Revival Road

Chapter 129 A Strange Traffic Accident

Chapter 129 A Strange Traffic Accident

This afternoon, Xu Deyu was revising a manuscript from the quality department on the computer. This manuscript was written by Fan Yongcheng.In order to thank Lu Qi for her help, Xu Deyu carefully revised this somewhat exaggerated manuscript, adding her understanding of lean management to make it more in line with the main theme of current company management, and plans to put this manuscript in the next factory The second edition of the newspaper.

Xiao Xue from the same group finally came back. This girl is always restless and likes to chat with people everywhere. Minister Cui once criticized her, but she still goes her own way.Seeing that Xu Deyu was alone in the office, Xiao Xue leaned over and whispered, "Sister Xu, there is a big news, something happened to Yang Kaihe!"

Xu Deyu was taken aback, "What happened to Director Yang?"

"Arrested by the police!"

"Ah!" Now Xu Deyu was really taken aback.Because Yang Kaihe is definitely a celebrity of Red Star.

Such news often travels very quickly.After get off work in the afternoon, there was a relatively authoritative version of the news about Yang Kaihe's accident, and almost everyone in the three office buildings knew about it.

The plot is very bizarre.The "authoritative" statement from the general manager's office is as follows: At noon, Yang Kaihe and his wife were driving out of the factory to run errands, and they were rear-ended on Baita Road. Hitting the buttocks of Yang Kaihe's car which was being inspected, the radiator of the car that caused the accident was ruptured, and the rear of Yang Kaihe's car was severely damaged, and the rear cover was tilted up, as if he opened his mouth.It's nothing to do with him, because the responsibility is 100% on the other party.After checking him, the policeman ran over with a dark face and yelled at the driver who caused the accident.Yang Kaihe came down to check his car, started the car without saying a word, and almost hit the police car in front.The Hiraizumi traffic police usually conduct inspections for drunk driving from 01:30 noon to 200:[-] a.m. by placing two police cars one behind the other, fearing that offenders will escape.The police car immediately chased after him and stopped Yang Kaihe's Cadillac after [-] meters.

The police certainly had reason to suspect that there was something more wrong with this car.The major case of the textile factory has not yet been solved, and the city bureau is under great pressure. Two highly vigilant policemen think of the murder case of the textile factory.After checking, it was found that a cardboard box in the trunk of the Cadillac with the words "Red Star Machinery" printed on it was full of hundred-dollar bills, amounting to millions.The police felt that something was wrong and immediately impounded Yang Kaihe's car. After verifying Yang's identity, he notified the company. Guo Tao and Zhang Xingwu rushed to deal with it immediately, but there is no news yet.

Nobody would keep that much cash on hand if it was done right.Reminiscent of Yang Kaihe's usual demeanor and the rumors of corruption about the Ministry of Mobile, the people in the Red Star Factory were inexplicably excited, feeling that another storm was coming.Ordinary people are like this. They are always excited about this kind of news, especially when it happens to people around them.

After get off work, the news has spread throughout the factory.

It was Zhao Qingmin who was first notified.The police called the General Manager's Office (the police found out the phone number of the Red Star General Manager's Office from the Internet after verifying that Yang Kaihe was an employee of the Red Star Factory), and it was Wang Zhiping who answered the phone, who immediately reported to Zhang Xingwu.Because the group's strategy department came to the factory to inspect the mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", the team was led by Liu Xiangjun, the deputy director of the development strategy department, and Tao Tang naturally accompanied the guests.

Zhang Xingwu immediately reported to Zhao Qingmin, and after hearing the news, he cursed three times in front of Zhang Xingwu!Come here for whatever you are afraid of. The Yang Song case has not been completely subsided. If Hongxing makes another big case, I am afraid that I, the party secretary, will really be the end of it!After lighting a cigarette and thinking for 2 minutes, he dialed Tao Tang's phone number in front of Zhang Xingwu to inform him of the news. Zhang Xingwu couldn't hear what Tao Tang said, and Zhao Qingmin kept humming.After the phone call, Zhao Qingmin asked Zhang Xingwu to invite Chairman Guo Tao, and after briefly explaining the situation, "Old Guo, Mr. Tao and I mean, please go to the police station first and try to see Yang Kaihe. No matter what, get him out first." Bring it back. Xingwu, you pay Chairman Guo."

After Guo Tao and Zhang Xingwu left, Zhao Qingmin smoked one after another and waited in the office for a reply, but Guo and Zhang never called. Tao Tang came back at about five o'clock and went directly to Zhao Qingmin's office, "Old Zhao , What happened, the news is flying all over the sky."

"It is estimated that the general manager's office leaked the news...Damn it, it's shameless! We must strictly investigate!"

"This is not important, if the matter is true." Tao Tang waved his hand, "The key is that Liu Xiangjun also knows, and the headquarters will definitely ask... Is there any news from Lao Guo?"

"Not you want to call and ask?"

"I don't think so. Is it not enough to ask the chairman of the supervisory board to deal with it? I asked the mobile department, Yang Kaihe didn't go to work in the morning, did he ask you for leave?"

"No, maybe I asked Mr. Luo for leave... This Yang Kaihe is such a bastard!" Zhao Qingmin said in his heart, if he wants to ask for leave, he should ask Luo Chong or you.The company has clear regulations that if middle-level cadres go out for personal reasons, they should ask for leave from the leader in charge within one day, and ask for leave from the general manager for more than one day (including one day).The middle-level cadres in the administrative department will not ask the party secretary to ask for leave, unless the general manager is not in the factory.

"Old Zhao, I have a bad premonition...Yang Kaihe must have heard something, he is transferring property..." Tao Tang got up and opened the other window.

Zhao Qingmin was still smoking, and the office was full of smoke. He didn't answer Tao Tang's words, but he understood Tao Tang's meaning.Now Tao Tang can stay out of the matter with ease, but he can't, including Guo Tao.In any case, it is not normal to have millions of cash in the car... It is not even a ghost to believe that Yang Kaihe is innocent.

"Old Zhao, this is the consequence of indulging the nonsense of the subordinates. It hurts others and yourself. Well, I'll go first, and I will send Liu Xiangjun off tonight. Don't go, keep an eye on this matter, and let's talk about it when we have news. "

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on it, and I'll tell you as soon as I get any news."

Until seven o'clock, Guo Tao and Guo Deli finally came back.Zhao Qingmin gestured to the two of them to sit down, and then called Tao Tang.Tao Tang was making a small gesture to accompany a guest, and it was probably inconvenient to talk, so he hummed a few times, "You guys deal with it first. I'll go over later" and turned off the phone.

"Boss Tao is accompanying the guests, come over later, please tell me first, what's the situation?" Zhao Qingmin was a little anxious.

"I saw Yang Kaihe, and the situation is as rumored... He said that the money is not his, but his wife's cousin's. It was originally planned to be used for investment. They wanted to buy two shops on Jianguo North Road..." Guo Deli said.

"What about people?"

"The man has already been brought back, and the car has been dragged back to the police force, including the box of money in the trunk. Yang Kaihe had a big fight with him... He wanted to see you and Mr. Tao, but I didn't let him, so he probably went home .” Guo Tao looked tired.

"What did the police say? This matter is not under the control of the traffic police, right?"

"Of course the traffic police don't care." Guo Tao lit a cigarette, "The point is that it's too abnormal! He was rear-ended, and the accident has not yet been dealt with. Why did he run away? The traffic police only care about traffic accidents, but the police leading the team is a second-level superintendent. Suspected of dangerous driving, there are their people in front, how can he run away? The policeman is not very talkative. After verifying our identities, he said that everyone said that the Red Star business is difficult. I think it is nonsense. Looking at Hiraizumi, it is Tang Yikun Boss Tang, you won’t be running around with millions of dollars in cash, right? Secretary Zhao, they will definitely report it to the higher authorities!”

Zhao Qingmin cast his eyes on Zhang Xingwu, who nodded emphatically.

The three were silent, all smoking.

Four or ten minutes later, Tao Tang finally came.

"Xingwu, please report the situation to Mr. Tao."

"No need. Is it true?" Tao Tang asked.

"It's the truth..." Guo Tao and Zhang Xingwu said in unison.

"Yang Kaihe blocked me just now, and I didn't listen to his explanation. Secretary Zhao, did you send that letter to the Discipline Inspection Commission?"

"not yet……"

"Transfer it to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and file the case here. Comrades, we must take the initiative and stop pretending to be confused. This matter is being discussed outside. I suggest that the Commission for Discipline Inspection immediately intervene and start an investigation, starting from the clues provided by the report letter. Let's have a meeting tonight and talk to the leaders."

"Should I report to the headquarters?" Guo Tao asked.

"What to report? Yang Kaihe's job is not enough to report to Yanjing. You can't do nothing like this anymore. Do you know how the common people evaluate you? Forget it, I won't say it, I guess you can't hear it..." Tao Tang said solemnly, "In addition to the report letter, what happened in the afternoon is also a clue. Let's investigate, no matter who is involved, we must investigate to the end."

"Should I think about it carefully?" Zhao Qingmin asked.

"Why be cautious? Do you have to wait for the group or the local government to intervene? My attitude is very firm. If the team unanimously opposes filing a case for investigation, I will personally report it to the group and the Pingquan City Commission for Discipline Inspection." After finishing speaking, Tao Tang got up and left.

Looking at Tao Tang's back, Zhao Qingmin heaved a long sigh.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Red Star Company held an emergency meeting. Guo Tao reported the incident that happened today, and passed Tao Tang's suggestion. The proposal that Yang Kaihe, who was suspected of serious violation of discipline, be immediately investigated by the Disciplinary Committee was approved by most of the leaders.

The meeting did not disclose the real-name report letter, which is of course to protect the whistleblower.

The meeting was not all smooth sailing.Qiu Lin proposed to suspend Yang Kaihe's position, but Luo Chong strongly opposed it, "You can't be sure that Yang Kaihe violated discipline just because he has 100 million cash in his trunk? Didn't Yang Kaihe say that it was his wife's brother's money? If It was 20 years ago, there must be a problem with this money, but now the situation has changed, the economy has developed, the salary has increased, and 100 million may be a legal income. My savings must have exceeded one million, should it also be investigated? I also object to the filing of the case, will you not verify the source of the money first?"

"The problem is that it's not normal to have millions of dollars in cash...Yang Kaihe has reported it. I've heard that his expenses obviously exceed his income." Qiu Lin said.

"Are you talking about how to exceed the law? Does driving a good car mean corruption? If you do this to presume guilt, wouldn't everyone be in danger?" Luo Chong reacted violently.

"Don't quarrel first..." Tao Tang interrupted the debate between Qiu Lin and Luo Chong, "The investigation of Yang Kaihe is not because of today's incident, even if this incident did not happen, I will investigate, because I received a real-name report letter. The reason for starting the procedure immediately is entirely out of consideration for the prestige of our team. Comrades, the factory is full of shouts, can’t you really hear it? Deputy Director Liu of the Strategy Department already knows what happened this afternoon. Who can guarantee that he will not report to the headquarters? What about the traffic police team? Do we have to be suppressed by the top? We are doing this to gain the initiative. Of course, there may be better results. If the investigation is not true, Comrade Yang Kaihe will be returned Wouldn't it be better to be innocent? In addition, the content of today's meeting is not allowed to be leaked, and must be kept absolutely confidential."

Zhao Qingmin understood that the peaceful transition he had fantasized about was nothing but a dream, and the storm was inevitable. Seeing Tao Tang looking at him, Zhao Qingmin cleared his throat, "As the secretary of the party committee, in addition to the confidentiality issues that Mr. Tao reminded, I will say two more things. The first is that the Commission for Discipline Inspection must strictly follow the procedures and not affect the normal production and operation. The second is that everyone here should not interfere with the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. It’s just these two points, if there is nothing else, let’s end the meeting.”

No one expected that when he got to work the next day, Tao Tang convened a meeting with the team members and proposed to suspend Yang Kaihe from his duties.

(End of this chapter)

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