Revival Road

Chapter 182 Tang Yikun's Troubles 1

Chapter 182 Tang Yikun's Troubles One
When the senior executives of East Lake were tormented by the increasingly severe business situation and internal strife, Tang Yikun was also tormented by endless troubles.The biggest worry is not the increasingly difficult business situation, but the internal contradictions that have been revealed.

On the surface, the conflict was caused by Dai Tianxiang's mother and son.

Since Wei Fengru followed Dai Tianxiang on that thunderstorm night, Tang Yikun never went back to his increasingly cold home in Jinxiu Garden, or lived in Yuehe Community where security measures were strengthened to the maximum, or lived in the East Lake headquarters.

In Tang Yikun's view, the war was started by Wei Fengru.That conversation was pretty good. Tang Yikun remembered that the topic started with Donghu Machinery. Wei Fengru was qualified to talk to him about the company's top-level design.But the topic changed from Donghu Machinery to Donghu Equity, and from shares to Dai Tianxiang, and the topic changed.

In a rage, Tang Yikun ignored his son Tang Tian's dissuasion, pushed away the dishes and ran to Yuehe Community.Now that she knows everything, he has nothing to worry about.

Of course, he had to take into account the lives of Dai Tianxiang's mother and son, especially after Dai Tianxiang brought Bao'er back to his hometown, which "consolidated" their shady de facto marriage from another aspect.

Dai Tianxiang reported to him in detail about her return to Hangzhou, including the attitude of her parents.The acquiescence of the theoretical parents-in-law increased Tang Yikun's sense of guilt, which had never happened before.In Tang Yikun's more than [-] years of life, especially in the more than ten years of his "success and fame", Tang Yikun seldom felt guilty towards anyone, and he was crushed by various methods including those that could not be put on the table. He basically has no compassion for those private business owners, his subordinates who were abandoned or even fired by him, and even the Hiraizumi city officials who were dismissed by him, and of course he has no sense of guilt.Readers already know that Tang Yikun likes to read animal stories on the East African prairie, and he learned many truths from them.There is no fundamental difference between the human world and the animal world. To put it bluntly, there are four words: the jungle of the jungle.Failure means death, who will pity the loser?If the East Lake Empire collapses, Tang Yikun will also become the victor's meal and joke after dinner.

But after Dai Tianxiang "truthfully" reported to him his parents' attitude towards their de facto marriage, Tang Yikun actually felt guilty.He examined himself and found that guilt was real.That's right, Dai Tianxiang is a beautiful woman with a high face value. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a good culture and personality, which is rare.With her qualifications, she could have quite a good choice.The sense of guilt is probably born here, because now Dai Tianxiang can only hide in the shadow deliberately created by herself, and even took great courage to report to her parents.He then discovered that there were two more important reasons that made him feel guilty about Dai Tianxiang. The first was that she gave birth to an extremely lovely son for him, and the second was the unexpected tolerance of Dai's parents. .Originally, he was prepared to deal with the anger of Dai's parents, but it was not in Dai Tianxiang's narrative.Not only no, not even a single condition.As a result, he felt guilty with his heart as hard as a rock.Therefore, he had to consider adequate compensation for Dai Tianxiang's mother and son.The attitude of the Dai family (mainly Dai Tianxiang) reminded him of Li Er's point of view, that the husband is the only one who does not fight, so no one in the world can compete with him.

Before Dai Tianxiang, Tang Yikun had many mistresses, I can't even remember the number. Except for the singer who became more and more popular, the expressions and facial features of those women who he took to bed with various means have become blurred. End the relationship, he pays money or real estate, gets their beauty and tenderness, they get wealth, loses chastity and dignity, that's all.In Tang Yikun's view, this process is exchange.He has always positioned himself as a businessman, and exchanging is his profession, so Tang Yikun feels it is fair.Once he accompanied Dai Tianxiang to Carrefour next to Yuehe Community, and unexpectedly met his former mistress, that petite woman was shopping for coffee with a handsome and tall young man on her arm, and didn't notice him at all.Tang Yikun forgot that woman's occupation, but remembered her name and unique style.That scene stimulated Tang Yikun, who knew that there was an embarrassing story behind a pair of young people who seemed to others to be a perfect match?Tang Yikun didn't think about the role he played in it, but he strengthened his already formed world view.

Nothing can be exchanged!Whether it is a politician in the spotlight or a farmer with his back to the loess, there is actually no essential difference in what everyone does. They all exchange what they have in excess for what they lack.Farmers offer food or vegetables in exchange for sweat, while politicians offer power or even conscience.Essentially no different.If you think about it by extension, happiness does not last long, desire does not last long, and life is actually extremely short.At the East Lake Reading Club hosted by Qi Zhen, there are always people telling about history, and decades or even hundreds of years can be narrated in an hour, which is enough to prove the shortness of life.Therefore, in life, it is right to enjoy yourself in time.To live in this world, the most important thing is to hold on to what you have already got.

Cai Yuanhao from Jiaping Company was too hypocritical in Tang Yikun's eyes, that person always cared about his illusory reputation.What do you want fame for?Why spend a lot of effort in exchange for the false name after being buried?Therefore, he was not enthusiastic about the establishment of Hiraizumi's first entrepreneurial charity proposed by Mr. Cai. "Forever revered and missed" sounds wonderful, but means nothing.

Before Tang Yikun could figure out how to compensate Dai Tianxiang's mother and son, Wei Fengru took the lead.She actually hired someone to follow Dai Tianxiang like a spy.Needless to say, this move hit his weakness, and he was a little scared.If Dai Tianxiang's mother and son encounter a life-threatening accident for no reason, he can't bear it.So he made great efforts to strengthen the security of Dai Tianxiang's mother and son, which objectively made the mother and son look more and more like prisoners.This made him extremely humiliated and angry.

In the struggle with Wei Fengru, he discovered his weakness, that is, Dai Tianxiang's mother and son, which made him feel scared.When he was tossing around in southern Guangdong, he read a lot of martial arts novels for entertainment, but it cannot be said that there was no benefit at all. Heroes always try to find the enemy's trap and try every means to hide their own trap.A hero without a cover is invincible, but now he has a cover.

It's not that he never thought about breaking up with Wei Fengru.But the thought disappeared in a flash, it was simply impossible.It's not that he still has an inseparable relationship between husband and wife in his heart, but that the current situation of East Lake does not allow it.If he breaks up with Wei Fengru, it will inevitably lead to the split of Donghu, which is exactly what he absolutely cannot bear.Conversely, the Wei brothers and sisters might be looking forward to taking that path. He believes that Wei Fengru is fighting with him now, and there must be someone behind him, and that person is probably Wei Shegang.

Wei Fengru has now proposed a recalculation of shares.She believes that when Donghu Industrial was founded, the Wei family owned too few shares, which was seriously unreasonable.[-]% of Donghu's capital source at the beginning came from the contribution of the Wei family, but it is not unreasonable to own such a small share now?Check the source of Donghu’s initial registered capital, it’s a well-documented fact.

If we only talk about the source of registered capital, Wei Fengru is not messing around.The Wei family did contribute a large sum of money at the time, but the registered capital was not the entire original capital of the company, not to mention the countless intangible assets (Tang Yikun believed that that was the key driving force for the rise of Donghu), just talking about capital, reflected at the time In addition to the registered capital on the company's business license, there is a lot of money, which is the capital accumulated by Tang Yikun for several years. Out of some unavoidable considerations, that part of the capital has not been entered into the designated account of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. reflected in the public.If you only talk about the funds invested in the establishment of East Lake, the ratio between Tang and Wei should be 6:4, and if other factors are added, this ratio should be revised to 7:3 or 8:2.The internal shareholding ratio now recorded in the names of Wei Fengru and Wei Shegang actually basically and fairly reflects the situation at that time.If you insist on saying it's unreasonable, it's enough to give up to 10% to the Wei brothers and sisters.It's definitely not what Wei Fengru said that the Wei family should account for at least [-]%.Otherwise, why didn't the Wei brothers and sisters raise the issue of shares for so many years?And there was a period of time when Wei Fengru hated Wei Shegang's proposed share recalculation?Of course, at that time Wei Fengru and him were a complete united front, husband and wife as one, what Wei Fengru had to guard against was not Tang Yikun, but his younger brother.Now the situation is reversed.

Tang Yikun admitted that Wei Fengru would not have made such a bad move if Dai Tianxiang's mother and son hadn't been there.But this trick is difficult to resolve, and it cannot be solved by ignoring it.Now not only Wei Shegang and Tang Yiwei joined Wei Fengru's chorus, but even Qi Zhen, Xu Chengyan and others were ready to move.Qi Zhen, whom he has been relying on for many years, tactfully resolved the conflict between him and Wei Fengru, and he admitted that Qi Zhen had this qualification.Among the non-surnamed members of the top leadership of East Lake, Qi Zhen ranks first in terms of position and credit. Qi Zhen believes that it is not impossible to recalculate the shareholding. From the current situation and long-term development of East Lake, it is indeed necessary to take care of it. Get over this mess.Donghu Real Estate has already been listed. Donghu Mining should also be listed from the perspective of obtaining resources.

Tang Yikun knew very well that the veterans with foreign surnames represented by Qi Zhen finally seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and publicly asked for equity.

Tang Yikun did not express his position at the time.He also ignored Wei Fengru's request to recalculate the equity through Cai Yuanhao.Immediately, Wei Shegang had a formal showdown. His highly skilled brother-in-law did not mention the issue of equity, but spoke out based on the operating difficulties of Donghu Mining, asking the headquarters to stop investing in Donghu real estate and concentrate funds on Donghu Mining. The crisis completes the restructuring of mining companies.Wei Shegang believes that Donghu Mining has encountered difficulties. Those peers who are not as risk-resistant as Donghu Mining, including state-owned coal mines, have also encountered difficulties. This is an opportunity. We can complete the long-awaited structural adjustment of mining companies through acquisitions, transfers, etc., retain and Acquire high-quality coal mines and related supporting enterprises, close or sell those small mines with no development prospects, and complete the reorganization of mining companies.This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The vice-governor in charge of industry in the province has made it clear that he supports the structural adjustment of Donghu Mining. We have no reason to miss this opportunity.Wei Shegang clearly pointed out that the crisis in the real estate market is not less than that of the mining industry, and the group can no longer put all its treasures on real estate as in the past.

Wei Shegang's opinion was put forward on the board of directors and was agreed by several people.Tang Yikun knew the evil intentions behind Wei Shegang's plan. He disagreed with Wei Shegang's judgment that the real estate market had encountered a cold wave. He had to use a new big investment plan to get rid of the business crisis of Donghu Industrial Group, so as to repel the challenge of the Wei brothers and sisters.This plan is the construction of Hiraizumi New Town.

(End of this chapter)

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