Revival Road

Chapter 208 Trouble 3

Chapter 208 Trouble Three

Divorce cannot be considered, nor is recalculation of shares allowed.At this juncture, Tang Yikun could not be distracted.But he knew that the root of the internal problems was not Dai Tianxiang and Lan Ni, but the "Mining Department" represented by Wei Shegang.Wei Shegang's reluctance to see East Lake's resources further tilted towards real estate is the root of the contradiction.

After careful calculation, Wei Shegang's power is not small.Because in the business empire of Donghu Industrial, except for the real estate faction represented by Qi Zhen, almost all of them are Wei Shegang's allies, and even his own brother Tang Yiwei also sided with Wei Shegang.

This situation once again confirms Tang Yikun's world view, money is the ultimate power to rule the world, everyone will prostrate in front of Marshal Zhao Gong's tent, those so-called people who despise money and despise wealth have never tasted the power of money.Just like ordinary people scolding corruption, if they hold power and have the qualifications to engage in corruption, they are likely to go further on the road of corruption.

Ever since he decided to take the construction of Pingquan New City as the next breakthrough and development opportunity of Donghu Group, Tang Yikun realized where the resistance he would encounter came from.It is necessary to plan ahead, and the layout in advance has become inevitable.Although the East Lake Reading Club was an arty prop for Tang Yikun, he still learned a lot from the reading club.Generally speaking, there are three kinds of learning, the first is to cope with the exam, the second is to increase conversation resources, and the third is to apply what you have learned.

Tang Yikun was obviously the third type.The knowledge he is interested in is for use.Once Qi Zhen talked about the response of old Mao before and after the "9.13" incident, and Tang Yikun paid attention to it.I have a good understanding of the method of "digging the foot of the wall, throwing stones, and mixing sand" mentioned by Qi Zhen.Given the national conditions (Tang Yikun doesn’t understand foreign countries, although he has been to most developed countries in the world, he has only traveled on horseback), every crowd must have left, middle and right, and every organization must have mountains.Even the elders who are talented and despise ancient and modern people lament that "there is no party in the party, the emperor's thinking, and there are no factions in the party". How can Donghu be an exception?The historical facts narrated by Qi Zhen also told Tang Yikun an important conclusion, as a leader, one must not think about eliminating factionalism and flattening the mountain.A wise leader will only recognize the mountain and use the mountain.This is like quail, a quail in a cage is honest, no fight, no fight, as long as there are more than two quail in the cage, a leader will inevitably be formed through fierce and even bloody fights.It is useless for you to take out the leader quail, the remaining "slaves" will continue the story that happened before, and continue to use the way of fighting to produce leaders.

The world of quail is not the epitome of life.In Tang Yikun's view, human beings are far less open-minded than animals.Since the mountain or the faction cannot be resolved, acknowledging and utilizing it is the only reasonable choice.So Tang Yikun strengthened the functions of the East Lake headquarters, and gradually enriched a virtual headquarters in order to cope with various inspections and show the image of the group. The method was to increase the number of staff from the three physical companies.Tang Yikun considered this process to be the digging of stones in Qi Zhen's historical narrative.As a result, Xu Chengyan, one of the important figures in Donghu Mining, became the vice president of Donghu Industrial Group.Of course, Donghu Machinery from the real estate company and Tang Yiwei also had to transfer people, but the most senior cadre transferred in that round was Xu Chengyan.Sure enough, Wei Shegang expressed strong dissatisfaction, and repeatedly stated that mining companies need more talents like Xu Chengyan who are proficient in management.Well, it is enough for Xu Chengyan to be proficient in management. The mining company needs it, and the group headquarters needs it even more!Didn't you say you want to balance the group's resources?When Cheng Yan came to the headquarters, he was asked to make plans...

Tang Yikun saw the right person.Although Xu Chengyan was brought out by Wei Shegang, his ability is really good.He played an important and irreplaceable role in the new city project that started later, and provided many very valuable suggestions to Tang Yikun, and to Tang Yikun's satisfaction, Xu Chengyan never avoided his relationship with Weishegang, and always maintained Weishegang Mining the interests of the company.Regarding this point, Tang Yikun was not only not angry but appreciated it very much.It was precisely because of his admiration and respect for Xu Chengyan that when Fu Gang, the deputy director of the planning department led by Xu Chengyan, reported to him that there was an online article that seemed to allude to Donghu Industry and you, the boss, Tang Yikun called Xu Chengyan to verify.Xu Chengyan said he didn't know, but he could ask Fu Gang to find out.Xu Chengyan also said that if it is true, we should be vigilant.Especially at this time.Two days later, Xu Chengyan came to Tang Yikun's office with a stack of printing paper, and told him that the situation Fu Gang reported did exist, and that the novel that was not published on the origin was an allusion to Donghu!Tang Yikun was very curious, so he spent two nights reading that part (about [-] words) of the manuscript, and then he found Xu Chengyan.

"Say, what should we do about this matter?"

"The best way is to find the author and persuade him not to write anymore... He is the most precious."

Tang Yikun became interested in this author, of course he did not expect that the author was his acquaintance, and the person sitting in front of him was involved in this matter, "I think this person is from the inside, and he is an old man from Donghu. I agree with you Opinions are valuable. As long as he doesn't write these messy things, everything is easy to talk about. Find out how much money this book can make, and give it to him!"

"Okay, I'll do it." Xu Chengyan took the task.

Although Sun Dunquan is already middle-aged, compared to Zhang Hongqin, his experience is much worse.On the one hand, it is due to his personality. If you think about it, you can know who he is if he can resign and leave because he doesn't get along with the leader.On the other hand, from birth to now, except for the few years when he was in college, he has been staying in the soil enclosure of Hongxing, which also makes his mind extraordinarily simple.Regarding Zhang Hongqin's warning, Sun Dunquan didn't think about anything other than being angry.Of course he knows that Song Dahai in his writing is Tang Yikun, and now he has tasted the beauty of a character with a prototype. The simplest thing is to be real, and the character can stand up "easily".Before going to bed every night, of course, he regards reading the comments of book friends as a pleasure, and even wakes up his confused wife to force Yin Yutao to listen to the readers' praise of "Daylight". Readers have a lot of comments on the character Song Dahai , but almost all praised this character as lifelike, as if he was a real person.Of course it was realistic, since that person was enjoying himself in the shopping malls and official circles.Out of his love for "shaping" characters, he even wanted to call Tang Yikun a few times to let him watch "Daylight" and let him comment on Song Dahai.Now Zhang Hongqin actually warned him not to write any more, Sun Dunquan thought, Tang Yikun must have lost his temper after watching "Day Day", haha, okay, I'll just wait for you to find me, if you don't, I will still find you.He still stays in the books about the darkness of society. He has heard Zhang Hongqin's vague story about Tang Yikun's early days of starting a business. He also made up Song Dahai's misdeeds of bullying men and women, but he knows nothing about the cruelty in the real world. Know.Red Star is a closed world, and Red Star is also a piece of pure land. Sun Dunquan, who has lived in this enclosure for 40 years, still retains the innocence of his childhood.

But people came to the door. On November 11, Xu Chengyan went to Red Star to meet Sun Dunquan in person.

Xu Chengyan went directly to Sun Dunquan's dwelling.After listening to Xu Chengyan's introduction, Sun Dunquan didn't even ask Xu Chengyan how he knew the author was himself (of course he used a pseudonym), nor how did Xu Chengyan know his phone number and address (Xu Chengyan had prepared a set that he thought was perfect) explanation), but asked Xu Chengyan with great interest, "Is Mr. Tang angry?"

Xu Chengyan never thought that the conversation would start like this.

"Mr. Sun, since you know all about it, then I won't go around in circles. It seems that you are really writing based on our boss, which is easy to talk about. That's right, our boss is not happy after reading the book, so I won't ask you How did you obtain those materials, I just ask you, what are the conditions for stopping your book?"

"Why stop? Am I breaking that law?"

"In a certain field, Mr. Tang's words are the law. Since Mr. Tang is not willing to let you write it down, you'd better respect his wishes...Of course, Mr. Tang will give you some financial compensation. You can write a book Is it just to make money? Make a price."

"The money I earn from writing books is fair and aboveboard, but what is Tang Yikun's money? It's just food?"

"Money is money. You must have watched "Latent", right? I really appreciate Xie Ruolin's line in the TV series, 'Two gold bars are placed in front of you, and you can tell which one is noble and which one is despicable What?' You have taken the compensation, so you can start anew."

"Hey, that's right, I write books to support my family. But you won't understand that I write books and the joy you haven't tasted...Mr. Xu, I don't want his compensation, and I won't stop "Daylight" writing."

"That would be a pity..."

"If possible, I'd like to talk to Tang Yikun. I don't think Song Dahai is an insult to him. With his guidance, maybe he will be fuller and more vivid."

Xu Chengyan would not let Sun Dunquan go to Tang Yikun.That would definitely pull Zhang Hongqin out, and he would have nowhere to hide... "Mr. Sun, you may still not know our boss well. How could he have time to see you? Just kidding! Do you know how big Donghu Industrial is? You Do you know that the construction of Hiraizumi New City is about to start? To be honest, I feel that the boss sent me here to make a big fuss..."

This sentence stimulated Sun Dunquan.All people have self-esteem. Generally speaking, intellectuals, especially poor intellectuals, have the strongest self-esteem.On the contrary, those who are powerful or wealthy are more easy-going.In the real world, it is easy to be at the top without overpowering the bottom, and it is difficult to be at the bottom without being humble.

"He's awesome! Okay? Then why did you send you to meet me, a little man? He makes his fortune, and I code mine. We don't mess with each other. Please go back, I don't think we have anything to talk about It's gone."

"No, your book slandered Mr. Tang, that's why I came to you."

"Then ask him to take up the weapon of law and sue me."

Compassion for Sun Dunquan welled up in Xu Chengyan's heart.He knew Sun Dunquan's identity clearly, and thought to himself, there are classmates like Tang Yikun who are sharp-eyed and ruthless, and Tao Tang who is even respected by Tang Yikun, but there are still such idiots in front of him...

Xu Chengyan went back.He didn't even go to see his son who was an ordinary technician in Red Star.Xu Chengyan did not directly report the result of the "Sun's Mansion" trip, but waited for two days to confirm that his answer was flawless before reporting to Tang Yikun.

After listening to Xu Chengyan's report, Tang Yikun didn't bother to savor the process of Xu Chengyan finding the author, but was taken aback by the author's identity, "Sun Dunquan? It turned out to be Sun Dunquan! That's right, that's it. ...I'll just say...well, I get it..."

Tang Yikun immediately thought of Tao Tang.He is aware of Tao Tang's resistance to Hiraizumi New City, and now everything is in order, "This guy, he actually gave me this..."

"Boss, what do you think we should do?" Xu Chengyan really wanted to hear Tang Yikun call the security department immediately.

"Let me think about it...Cheng Yan, this matter is over here, don't worry about it anymore..."

Originally, Tang Yikun's first thought was to let Luo Shaoxing handle this matter.He believed that Luo Shaoxing had a hundred ways to settle this matter.But now Tao Tang is standing behind Sun Dunquan, and Lu Yaozu is behind Tao Tang... This is troublesome, and they must be calculated carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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