Revival Road

Chapter 131 Labor Work

Chapter 131 Labor Work
The news of Yang Kaihe's suspension suddenly overwhelmed the hot discussion brought about by the investigation of those who had left their posts.

Pan Chenggui thought there would be a big disturbance in the investigation and deportation, but it hasn't happened yet.After distributing the notice through different channels, although many off-duty personnel or their family members came to inquire about the policy, none of them made trouble.There is a man named Shi Yimin, who is well-known in the factory and has a lot of bad records. He once threatened to die, but after the list was released, he saw that there was a name on the list that he was going to compare with, and he calmed down a lot. He went through the formalities of suspension without pay.

Qiu Lin and Liu Xiuyun have different leadership styles. During this time, Qiu Lin came to the Human Resources Department for at least two hours a day to explain the policy to the inquirer himself.Pan Chenggui admitted that under the premise of treating everyone equally, the conflict will be much smaller.This incident once again proved that the principle of personnel work is fairness and transparency. As long as fairness is reflected, conflicts will be much smaller.

The policy of staying without pay has been turned over again.The previously abolished documents were re-issued. By July 7, more than 17 off-duty personnel had returned to the factory to go through relevant procedures, and 100 of them had applied for suspension without pay.The salary department calculated that according to half of the staff applying for suspension without pay, the company can save more than 51 million yuan a year.This number shocked Pan Chenggui.It was never expected that cleaning up the small 2000 off-duty personnel could bring such a large "benefit".

Qiu Lin said at the second plenary meeting of the human resources department that he hosted, "Who said that we manage personnel and do not create value? Everyone has seen that this time the check-up of off-duty personnel will save the company 2000 million in expenses. 2000 million Ah! These are all profits! How many sales are needed to bring them out? Mr. Tao is right, the company is full of bleeding points, and we can recover a profit by blocking a bleeding point. It is easier to reduce losses than to create value. ? I have already greeted Mr. Tao. This matter has been completed successfully, and I will apply for bonuses for everyone. During this period of hard work, everyone must do a solid job in the inventory... It is the same as my last time. In a word. No matter who it is, there is no exception!"

Despite the support of Mr. Tao and Mr. Qiu, Pan Chenggui still endured a lot of pressure.There is not much pressure in the factory, and the "stab heads" who have registered with him are more obedient this time, and at most they complain, threatening to do whatever they want if there are exceptions.But the relationship outside the factory is difficult to handle, especially the relationship in the city. Some words are ugly and threatening.These relationships have more or less real power, and Pan Chenggui did not dare to neglect, patiently explaining according to a unified caliber, and at the same time compiled written materials to report to his superiors.

Pan Chenggui did not expect that Tao Tang brought Qiu Lin to the Human Resources Department to convene a plenary meeting. Regarding various external relationships, Tao Tang personally listened to Pan Chenggui's "public" report and said, "It doesn't matter. There must be a relationship. That trend. I have also been troubled recently, but I resisted all of them and ignored those who interceded. Regarding Director Pan’s concerns, the first thing is to review the shortcomings of our work in all aspects, take precautions, and greet relevant units. Don't let them get caught. Second, under the current situation, forgive them for not going too far! If something is out of nothing, and I report it to the municipal party committee and the city government, I won't believe it. Unhealthy tendencies will always prevail But you have to learn a lesson from this incident and make friends at the expense of the company's interests. Friends are hard to bear. You see, they don't appreciate the light of the red star before. Your work is progressing well now, strictly Grasp the schedule, strictly implement the decision of the general manager's office meeting, and let me handle this matter neatly."

Pan Chenggui was stunned by Tao Tang's disclosure of these relationships.It is certain that Tao Tang's words will be passed back.Does this young leader really care about social relations?Or is this guy really a stickler?
Tao Tang didn't care about Pan Chenggui's expression.When talking about the benefits brought by the inventory work, Tao Tang said, "It's not just 2000 million. What's more important is people's hearts. I can always hear this when I go to the grassroots recently. The employees are applauding your work. The successful completion of this work will definitely boost the righteousness of Red Star, which is what I value. Mr. Qiu proposed to give you rewards, which is fine. But the leader can’t take it, and ordinary employees can, because the formation of leaving the post is not much like that of ordinary employees Relationship. When the work is over, you can report to Mr. Qiu. "

Tao Tang refused to give the bonus, but Pan Chenggui felt more at ease.Immediately stated, "Regardless of whether the leader pays the bonus or not, the personnel check must be carried out unswervingly in accordance with the company's requirements, and the result will satisfy the masses."

Tao Tang immediately affirmed, "Director Pan is right. The standard of inspection is the evaluation of the masses. And you have to believe that as long as you follow the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness, there will be no big disturbances."

Since Tao Tang took office, this is the first time that Pan Chenggui has been affirmed by Tao Tang.But then the work arranged by Tao Tang caused Pan Chenggui a headache again, "Recently, the Lean Office located in the production department went out to learn from the experience of brother companies in grasping lean, and they felt that they gained a lot. They listed eight types of waste in the company. Among them There are two types related to human labor, one is the waste of time, and the other is the waste of personnel... I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"Mr. Tao, we participated in the symposium held by Lean. They set up a rectangular organization and asked our comrades from the quota department to join it. He told us..." Pan Chengguihui reported.

"Well, this matter can't be pushed to the lower levels. The leader has to catch it himself, and get caught. You have one principal, two deputy directors, three directors, and several section chiefs. You have to do it yourself. Personnel management, including quota management and lean management The same, it is an activity with only a starting point and no end point. After the problem of leaving the post is solved, we must start the work of removing temporary workers. There is no doubt that our Red Star has too many redundant staff! On the one hand, there are a lot of people who are superfluous, and on the other hand, we employ a large number of workers. Temporary workers, are there 2000? I think there are 1000 people, not to mention casting, sandblasting and other positions, even ordinary machining posts are full of temporary workers, what is this? After this matter is completed, continue It is also possible to carry out the work of "three fixed" work together with the removal of temporary workers. First find out the status quo, I don't believe that you can't see the huge waste of personnel. I have summarized that there are roughly three types of waste. The first is The waste of being unable to control capable subordinates; the second is the waste of failing to enable new recruits to fully exert their productivity; the third is the waste of not enabling subordinates to do their best. Each category can be divided into ten or twenty There are more wastes of time, among which the unscientific labor quota is the main category. Therefore, the follow-up work of human resources is very heavy. Traditionally speaking, production planning, finance, labor and labor are the four pillars of enterprise management. , Now that the market economy is in place, the marketing work has become more prominent, but personnel management is still a science, and it must be studied in keeping with the times, and this important department must not be turned into a transactional department.”

Qiu Lin wrote down Tao Tang's instructions in his notebook.After seeing Tao Tang finished speaking, "Mr. Tao's instructions are very important, pointing out the direction for the labor-intensive work. We must carefully digest and study it, internalize it in the heart, and externalize it in the form. It is not difficult to dismiss temporary workers, but do it well." "Sanding" is not easy. As far as I know, there has been no "Sanding" for at least ten years. To be honest, the company should have caught it like this a long time ago! Other units don't know, at least the purchasing department has a serious phenomenon of overstaffing , I think the same is true for other departments. On the one hand, we employ a large number of temporary workers, and on the other hand? A large number of surplus personnel are hidden in various units... Comrades, this time, we have calculated the financial accounts of the off-duty checks and put I was taken aback. The benefits of management, this is the most obvious interpretation. Not only win the hearts of the people, but also create real benefits, such a good thing, we must continue to do it unswervingly!"

"President Qiu is right," Tao Tang said with a smile, "but dismissing temporary workers is not an easy task. If you don't believe me, you can see..."Sanding" work must of course be carried out in conjunction with institutional reform. I have some ideas, but I haven't done so yet. Take it out for research. I will explain the organizational structure and department responsibilities of the Ministry of Development and Regulation to Mr. Luo and Assistant Xinjun, and they will start this work soon."

'San Ding' is a common saying for labor, that is, fixed staff, fixed staff and fixed posts.Pan Chenggui thought, if this work is started, it may not be finished within a year or two.But I don't know if Tao Tang will use him...

This afternoon, Pan Chenggui happened to be walking with Liu Xinjun when he got off work, "Lao Pan, it's been a long time since we've been together, if you're okay, how about we have a drink?"

"No problem. I'll treat you." Pan Chenggui is a good wine drinker, and he will definitely drink a couple of taels at night unless there are special circumstances.But Liu Xinjun generally doesn't drink alcohol, so he must have something to say, probably because of his nephew (a person who left his post).Pan Chenggui had to give face.

"Don't go to the guest house, the commercial street is not suitable, let's go outside, there is a small restaurant that is quite secluded, and the sanitary conditions are not bad." Liu Xinjun took out his phone and told his family that he would not go back for dinner.

The two happened to go to the small noodle restaurant where Tao Tang and Sheng Guangyun had dinner, "Old Pan, today is my treat, you order. Let's talk about it first, I thank you, the form is not important, the important thing is the heart."

"When it comes to gratitude, I should be thankful! You have always supported me, and I know it well." Pan Chenggui asked for the menu and began to order.

Large state-owned enterprises place emphasis on both position and seniority.In terms of position, Liu Xinjun is higher than Pan Chenggui, and in terms of qualifications, Pan Chenggui is even worse. When Pan Chenggui was the section chief, Liu Xinjun was already the director of the department, even though they were the same age.

"That's enough, old Pan, it's just the two of us, if there are too many dishes, it will be wasted." Hearing that Pan Chenggui ordered seven or eight dishes, Liu Xinjun hurriedly stopped and insisted on returning the most expensive braised mandarin fish.

Pan Chenggui asked for a bottle of old Baifen 20-year-old wine, unscrewed it, and filled Liu Xinjun's cup, "Assistant Liu, it's a pleasure to drink with you. We'll control the total amount today, so this is the only bottle."

"I can't do that. I just have this cup, don't overdo it."

"Where! I know your brother's measurement!"

"That was in the past. Now I hide as much as I can. I don't drink at home. And we are no longer at the age of physical fitness, so there is no need to care about it. Drinking depends on your mood." Liu Xinjun picked up his glass , "Xiao Liu's matter has caused you trouble, thank you for taking care of me in the past two years. I'm all drunk."

"Liu Wei's matter is anticlimactic. I should apologize. What should I do? Will Liu Wei come back or suspend his job?"

"Preparing to come back. I reported to you in half a day. I don't want to go back to my original unit. Can I consider a new unit?"

"Qiu Lin is one of the three fires for new officials to take office. He has set a principle for us, where to go back and forth... Now many units are unwilling to accept people who come back, let me fight for what you said, do you have a goal?"

"He used to be in the technical department, but this time he thought of the steel pipe factory..."

"The steel pipe factory?"

"It's the small factory in East Lake. After the big noodles are gone, it's just a matter of the final procedures. Someone has to be sent there. Liu Wei is a technician and is used to being wild outside. I heard about it, and his family It is also close to the departure area.”

"I'll fight for it. I don't know if it's too late."

"So I need your help, bro."

"I'll think of a way... By the way, Mr. Tao held a meeting for us in the afternoon. The next step is to launch the 'Sanding'. He also said that you should conduct institutional research in advance. That's right, if you don't build the temple, how will you set up seats? .”

"Old Pan, although we don't have much contact with each other, I know you are a kind person. Mr. Song has a sense of choice in choosing you to do labor. Your position is really impossible for ordinary people, at least I can't do it. Don't tell me Listen to me. No matter whether we come or go, they put us on the same line. Let’s not talk about this, why do Tao Tang do this? Lean management, Sanding, what’s the point? Can this be a good business?"

Pan Chenggui was more disturbed than Liu Xinjun.Since Tao Tang took office, he has been criticized. Liu Xiuyun's work has been adjusted. Many people say that he can't sit in his current chair anymore, but he still dare not publicly express his dissatisfaction with Tao Tang, "Focus on basic management, what? You can never say it's wrong."

"But strengthening basic management cannot save Red Star from sinking! In my opinion, the best strategy is to seize opportunities, such as the construction of Hiraizumi New City! That is the best way to let the big ship Red Star sail back into the deep water area. The middle strategy is to focus on products and The development of the market, I really have no recruits, so I just engage in some basic management for self-entertainment...It's a pity that people have other plans...Forget it, I'm just worrying about it, I took the chair, and the owner will change soon."

Pan Chenggui was taken aback, "Impossible, right? It's not my compliment. No one in our factory can catch up with you when it comes to controlling the macro. But I am definitely doomed. Now I hope others will show mercy, don't be like Quan Jianhe Thank goodness for the same thing.”

"You won't move. The more he criticizes you, the better off you will be. And you've already changed the top, so it's unlikely to change the bottom. But I'm different. I'm most afraid of being stared at. You're different from me. Now who Everyone regards human labor as a crater, and no one will take your job, except your deputy. But I am different..."

Pan Chenggui understood Liu Xinjun's subtext.But he didn't dare to answer that, he was too sensitive.Pan Chenggui, who has lost his backer, does not want to offend Tao Tang because of things outside of work.A work injury in the second branch made him lose a very obedient deployment section chief, Tao Tang's character is evident.If he is simply dissatisfied with his job, he may be able to change to another position, such as being a branch secretary.But when it comes to private matters, especially sensitive ones, Tao Tang can definitely find a fault and beat him to the end.

"By the way, Old Pan, what do you think of Yang Kaihe's matter?" Liu Xinjun opened his heart today.

"What do you think?" Pan Chenggui pretended to be confused.

"I heard that the case has progressed..."

"To be honest, I don't care. I don't have any friendship with him..."

"Old Yang is just too flamboyant...and stupid, how can he not balance his relationship with his deputy...Stupid..." As if thinking of something, Liu Xinjun sighed repeatedly.

Pan Chenggui said in his heart, if you want to talk about publicity, you are enough publicity.The Yang Kaihe incident has become the hottest topic in the company, involving many people, including Liu Xinjun. Of course, many versions have been deduced, including Liu Xinjun's story.After this incident, Pan Chenggui was very emotional. At least he had nothing to worry about. There were some small troubles, but the most received gifts were only a few shopping cards, and he had never met one that cost tens of thousands.In the past, he envied Liu Xinjun, Liu Shulin, and Yang Kaihe, and his wife complained countless times that he was useless, but now he is better. Even if Tao Tang doesn't like him, at most he will be dismissed.Moreover, Pan Chenggui didn't believe that Tao Tang would be so unfeeling, at least he had to give himself a bowl of rice, right?But Yang Kaihe is different, maybe he really has to go to prison with Ji Liqiang.

The atmosphere of the meal was generally good, and we had a lot of intimate conversations with each other.Pan Chenggui took the opportunity to go to the bathroom to pay the bill first, which made Liu Xinjun complain a lot.Because this meal was proposed by Liu Xinjun, and he made a small request to Pan Chenggui, according to the rules, it should be Liu Xinjun's treat.What Liu Xinjun didn't expect was that Pan Chenggui actually reported what he said to Tao Tang.

(End of this chapter)

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