The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 60 The situation is reversed

Chapter 60 The situation is reversed

Wuxin Batteries, which hadn’t attracted the attention of the market, were stimulated by Huanyu’s order, and the daily limit was opened at the opening.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the industry analysis of new energy batteries appeared on the financial page.The news compared the data of all new energy batteries, and Xinpeng's data is ahead of Wuxin batteries, and Xinpeng's various values ​​​​are ranked first and second in the industry, and ranked second in the market overall.

This report made the market pay attention to the contradictions of the five new batteries.

It turns out that Huanyu has always been rumored to cooperate with Xinpeng. How come it suddenly becomes Wuxin, which is not outstanding in all aspects and only has the advantage of being cheap?
Human nature is suspicious!
Strange things can cause the market direction to change in a blink of an eye.Not afraid of death, he continued to rush in, and calmly began to retreat.

The main force had to start to retreat quietly from the five new batteries.As soon as the news came out, the daily limit opened.At the close of noon, there was only a 6% increase left.

Xinpenggongchuang has a 3% increase here, and Kaixin directly rose by 5%.The leader of new energy batteries should not worry about sales, and the future can be expected.

Long Mingyi and Qi Xin were in front of the screen, watching Xinpeng and Wuxin's movements.There are smiles on the corners of their mouths.

"Zhou Jinkun wants to withdraw?" Long Ming smiled, "He can't leave."

"The afternoon 'Wang Zha' is coming." Qi Xin said angrily.

Opening in the afternoon, news came out that Wuxin batteries spontaneously ignited two years ago.Let the five new batteries go down quickly.Originally, the quality was in the middle of the new energy battery, and Huanyu chose to cooperate, which made investors feel very strange.As soon as the news two years ago came out, many retail investors and institutions retreated.

At the close, Wuxin Battery closed at 6.72 yuan, down 8%.Those people who were not afraid of death in the morning now have the desire to die.

In this case, retail investors think that the benefits have been exhausted and they cannot do it.In fact, Wuxin has only been heavy for two days, and it is just about to be pulled up.

Huanyu also fell 4% due to the five new drags.It is not easy for Zhou Jinkun to cash out his NG investment.

Long Mingyi destroyed Zhou Jinkun's plan.His plan to take advantage of Huanyu's financial benefits for arbitrage is not very easy to realize.

"No price limit? Wuxin didn't have a price limit?" Mi Ming thought he should fall to his death.

"No." Long Mingyi said: "There must be someone else involved in this. I hope it's someone who understands."

Mi Ming said: "I hope he can understand."

"I don't care." Long Mingyi said.

He really doesn't care.This person's promotion power is too small, and his capital is not large.It is estimated that it is hot money, or a small fund, or it may be that they have heard some rumors and want to get involved.

But Long Ming didn't expect that he was right to attack this "involved" person.

Because this person is Liu Xiangdong.

When Liu Xiangdong and Zhou Jinkun got together, he overheard what Zhou Jinkun said on the phone.Huanyu will purchase new energy batteries of five new batteries.Liu Xiangdong thought he had a chance, a chance to get out of his predicament.

So, he entered the capital market and bought five new batteries.If the stock can rise a bit, he may be able to temporarily ease the financial tension.

This is insider trading, he knows a piece of information that has not been made public, and prepares to make money with it.

Now that he is dumb and eats coptis, he can't tell anyone, including Zhou Jinkun.

Tell someone he broke the rules?hehe.Then he is the biggest fool in the world.

Liu Xiangdong was sitting in his bedroom, the lights in the room were not turned on, and everything was dark.He raised his hand and poured himself a glass of Moutai. He had kept this bottle of wine for many years, and finally opened it today to drink.

In addition to this bottle of wine, there is also a companion of the wine - peanuts.After adding some salt to the water, Liu Xiangdong put a few peanuts in his mouth and chewed them carefully.

He lost a lot of money again.People are unlucky, and everything is unlucky.He attributed all this to his being too smooth in the early years.

Liu Xiangdong could be considered a "son of the plane" in the early years.He can step on the wind for anything.

The coal mine was contracted, the price of coal began to rise, cement factories and sand fields were opened, commercial housing began to boom, and infrastructure construction heated up.Later, these coal mines and factories were all disposed of, and all were sold at "high points", and he made a lot of money.

It is difficult for him not to make money when he starts to do business, what to do, and what is in short supply.In fact, he earned this tens of millions of wealth in a muddle-headed manner.

It's just that in the process of making money, he met more capable people, saw more strange things, gained a wider horizon, and gained a wider range of knowledge, from which he summed up a set of ways to get along with people and make money. trick.

It's just that times have changed.

When the big waves hit, some people will be as stable as Mount Tai, while some people will inevitably be washed away by the big waves.

Liu Xiangdong drank another glass.The Song Qinghua small wine cup is paired with 53% wine, which seems to be stronger and more poetic.

The big dream is originally empty, only the wine in the glass.

People are not afraid of one failure, but continuous failure, which will dampen one's will and shake people.Even Liu Xiangdong, who has been in the mall for a long time, cannot escape.

The funds in my hand have lost money, and they are still trapped, the account has a negative amount, and I don't know what will happen tomorrow.

"Hello." Liu Xiangdong answered a call.The call was from Zhang Yueqian.

"Mr. Liu." Zhang Yueqian said softly, "How are you doing?"

"Very good." How could Liu Xiangdong say that he was not good?

"That's right." Zhang Yueqian said softly, "We have a short-term loan, which will be repaid next Thursday."

Liu Xiangdong remembered.There is indeed a short-term payment, not much money, 100 million, and the interest is not high, [-].

Zhang Deyi is a tall man.The loan he signed with Liu Xiangdong, etc., in addition to the collateral, is also in installments and in batches.It is not a one-time repayment, but a debt that is a combination of long-term borrowings and short-term borrowings.

Zhang Deyi must control risks. If Liu Xiangdong can't survive in the end, where can Zhang Deyi ask for money?

"No problem, don't worry, Miss Zhang."

"I am very willing to cooperate with Mr. Liu."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Xiangdong looked at his room. "100 million, I can afford it no matter what."

Liu Xiangdong has many properties under his name, he can sell a set of stores first to save the emergency.

But Liu Xiangdong can't sell it online, he doesn't want his enemies or friends to see him selling his house.If this news is paired with the news that his turnover is not working well, I can't explain it even if I want to.He had to find an intermediary that he could trust.

The intermediary gladly accepted the task.The store under the name of Liu Xiangdong is outside the business district.But the "outside" is very clever!Just across the road.You can easily notice this store in the business district.The price-performance ratio is so high that it is easy to sell.

It also has to be said that Liu Xiangdong has a good vision.

In Long Ming's family, Shen Yiren finished today's lesson to Long Youfeng and returned to the bedroom.Wash your face and apply a mask in one go.

Shen Yiren's phone rang, and she picked it up to answer, "Hello."

"Hello, Ms. Shen. That's it. We haven't had time to contact the owner. The owner called us. He said that it will be sold instead of rented out."

"Sell it? How much?"

No matter how much the money is, Shen Yiren can afford it.But opening a dance school is a business, and she can't keep reposting.

"700 million." The agent said.Although the intermediary's tone was very polite, I didn't think anyone would buy it at this price.

"A little too much." Shen Yiren replied.

At this price, Zeng Yang and her dance training school are a bit too invested.

Hearing what Shen Yiren said, the intermediary knew there was something going on.She came with interest. "Miss Shen, we can talk. The price can be negotiated."

"Then it's good to have a discussion." Shen Yiren said: "Make an appointment, let's meet and chat."

"Okay, okay." The agent hung up the phone.

"If it's cheaper, we'll invest as individuals." Shen Yiren jumped onto the bed, pinched Long Mingyi's ear and said, "What do you think?"

Long Ming rubbed his ears, "I haven't seen the house yet, how do I decide? You decide."

"Then let's see how I handle this matter!" Shen Yiren said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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