin Shidan smiled: "If he is such a person, he would not be Long Mingyi."

Yin Shixun savored the elder brother's words carefully, there must be something in it that she didn't want to understand.

"Didn't Long Mingyi want to kill us?"

"What's the benefit of Long Mingyi killing us? What's the benefit of picking us up? What's the benefit to him if he does this?" Yin Shidan said with a smile: "In the financial investment business, you say he can make so much money for every investment?" Is it clean? Is there nothing suspicious? With so many people in Zhan Dao Capital, no one steps on the line? There is always a news. We are all tightrope walkers. Every time we take a step, the other foot will move. Hang it up. If you see it through, you may not be able to pierce it."

Yin Shixun said: "I guess it has something to do with Long Mingyi's character."

"That's right." Yin Shidan smiled and said, "You're right. Long Mingyi has to wrestle with me in the financial market. If you want to become a legend, you have to beat another legend. If you want to win, you have to show your ability in this field .”

"Brother is the same."

"Yes." Yin Shidan put the tablet on the table.He stood up, looked out at the garden and said, "After all, good opponents are rare."

From Long Ming's family, Xiao Yuqing and Shen Yixin came here together to "eat and drink together".

When the food was served, Long Ming greeted Xiao Yuqing to eat.He said: "Thank you father for the decoration of the real estate."

"Small things." Xiao Yuqing said: "As soon as I talk to my dad, he will know what to do."

Shen Yixin was speechless: "It's as if your father is working for you."

Xiao Yuqing said: "Don't pay attention to these details. For the happiness of Xinxin and Brother Long, I will give anything."

This time Long Mingyi was speechless. "Is your language taught by the gatekeeper? Can you punctuate sentences?"

Xiao Yuqing said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I got excited. Sister-in-law, put down the fruit knife first."

Shen Yiren glanced at Xiao Yuqing and said, "I'll cut a piece of fruit for you. Xiao Yuqing, read some books when you have time. Reading comprehension can improve your speaking skills."

"I see." Xiao Yuqing said nervously, "Brother-in-law, do you usually buy insurance?"

Long Ming smiled: "Can the insurance protect you from intentional killing? That company won't do that either."

Xiao Yuqing shook her head, "It seems impossible."

"Then do as your sister-in-law said, read more. Don't be in good health and have an empty head."

Shen Yixin asked: "Shouldn't you be called sister and brother-in-law? Why are you called sister-in-law and brother?"

The scene was once again cold to the bone...

(End of this chapter)

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