Revival Road

Chapter 149 Yang Kaihe Lost Contact

Chapter 149 Yang Kaihe Lost Contact

Guo Deli, Deputy Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, had been waiting at the entrance of the office building. Seeing Tao Tang get off a taxi in the twilight, he hurried up to greet him, "Secretary Zhao and Chairman Guo are waiting for you..."

"Oh, please come to my office..." Tao Tang said lightly.

Tao Tang opened the door of the office, went to the bathroom, and saw that Zhao, Guo, and Guo had come over, "Tell me about the situation, what's going on?"

"Deli, come and report." Zhao Qingmin's voice was full of tiredness that could not be concealed.

"The situation is like this, it is confirmed that Yang Kaihe has lost contact..."

"Wait," Tao Tang interrupted Guo Deli, "When did it happen?"

"At least two days..."

"What is at least? To be more precise!" Tao Tang said sharply.

"This afternoon, after receiving Wang Zhao's report, Deli took someone to Yang Kaihe's house. His wife said that he was looking for the factory. Yang Kaihe had lost contact since he left home yesterday afternoon...Old Guo and the others contacted everyone. People who may know the whereabouts of Yang Kaihe all said that they have not seen him. Lao Guo waited until after work and felt that the matter was serious, so he came back to report to me. I reported to the secretary first, and the secretary called you..." Seeing that Tao Tang was angry, Guo Tao explained for Guo Deli.

Tao Tang ignored Guo Tao and continued to stare at Guo Deli, "Let me ask you, how did you investigate during this time? Since he was dismissed, has he been at work or not? Who cares about this?"

"I am the one who is trying to catch this matter... In addition, two comrades from the Commission for Discipline Inspection are involved... The investigation is ongoing, and it is still in the verification stage...Because Yang Kaihe has a lot of resistance, the progress is not going well...As far as I know, Yang Kaihe He hasn't been working since he was dismissed. He doesn't live in the factory, so his grasp on him is weaker..." Guo Deli carefully considered his words.

"Don't go to work? Who stipulates that dismissed middle-level officials can not go to work? You can call Wang Zhao now and ask him how Yang Kaihe's attendance is reported? Call immediately"

The atmosphere became tense.Guo Deli was about to go out to make this call, but was stopped by Tao Tang, "Call here, call Wang Zhao!"

Guo Deli called, but the other three were silent.Zhao Qingmin took out a cigarette and lit it, but forgot to give it to Guo Tao.He thought of the just-concluded marketing conference. After the meeting, Li Luo had a talk with him and asked the organization to deal with Zuo Yun, otherwise the marketing department would not be able to work well.Zhao Qingmin knew that this was Li Luo's inevitable counterattack. If Li Luo swallowed this breath, then he would not be Li Luo.Li Luo also proposed to have a talk with Tao Tang. Li Luo said bluntly that Mr. Tao's final concluding speech was to give [-] big boards each. The impression given to everyone was that he disapproved of Zuo Yun's way of raising opinions, but the marketing There must be corruption in the department, "This will make it difficult for me to do my job, Secretary Zhao, I want to open up and have a talk with Mr. Tao. If Mr. Tao thinks there is something wrong with the department I am in charge of, he can ask the Discipline Inspection Commission to investigate."

Zhao Qingmin disagreed with Li Luo talking to Tao Tang.The reason is that it is not necessary, "Firstly, he will go to Anzhou soon, and secondly, Tao Tang did not say that there is corruption in the marketing department. Mr. Tao pointed out that the problems in the marketing department are all internal management problems of the department, such as vehicle management. It exists. But it has nothing to do with you, we can’t take care of it so finely. You are an old comrade, the executive vice president, and the main assistant to President Tao. You should understand the pressure that President Tao is under. At this time, we should all Do your best to help him."

Li Luo was waiting for Zhao Qingmin's words, "Speaking of which, I'm going to say a few more words. I think I'm doing my best to help him. If nothing else, let's talk about the income target first. In the first half of the year, only More than 30 billion has been completed, just over a third. I gritted my teeth and took 95 billion. Is it easy? Is the market capacity so large? He proposed a goal of 100 billion. Didn’t I also acquiesce? How else can I support it? Are you talking about it? Let’s talk about funds. It is said that it is difficult to get orders. I have thought about all kinds of tricks, and my grandson also recognizes it. The company's production has been increasing month by month since the second quarter, can it work without the efforts of the marketing department!"

"I don't need to say this, Mr. Tao knows it very well. He told me about your efforts more than once, especially in terms of funds...Didn't Mr. Tao say that marketing is the leader."

"Secretary Zhao, Red Star has successively produced Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue. It cannot be said that the clean government is doing well, but as the top leader, should we focus on business operations and not need to pay attention to investigating and handling cases? Now many units are panicked. , can you still have more plates for this year?"

"Mr. Li, the purpose of Mr. Tao's marketing conference is to make a big deal. I can assure you that Mr. Tao has never raised the issue of the marketing department. The mouth grows on his head, and if he wants to talk, what can he do?"

"If it weren't for his opening remarks, I don't think those people would have changed their direction. If no one backed them up, they might not have dared to be so arrogant! That's why I proposed to organize Zuo Yun. The marketing department doesn't need such cadres, What I want is athletes, not commentators! What has she done these years? Hmm? If such cadres are not dealt with, the comrades who go to the market every day will be chilled! That’s all for now, since you don’t agree with me Mr. Tao communicated, you should consider this matter..."


While waiting for Wang Zhao's arrival, several people were silent.Zhao Qingmin was thinking about Li Luo, but he had not yet made Li Luo's request to Tao Tang about dealing with Zuo Yun.He knew that if Tao Tang "succumbed" to Li Luo, Tao Tang's prestige would suffer a major blow. If he did not agree to Li Luo, Zhao Qingmin knew what would happen.He seemed to understand why Tao Tang was so angry when he heard that Yang Kaihe lost contact. Corruption is really annoying. How can he have the energy to take care of such things.Tao Tang lost his temper at Guo Deli, but it was not necessarily about this matter.But Guo Deli may not understand Tao Tang's troubles. Looking at Guo Deli's appearance, he knew that he was frightened by Tao Tang...

Guo Tao is the first person in charge of the discipline inspection office.In terms of responsibility, Guo Tao's responsibility is definitely greater than that of Guo Deli.Zhao Qingmin tried his best to get rid of Li Luo's shadow, and turned his attention to Guo Tao who was bowing his head and thinking.At this moment, due to the light, Chairman Guo Tao's face was completely hidden in the darkness.Zhao Qingmin thought that Old Guo was probably bored too.

Guo Tao was really bored.Before coming to Tao Tang's office, he had already scolded Guo Deli.Since they cooperated, it was the first time that Guo Tao criticized Guo Deli so sternly, why did he lose Yang Kaihe, a bastard?What do you all eat?Do you have any political acumen?How can I explain this to Mr. Tao?
But he hates Yang Kaihe even more in his heart, damn, do you still have room to explain this way?

For a time, Guo Tao and Yang Kaihe, who entered the factory in the same year, were good friends. At that time, they were both middle-level managers. They played cards, drank, bragged, fished, went out together, and talked about everything.The friendship lasted until Guo Tao was promoted to Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Guo Tao, who respects his identity, gave up many "bad habits". He definitely stopped playing cards and rarely drank alcohol. Yang Kaihe once laughed at Guo Tao. Ah, okay, if you continue to work like this, you can still improve.

That's the way friends are, it's easy to alienate them.After Yang Kaihe became the director of the mobile department, there was almost only a working relationship between them.As Yang Kaihe became more and more publicized, as the number of anonymous reports against Yang Kaihe increased, Guo Tao became wary of his former close friends. Guo Tao, whose personality became increasingly "boring", was actually a nostalgic person, so he talked to Yang Kaihe. Once, kindly remind the other party to be more careful.But Yang Kaihe misunderstood Guo Tao's good intentions and even said that if the Disciplinary Committee suspects that I have violated discipline, then it will be investigated.

Of course, the Commission for Discipline Inspection will not launch an investigation on Yang Kaihe.In fact, since the establishment of the Red Star factory, the Commission for Discipline Inspection has not taken the initiative to investigate any cadres.Anti-corruption needs a big environment. In the past, let alone Guo Tao, any secretary of the discipline inspection committee would not take the initiative to investigate his own subordinates.Objectively speaking, it is not bad for Guo Tao to take the initiative to "interview" Yang Kaihe.

What should we do now?Yang Kaihe was definitely not kidnapped.He must have heard something and ran away.Confused, what time is it now? The era described in "Water Margin"?Just find a guarantor and change your identity to live on?Has Yang Kaihe's brain been kicked by a donkey?
Wang Zhao finally came.Guo Tao and Guo Deli finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"As far as I know, Yang Kaihe has not been reassigned after he was dismissed, and his administrative relationship is still in your mobile department. How do you manage him? Have you arranged a job for him?" Seeing Yang Kaihe, Tao Tang Ask right away.

Wang Zhao secretly glanced at the several leaders present, "There is no specific work arrangement... At the beginning, Deputy Secretary Guo said that he wanted to know something from him, so we can not arrange it for the time being..."

Seeing Tao Tang's sharp gaze, Guo Deli suppressed his grievances against Wang Zhao, "I asked the Ministry of Mobile to cooperate with the investigation of Yang Kaihe's violation of discipline, but I did not interfere with the personnel management within the Ministry of Mobile..."

"Stop talking nonsense! This is not the point! Is Yang Kaihe going to work?" Tao Tang turned to Wang Zhao.

"He issued a sick leave note from the employee hospital, and basically never came, no, he hasn't been to work normally since he was dismissed. But Xu Lifeng or I go to his house every two days under the name of visiting the sick. I went this morning , his wife said that he went out yesterday afternoon and never came back, and his mobile phone was shut down..."

"Wait," Tao Tang stopped Wang Zhao, "Has his wife looked for you since yesterday?"

"No... definitely not. I asked Xu Lifeng, but I didn't find him. So I reported the situation to Chairman Guo..."
"Just now you said that Yang Kaihe took sick leave, what's wrong?"

"Insufficient blood supply to the brain, dizziness. The hospital recommends rest..."

"Okay, you can go now, wait, Secretary Zhao, do you have anything to ask him?" Tao Tang asked Zhao Qingmin.

"You said that you visited Yang Kaihe's house every other day, did you notice that he had unusual conversations? Also, when you went to his house, what did you talk to him about?"

Wang Zhao smiled wryly, "What can we talk about? He is full of complaints and sarcasm, especially his wife, who speaks very hard...I didn't find anything unusual about him, yes, I didn't notice it."

"By the way," Tao Tang thought of something, "His wife is not an employee of the factory, right? Which unit does he work in? Didn't he retire?"

"I don't know what kind of unit it seems to be in the municipal government," Wang Zhao replied.

"I know this. Yang Kaihe's wife's surname is Xing. She used to be an employee of our factory. She was transferred to the Municipal Archives Bureau many years ago. For this reason, he moved his family to the city... His lover, it's almost as if he hasn't retired. ..."

"It seems that he doesn't go to work...every time he goes, his wife is at home," Wang Zhao added.

"Okay, you can go. Xiao Wang, you have done a good job. Don't tell anyone about today's conversation, understand?"

"Yes, except for Xu Lifeng, no one else knows"

"Call Xu Lifeng right away, and tell him to keep his mouth shut until the investigation is clear," Guo Tao ordered.

"Yes, Chairman Guo," Wang Zhao agreed and left.

"Well, let me make an opinion." Tao Tang said to the three of them, "Chairman Guo will take the lead in handling this matter, but Secretary, you have to devote some prepare for the worst. First, arrange security The Ministry is trying its best to search for Yang Kaihe. What are the conditions for seeing the missing newspaper? Once the standard is met, immediately report the disappearance to the Municipal Bureau. Second, report the relevant case to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Third, find out who is in charge of treating Yang Kaihe in the hospital ? Is this person’s condition real or fake? If there is something tricky, the hospital will deal with it seriously. Secretary Zhao, what do you think?”

"Should we wait and see? Once it is reported, we will be passive..." Guo Tao said first.

"We are already very passive! Yang Kaihe's clues are so clear, why has there been no progress? What kind of work have you done these days? Do you have to ask people to come to us and demand talent?" Tao Tang raised his voice. .

"Just follow Mr. Tao's advice." Zhao Qingmin waved his hands vigorously, "Don't worry about this matter, don't involve your energy, let's deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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