Revival Road

Chapter 151 Fermentation

Chapter 151 Fermentation
Tao Tang's prediction was not bad.The next day, the news of Yang Kaihe's disappearance spread throughout the office building.

Lu Qi came back from Tao Tang's office, and within five or six minutes, there were three missed calls. Among them, Han Ruilin and Yan Shuzhen must have asked for the latest news, and the other was the number of Luo Chong's office. This is relatively rare. Lu Qi thought about it carefully. After a while, he took his notebook and went to Luo Chong's office.

Walking to the door of Ma Guangming's office, Lu Qi heard that Luo Chong was losing his temper to someone.This is also relatively rare. In the team, Luo Chong and Zhou Bing are notoriously good-tempered, and they rarely scold others with a straight face.

It was difficult for Lu Qi to go in. She stood down, hesitated for a moment, turned around and turned back, but Ma Guangming who opened the door saw her and called her in.

"Looking for Mr. Luo? Are you angry with Wang Zhao?" Ma Guangming smiled and said, "Sit down, is it urgent?"

"I don't know." Lu Qi seldom came to Ma Guangming's office, "I came here because I saw Mr. Luo's landline number... You didn't go to the workshop?" Lu Qi had the impression that Ma Guangming was rarely in the office building.

"The first meeting of the external trial will be held at nine o'clock... Have you heard? Yang Kaihe can't find it"

"Really?" Lu Qi pretended to be surprised.

"This man... I hope it's a misunderstanding." Ma Guangming looked at Lu Qi with a smile, "Let's not talk about him. Lu Qi, you are not mean enough."

"Where I did not do well, you criticize"

"Haha, I dare not criticize you. I have something to ask of you"

"The leader is can I help you?"

"My bald boy works in the municipal party committee office. When he came back, he said that the chief of the first section is called Lu Wei. I sound familiar, but I can't remember who it is. I met your dad a few days ago, and I verified the news. You are hiding it. Porcelain"

"Your son is in the municipal committee? I don't know..." Lu Qi has actually heard of it. Ma Guangming's son is also considered outstanding, at least among the next generation of the Red Star team. He graduated from a prestigious university and passed the civil service examination. I didn't expect to get mixed up in the municipal party committee... Among the children of "high-ranking cadres" in Hongxing, except for Zhou Bing's children who all work in the factory, the rest either went abroad or worked in other places.

"He has just been transferred... If there is a chance, let me ask Section Chief Lu to sit down and help me lead this head? You decide the time. I hope you can take care of my silly boy, haha"

"You think highly of him... But it's okay, he comes back often... Just meet and leave..."

"Thank you," Ma Guangming cupped his hands, then looked at his watch, "Then I'll wait for your call."

The leader looked at his watch to issue an order to evict customers, and Lu Qi left Ma Guangming's office knowingly.Luo Chong's lecture next door hadn't ended yet, Lu Qi didn't want to be boring, so she went straight back to the hair regulation department.

"I'm looking for you..." Liu Xinjun said to Lu Qi, "Sheng Guangyun has an urgent matter. You will attend the external trial at nine o'clock for the first time."

Lu Qi hurried to the large conference room on the second floor, which was already full of top executives, but the company leaders and experts from the external audit team hadn't shown up yet.Lu Qi found a corner and sat down, her mind was full of conversations with Tao Tang at work.

Because he is going to Anzhou tomorrow, Tao Tangyue entrusts Lu Qi to take care of her, "If she leaves, you can find a car to take her off. If she doesn't leave, you can spend time with her"

Lu Qi naturally agreed.She observed her words and felt that Tao Tang's interview with her yesterday must have been more than just a matter of confession. For some reason, Tao Tang refused to talk about it again.Lu Qi seized the opportunity and said Zuo Yun's request, but Tao Tang flatly refused, "This is not acceptable! First, I have already made a decision. Except for Liao Junwei, the company will not send another person there for the time being. You Don't you listen to Sun Dunquan? I don't agree to an ordinary worker, how can I send cadres there? Second, why did Zuo Yun transfer? Afraid of Li Luo's retaliation? Is the marketing department Li Luo's private land? Since she dared to speak at the conference If you lift the cover, you should have the courage to stay in the marketing department! Now it seems that your friend has some problems with her personality. She is opportunistic and smart! I hate this kind of smart people. Want to use me? You have made a mistake. Tell me She's just staying in the marketing department, Li Luo can't avoid her, I'll see how she does it."

Zuo Yun must be speculating.How many people are not speculating now?Lu Qi thought, didn't Tao Tang use Zuo Yun?Zuo Yun’s mistake is not because of her speech, but because she shouldn’t speak at that time. It’s just that the marketing department’s cover was lifted at that time... This is the so-called politics. In the chess game of Red Star, most people are pawns , there are only a few chess players.Chess players don't understand the difficulty of chess pieces...

A group of good bosses filed in, and the conference room fell silent.Five experts from the external audit team and three company leaders sat on both sides of the conference table, and the first meeting began...

The person who presided over the meeting was Teacher Mei, the leader of the external audit team. Lu Qi listened absently to the unit and order of the audit arranged by the team leader Mei. This was the focus of her concern, and she didn't care much about the rest.Gao Jiming is in charge of quality matters in the regulatory department. Lu Qi usually does not accept the inspection, because today Gao Jiming temporarily asked for leave, and Liu Xinjun caught her. She only needs to bring back the exact time of the inspection. The ministry has issued relevant notices, but the exact time is subject to this meeting.

In addition to Jiang Shangyun who is in charge of quality, Tao Tang and Ma Guangming attended the meeting today.None of the other leaders showed up.Lu Qi habitually fixed her gaze on Tao Tang's face, which remained expressionless, wondering what she was thinking.After Team Leader Mei finished his requirements and commitments, he asked the top quality manager of Red Star Company to speak. Tao Tang seemed to wake up from his contemplation and welcomed the company's external audit team. He believed that this audit would definitely promote the company's development. Quality management work, indicating that the company will actively cooperate with the work of experts, and require all units under inspection (this time is a general review, not all units are under review) to truthfully report quality management work, provide compliance evidence for experts, and require The quality department and the office arrange the life of the expert group during the company, and provide convenience for the experts as much as possible...

The first meeting was over in less than half an hour.The experts, three company leaders and people from the quality control department were left behind. The experts had to interview the company leaders routinely to get a macro picture of the system's operation.Only then did Lu Qi realize that Fan Yongcheng was also in the conference room.

Lu Qi returned to her office and saw Zuo Yun sitting on the sofa reading a magazine.

"You finally showed up...Did you tell me? I heard that you met the boss early in the morning..."

As for Tao Tang's address, he unknowingly began to repeat the boss, which seemed to mark the consolidation of Tao Tang's status.

"That's what I said, but it won't work. The factory has made a rule that, except for Liao Junwei, no one will be transferred there for the time being... But don't worry, Mr. Tao has made it clear that you will continue to work in the marketing department. He hopes that you good job..."

"It's easy to say. How can I do it well? Liu Shulin threatened to organize me soon..." Zuo Yun was extremely depressed, and he seemed to have aged a few years in a few days.

"He said it, and if he doesn't let go, no one can touch you..."

"President Tao really said that?"

"Of course the power of personnel is in his hands... There has been chaos in the factory recently, how can he take care of your affairs? And, think about it, why would he transfer your job now? Doesn't that mean admitting that you are talking nonsense? Eight ways?"

"That's right... I heard that Yang Kaihe escaped... The security department is searching Yang's office..."

This time it was Lu Qi's turn to be surprised, "When did it happen?"

"Just now... I saw it with my own eyes"

"Be patient for now...and think about Mr. Tao...things have to be done one by one, right? Red Star is going to be in chaos..."

After Tao Tang came back from the meeting room, Li Zhibin waited outside the door, "Mr. Tao, Secretary Zhao invites you to his office."

Tao Tang nodded, handed the water glass and notebook to the secretary, went to Zhao Qingmin's office, and saw that Guo Tao and the Minister of Security Fan Yong were there.

"What happened again?"

"In the morning, the Security Department provided some information... About Yang Kaihe, did you ask Fan Yong to report it?"

"Well, I was going to listen to a report from the property company... well, it's brief"

Zhao Qingmin wanted to say that you'd better push the matter of Anzhou, but he didn't say it in the end.Tao Tang's attitude was very indifferent, as if he was out of the situation.

"After receiving the notice in the morning, we checked the relevant monitoring. First, Yang Kaihe's car hadn't entered the factory for more than ten days in a row. I sent someone to the community where he lived to confirm that the car was still there. Second, Yang Kaihe went to the office last night. According to the time recorded in the video, he used the method of elimination to analyze the vehicles that entered the factory last night. It was roughly determined to be a gray Lavida with the license plate number GD121. This is not a car from our factory, at least not Register with the Ministry of Security..."

"Slow down, are you sure that Yang Kaihe came to the office building last night?" Tao Tang interrupted Fan Yong.

"Yes. He has entered Building No. 45. The surveillance cameras at the door and the corridor have all recorded it, so there is no mistake. He entered at 53:[-] and left at [-]:[-]. He stayed there almost It took about an hour. At [-]:[-], the LaVida went out from the east gate, and he should be driving that LaVida back to the factory..."

If Yang Kaihe really went back to the factory quietly last night, his purpose would be clear.No matter how indecisive you are at this time, you have to take responsibility!
"Also, Yang Kaihe holds a passport! He also has a Hong Kong and Macau travel permit. Last year, we registered the passports of the leaders above the middle level to go abroad, and he has both kinds of documents." Fan Yong continued to report.

"Can you find out that he left Hiraizumi by plane?" Tao Tang asked.

"We don't know about this, only the police can investigate."

The office fell silent.Tao Tang was looking out the window, Zhao Qingmin was smoking, and Guo Tao was restless.

The case was only studied on a very small scale last night.Judging from the time, Yang Kaihe ran to his office shortly after they finished the meeting, and did not drive his own car... What does this mean?
"Don't dawdle any longer. Report to the city immediately." Tao Tang finally broke the silence.

"I agree with Mr. Tao's arrangement. We can do whatever we want," Zhao Qingmin said.

"Minister Fan, please ask Guo Deli to go to the city. First, ask the traffic police department to investigate the situation of the Lavida. At the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, please be more tactful. Don't rush to make a definitive statement. The key is that we can't make a definitive statement..." Tao Tang made a final decision.

After Fan Yong left, only Tao, Zhao and Guo were left in the house.

"Old Guo, what is the biggest possibility?" Zhao Qingmin asked.

Guo Tao frowned, "Fan Yong didn't make it clear just now. The surveillance video proves that Yang Kaihe hasn't been in his office since he was dismissed from office. The people from the Ministry of Mobile proved this, and the video is even more ironclad proof. Guo Deli and I interviewed him separately. Once, they were all discussed in the office of the Commission for Discipline Inspection... He refused to admit anything, including the 10 yuan. And his attitude was very bad... We researched it and decided to start with the clues of the report letter. Although the direction is clear, we need to Time to look up the materials, Guo Deli went into the archives to check the materials himself these two days... I suspect that this alarmed him, so he ran away. He came to the office last night, he must have come to pick up some things..."

The three of them knew exactly what to take.

"It's nothing special. It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, let him do it." Tao Tang stood up, "Our business is still waiting to be done, Lao Zhao, you also listen to the property company's talk about making money from the dark. Let’s make up the plan, when I come back from Anzhou, I will attend the group leader’s meeting of the Workers’ Congress.”

(End of this chapter)

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