Revival Road

Chapter 170 Workmaster 2

Chapter 170

The news of Tao Tang's accountability for He Weiguang quickly reached Yu Wenkui's ears.Therefore, when Qiu Lin interviewed him, he was already prepared.

With the scale of Red Star Company, there is very little direct interaction between the production team leader and the company's vice president.Although Yu Wenkui is a company-level model worker, he rarely has the opportunity to talk to the deputy general manager. Therefore, when Yu Wenkui walked into the office of the deputy general manager Qiu, he was somewhat nervous when he was wearing a very ugly work uniform.

"President Qiu, are you looking for me?"

Qiu Lin put down the report in his hand, raised his hand and made a gesture of please sit down.When Yu Wenkui was seated, he carefully sized up this thin and slender worker.

Black and thin, short, with a black mustache, he looks about 47 or 45 years old (the exact age of this person is [-], Qiu Lin has checked the file).

"Master Yuwen, do you know why I invited you here?"

"How do I know this?"

"Some time ago, you had some conflicts with the workshop technician Xiaogu?"

"You asked this... that's right. That shit technician doesn't understand the game and still commands blindly. I'll teach him a lesson."

"Wait, can you tell me what happened in detail?"

"President Qiu, it's been a long time, and I don't remember the details." Yu Wenkui blinked with an innocent look on his face.

"Then let me ask you, did you beat the Gu technician?"

"I didn't hit him. Oh, I didn't hit him, but we punched each other a few times." Yu Wenkui stood up, "Mr. Qiu, why are you asking this?"

"Can't I ask?" Qiu Lin's tone became stern, "Let me tell you, the company attaches great importance to this matter and entrusted me to investigate the cause of the matter. You'd better explain the situation to me carefully."

"The company is investigating me?" Yu Wenkui pointed to the tip of his nose and shouted, "Who? Mr. Tao?"

Qiu Lin looked at Yu Wenkui silently.To be honest, at the time, he also thought it was a big deal. Even if there was a problem of "selling posts" withholding wages in the pickling section of the fifth branch factory, was it worth the effort to deal with a grassroots team leader?But Tao Tang seemed to take the nature of this matter very seriously, bypassing the Human Resources Department and the Security Department and directly arranged for him.And He Weiguang actually proposed resignation to Tao Tang, which is enough to show that this Yu Wenkui is not so simple, not so easy to deal with...

What did Tao Tang say to himself?To revitalize Red Star, we must unite the strength of the whole company. This is our predetermined strategy and the only correct path.Cracking down on corruption mercilessly is of course a way to unite the hearts of the people, but not all leaders at all levels hurt the hearts of the people!Not just Yang Kaihe!There is a kind of person I named him, Gongba.Those bad elements hiding among the workers!They use various means to oppress the good and seek illegitimate benefits for themselves.They even use various improper means to obtain political body armor, such as employee representatives, team leaders, model workers, and so on.Such people are no easier to deal with than corrupt ones.But we will not tolerate it!The existence of this kind of work tyrant in the enterprise organization will inevitably corrupt the morale of the employees.
After thinking for 5 minutes, Qiu Lin said, "Comrade Yu Wenkui, do you think it's normal for me, an in-service deputy general manager, to interview you directly? As a leader in charge of personnel, when an abnormal resignation occurs, if you don't investigate Dealing with it is a serious dereliction of duty! I invited you here today to give you a chance to explain, who cares who ordered you to be investigated? Don’t I have the power?” Qiu Lin straightened his face, “Someone reported that you didn’t perform the workmanship, not only did you not Listening to the technician's dissuasion, he beat the technician instead! During the whole process, Comrade Gu Tao did not fight back! It is definitely not fighting each other as you said. In addition, what is your attitude when the branch leader handles this matter?' Pickling Team Have you said that Yu Wenkui can't play without you? Have you ever spoken ill of Comrade He Weiguang?"

Yu Wenkui gasped, "I haven't studied, so what is bad words? I don't understand"

"Then tell me, He Weiguang talked to you because of this incident and asked you to apologize to Comrade Gu Tao. What did you say?"

"I forgot!" Yu Wenkui rolled his eyes quickly, and said something that disappointed Qiu Lin.

"Okay then, since you forgot, I'll think of another way." Qiu Lin was the director of a branch factory and knew how to deal with such people, "Okay, our conversation is over, what should you do?" Bar"

Yu Wenkui never expected that the company headquarters would attach so much importance to this trivial matter.In the ten years he has been in charge of the pickling team, this kind of thing has happened many times, and no one has ever taken it seriously.Yu Wenkui has already figured out a set of experience in dealing with the leaders. Don't look at each of them as a dog, each of them is more dirty than the other.Greedy and lustful, almost all over the place!What are you pretending to be in front of Lao Tzu?As long as you pinch their faults and give them some benefits, they can only be honest...

But he has not directly confronted the corporate level.After all, it's too far away, and he doesn't have any clues against Qiu Lin... "Mr. Qiu, I don't know which bastard gave me some slander, that's right, I had an affair with that technician who didn't understand the fart." Small conflict, craftsmanship? Bullshit craftsmanship! You go to inquire, and the pickling piece, is it all up to me?"

"Stop! So you didn't perform the craft, right? You're an old worker, you know what craft is, right?"

"The craftsmanship is not right... Who is responsible for the quality problems? Can he be responsible for a little kid who hasn't grown his hair yet?"

"If the process is wrong, you can report it through channels! Before the process is changed, it must be carried out according to the process! Let alone an operator, you are the technical department of the fifth branch factory. Do you have the right to change the process? Do you understand this rule? Hmm? "Qiu Lin sternly said, "Strictly follow the process, and if there is a quality problem, someone will be responsible, not you! But if you change the process without authorization, who will bear the consequences? Don't you know?"

"It seems that you are determined to deal with me! Well, I quit!" Yu Wenkui finally broke out, slamming the door and leaving.

Qiu Lin did not expect a worker to be so "tough".

What he didn't expect was yet to come.In the afternoon, the pickling group stopped production.After receiving the report from the fifth branch factory and the production department, Qiu Lin immediately went to the fifth branch factory. Jiang Yansheng, assistant to the general manager and head of production, was already there, and was discussing the matter with He Weiguang.Qiu Lin was furious, and reprimanded He Weiguang, "How did you become the director of the branch factory? How could such a thing happen?!"

He Weiguang was extremely depressed.Yesterday Tao Tang severely reprimanded a group of people, "Resign? Yes. But I want to make it clear to you that it is not normal for you to propose resignation now, it is threatening the organization! There are two ways, the first is to take the crime and make meritorious service, and first fully cooperate with the organization to solve the problem. Regarding the problem of the fifth branch factory, I think I am satisfied when the problem is solved, and I will talk about your resignation later. Let me tell you, even if the problem is solved, I will not let you go! The second is to do as you wish, you Send me your resignation report now!"

He Weiguang originally thought that Tao Tang would handle his resignation in a normal way, but he didn't expect the reaction to be so violent, and he didn't even ask why he resigned.Of course he has to choose the first path, who wants to resign?Who wants to leave a salary of 10,000+ a year to find another way of life?If he had a choice, he would rather be demoted to another unit as a deputy than suffer in the quagmire of the fifth branch factory. Yu Wenkui does not have any financial involvement, which is where He Weiguang's confidence lies.

"Mr. Qiu, the situation is like this. At noon, it was discovered that the bath was destroyed. In addition, several backbones of the pickling team suddenly asked for leave... I ordered the suspension of production. First, we must find out who is destroying production. Yes, this is a serious vicious incident of deliberately sabotaging production." Jiang Yansheng reported ahead of He Weiguang, "I have already reported to Mr. Ma and Mr. Tao... Mr. Ma instructed to verify the truth of the matter first and resume production as soon as possible..."

how so?Qiu Lin never expected Yu Wenkui to be so mad. He seemed to have never heard of such a blatant threat to the company. He quickly sorted out his thoughts, "Ask for leave, who do you ask for leave? He Weiguang, are you ready for leave?"

"No..." He Weiguang was not so confused.

"Is there a technical surveillance video in the pickling section?"

"Yes. Mr. Zhou has instructed the security department to adjust the video... Don't worry, production will resume soon. I have already taken measures, and the technical department has intervened. I have also temporarily transferred a few workers who have worked in the pickling team The backbone is coming, nothing special..."

"Those people will be recorded as absent from work! Strictly follow the company's personnel system, and when the date comes, they will be dismissed and reported! It's so bad! People like He Weiguang and Yu Wenkui can be rated as model workers! They are rated as advanced producers every year! He was able to kidnap the people in the team and threaten the company by suspending production! Very good, Assistant Jiang, I will do as you please, you organize the production first, and I will take care of the rest!"

Qiu Lin called the Human Resources Department in He Weiguang's office and ordered Pan Chenggui to personally bring someone to check the pickling team's withholding of wages, and then said to He Weiguang, "Seal the accounts immediately! I want to see what the consequences of the confrontation organization will be!" "

The consequences of confronting the organization are of course severe.At least beyond Yu Wenkui's imagination.When the security department and the human resources department intervened one after another, he couldn't sit still, he was afraid, and ran to Xiaozhao to find Tao Tang at night.He believed that Tao Tang sympathized with front-line workers. He was introduced to Tao Tang who came to the pickling section to inspect production for the first time. Tao Tang once held his hand enthusiastically and praised him as a famous model worker. He was the first person Tao Tang greeted when the employee representative team leader meeting was held a few days ago.

"President Tao, I'm going to criticize you..." In Tao Tang's living room, Yu Wenkui stammered out his "reasons", "President Tao, I'm definitely not targeting you. I know you are a good official , is to support our workers, and now someone wants to retaliate against me, you have to make the decision for me."

"I will make decisions for all the employees who really care about and contribute to the enterprise," Tao Tang said calmly to Yu Wenkui, "but not for the workers! Let me ask you, did you do it by pouring something to destroy the tank? Instigating Is it you that the backbone of the group is on strike? Also, have you ever withheld wages by selling posts? If so, you should immediately surrender to the security department and strive for the initiative.”

Yu Wenkui's sweat immediately came down, "Mr. Tao, I was confused for a while, please forgive me..."

"That is to say, you did all these things? Forgive me? If I forgive you, will the tens of thousands of workers in the Red Star Factory forgive me? Do you know the nature of these things you did? Breaking the law, own laws Speak, break factory discipline, speak with your own discipline! Tell me, what right do I have to forgive you?"

"Mr. Tao, for the sake of my hard work for so many years, can't you hold your hand high?"

"If you talk about credit, Yang Kaihe has no credit? Song Yue and Yang Wenhuan didn't contribute to Red Star?"

"Don't overdo it..."

"Haha, is this a threat to me? Yu Wenkui, you are a working bully, and your nature is no better than those corrupt criminals! It's just that I overestimated your intelligence, and even thought of threatening to destroy production..." Tao Tang Shaking his head, "Yes, I ordered this matter to be investigated. Not only you, but everyone involved, I will deal with it! You just wait and see... If I were you, I would turn myself in to Fan Yong now... "

Yu Wenkui surrendered.Thinking of the legal risks he might face, he had to give in.Admitting that he added waste liquid to the pickling tank, and admitting that he threatened several backbones of his subordinates and asked them to look at the branch factory.

Things become easier.Four days later, after the relevant investigations were completed, the company held a meeting to study the incident at the fifth branch factory, and Yu Wenkui was dismissed, and a total of 36873 yuan of retained wages was returned.Several absentees in the pickling group were given warnings and demerits, and two of them were transferred from the fifth branch factory to work elsewhere.On the grounds of lax management, He Weiguang was removed from the position of director of the fifth branch, and other general work was arranged.At the same time, the director of the pickling workshop was also exempted, and they were all beaten to the end.It is worth mentioning that Guo Yan, the former secretary of the Party branch of the Fifth Branch and the current director of the No. During the period, he could not correctly perform the duties of the branch secretary, and was responsible for the unreasonableness of the evaluation of advanced model workers.

"This is a very typical and extremely bad incident," Tao Tang concluded in his speech. "The cause of the problem lies in the weakness of grassroots cadres. If the leaders of the fifth branch factory can stick to their principles, such things will not happen! Other units Is there any similar people and things? I dare not guarantee it! Send out a circular, and hope that the grassroots units can learn from it... We people should not be too bureaucratic, not only officials are corrupt, but among the workers There is the same! My attitude is to deal with a frenzied worker like Yu Wenkui, and we will never forgive him! In addition, the security department must strengthen the control of public security, and there must be no phenomenon of evil overpowering righteousness in the area of ​​​​Red Star !"

(End of this chapter)

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