Revival Road

Chapter 186 Unexpected Exposure 2

Chapter 186 Unexpected Exposure II
Tang Yikun, who was sitting in a corner of the Wanshi Hotel lobby and was concentrating on reading a magazine, didn't even hear Ma Lin's greeting.He was reading the article analyzing the real estate market published in the sixth issue of "Entrepreneur" this year, and he was very attentive.This article was published on the front page.The author is a researcher, and his point of view is completely inconsistent with that big-mouthed person named Ren in Yanjing. The author believes that the inflection point of the real estate market has arrived. The author lists a lot of data from 2012 to 2013, and then concludes that no matter what you say about real estate, As long as you admit that it is a commodity, it will follow the laws of the commodity economy and be restricted by the relationship between supply and demand.Because the first-tier cities still maintain their attractiveness to talents, the impact is still small, and there is still a large demand, but for the vast number of third- and fourth-tier cities, the real estate market will inevitably encounter a cold winter.

Although it is uncomfortable to read, Tang Yikun basically agrees with the author's point of view.The situation of Hiraizumi real estate market is the best explanation.He looked at the author's unit and name again, and thought that if he went to Yanjing, he would pay a visit, listen to his opinions face to face, and discuss with him the direction of the country's real estate policy.Of course, those who do theoretical research often don’t know practical things. He knows the situation in Hiraizumi, including the government’s financial situation. They don’t allow real estate to collapse, no matter from political or economic considerations.But the government is not omnipotent. It is the ordinary consumers who decide whether the real estate industry will collapse. They do not buy houses, and the government has no more options...

Finally raised his head and saw Marin, his driver raised his hand to indicate that the room had been registered.He stood up and reached for the small bag and room card in Marin's hand, "It's okay, you go back"

Marin nodded, but did not give the bag and room card to his boss.He knew that Marin would not leave. Marin was his driver and even his bodyguard. Marin did not dare to leave his boss alone in the provincial capital, not even in a five-star hotel.

His main task in coming to Beiyang was to meet Lan Ni.Then ask to meet my old classmate Gu Meijun.Gu Meijun is a very busy person, he has a lot of entertainment, maybe he is not in Beiyang now, but he didn't call Gu Meijun first.He had to deal with Lenny first...

In the elevator going up to the 22nd floor, Tang Yikun's thoughts turned to Lan Ni.I had a quick meeting after the "May [-]st" Hiraizumi concert, and they haven't seen each other again, and the phone calls have been much less. It is indeed time to end the relationship...

"I'm fine here for the time being, you can go back, drive the Mulsanne tomorrow..." Tang Yikun muttered again.

Marin, who looked at the rapidly changing red numbers in the elevator, was taken aback and agreed.Qi Zhen once had clear requirements on his work, he could not leave his boss on such an occasion, he was responsible for the safety of his boss.If something unexpected happens, this well-paid job will be lost.He had booked two sets of guest rooms just now. In addition to the business suite for the boss, he also booked a standard room diagonally opposite the suite.He knew what the boss was here for, and the boss called before getting out of the car and did not avoid him.

Ma Lin sent Tang Yikun into the suite, pointed to the opposite side, made another gesture of calling, and left.

Tang Yikun didn't say a word, and didn't accuse the driver and bodyguard of acting on his own.He sat on the sofa in the living room and lit a cigarette, thinking about things by the window, wondering if he should meet a few more people besides Gu Meijun when he came out this time, especially the Provincial Planning Institute, it should be active, it can't be wasted like this .

When I lit the cigarette just now, I found that I forgot to bring the special matches, and I didn't want to find Marin, so I had to use the matches in the room.This made him a little unhappy.I don't know when, he has the desire to control, always wants to control everything perfectly, especially for himself, he can't forgive his low-level mistakes.

When the cigar was half smoked, he took out the phone and dialed a number, said 2201 and closed the phone.

After about a quarter of an hour, the doorbell rang, he got up and opened the door, and Lan Ni, who was wearing sunglasses, stepped in and quickly closed the door.

"I don't call people when I come..." She took off her sunglasses and put them on the desk, "It's really hard to see you..."

"Just entered the house... What do you want me to do?" He looked at her.

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do?" While speaking, her arms were wrapped around his neck, and her mouth was blocked by a ball of warmth. After a long time, she panted, "It's so hard to see you..."

"Me too..." Tang Yikun tore off his tie, and his breathing became short of breath.

"Go take a shower first..."

"Why take a shower..." He grabbed the slightly skinny female singer.

Half an hour later, the passion subsided, and the lazy Lenny curled up in his arms like a cat.

"Am I old?" He was dissatisfied with the process.

"Are you too busy recently? You look bad..."

"Your witch cousin is here too?" The old maid was her manager, and she always looked at him in anticipation of thieves.

"Don't say that, I can't do chores without someone..."

"You've basically broken through now... I can find you a professional, she's too unprofessional, and doesn't know how to tap your economic value..."

"Am I just a commodity in your eyes?"

"In the era of market economy, everyone is a commodity, including me." Tang Yikun laughed silently, "I estimate that the sponsorship fee you signed will not exceed 500 million, am I right?"

She said nothing.It is difficult for her to determine her status in the music world.This is rather mysterious. Some people say that she is definitely second-rate, while others say that she is almost too late.But since the last concert, the cousin signed another 50 contract, making the total value of her commercial contracts exceed 500 million.Worth is more intuitive, but not as convincing as the appearance fee.Now she needs more opportunities to appear on the stage. It would be great if she could hold a nationwide concert tour, especially in the first-tier cities, where there are more business opportunities.Now she has no opportunities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places. Even if she has, it is a foil for others. Only in small places like Hiraizumi can she play the leading role.This time she came to Province G, and seeing Tang Yikun was the main purpose. After all the calculations, only Tang Yikun could help her realize her dream of going on a recital tour. She would probably lose money for the first time. She couldn't do it by herself, so she could only ask for help Yu Tang Yikun, the big benefactor.

"I have to take a shower..." She got up and went into the bathroom.Then someone stuck out his head, "Aren't you coming?"

Tang Yikun leaned against the head of the bed without moving, lit a cigar, and thought about how she would make a request next.She had already mentioned the tour on the phone and quoted an estimate of the cost.But he didn't express his position, only said to meet and talk again.It was that phone call that gave him the idea of ​​ending the relationship with her.Wei Fengru took a decisive blow. On the surface, he didn't care at all, but the impact on his heart was huge. Wei Fengru found his deathbed, which was the East Lake he created by himself. Compared with his empire, everything is illusory.

In terms of understanding of life, he must have a much deeper understanding than Lanny.From the time he started groping for business, he gradually understood the truth that life is made up of exchanges.If you lose this time, you can win it next time.Winning or losing has its own standard. Everyone is different at every stage, and the same person will not be the same at different stages.In his deal with Lenny, she got much-needed money and he got a young, beautiful and singing woman.It's hard to say who wins and who loses. In the eyes of Mr. Cai, a regular member of the book club and Jiaping Company, spending a lot of money to support a woman is an extremely stupid thing, but he doesn't think so.In official economic theory, labor is a commodity, so women are naturally commodities.And since beautiful women are a scarce resource, they are of course a commodity in short supply.Obtaining in-demand items, of course, cost a lot of money.

How much did I spend on Lenny?This is not easy to calculate.Let's count those things that are easy to remember. It's been almost three years since we established that kind of relationship with her. Needless to say, jewelry, he can't remember how much he bought her. At that time, she could still go shopping without sunglasses.He gave her a house and a car. He bought her a small apartment in the third ring road of Yanjing, and a large duplex apartment in her hometown Zishan, but Zishan is a small place, not as good as Hiraizumi. The price of a duplex house is less than half of the 90-square-meter apartment in Yanjing.He bought her two cars, one was a fruit green Beetle and the other was a white BMW 740 Series.At that time, he was with her in Yanjing, and he was going to buy her a 480. She said it was too eye-catching, and she would definitely be questioned, so it was better to keep a low profile, so he changed to a [-]-series. At that time, he felt that she was restrained and contented. But then it was not so good, especially after she had a more comprehensive understanding of the scale of East Lake.A few months ago, when Jade Garden had not yet opened for sale, she had inquired from nowhere that the house on the top floor of Block D was very good, and she wanted one.He immediately rejected it.There were only four sets of that [-]-square-meter house, and they had long been owned. The brother-in-law of Minister Cui of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the son of Vice-Governor Jing Jing of the province, and President Qin of the Victory Group each ordered one set, and the last set was reserved for Mr. Wei Fengru, she fell in love with the design as soon as it was finished, and insisted on keeping a set.

Knock out who?Any one of the four masters is tougher than Lenny.But he still patiently told Lan Ni the whole story.Lenny seldom came to Hiraizumi, but he still bought her a 130-square-meter apartment with all the equipment, and wrote her name on the title certificate.As far as he knew, every time she came to Hiraizumi secretly, she preferred to meet him at the hotel rather than the apartment.What do you want a super-large apartment in Emerald Garden now?Do you want to settle down in Hiraizumi?

She was obviously a little unhappy, "Isn't it good for me to settle down in Hiraizumi?"

This is bullshit.

Is the appetite getting bigger and bigger?She didn't even ask how much the house was worth.Do you think my money is all blown by the wind?
When feelings of disgust arise, it is a sign that the relationship should end.This is Tang Yikun's experience.In fact, among the girls he has been with, she is definitely not the most beautiful, he thinks she is not even as good as Dai Tianxiang.Why do you like and plot to have her?Of course it's her identity.In fact, she had just made her debut at that time, and she was not very famous. She just sang with a big name at a large CCTV gala.But she sang well, and even though he seldom listened to songs, he thought she would be famous.In addition, whether she dances well, she still has a bright future.So he started to praise her and spend money.Donghu has a public relations department, but it has never done this kind of business.In order to make her famous as soon as possible, he even asked the public relations department to take the lead in making a corporate promotional video and soliciting songs from the public. He reviewed two songs and chose to let her sing one of them. She completed it seriously and the effect was not bad. But at the last moment, he changed his mind and changed to another male singer.Exactly why only he knows.

Perhaps from the very beginning, he believed that she was just a passer-by in his life, she would not follow him wholeheartedly like Dai Tianxiang, and he would not let her bear a son for him, so it is better for her to hide in the dark.

He has always done a good job in this regard. Very few people know about his relationship with Lan Ni. Before the "May [-]st" Hiraizumi concert, Wei Fengru didn't even know of her existence, he can be sure of that.But after "May [-]st", it is not necessarily the case. Tang Tian may be aware of ghost spirits, but it is not certain.

She finally took a shower and wrapped her head with a towel, "I'm hungry, where shall we eat?"

"I think it's in the western restaurant below. There are a few dishes that are not bad. What do you think?" Tang Yikun didn't want to go out anymore.

"Listen to you, people will listen to you anytime" Lan Ni smiled charmingly, "Honey, I'll go back and change clothes, see you in the restaurant"

(End of this chapter)

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