Chapter 543 Victims

A tall, gracefully walked waitress walked by with a tray.On the plate are four kinds of dried fruit, four kinds of candied fruit and a pot of Longjing.

The waitress came to the rest area and placed the items on the plate on the table.

In the rest area, Long Mingyi and Wang Canhui rested on the stools.

Feel comfortable after taking a shower.

Wang Canhui closed his eyes and said, "It's been a long time since I took a bath like this. It's comfortable."

"That's right." Long Mingyi said: "It seems that the bathing has to be reserved."

"Isn't it crowded with people?"

"There are too many people and I can't let go." Long Ming smiled and said, "I feel very comfortable after the massage. So that's how it is."

"Have you ever had a massage?"

"No." Long Ming poured two cups of tea and said, "I really hate when people press and beat me, and I still have to give him money."

"Ha." Wang Canhui couldn't help laughing. "You're such a freak."

Long Ming asked: "Yin Shidan or I, who is more like a freak?"

"You're a deviant. He's a demon. He's finished."

"He has prepared so intensively, and I have to prepare too."

Wang Canhui grabbed a few pistachios and said while eating, "Didn't you always prepare it?"

"You're right." Long Mingyi said, "He and I can only have balance, not peace."

Tianjun transferred 30% of the shares to Yin Shixun.After issuing new shares, Xinfeng's shareholding was diluted to 41%, and it is still the largest shareholder.In addition to Li Ang's shareholding, it is enough to control.

After finishing, Tianjun is rich.We can continue to advance in big data.After the return of orange network, there will be more business.

Facing the situation in front of him, Pang Pian couldn't bear it anymore.

Could it be that Long Mingyi fell for his opponent Huang Cheng?

This is bad.

Time waits for no one, and Pang Pian came to Zhan Dao Capital by himself.

It was Mi Ming who received Pang Pian.

"Sorry." In the big meeting room, Mi Ming said politely, "Our boss is not here, so I'll greet President Pang."

"I came here abruptly." Pang Pian smiled and took the Fusi mineral water sent by Xuan Siyue.

Mi Ming took a bottle and tossed it, then put it on the table and asked, "President Pang, is there something wrong?"

Pang Pian said: "Take care of the repurchase fund."

"Everything is on schedule, no problem." Mi Ming said, "Relax. This is not a short-term project."

Pang Pian rubbed the mineral water bottle in her hand and said, "I understand."

Mi Ming said: "I'll ask someone to sort out a copy of the materials and send them to you. Some time ago, we didn't communicate too much, and we were busy. You know."

Pang Pian nodded in agreement, "I know."

Mi Ming said: "We will communicate regularly. I will also visit you more often."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Pang Pian said: "We meet regularly."

After sending Pang Pian away, Long Mingyi came out of Xie Jiahan's office.Mi Ming said: "Sent away."

"You did it beautifully." Long Mingyi said, "Is he in a hurry now? Let him hang out for two days."

"That's right." Mi Ming echoed: "The things we submitted have been changed and changed, and it's just stuck with us."

Xu Chen walked out and said, "People also want to maximize their interests."

Long Mingyi said, "It's not about maximizing the interests of a family."

On the way back, Pang Pian felt a little annoyed.Mi Ming's insipid words made him feel very uncomfortable.

Now he realizes that he really can't stand up anymore.What Long Mingyi said was right, "It's easier to invite God than to send God away."

With so many people involved, the initiative became Long Mingyi's side.Whether it is investment repurchase or content delivery.Long Mingyi was playing with him.

Can this Xingcheng website still belong to me?Pang Pian asked herself, did they really have to wait until they made a lot of money before they could get a company?
"What is Huang Cheng thinking?" Pang Pian said to himself.

Huang Cheng's life was even worse than his.

When Yin Shidan and Yin Shixun were eating, Huang Cheng just sat beside them.He didn't even have a bowl.

Yin Shidan was holding a bowl with the rape on the plate and said, "Sister, eat more."

"Okay." Yin Shixun said, "Today's eggs are good."

"I drove to the countryside to buy it in the morning." Yin Shidan said: "There is a hen in their family that always lays double yolk eggs."

Huang Cheng felt that he was just a decoration, not as good as the turntable on the dining table.Anyway, I can turn around.

"Mr. Yin..."

"Mr. Huang." Yin Shidan looked at Huang Cheng and said, "Ah, I was negligent. Mama Liu, add a pair of chopsticks for Mr. Huang's dinner. Try this egg, it's double yellow."

"Thank you." Huang Cheng took the bowl and chopsticks, but did not eat them.

Yin Shidan put down the bowl and said, "We are people at the same table, people who eat the same dish. After this dish is finished, we each fill our stomachs."

Huang Cheng nodded.

"Eat what you have." Yin Shidan reminded Huang Cheng. "Lately, I've been more self-conscious. I've been less 'social' with those female celebrities and Internet celebrities. It's not good to be photographed."

Yin Shixun got up and left, and came back a few minutes later with a stack of photos and handed them to Yin Shidan.

Yin Shidan flipped through a few and said, "It's very exciting. These are all scales that cannot be broadcast. Look, you are quite strong."

Huang Cheng looked at Yin Shixun in embarrassment, lowered his head and said nothing.

"Do you still want to do it?"

Yin Shidan was suddenly furious and smashed all the photos on Huang Cheng's face.He pointed at Huang Cheng's nose and scolded: "When is it? Can't you control your belt? If you don't do this, can you suffocate to death? Ask you? Do you want to lose face?"

Huang Cheng, who has a head and a face, has to endure it.He wiped his sweat frequently.

Yin Shidan adjusted his state and took a sip of water.He picked up a red devil shrimp, sucked the brain of the shrimp, peeled the shell and ate the meat.

"The matter is settled." Yin Shixun got up and came to Huang Cheng and said, "Huang Cheng, be careful in the future."

Huang Cheng hurriedly said, "I will take care of myself."

Yin Shixun reminded him appropriately: "Brother has worked hard for this matter."

Huang Cheng hurriedly said: "I understand, I understand. This is a check for 2000 million..."

Yin Shidan still didn't say anything, just eating his own food.After Yin Shixun wiped his hands with a napkin, he pushed back the check in Huang Cheng's hand.

Huang Cheng suddenly understood, "I will prepare. I will prepare."

Yin Shidan does not accept checks for this money, he wants cash.

The payment is convenient, but there are also traces.Yin Shidan would not be willing to take this risk.

Yin Shixun said: "2000 million, we are equivalent to helping for free. Brother, in terms of years of relationship, we want as much as you want. 2000 million, so many photos are bought back for 'collection', you are still worth it. "

Yin Shixun picked up a photo and looked at it, "The shot is clear and the angle is good. Especially this face." After speaking, she took Huang Cheng's hand and took the photo in Huang Cheng's palm.

"I understand, I understand." Huang Cheng said, "I'm preparing 3000 million."

"Hehe." Yin Shixun sat back in his seat.

"Mei has worked hard too." Huang Cheng said: "I heard that you have always liked wine. I photographed three barrels of wine for you in Europe."

"Thank you." Yin Shixun said with a smile.

Huang Cheng tidied up the photos on the table and the ground, looked at the original memory card in the bag and said, "I'm going to prepare right now."

Yin Shixun didn't express his opinion, but drank water.

Huang Cheng looked at Yin Shidan again, and Yin Shidan nodded.

Huang Cheng, like an amnesty, left with gratitude.

A double reed by the brothers and sisters of the Yin family, the singing is Huang Chengyun.

Yin Shixun said: "3000 million is cheaper for him."

"I still have to make money from Don't kill me with one shot." Yin Shidan handed Yin Shixun a peeled shrimp.

Yin Shixun took it and ate it and said, "If it wasn't for watching, I wouldn't bother him."

Huang Cheng, who went out and returned to the car, wiped his sweat and shouted into the phone: "Tell them, raise money. Cash."

(End of this chapter)

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