Chapter 530 Meeting
A private plane slowly landed at the island's airport.

After coming to a complete stop, Long Mingyi and Shen Yiren walked out of the cabin holding hands.Behind him was Long Youfeng followed by a beautiful stewardess.

Long Youfeng couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted from behind: "Please, I'll follow you this time. As guardians and parents, shouldn't you take care of me?"

Long Mingyi and Shen Yiren turned their heads at the same time.

Long Mingyi said in surprise, "Ah! Is your son here?"

"Yes?" Shen Yiren turned around and came to Longyoufeng's side and said, "Mom forgot about you."

"I'm so hard!"

At such a young age, Long Youfeng suffered "pain" that he shouldn't have to bear.

A commercial vehicle was parked at the exit of the airport.Li Ang next to the car looked at his watch from time to time. He came here in person to wait for Long Mingyi's arrival, and prepared to pick up Long Mingyi's family of three.

"Li Ang." Long Ming came out pushing his luggage.

"Brother Long." Li Ang walked over.The assistant behind him was quick-eyed and helped to take the luggage and put it in the back of the car.

After getting in the car, Li Ang introduced: "I have prepared a dinner tonight, and I will invite Brother Long's family to have dinner. I will inspect the big data company tomorrow. Mr. Liao told me tomorrow night that he will arrange for you and your sister-in-law."

"I see. Thank you." Long Mingyi said: "You don't need to arrange for me tonight, I have other things. Arrange for Yiren and the children to play. Send it directly to the hotel. Which scenery does Fengfeng like. Tomorrow At noon, we have dinner together."

Long Youfeng said: "I have long wanted to see the seabed and fish."

Li Ang nodded and said, "Okay."

Long Mingyi got off the car on a roadside, waved goodbye to Li Ang, and then told Shen Yiren and Long Youfeng: "Have fun, be happy."

After the car left, Long Mingyi took out a letter from his pocket, which was an invitation letter.

This invitation letter was received by Xuan Siyue the day before yesterday and placed on Long Mingyi's desk.

The final inscription is the three characters written in a strong and powerful handwriting - Yin Shidan.

Because of these three words, Long Mingyi put aside many things and came to the island.

The weather was so hot that there were few pedestrians on the road.As soon as Long Ming went to the nearby store to buy a bottle of cold drink, he drank half of the bottle in one go and waited for someone to pick him up by the side of the road.

A convertible sports car parked next to Long Mingyi, and a girl in a skirt in the car opened the door and came down to Long Mingyi's side and said, "Hello, Mr. Long. Please get in the car."

"Okay." Long Ming came to the passenger seat and sat down.

Before driving, Long Mingyi said, "Can you close the convertible? I didn't wear so much sunscreen."

"Okay." The girl closed the roof.

"Xiao Lan." Long Ming asked, "Where are we going?"

"Mr. Long has a good memory."

This girl is Lan among the four "Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum".

"You guys have such a high profile, it's hard not to remember."

Xiaolan started the car and said, "Brother has a villa by the sea. Let's go there and talk more privately."

Long Ming nodded, "I guess it's Chinese."

Xiaolan was taken aback, "Mr. Long, why do you..."

Long Ming smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. It's either Chinese style or Western style."

"Oh." Xiao Lan said with a smile: "One-half probability, Mr. Long is very powerful."

Xiaolan's car drove all the way to the front of the villa area.She entered through the main entrance and parked the car at the entrance.

As soon as the car stopped, someone came to help open the door.Long Mingyi got out of the car and looked at the surrounding scenery.

In the yard there is a swimming pool with sun umbrellas and deck chairs.There are flowers and plants and four huge coconut trees around.The stone-paved road extends all the way to the door.Yin Shidan stood at the door with a smile on his face.He greeted him politely, showing the demeanor of the host.

Long Mingyi followed Lan and came to Yin Shidan.

"Hello, Mingyi."


Yin Shidan said, "You can call me Shidan."

"Hello, Shidan."

Yin Shidan greeted Long Mingyi like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years. "It's hot here, right? Let's cool off first."

The servant brought up the juice with ice cubes, and Yin Shidan personally took it off the plate and put it in front of Long Mingyi.

"I don't know what you like." Yin Shidan brought down several glasses of juice and put them in front of Long Mingyi, "These are some of my favorite flavors. Come to think of it, our tastes are similar."

Long Ming smiled and said, "That's right. I've always thought that our 'taste' is very similar."

"Heroes cherish heroes." Yin Shidan asked Long Ming to taste it.

Long Ming picked up a cup and took a sip, "It's really cool after drinking it. It seems that Shi Dan has prepared a good arrangement for me."

"I will entertain you well." Yin Shidan said, "I'm not in a hurry. I have some antiques in my study. I don't know if Ming Yi is interested."

Long Ming smiled and said, "When I look at antiques, it's all about money. Of course I'm interested in money."

"Then we are really alike. I started collecting antiques just to make money." Yin Shidan said, "Then let's go to the study. You will be very 'surprised'. Absolutely good things."

Yin Shidan and Long Ming walked to the study.The central air conditioner in the study room blows a gentle breeze, which makes people feel comfortable.

This study room is antique, with two large cabinets made of mahogany, filled with books.Books of different ages are classified, and there are labels on the left.Most people are classified by category, and this is the first time Long Mingyi has seen Yin Shidan's classification method.There are all pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the table, and you can tell that it is extraordinary at a glance.This one is really a study room, purely for elegant things like books.

Yin Shidan took out two books from the bookshelf and said, "This is an ancient book from the Song edition. I wonder what Ming Yi thinks?"

When Long Ming looked at these two books, he was startled.Because these two books were exactly the two books that Long Ming flipped through in Wang Canhui's study when he went to Wang Canhui to ask about Master Mei.

This Yin Shidan's ability is too great.

Long Mingyi never thought that Yin Shidan would know every move of Wang Canhui's family and what books he was reading.Or did Wang Canhui and Yin Shidan know each other?Long Ming couldn't make up his mind for a short time.

"Don't you like these two books?" Yin Shidan said with a smile, "So does Ming Yi like this one?"

One thing Yin Shidan took out again completely made Long Mingyi feel fear.

This is an inkstone, the inkstone collected by Yang Jiang's father.It was also the inkstone that Long Mingyi had shown to the consultant.

Long Ming said with a smile: "Shi Dan really 'likes' antiques." Long Ming picked up the square inkstone and said, "You all know this."

"What?" Yin Shidan asked deliberately pretending to be stupid: "I bought it from an old man. I heard that his son went in and needed money. I thought I would do someone a favor and bought it."

"Shidan believes in kindness and will be rewarded."

Yin Shidan said: "I would like to borrow your auspicious words. I hope there will be more blessings."

Yin Shidan's few things really hit Long Mingyi's confidence.But Yin Shidan miscalculated a little.He didn't know much about Long Mingyi's recovery speed.

Long Ming smiled and said, "We are all people who like to do good deeds. For example, I donated 50 to an orphanage. Xinfeng Orphanage."

This time it was Yin Shidan's turn to frown.This orphanage is where Yin Shixun grew up until he was eight years old.As soon as Long Ming donated the money, Yin Shixun's information became known to him.

Then Yin Shidan laughed too. "It seems that we will all 'accumulate blessings' for ourselves."

"Who says it's not?" Long Ming said with a smile, "It's not easy for those children."

"You're right." Yin Shidan smiled a little hypocritically.

(End of this chapter)

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