Revival Road

Chapter 205 Disagreement

Chapter 205 Disagreement
After waiting until 11:30, Li Zhibin finally saw Tao Tang come out, followed by that Lu Dami.Li Zhibin also learned about Lu Dami's identity not long ago, but he took the initiative to reveal it.Now it seems that Lu Qi was able to be promoted to the director of the Department of Development and Regulations not because of her relationship with Tao Tang as a classmate, but because of her good younger brother who works as a secretary for *********.

Li Zhibin greeted Wang Fumin and went up to meet him.

Another unhappy meeting.Lu Wei felt bitter. Tao Tang's stubbornness and self-centered thinking were indeed a little too much. The key point was that he was too disrespectful to Secretary Lu. The city government still couldn't win the red star after several concessions, which made the mayor of Shangguan furious, even in Tao Tang's face. I don't want to see you anymore.If an agreement cannot be reached with Hongxing Factory, which stands in front of the new town planning, the final plan cannot be submitted for approval.Secretary Lu was forced to go out in person, and Lu Yaozu organized two coordination meetings in a row. Zheng Xingmao, the executive deputy mayor in charge of finance, Zhou Hongyou, the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction, and a large number of heads of related units sat there, facing A central enterprise.The last time Tao Tang brought a few assistants to the meeting, this time he went to the meeting alone, which was a bit like a war of words against the Confucianism. The run-on, the always good-tempered Deputy Mayor Zheng, became angry and accused the Red Star Factory of being too selfish. Regardless of the overall situation... Lu Wei, who was sitting behind Lu Yaozu's side, took a sneak peek and found that Secretary Lu's complexion was also very bad.In the end, Secretary Lu smoothed things over: You can’t blindly blame Red Star, Mr. Tao is telling the truth, it’s hard to say that it’s unreasonable... We’re just looking for a point where the interests of both parties meet... I think that’s it for today, for Mr. Tao Comrade Xingmao took the lead in organizing the relevant departments to study it again. Lao Tao, you also went to lean on me. Recently, I have contacted Comrade Feng Shizhao. The Brilliant Group is also going to bleed, and with the support of the province , several aspects form a joint force, I don't think the problem is too big... Let's end the meeting, Old Tang, don't leave, I will treat you today...

But Tao Tang refused Secretary Lu's persuasion, saying that the unit still had something to do.This is a bit over.In Hiraizumi, no one refuted Lu Yaozu's face like this.I have been with Secretary Lu for three months. Besides the superior guests, who has Secretary Lu invited on his own initiative?Besides, it's 11:30 now, and I'm off work when I go back, so what can I do?But Secretary Lu is Secretary Lu after all, "Then, Xiao Lu, send Mr. Tao off for me...Old Tao, how about we meet in two days?"

Tao Tang agreed, but his attitude was indifferent.

"Mr. Tao," Lu Wei thought for a long time, and stopped Tao Tang who was about to get into the car, "Mr. Tao, some words may not be appropriate... It's all about the public, why insist on it? I know you are For the sake of Red Star, but the city has indeed made a lot of concessions... The higher-ups are in a hurry, and Secretary Lu is also in a hurry..."

Tao Tang smiled brightly, "It's because of business versus business. If it's a private matter, I won't insist on it."

"Mr. Tao, your kindness to me is as great as a mountain. I think that going on like this may not be good for you. The city government has a lot of resentment, and many leaders are complaining about Secretary Lu..."

"You don't understand... goodbye..." Tao Tang took the initiative to shake hands with Lu Wei, got into his Audi and left.

Lu Wei watched Tao Tang leave in the car, took out his mobile phone and called his sister.

Lu Qi and his wife arrived home almost at the same time. As usual, the two of them made lunch together.

"Xiaowei called just now, but we still haven't reached an agreement..." After thinking about it on the way home, Lu Qi decided to tell Lao Fan the news.

Lao Fan was washing the vegetables, but he didn't seem to hear him.

"Talking to you..."

"Originally, can it be solved in one go?" Fan Yongcheng said.

"Xiaowei is worried that if he goes on like this, it might be bad for him." Lu Qi paused, "Secretary Lu is so powerful, it is said that even the group boss Feng gave him three points..."

"His background is strong, so he dares to stand up..."

"Now that we are directly approaching Secretary Lu's army, what kind of backstage is there?"

"It's precisely because of that relationship that Tao Tang dared to do this. Another person would have signed it a long time ago... Don't you think our plan is vexatious?"

"The construction of the new city is too involved...including within the company, the voice of opposition has almost many people have come to look for it recently? This kind of thing, who is the most unlucky..."

"That's right... But it's too far away from us... We're just doing some specific work..." Fan Yongcheng said, wearing an apron, "Hurry up, I need to sleep for a while..."

"You seem emotional?"

"What emotions do I have? Mr. Tao just wants to win more benefits for the company. There is nothing wrong with it. It is a very good idea to take this opportunity to completely renovate the company's pipe network, roads and other supporting facilities. After passing this village, there will be no such shop." , but the government's money is not so easy to grab... Don't ask, Hiraizumi will be in debt this time."

"The relocation is not our proposal, of course the government has to pay for it."

"However, not everyone thinks this way. Haven't you noticed the change in the attitude of some leaders of the company? They all want to reach out. Now Mr. Tao is holding this piece firmly in his hands, and he doesn't know the company's relocation and reconstruction. I don’t even have a deputy in the talks recently, so I have some opinions..."

"You mean someone's trying to get some money in there?"

"Do you even need to ask? Even I want to go in and get some. Gold is everywhere, and just a little bit of it is enough to eat and drink for a lifetime, haha" Fan Yongcheng laughed.

"Pull you down, think about Yang Kaihe and you will be honest." Lu Qi warned, "Don't associate with those people in Donghu Lake. Before the lid of the pot was lifted, you stretched out your hand..." She knew that the Donghu Lake Real estate was hard to find.

"How many capable companies in the city can take over such a large project? It's hard to let Beiyang's company snatch it away..."

"Even the agreement hasn't been signed yet. Besides, I'm afraid the group will intervene in such a big matter, so don't make up your mind."

"That's right, isn't the group's inspection team going to enter the factory? Tao Tang should pass this first..."

This sentence touched Lu Qi's pain point, and she fell silent immediately.

After several revisions, the planning scheme of the new city has shrunk beyond recognition compared with the original draft.Shrinkage is not only the opinion of Hiraizumi's new main leader, but also objective and helpless.The original plan really exceeded the local capacity and did not match the general climate.But even with several revised plans, it is still an earth-shattering event for Red Star Factory.As a member of the project team, Lu Qi is very clear about the impact on Red Star: 2200 mu of land in the south of the company’s production area has been expropriated (more than 1800 mu of land has been expropriated in Yangcun and other places in the southwestern suburbs), eight The branch factory must be relocated as a whole, which will bring about major adjustments and major changes in the production supporting system of the Red Star Factory, including the power system in the production area. At least five branch factories will be relocated to the development zone in the northern suburbs.

Because the large-scale relocation involves massive civil engineering, pipe network, and kinetic energy transformation, the required funds are even more astronomical... It will have an incalculable impact on the production and operation of the Red Star Factory in the next few years, especially the product structure and Adjustment of supporting system.However, Red Star's owner, Brilliant Group, supports this relocation. One of the main reasons is that the relocation gives Red Star Factory a golden opportunity to adjust its product structure. Red Star can take this opportunity to eliminate some products that lack market prospects and cost competitiveness. Resources are better concentrated on advantageous sectors.In theory, there is no problem at all, because this adjustment will receive strong financial support from the local government. As a central enterprise, no one will let go of this opportunity.What the group is unwilling to say is that, in fact, in the construction of Hiraizumi New City, Brilliant Group has no choice, and Red Star Company has no choice.Even if the affiliation authority is different, after all, the company is on other people's territory, and there are too many things to rely on the locality, so it is impossible and incapable to compete with the local.

From another perspective, regardless of the good opportunities for capital and product structure adjustments, the benefits of new city construction to Red Star are also obvious.Several (planned to be six) universities are placed in front of Red Star's house, which will greatly benefit the employees' families.Colleges and universities are high-consumption groups. Tens of thousands of teachers and students have settled in the new city and become the neighbors of the Red Star factory. This will definitely improve the quality of life of the employees and families of the Red Star factory. The employment of the children of the Red Star will no longer be a problem. , retail and other markets will bring endless business opportunities to Red Star's population of 10.Putting aside the considerations of life and logistics, the boost to Red Star's economic aggregate is affirmative.Therefore, the decision-makers of Red Star quickly unified their understanding and should treat the relocation and adjustment with a welcoming attitude.

Tao Tang himself is not opposed to the relocation.The initial objection was more from the government's standpoint. I had repeatedly discussed it with my old classmate and long-time friend Lu Yaozu.But after the province officially approved the project, especially after the main leaders of the group greeted him, he no longer "expressed" his objections on any occasion.Instead, focus on Red Star's countermeasures.As the top leader of Red Star, he obviously thinks more than other leaders. In Lu Qi's view, his purpose is very simple, which is to use this opportunity to completely solve the deep-seated problems of Red Star. The members of the team and the provincial and municipal experts stationed in Red Star to help formulate the relocation plan were stunned. In the eyes of many people, Tao Tang was singing the opposite tune or taking the opportunity to blackmail the local...

Without Tao Tang's persistence, Brilliant Group and Red Star may have paid a greater price.Because the economic compensation for the initial relocation of Red Star is much harsher than the latest plan.Hiraizumi City even put forward the plan of "Three Carriers", that is, the funds required for the construction of the new city will be jointly resolved by the province, the city and the Brilliant Group.Of course, the big head has to be borne by the provincial and municipal levels.If Brilliant Group (specifically implemented in Red Star Company) needs to settle the loan locally, Hiraizumi City can provide a guarantee.But this plan was severely rejected by Red Star Company. Tao Tang said to Zhou Hongyou, if this is the case, then I will hold a staff representative meeting to discuss it. If it is not approved, you will do the work!Red Star trekked with heavy burdens, providing tax revenue and ensuring stability for the city. Is relocation a requirement of Red Star?You are too much!

In this way, formal negotiations began after the National Day. Under Red Star's insistence, the plan formulated by Hiraizumi City was changed again and again, and the draft was changed three times within forty days. The city's concessions brought tangible benefits to Red Star.But in Tao Tang's view, it's not enough...

Red Star’s land was requisitioned free of charge in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and it was in the nature of land allocation. The local government has never collected a penny from Red Star’s land. Of course, Red Star’s land will not be compensated for the requisition of Red Star’s land this time. , but the local government has to pay for new workshops, equipment relocation, pipe network renovation and reconstruction, and adjustment and upgrade of water, electricity and wind systems.Including the land occupied by Red Star Company in the development zone, it will be allocated free of charge.The local government will compensate the losses caused by the suspension of work and production caused by the relocation.In addition, Hiraizumi City also "generously" agreed to support 3000 million yuan to Red Star's request for informatization construction.But when it comes to specific plans, the differences between the two parties are quite large, which will be discussed in detail later.

Let’s talk about the losses caused by the suspension of work first. The salaries of the employees are easy to say. This part accounts for a small proportion of the cost of this relocation, but the market loss caused by the suspension of production has no basis for calculation.The plan put forward by Hongxing frightened the city and refused to accept it at all.The reason is that the relocation time is not too long. According to the city's plan, the entire relocation project will be completed within one year, provided the funds are in place. That is to say, in theory, Red Star can resume production within one and a half years. But it's practically impossible!Let alone a year and a half, two years may not be enough.The impact of winter on construction is one aspect. There are countless difficulties that have not been estimated. Lu Qi, who has been engaged in business planning for many years, knows very well that plans or planning are things on paper. an unexpected hindrance.None of Red Star's large-scale plans have ever been completed on schedule.Facing Red Star's large-scale relocation and renovation, which is second only to factory construction, only inexperienced novices will believe the plans drawn up by those experts... However, experts from provinces and cities have their own calculation methods. It is very large, and it is also the main reason for several miscarriage negotiations.

In addition to market losses, there are four differences between the two parties. One is the construction of Red Star's supporting facilities. The city said it can be considered, but it does not agree to Red Star's plan. The gap between the two sides is as much as [-] million. What does the local government say I don't agree to the two hundred million anymore;

The second is that the development zone cannot meet the centralization principle proposed by Hongxing. The land allocated to Hongxing by the development zone is two separate pieces, and the allocated land is 130 mu less than Hongxing’s plan. Hongxing Company believes that it plans to move to the development zone. The five branch factories in the district could not be resettled, and secondly, the cost of logistics and management increased. Hongxing Company was very dissatisfied with the city's plan.

The third is the continuation of the second, or the solution to the second problem.The city proposed the so-called complementary advantages, which is to hand over part of the business of Red Star to Donghu Group, and at the same time take over part of the business (including equipment and personnel) of Donghu Machinery. Red Star said that it could be considered, but after several rounds of specific discussions, there were also great differences. Tang Yiwei refused to give what Hongxing wanted, and Hongxing did not let go of what Tang Yiwei wanted.

Finally, there is the leisure park between Xincheng and Xinhongxing. The original plan was to build an east-west avenue between the University Town and the factory to separate the University Town from the enterprises.However, planning experts in the province believe that a leisure park should be built after on-the-spot inspection.For this reason, Red Star needs to resell nearly 200 mu of land. Red Star proposed that the government widen the road southward at the west gate of Red Star, and build a two-way, four-lane road with a total mileage of 8.5 kilometers to communicate the connection between the Red Star family area and the leisure park. Because the employees of Red Star Families cannot go across the production area to the park.The city agreed to build a leisure park, but it did not agree to expand and restore the dilapidated road...

 Thank you book friends for your concern!It's been very bad lately, I'm sick with my health, and my work and career are piled up together, I'm really upset.

(End of this chapter)

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