The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 536 Xinfeng Contradictions

Chapter 536 Xinfeng Contradictions
In Xinfeng, Xue Ting was sitting in his office, taking one document after another from the secretary, and then quickly signed his name.

Another secretary knocked on the door and came in and said, "Mr. Xue, Mr. Long is here."

"Why is he here?"

Zhang Yueqian took the information on the front foot, and Long Ming came on the back foot.

it must not be a coincidence

After Xue Ting signed the remaining documents, he closed his pen and walked out of the office.

Long Mingyi is one of the shareholders and an important friend of Wang Canhui.Xue Ting really had to come out and see him.

The secretary said that Long Mingyi was drinking tea in Zhang Deyi's office, Xue Ting nodded, and told the secretary, "Please ask Long Mingyi to come over later, if he wants to shirk, let it go."

Xue Ting didn't really want to invite Long Mingyi either.It's best if he doesn't come.

Xue Ting was flipping through the recruitment plan reported by the personnel department when the secretary knocked on the door and came in, followed by Long Mingyi.

"Mr. Long." Xue Ting stood up and said with a smile on his face, "I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Really." Long Ming shook hands with Xue Ting, and then said: "Recently, I have come less and walked less."

Both of them are talking nonsense with their eyes open.

Xue Ting asked: "Mr. Long is here, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, just passing by, come and take a look." Long Mingyi said: "I'm really not a qualified shareholder. I should visit the company often and pay attention to the company's development."

"There should be more." Xue Ting said sincerely: "Many projects are launched, and directors and shareholders need to give more opinions. The more opinions you have, the less you will step on the thunder."

Long Ming smiled and said, "Mr. Xue has done a good job. In such a big Xinfeng, everything is in order. I may not be so good."

Xue Ting also smiled and thanked Long Mingyi for his compliment: "The division of labor is different, and the fields of expertise are also different. You are an investor, and I am a manager. You are better at investing, and you can tell by the rate of return. But in terms of managing a company , or I am better at it.”

Xue Ting told Long Mingyi that I am managing the company, so it would be best if you don't have to intervene.

Long Ming sneered, "It seems that Mr. Xue still knows their respective identities."

To put it bluntly, Xue Ting is a high-level beater.Isn't it a bit dishonest for you to act so defiantly?

Xue Ting's smile also slowly disappeared. "I said that each division of labor is different. In terms of the direction of the company, it is better for the executives to grasp it. Shareholders and directors can vote on all projects. However, the daily management is still the responsibility of the general manager."

The implication of Xue Ting's words is that not only you, Long Mingyi, but you should also tell Zhang Deyi not to be too lenient.

"Actually, the directors have more power." Xue Ting added: "If you are dissatisfied with the executives, the directors can be replaced."

Long Ming leaned back on the chair all the time, he smiled.Laughed for ten seconds.Xue Ting was also laughing, and he also laughed for ten seconds.

Long Ming waved his hand, got up and left his seat, opened the door and left Xue Ting's office.

Xinfeng's crisis is very deep.Long Ming knew it as soon as he came.

Because once Long Ming found out, Wang Canhui might not be able to control Xue Ting [-]%.

The management team formed by Xue Ting is naturally closer to Xue Ting.Although this wave of people is in the headquarters camp, they should be directly managed.But now he behaves like "the general will be included, and the king's order will not be accepted." He even turns around and deals with you Zhang Deyi every minute.

Long Mingyi needed to find Wang Canhui.

Inside Wang Canhui's study.Long Mingyi first told Wang Canhui the content of his conversation with Zheng Zhiqiu.

"Boss Zheng is on our side." Long Mingyi said: "He hopes that Yin Shidan can restrain his 'claws', don't grab everything, and stretch everything too far."

"This is good news." Wang Canhui trimmed his beloved potted plants.

Long Mingyi said: "Our new bargaining chip is Tianjun Big Data to succeed Yin Shidan's original company and become part of Chengziwang's return plan. He wants Tianjun [-]% of the shares."

Wang Canhui said: "It can be given to him. We still have control."

"Not necessarily." Long Mingyi said: "I passed by Xinfeng today and took a look. There is a deep conflict between Zhang Deyi and Xue Ting."

"Ming Yi, you are not just passing by, are you?" Wang Canhui put down the scissors and wiped his hands with a towel. "Xue Ting told me. Zhang Yueqian took a lot of materials. I told him it's okay. It's a big deal to determine whether Xinfeng is at risk."

Long Ming nodded, waiting for Wang Canhui to speak.

"However, it's no good to hide such things from him." Wang Canhui said: "Xinfeng's management team is the 'Xuejiaban'. It's not 'Wang', not 'Zhang', let alone 'Long'. Although Xinfeng belongs to the shareholders, it is Xue Ting who can control the direction. There is no doubt about the employment."

"Then you have no doubts?"

"Yes. I admit it." Wang Canhui said: "But there are some things, we have to pretend to be confused. 'It's rare to be confused'. Mingyi, my company, or Xinfeng. They are not the same as your sword. These There are no more than a thousand employees in the company. There are dozens of people in your sword, and they all listen to you. But even if you control everything, is there anything that the people below can’t tell you? Is there nothing to brush off? You are just pretending to be confused."

Wang Canhui put down his reading glasses and said: "Xinfeng is so big and has so many subsidiaries, so those people have no problem? Those people are so clean? It's all a ghost! There are big ones, and small ones. If you don't believe me, I will take you Go to a subsidiary company, look at the executive, he is clean in every transaction? No selfishness? During the holidays, guess if the supplier will have a relationship? Will the subordinates be filial? Didn’t you eat and go back to the company for reimbursement? Is there anyone who took the company’s account? Not all of them.

Long Mingyi couldn't think of a suitable person.

Wang Canhui asked: "But if these people don't accept the relationship between the supplier and the gift from the subordinate. What else can this company do? Doesn't it cut off all the relationships? The supplier will find someone else, and the subordinates will find someone else. If there is no delivery, there will be no more favors. Originally, a phone call can be done. If you follow the regulations and report layer by layer, it will consume more manpower and material resources. 'When the water is clear, there will be no fish'."

Long Ming nodded.

"That's why." Wang Canhui said: "Look at the ancient emperors who hired people, they were all masters. Those who are 'clean' should be used as well as those who are 'turbid'. If they are capable of doing a good job, let him do it in that position. And It happens that some things have to be handled in a 'dirty' way. For example, what about Mi Ming? You don't like to socialize, so it's not because of him? Then, if your host doesn't do it, can the guest do it? If the guest doesn't do it, Can the master do it? Didn’t Mi Ming do the extravagant stimulation projects? Mi Ming’s hospitality expenses are overspending, so you have to help find a way? Ming Yi, compare your heart. Xue Ting is in his position, and he also has a lot' I have to'. Me too. Many expenses cannot be recorded in the account, but they are all for the company. Many things, you and I will not touch for the sake of our positive image, but someone must do it below! So as a responsible person Boss, you have to clean up the mess for the people below. Can Xue Ting not be nervous if you are so mobilizing to investigate?"

"That's right." Long Ming nodded, "Actually, my main purpose is to prevent Xinfeng from being taken advantage of by Yin Shidan. It's not against him."

"No. Ming Yi, don't worry about this." Wang Canhui said: "He still has to listen to me on major matters."

Long Ming nodded, got up and went to the bookshelf and took out two books, which were exactly the two books Yin Shidan showed him.

"What? Like reading?" Wang Canhui said, "Take it."

Long Mingyi put the book on Wang Canhui's table, "These two books were given to me by Yin Shidan when I met him."

"What?" Wang Canhui didn't understand: "He gave it to you?"

"Yes." Long Mingyi said, "It's the same Song edition. If it wasn't for your corner being a little damaged, I would have thought it was a book."

Wang Canhui frowned.How did Yin Shidan know that Wang Canhui and Long Mingyi had taken these two books?
Wang Canhui stood up and said, "This is a bit unacceptable. Can Yin Shidan see this room? And can he find the same book?"

Long Mingyi looked serious: "I don't understand either. Even if there is someone in your family, it is impossible for him to see which two books I have taken?"

Wang Canhui and Long Ming looked out the window at the same time.Outside the window of Wang Canhui's study is a small garden.With this garden, neighbors in the distance cannot see the scene inside the study at all because of the shade of trees.

"I will find out about this matter." Wang Canhui said, "We can't be so vague."

"Then you have to hurry up." Long Mingyi said seriously: "How much this person knows is impossible to measure."

Wang Canhui looked out the window and muttered: "Yin Shidan...he is quite courageous."

(End of this chapter)

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