The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 585 Rongfu Compromise

Chapter 585 Rongfu Compromise
Wang Canhui and Zheng Zhiqiu officially teamed up to force Gong Rongfu to bank.

Brilliant Group in the hands of Wang Canhui and Hongye Industrial in the hands of Zheng Zhiqiu have successively announced that they each hold 5% of the shares of Rongfu Bank.

Because Tan Xueling reported Rongfu, Long Mingyi had contact with her.In order to avoid suspicion, Long Mingyi did not hold shares in Rongfu.

Some friends of Zheng Zhiqiu and Wang Canhui, such as Fang Xiong and Wei Yanwu, gave Rongfu a little kick.

Wei Yanwu sent his right-hand assistant Li Yuan to Rongfu Bank to discuss cooperation with senior management.

Facing Rongfu's senior executives, Li Yuan was very natural.He did a good job on the opposite side, leaning on the chair and looking around at the opposite person.

"Let's say something first." Li Yuan stretched out a finger and shook it. "I'm here to save you."

"Young boy, Yan frivolous (young and frivolous)."

"Look at your shit." Li Yuan said: "Although Chen Zhanxiao's matter has come to an end, no one knows how much he lost. In fact, you and I both know that Chen Zhanxiao is 'very wronged'. Many things are not his fault. I have to recite it too. Will his 'thousand-foot mansion' be confiscated?"

"What do you want?"

"Support HK's development." Li Yuan said: "Time is tight, and we don't have so much time to spend with you. We still have funds and people in the future. It seems that Rongfu Bank's shareholding is very scattered, and it is held by the public. "

"Our market value is also very high." The person in charge of Rongfu Bank said: "It is not easy to be controlled by you."

Li Yuan smiled and said: "I think you don't know us very well. You should go north and go to the mainland to see more. For your bank, we Yuanhang Group, a company can handle it."

"What do we need to do?" The person in charge is particularly aware of the current situation.

Rongfu Bank has also heard about the complicated relationship and strong background of Yuanhang Group.There are also Zheng Zhiqiu and Wang Canhui who have already acted, Rongfu is a bit unable to bear the pressure.

Not only Rongfu, Yin Shidan also felt the pressure.

When Yin Shihuan returned home, Yin Shixun and the others welcomed him.And Yin Shidan didn't even move in the study.

This move was abolished, and he had fewer moves to deal with Long Mingyi.When Li Yuanlai came into contact with Rongfu, Yin Shidan already knew about it.Even Yin Shidan underestimated Wei Yanwu, Zheng Zhiqiu and Wang Canhui.The attitude of these three people risking their lives for this matter far exceeded Yin Shidan's imagination.

Once Rongfu conducts self-examination or tightens loans, it will have some impact on Yin Shidan's use of funds.But things didn't get serious, because Flamingo Capital came at just the right time.

Yin Shihuan knocked on the door and stood at the door of the study.Yin Shidan let her in, so she dared to come in.

"Brother..." Yin Shihuan said timidly, "I failed."

"Well." Yin Shidan came to Yin Shihuan and asked: "I can accept it if it fails normally. But...why haven't you acted?"

"Long Mingyi won't give me a chance." Yin Shihuan explained.

"is it?"

Yin Shidan turned around and wanted to return to his seat, but he turned back and pointed at Yin Shihuan feeling unwilling.After trembling for a long time, I only said three words "you, you".

"Brother, Long Youfeng is very innocent."

"Why is he innocent? He is Long Mingyi's son. The two sides are fighting, how can he be innocent?"

"I don't want him to be like us." Yin Shihuan said loudly, "He has parents who love him! Long Mingyi is different from other men!"

"Just because it's different?" Yin Shidan sneered, his face was only three centimeters away from Yin Shihuan. "Or did you move the truth?"

Yin Shihuan lowered his head.

"Let me tell you what's good about you?" Yin Shidan said: "You keep saying that men don't have a good thing, they are just playthings. But you still fell in love with a man! I regret letting you go now."

Yin Shihuan remained silent.

"Okay. Let's rest first. You have worked hard during this time. Have a good rest. I will let them cook some of your favorite dishes in the evening."

Yin Shihuan just turned and left with his head down.

"Oh." Yin Shidan could only sigh helplessly.

Xu Chen's car brought Xu Yuan to Long Mingyi's house.On the way, the two sisters were chatting.

Xu Chen smiled and said, "I didn't expect that Mi Ming would be tied up, and you'd be 'returned to vulgarity' all at once."

"I'm worried." Xu Yuan took off his sunglasses and said, "Someone is doing harm to my godson, of course I have to come out to protect him."

"Don't worry about the son's parents? And his aunt?"

"I'm worried about you too." Xu Yuan said, "I'm really worried. Mister has encountered such a person before, but he is still no match for Mister."

Xu Chen said: "It's the same now. They are not our opponents."

The arrival of Xu Yuan made everyone very happy.Long Youfeng sat in Xu Yuan's arms and was reluctant to come out.

Everyone was chatting and talking about this period of time.Xu Yuan took out the note Shen Tianjun left for Long Mingyi from the bag he was carrying.

"Heart?" Long Ming muttered the word and looked at it carefully.

"What do you mean sir?" Shen Yiren asked: "Is this some kind of dumb fan?"

Xu Yuan shook her head, she said: "I've been thinking about it for the past few days, but I still don't understand. It should be because I don't have the realm of Mr., and I can't understand the mystery."

Long Youfeng said: "Isn't it very simple?"

As soon as Long Ming came to his son, he asked, "You know?"

"Isn't the heart just the heart?" Long Youfeng said: "Study with your heart, practice with your heart, and play with your heart. Do everything with your heart? Didn't you tell me?"

The adults were silent.

What Long Youfeng said is probably an answer.

If you work hard, you will succeed.

This statement is not without reason.

Long Mingyi needs to concentrate now and fight Yin Shidan to the end with all his heart.

Xu Yuan broke the silence.

"Come back this time, not to wave the flag and shout. I think you will need the contacts left by your husband."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Ming Yi." Xu Yuan said: "In this regard, Mr. and Yin Shidan are two extremes. Yin Shidan controls people with interests, and Mr. controls people with sincerity. All the relatives and friends who have made friends with Mr. admire him as a man."

Long Ming nodded heavily. "I admire Mr.'s demeanor. That's why everyone calls Mr. the godfather of the Haishi business community."

Xu Yuan said: "I believe that many people can join us. Simpu is not a good person, we need to let him know that this time it will fall here."

"With the words of big sister, I feel more at ease."

"You'll be down-to-earth." Xu Yuan patted Long Mingyi's shoulder, "We have all of this."

Xu Yuan is not just talking.In the past, many people from Shen Tianjun's disciples and old friends sent messages and called. When they heard that Xu Yuan was back, they said they wanted to see Xu Yuan.

While talking, Li Yuan's call came very timely.

"Rongfu is convinced." Li Yuan's voice was slightly happy.

"They accept our request?"

"I'm afraid there is no other choice." Li Yuan said: "When I saw it today, I knew that Rongfu was intrigued and the business was in a mess. Yin Shidan and Kim Smith liked Rongfu perhaps because they had an opportunity to take advantage of."

"Be careful not to waste your money."

"No. I believe that these few shots have the bottom line."

"Then we're waiting to see a good show?" Long Mingyi said, "You must give me a good plot."

"The guaranteed ticket is worth it." Li Yuan's confident voice came.

(End of this chapter)

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