Revival Road

Chapter 184 Tang Yikun's Troubles 1

Chapter 184 Tang Yikun's Troubles [-]

Qi Zhen's crisis response strategy was basically ignored by Tang Yikun.Of course, it is definitely a way to drastically reduce the number of enterprises under Donghu Machinery, but it cannot.Even if he is willing to do so, considering stability, the government will not agree.

But the problem of Donghu Machinery must be solved, and it cannot be dragged on forever.In fact, not only Donghu Machinery, Donghu Mining and even Donghu Real Estate are facing big problems.Tang Yikun is the chairman of the board of directors of Donghu Industrial Group. He has a clear understanding of the difficulties faced by the three major sectors he created, but he does not admit it publicly.There are two considerations for non-recognition. One is that it does not matter whether it is recognized or not. Donghu is a private enterprise rather than a state-owned enterprise. The main body to solve the problem lies in the enterprise and not in the government.Moreover, isn't this how Donghu Industry has come step by step?Every time a big hurdle is crossed, the company takes a big step forward.Crisis and opportunity always go hand in hand.The second consideration is that running a business, especially a huge private company like Donghu, is a bit like the stock market, relying on the confidence of the main leaders.Once the confidence is gone, the enterprise is not far from collapse.Therefore, at the recent consecutive board meetings and management meetings, Tang Yikun gave everyone the impression that he was full of confidence, "We have encountered a more difficult situation than now. Isn't it? Donghu encountered difficulties, and others did not." Is it difficult? Now that we have reached the present, it can’t be said that it is more difficult than when we started our business, right?”

That's right.But difficulties are not resolved by confidence, but by practical measures.At present, the most difficult problem is still the problem of funds. The huge amount of funds trapped in Donghu Real Estate cannot be resolved, and Donghu Mining and Donghu Machinery are starved for food. Where does the money come from? It seems that the only way to continue financing is from financial institutions. The relevant departments proposed The number is four hundred million.

Xu Chengyan, the new vice president of the group with a background in finance, put forward a figure that made Tang Yikun unhappy, that is, the overall debt ratio of the group was too high, which implied that it was not suitable for continued loans.Tang Yikun didn't answer Xu Chengyan's question directly, but the neighboring country in the east that suffered from many difficulties, "Everyone knows how the neighboring country that can't even solve the food problem solved the piles of diplomatic difficulties. Its basic The idea is to fight toughness with super toughness! In fact, the effect of this trick is really good..."

Obviously, Tang Yikun ignored the super high asset-liability ratio.Xu Chengyan knows that many bosses, including those of state-owned enterprises, don't care about this important indicator of the company's operating health. They pay more attention to cash flow. As long as they have money in hand, they can borrow as much as they can.Donghu is not a state-owned enterprise, but it is not a public company either. The equity of Donghu is held in the hands of two families. It is a purely private enterprise. They don't care about handing over the operating results to the bank in the form of interest. Other leaders including Xu Chengyan People seem to have nothing to worry about.Therefore, Tang Yikun used an international issue as an example, and the other participants fell silent.

In fact, Tang Yikun's true intentions were not understood by all members of the board of directors, including Xu Chengyan.Because Tang Yikun's idea of ​​solving Donghu's predicament is not simply to apply for a loan from the bank to ease the financial pressure of Donghu.If he had really grasped the context of the development of East Lake, Xu Chengyan would not be so confused.

Tang Yikun's way of thinking about solving problems has always been this way: When you encounter a problem, you should not simply think about solving this problem, but try to solve another bigger problem. When that bigger problem is on the agenda, the previous one The problem is basically solved.Some people may think, why can't even solve small problems but try to solve big problems?In fact, if you can create big problems, it's easy to solve small problems.Let's take a military example. In fact, it is not a purely military issue, because there are too many political factors mixed in it.Brother Saddam Hussein launched the invasion of Kuwait because of the debt problem of the Iran-Iraq War, which angered the boss of the planet, planned the Desert Saber, assembled tens of 10 troops, and spent hundreds of billions of dollars to teach the old Saddam a lesson. After more than ten years, they invaded Iraq again on the grounds that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and arrested Lao Sa like a dog and hanged him, making Lao Sa a The laughing stock of political and military history.Describe Lao Sa in the words of the commander-in-chief of the US military: he is not a politician, not a soldier... In short, he is nothing.That's bad enough.Use Tang Yikun's thinking to solve that problem, leaving aside the so-called justice and injustice, if Lao Sa didn't stop in Kuwait, but took over Saudi Arabia in one go (Saudi Arabia's military strength at the time was absolutely irresistible), the US military The so-called "Desert Shield" in the first stage lost its foothold, and the old Sa had a lot more cards to play, and the room for bargaining was much larger, and the situation was completely different...

Tang Yikun's plan to expand the problem is to start the construction of Hiraizumi New City.If the Hiraizumi Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government initiates the new city planning and Donghu Real Estate Company takes the lead in this matter, the opportunity is not limited to Donghu Real Estate, and the three sectors of Donghu Industrial will benefit infinitely.In Tang Yikun's view, this is the only way to solve the existing problems of East Lake.This is also "create a bigger problem to solve a small problem"

Not to mention Xu Chengyan, even Qi Zhen and Wei Shegang didn't really understand this.The so-called butt determines the head, which chair you sit on, you think about that chair.Of course, they are not as high as Tang Yikun, so they are always limited by specific funds and markets, and their perspectives are very different.

Is it necessary to build Hiraizumi New City?There are several answers.Those who are in favor can find a number of reasons, and those who are against are not unreasonable.But it is a fact that officials need political achievements, right?Is it true that investment drives production and consumption?Tang Yikun firmly believes that whether it is Wang Yi or Lu Yaozu, they need to constantly create new political achievements. It is always more shocking to visit a brand-new city with the superior who decides your destiny: high-rise buildings rising from the ground, wide streets , perfect supporting facilities are the best answer sheets handed over by policymakers.Is not it?Taizong said that development is the last word. Shouldn't all the problems we encounter be solved by means of development?

But with the Hiraizumi New Town planning in place, the final step in the implementation stage is always difficult.The information obtained from Zhou Hongyou should be authoritative information. The province has not officially approved this plan related to the future and destiny of countless people in Hiraizumi.

Tang Yikun felt that Zhou Hongyou did not work as hard as he wished to get the plan passed.For this reason, he lost his temper at Zhou Hongyou, and he has the right to do so.Zhou Hongyou's explanation was this: it wasn't that he didn't try hard to run, but that Secretary Lu of the municipal party committee had some ideas, and without Secretary Lu's nod, he wouldn't move.

This is troublesome.Tang Yikun could go in and out of the offices of the mayor of Shangguan and Secretary Wang Yi at will, and he could talk openly with them like friends, but he couldn't do this with Lu Yaozu.I had to seek help from Tao Tang's recommendation.We know each other, but Lu Yaozu is very cold, feeling that he is not very interested in Donghu.He has been paying attention to Lu Yaozu's whereabouts, he has a way to understand what Lu Yaozu is doing and what he is paying attention to.This young man who is said to be of noble blood has been doing research during this period of time. He has traveled to many counties and towns, and also visited many enterprises and institutions in the city, but he has never been to Donghu, the largest enterprise group in Hiraizumi City. This is very strange. It made Tang Yikun uneasy.If Lu Yaozu vetoed the construction plan of Pingquan New City created by Wang Yi and Shangguan Hong, all his series of plans would come to naught.

This is Tang Yikun's biggest trouble recently, but he couldn't find a way to break the situation.Not only that, according to Zhou Hongyou's news, Tao Tang disapproved of Red Star's relocation, and Tao Tang and Lu Yaozu had a close friendship, and even Lu Yaozu's new secretary was recommended by Tao Tang.It was his mother's. Tang Yikun seriously doubted Tao Tang's IQ. Thinking in another way, from Tao Tang's standpoint, there was no reason to oppose the relocation.The relocation of the Red Star may not be good for ordinary people, but it is not harmful to you, the top leader. Why do you object to something that is good for face?Kicked in the head by a donkey?

But he has nothing to do with Tao Tang, at least for now.Tang Yikun didn't want to meet his opponent before convincing Tao Tang, even though they were friendly on the surface.

Apart from Tang Yikun being annoyed by this major event that is destined to determine the subsequent development of East Lake, there is also a personal matter, that is, Lan Ni came to Hiraizumi.That was a woman Tang Yikun had been obsessed with, young, coquettish and talented, at least she showed her potential in the field of singing.

But now Tang Yikun started to annoy that increasingly famous singer.Her endless demands for money were not the main reason, Tang Yikun didn't realize this.Due to the "exposure" of Dai Tianxiang and Bao'er, Tang Yikun became more cautious, and no longer had no scruples in the flowers like in the past. This may be based on realistic considerations, or it may be due to age.Therefore, when Lenny proposed to form an entertainment company, he refused without hesitation.She might be able to become a first-line star with his support, but what is the purpose of forming a company?Who does she think can handle business?nonsense.

So he kept her cold for more than a month.At the beginning of June, she quietly flew to Beiyang again, and he went to the provincial capital to meet her, sneaking around like an underground party, and as her popularity increased, it became more and more difficult to meet her.He especially hated her cousin's agent, and some of her weird ideas must have come from that spinster.The lion opened his mouth again at this meeting, and proposed to hold a nationwide concert tour, with a total of 22 concerts, and asked him to sponsor 700 million yuan.Like last time, he coldly refused.Not only because of the increasingly distressed cash flow, but also because of the struggle with the family equity, he can no longer spend as much money as before.Moreover, Wei Fengru has already discovered the traces of Lan Ni. After the Hiraizumi concert, he accompanied the leaders of the city to the reception. His daughter of the weird elf must have spotted the clue and reported it to Wei Fengru (he didn't know that it was Tao Xiaohe who discovered it.) ), Wei Fengru quarreled with him with the details of Donghu's sponsorship fees for the past three years, insisting on asking him to explain clearly what is the relationship with Lan Ni?Why sponsored her so much?What benefits can I get from sponsoring that third-rate singer Donghu?He suddenly discovered that although Wei Fengru had retired behind the scenes, she still had countless eyeliners in the company. At least she could easily obtain the financial data of the headquarters, which made him vigilant.

Of course the matter is over.He had had countless "love encounters", and Wei Fengru was helpless.Of course, every time the rift between husband and wife is torn deeper and bigger.

Then, Lan Ni quietly ran from Beiyang to Hiraizumi, lived in the luxury apartment he bought for her, and told him on the phone that she would stay in Hiraizumi for two to three days.She must have wanted him to come, perhaps to explain the sponsorship fee?Maybe there are other requirements.After the initial passion subsided, he became more and more tired of her endless demands, when I was an ATM?
Tang Yikun decided to give that woman a cold shoulder (he was the one who turned her from a girl into a woman), maybe it's time to consider ending the relationship with her... When the relationship becomes nothing but money and animal instincts, maintaining it is a matter of life. It's hard.

Is it time to consider ending your relationship with Lenny?Tang Yikun was not sure.

(End of this chapter)

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