Chapter 545
At eight o'clock in the evening, Long Mingyi did not leave Zhan Dao Capital.He was looking at Wang Jingyuan's unfinished office building.

Shen Yiren, who came to look for Long Mingyi, naturally stayed by and watched the content.

"It's the first time I heard that the office building in the prime location can still be unfinished." Shen Yiren said, "Is this Wang Jingyuan short of money? Look, it can be finished."

"He's not short of money." Long Mingyi said, "But he can't build it anymore."

Xu Chen opened the door and came in and said, "The investigation is almost clear. The office building is tricky."

The office building cannot continue to be built because the office building does not want to be disposed of as an asset.

Wang Jingyuan used to have a company that owned this unfinished office building.He changed the legal person to a distant relative.

Then Wang Jingyuan withdrew all the company's funds.The creditors who engaged in it complained endlessly.When the time comes for bankruptcy enforcement, he will give the company a sum of money to repay the debt, and get the unfinished building project of the insolvent company at a very low price within a reasonable range.

The most serious thing is that the court restricts the high consumption of his relative.This relative is 65 years old, and the limit is limited.

Long Mingyi said: "Some people get rich by being smart, some people get rich by connections, and some people get rich by being human."

Xu Chen said: "Even if there is a lawsuit, it will take a long time."

Shen Yiren said: "If you go bankrupt directly, what about auctioning the land?"

Xu Chen said: "Wang Jingyuan's relative has the final say on the company. Creditors can only ask for repayment and do not have the shareholder's ability to influence the company's decision-making. As long as the relative sells this project to Wang Jingyuan, and the price is within a reasonable range, everything will be fine." It's all reasonable."

Shen Yiren asked: "What about the withdrawal of funds earlier? Is there any problem?"

Xu Chen said approvingly: "It seems that your training class is not for nothing."

"Learning will definitely pay off."

"That's right." Xu Chen said: "There are many ways to hollow out a company. What Wang Jingyuan used was to purchase materials. This company purchased a large amount of materials from Wang Jingyuan's other companies at high prices. Some of the materials obtained were used for office building construction. , is the unfinished thing that is stuck there now. The other part was sold to the company of Wang Jingyuan's friends. The accounts receivable that should have been collected have not been recovered."

Shen Yiren said: "The downstream companies got the materials for free."

"Yes." Xu Chen said: "As bad debts, they are all eliminated. And this office building project..."

Shen Yiren quickly replied: "It is to defraud the creditors of their money. With this project as a guarantee, it is convincing. A project in a busy city has huge development potential and great future profits."

Xu Chen said: "You should come here more often. Maybe there will be a place for you in Zhan Dao."

Then Xu Chen said to Long Mingyi: "The facts are like this. At the critical moment, Wang Jingyuan dispatched to 'take advantage of the fire', obviously he set the fire."

As soon as Long Ming picked up the phone, he said, "One stick. Are you interested in a troublesome office building project? It's a drop in the bucket for your family, just consider it a new real estate..."

Xu Chen said, "You are really a genius."

Shen Yiren said: "Let Xiao Yuqing quote a relatively high false price to the company that is about to go bankrupt, and Wang Jingyuan won't be able to sit still."

Long Mingyi said: "The general manager of any company will not reject the high-priced one, but choose the low-priced one. That can sue him for professional ethics issues. Maybe he will go in. And when the time comes, Wang Jingyuan will either Increase the price, or come to talk to me."

Mi Ming came in to see such a harmonious scene and said: "Boss, sometimes, I think monogamy is too much for you to ask."

"Mi Ming." Long Mingyi said: "Below Yiyang is an action scene, I guess he might want to use you to practice his skills."

Xu Chen said, "I haven't been active for a long time either."

Mi Ming sang: "I should be outside the door, not inside, seeing how sweet you are..."

Shen Yiren shouted: "Mi Ming, maybe I will tear your vocal cords to make you sing more like that."

"Calm down." Mi Ming said, "I brought good things. A girl with orange bob hair sent a box at the door just now."

"Is it a chrysanthemum from a teahouse?" Long Ming beckoned and asked Mi Ming to bring it over.

Mi Ming came in with the box and said, "I'm also curious about what good things are inside."

As soon as Long Ming opened the box, there was a whole YBLY ham inside.

"Just one of these?" Long Mingyi said, "Stingy."

Shen Yiren said: "It's a lot of money. Don't be too greedy."

Mi Ming said, "At least one and a half."

"Greedy cat." Long Ming said with a smile: "It seems that it's too early to open it, you have already taken it."

Mi Ming pushed open the door and said, "There is a big ham. Anyone who sees it will have a share, and those who are off work don't need to be called back."

Xuan Siyue happily took out the knife.

Long Mingyi said: "It's time to test your knife skills. You can cut it, but don't cut it like luncheon meat. This thing pays attention to thin slices."

Xu Chen said, "Actually, my heart aches."

"Of course." Long Mingyi covered his heart and said, "I feel so distressed."

Xuan Siyue cut slices and brought a plate to Shen Yiren: "Give it to the lady boss first. I will definitely not be scolded."

"Be good." In front of Long Mingyi, Shen Yiren deliberately closed her eyes and said enjoying herself, "The world is delicious."

Mi Ming said, "I need bread."

Long Mingyi said: "I thought you would hug the whole leg and chew on it."

"Can you?" Mi Ming asked happily.

"Of course not!" Long Mingyi said, "Don't even think about it."

Shen Yiren put a piece of ham into Long Mingyi's mouth. "Look, I'm still thinking of you."

"Of course you're thinking of me."

Xu Chen also took a piece and turned it in front of Long Mingyi, "Look, I'm thinking of you too."

Long Ming opened his mouth and bit it down.Before Long Ming opened his mouth, Xu Chen took it away and put it in his own mouth.

"It seems that you don't really miss me." Long Mingyi complained.

"Why should I think about you?" Xu Chen said, "If I can pack it, I'll send it to Yiyang."

Long Mingyi said with emotion: "Love makes people crazy."

After eating the ham, everyone except the night shift got off work.

Long Mingyi and Shen Yiren held hands and came to the elevator door, continuing their love.It's just that this time the target of "dog abuse" was changed to Xuan Siyue.Mi Ming called Zhang Yueqian with the earphones hanging on his ears, concerned about her physical condition, and said that he would go home immediately.Xu Chen and Han Yiyang had a video chat, and the heroine of Han Yiyang's partner said hello to Xu Chen.

Xuan Siyue sang: "I should sit down from work, I shouldn't be in this class, seeing how sweet you are..."

"This song was changed by you." Long Ming said with a smile: "But this desolate artistic conception was sung."

The elevator doors open.A man wearing a famous brand suit knelt down in front of Xuan Siyue.Xuan Siyue was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind Long Mingyi.

"A proposal?" Shen Yiren asked: "There is no one kneeling on the ground. This is clearly going to the grave."

Long Mingyi hurriedly helped him up and said, "You said it's not the New Year's day, what's the reason?"

Mi Ming laughed and said, "It's enough money to pay for it."

"The floor is too slippery." The man argued, "This is cleaning, I want to complain."

Xuan Siyue looked at this man, he was quite handsome.

Long Ming understood with all his heart, and asked, "Do you work in this building?"

"Yes." The man said, "Our company just moved here."

Mi Ming said, "The accounting firm?"

The man nodded, "Yes. You are..."

Long Mingyi said, "War Saber Capital."

"Oh." The man opened his mouth wide and said, "Yes, yes, you are Long Mingyi! I have read your exclusive interview."

"Thank you."

The man said, "I never expected to meet my idol in this way. All I can say is that I bowed down."

"You're very interesting." Long Mingyi asked, "What's your name?"

"An Xin." An Xin said, "My business card."

Long Ming looked at them one by one, "M1 (audit manager level 1)?"

The man said: "You look like I just graduated, don't you? Very different, don't you? Blame me for having a baby face."

"Hello, rest assured." Long Ming stretched out his hand. "Come and sit down when you have time."

"Yes." An Xin said, "See you! Man."

(End of this chapter)

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