Revival Road

Chapter 178 Li Zhibin

Chapter 178 Li Zhibin

The next day, Li Zhibin left a quarter of an hour earlier than usual. When Tao Tang came to the office at his usual hour, Li Zhibin had already cleaned up, made tea, and put documents, requests for instructions, reports, etc. on the desk. .

Without saying a word, Tao Tang sat down and began to deal with the pile of things on the desk. Four or ten minutes later, Tao Tang called Xiao Li, and Li Zhibin came in immediately.

"Take it." Tao Tang pointed to three folders of different colors, "Who's outside?"

"Assistant Jiang..."

"Why didn't you report?"

"Assistant Jiang refused to let the notification..."

"Ask him to come in." Tao Tang seemed a little unhappy.

The careful Li Zhibin found out the boss's displeasure.He went out and said to Jiang Yansheng, "Mr. Tao invites you in," and Jiang Yansheng went in to report on his work.

There are still two leaders who "have an audience with" Tao Tang waiting in the room, one is Chen Jianping, the director of the third branch factory, and the other is You Yueqian, the director of the quality inspection center.In fact, You Yueqian was the first one to ask for an interview today, but Jiang Yansheng jumped in line, this kind of thing is also a matter of rank, if Zhao Qingmin came, I'm afraid he would just push the door open.Those who usually report to Tao Tang or ask for instructions are usually middle-level leaders above the full-time position, and the vice presidents, assistants, or deputy chief teachers are the most.There are very few deputy and general staff.Li Zhibin didn't dare to stand in the way of these "big bosses". When Jiang Yansheng came, he asked, who is in Mr. Tao's office?Li Zhibin said that there was no one, but Mr. Tao was approving documents at this time.So Jiang Yansheng said that I will wait.

Li Zhibin regretted that he said one more sentence, and one less sentence.The extra sentence should not say that the leader is currently reviewing documents, and the less said sentence was originally going to ask Mr. Tao for a morning leave. Meng Fan arranged a new house and asked him to find a car to pull things. Li Zhibin couldn't bear it. Talked to the real estate company, Wang Jingfu certainly wouldn't refuse such a trivial matter, but Li Zhibin felt that he should go there today, everyone is a foreigner, so he should go to help out of the situation and reason, but just now he realized that Tao Tang was very kind to him. "Power of attorney" was a bit unpleasant, so I didn't dare to say it when I asked for leave.

Li Zhibin sat there chatting with Chen Jiansheng casually, wondering why Tao Tang was unhappy.He has been with Tao Tang for several months, and he thinks he has sensed the temper of his boss. Generally, Tao Tang is indifferent, especially for ordinary employees, but why did he hear that Assistant Jiang was in Would you be unhappy if you wait outside without notifying yourself?If this was the cause of his unhappiness, what was the point in it?About two months ago, Li Zhibin started to do a homework that only he knew, recording every leader who "visited" the boss and the time they talked with the boss.Exactly why he did this, he couldn't say clearly.But I vaguely feel that there is a lot to write about.For example, before going to Anzhou, Luo Chong went to Tao's office uncharacteristically, but the time he went in was not too long each time.Now it seems that Luo Chong has probably smelled something ominous, and is about to get some news from Mr. Tao.Thinking about it further, Liu Xinjun is also like this.After checking his records, in the first ten days of August, Liu Xinjun came to report on his work as many as twelve times. Before that, Liu Xinjun rarely came here on his own initiative.

As far as work is concerned, apart from the vice presidents, the only two units that should come to Tao Tang to ask for instructions and report are the General Manager's Office and the Political Research Office, because these two units are under his direct management. Other units, including the Finance Department and the Development The planning department has its own leaders in charge.Mr. Tao once emphasized the powers and responsibilities of the vice presidents in charge of business at the team meeting, and he did not want the grassroots units to go directly to him to report or ask for instructions.This is obviously different from Mr. Song.But the boss's words are easy to say, but the subordinates may not really dare to do so, especially the leaders of power departments such as finance, regulation, production, and human resources are all talented. How can they not understand the consequences of "blocking" the top leaders?In the reality of the delegation of power, how many people dare to hide from the leader?Even if this leader is an outsider with no foundation.Therefore, in Li Zhibin's office, there are still middle-level leaders who "have an audience".

Li Zhibin found that in the past two months, to be precise, Assistant Jiang Yansheng has been here since Yang Kaihe lost contact, and each time he stayed for no less than 10 minutes, the longest time was four to 10 minutes. !Four 10 minutes, how many issues can we talk about?If the words are not speculative, how can you talk for four to 10 minutes?According to Li Zhibin's observations and statistics, it usually takes no more than 10 minutes for middle-level cadres to report to Tao Tang's office. Therefore, Li Zhibin concluded that Jiang Yansheng should be one of the cadres Tao Tang admires more.

Now that Luo Chong fell down, he gave Li Zhibin a new association.If the company leaders have a fixed number of positions (this must be) and the number of Song Yue era is full but not overstaffed, two positions will be vacant now!This cannot but give unlimited reverie to those who hope to enter the middle-level team.And the most promising personnel (not considering external transfers) are undoubtedly cadres at the level of assistants and deputy chief engineers. According to the reality of Red Star, the assistant general manager is ranked before the deputy chief engineer, closer to the company's leadership level!This discovery was quite interesting, because Li Zhibin immediately noticed that Li Meng and Liu Shulin were also relatively active recently. Li Meng submitted a proposal to hold a company-level technology conference, which received Tao Tang's attention.And Liu Shulin reported a very meaningful report on the market capacity and prospects in 2013 in Li Zhibin's opinion.This report was submitted before going to Anzhou, because Tao Tang left the workshop when Liu Shulin delivered the report, and Li Zhibin happened to be free, so he carefully read the material of more than [-] words, and thought he had benefited a lot, learned a lot Less stuff.Before, Liu Shulin basically never reported such things to Mr. Tao. Did he inform Liu Shulin to go to Anzhou because of reading this material? Know.

It seems that everyone is eyeing the two vacant golden chairs...

Li Zhibin, who was restless, looked at his watch after a while. Meng Fan was one of his few friends, and You Benling and Chen Yan were girlfriends who talked about everything. They really should help today...

Sure enough, Jiang Yansheng stayed in Tao Tang's office for 10 minutes before coming out. Afterwards, Chen Jianping and You Yueqian came out very quickly, and both of them came out after less than 5 minutes.Then Tao Tang came out and told Li Zhibin that I was going to the workshop.

Li Zhibin plucked up his courage, "President Tao, I would like to ask for leave for a while..."

"Huh?" Tao Tang looked at Li Zhibin thoughtfully.

"A friend is decorating a new house, I'm going to help... I will definitely be back before get off work"

"Oh, who is going to hold a wedding?" Tao Tang actually asked casually.

"Meng Fan, Meng Fan from the research institute"

"Xiao Meng, is he going to get married?"

"The date has been set, early next month..."

"Let's go, I'll take a look too"

"Are you not going to the workshop? Oh, I mean, are you in no hurry?" Li Zhibin suddenly realized that his verbal skills were simply too weak.

"Xiao Meng is my golf friend... His girlfriend is the one from the Propaganda Department..."

"You Benling"

"Yes, I remember now." Tao Tang hurried downstairs, "Where is their new house?"

"In Building West 66, rented..."

"By the way, when will you eat your wedding candy?"

"You know?" Li Zhibin thought that Tao Tang didn't know about his private affairs, because Tao Tang never mentioned it.

"Do you think I don't care about anything other than work?" Out of the office building, Tao Tang turned to look at his secretary, "Have you set a date? How are your preparations going?"

"Thank you for your concern...the wedding date hasn't been set yet..."

"Xiao Chen is not bad... You are close to the water, I wish you all the best. Although you two are ordinary cadres, it is still a bit inappropriate to be in the same team after marriage... What is Xiao Chen's major?"

"She studied secretarial work..."

"This is not urgent, what should be taken care of is still to be taken care of"

Tao Tang's meaning is clear and unmistakable. If he is transferred, of course Chen Yan will make way for Li Zhibin. This makes Li Zhibin happy. At least it shows that the boss is satisfied with him. "Thank you Mr. Tao."

"Hello... I'm going to see a friend in the family area..." Tao Tang greeted an old man Li Zhibin didn't know, "You don't have to thank me... What's the reaction below?"

Li Zhibin became nervous. Song Yue often asked this question in the past, but this was the first time for Tao Tang.It is a compulsory course for the secretary to report the situation to his boss. If he has never reported the situation to the boss as a full-time secretary, then he will not be far from being laid off.

But how to reflect the news that the boss can't hear is a science.

"After Mr. Luo's incident, everyone reacted greatly..." After thinking for a while, Li Zhibin brought up the first topic.

"Oh? What's the reaction?" Sure enough, Tao Tang seemed very interested.

"One, it's a bit of an accident, especially when the general manager handles it... Boss Luo and Assistant Liu are not very flamboyant people... So I feel that leadership has really become a high-risk occupation..."

"Haha, why didn't you say that few leaders are clean?"

"I really didn't mean that!"

"I know. What else?"

"Some people say that you are pinching soft persimmons..."

"Ha ha……"

"Some people say that Mr. Luo has been in a mess since Yang Kaihe disappeared, but my level is low, so I can't tell..."

"That's because they can't control it. Isn't it? If you come out to mess around, you'll have to pay it back sooner or later. Xiao Li, you'd better remember that it's not easy to get money that comes from bad sources. Oh, I haven't asked you all this time. Did no one give you a gift?"

"Yes, not much, but I confiscated it, really! I swear to you!"

"Haha, what's the rush? What did you give away?"

"Tobacco, alcohol, shirts and ties... I don't even look at some of them"

"You did the right thing. They gave you gifts just to get information about me. You can't help them much. A gift is a gift to others, and one must ask for it. Accepting a gift from someone is equivalent to a debt. That debt It’s not so good.” Tao Tang smiled and looked at the nervous secretary, “I noticed that your living habits are good, simple and healthy, but a bit monotonous. You don’t like sports, which is not good. Sports not only bring you healthy and happy”

"I run occasionally..."

"Apart from Luo Chong, what other reactions are there?" Tao Tang changed the subject again.

"Someone in the office said..."

"say what?"

"You said that you got rid of Assistant Liu because of Director Lu..." Li Zhibin finally said what he was holding back in his heart.

"That's what people in the office say?"

"I heard from Chen Yan, she said it came from the confidential room..."

"Secret room?" Tao Tang's eyes sharpened.

(End of this chapter)

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