Revival Road

Chapter 21 The Property Market and the Book Market 1

Chapter 21 The Property Market and the Book Market [-]
Early on Sunday morning, Xiaoye came to Xiaozhao's door, just in time to see Tao Tang running back.

"Good morning Mr. Tao..."

"Good morning," Tao Tang wiped off his sweat, "I told you, I wash my clothes by myself, do you remember?"

"Boss Tao..."

"Okay, let's not take it as an example. By the way, is the union library open on Sunday?"

"Library? I don't know. Shall I ask?"

"No need. Are you on duty today?"

"Director Jia told me that as long as you are here, I have to stick to my post. Anyway, I'm fine at home."

"What kind of arrangement is this? There is no need for it. I will greet your director. You can go home and rest." Tao Tang left the dazed Xiaoye and went back to the room to take a shower.

Xiaoye was a little panicked.She didn't know what made the chairman unhappy.The task Jia Jianxin gave her was somewhat ambiguous, which was to go all out to take care of Mr. Tao's life.For Director Jia's order, Xiaoye earnestly implemented it, in order to be able to become a full-time employee of Red Star.These days she tried her best and tried to do her best.She found that Mr. Tao had changed his clothes, washed them immediately, dried them, ironed them with a hanging iron, and stacked them neatly on the head of the bed.Last night, Boss Tao didn't know where to go. Several groups of people came to ask to see Boss Tao, but she stopped them all, "Boss Tao is not here, I don't know when he will be back, you go to his office at work."

This was given to her by Director Zhang, and it was the same way before.She waited in her room at night, and when she heard Boss Tao's voice, she greeted her and wanted to ask if there was anything she could do.Mr. Tao ignored her, walked past her, went back to his room, and slammed the door behind him.She smelled the strong alcohol on his breath.She knocked on the door to ask if he needed to call a doctor.When Mr. Song lived here, he often had infusions to sober up after drinking, and she knew who to turn to.But there is no response inside.She could have opened the door, but she dared not.

It has been four days since the new boss came to the factory.In Xiaoye's view, he is a very simple person.I spent very little time in the guest house and hardly saw him.He was another person who gave her a sense of security, and in just four days, she had dispelled any worries she had.He is still a taciturn person, and he basically doesn't talk to her. This morning is the most he talked... She basically concluded that he is a "easy to serve" boss, unlike Mr. Song.

But Xiaoye felt a little lost.Moreover, the "task" given to her by Director Jia made her start to worry.The guy with a handsome face asked her to write down the names of all the guests who came to Mr. Tao's room, and try to find out who they didn't know.

She knew it was dangerous.Leaders don't like peeping people.If Mr. Tao knew that she had reported the secret to Director Jia, she would definitely be finished.

Pretty girls have certain abilities that ordinary girls don't have.Xiaoye is good at protecting herself. She understands a truth, that is, although beauty is capital and a weapon, it cannot be overused.Excessive use devalues ​​beauty.Therefore, she skillfully blocked the attacks of several men, including Jia Jianxin.It should be a skill to neither let her succeed nor make her despair, but she did it well without a teacher.

She is only 20 years old this year.My home is in Yangcun, 13 miles west of Hongxing.Originally, she came to Red Star to do handyman work with her cousin who was a contractor. Red Star Company always had a lot of dirty work that needed migrant workers to complete, such as digging trenches, laying walls, renovating the walls and floors of the factory building, and many small jobs in Jianan Company. Son.With her beauty (she realized beauty is a resource early on), she could find a job in a hotel in the city, but her parents forbade her to do so.She had no choice but to earn some small money with her second uncle.

After she came to Red Star Company, she quickly fell in love with the beautiful garden-like environment of Red Star Company, and envied the employees of Red Star Company. Their wages are not high, but their work is easy and their lives are leisurely.Therefore, when Tang Shu asked her if she would like to work in the workshop, she immediately agreed.The wages of temporary workers are not as high as Tang Shu's engineering team, but the work is much easier, and the key is that they don't need to be exposed to wind and sun.She began to fantasize about becoming a regular employee of Red Star, and then find a partner in Red Star, start a family, and live like a Red Star employee.

She knew that as long as she passed the first hurdle, the road ahead would be flat.

Perhaps in accordance with the old adage that "natural beauty is hard to give up", she only worked in the workshop for three months before being transferred to a guest house. After working in the big move for only two months, she was transferred to the small move again, where she didn't need to spend money on meals. , and also distributed beautiful work clothes. The key is that the environment is comfortable. After there are no guests or the work at hand is finished, no one cares about her. She can sit in her room and watch TV, play with her mobile phone, and take a shower at any time.Therefore, when Director Jia promised to help her become a regular, she immediately became Director Jia's "private detective" and provided Director Jia with what she knew about the tricks: who is here to treat guests, who is here to play cards, who What else are you doing here.

Those who have the right to use small tricks are the big shots of Red Star: company leaders, assistant general managers, and deputy chief engineers. Ordinary middle-level cadres have no right to entertain guests in small businesses.

The guest house is a subsidiary of the general manager's office, and Jia Jianxin is the top leader of the guest house.Due to the particularity of the job, Xiaoye has an understanding of the power structure of Red Star Company that ordinary employees do not have, even though she is only a temporary worker.

An ordinary employee may not have spoken a word to the general manager in her life, but she knows all the big names in the company, and most of them know herself.Most of them can realize her wish—she knows that every year, Red Star Company will process a batch of temporary workers to be "regularized", mostly the children of employees, those who can't go to college and are unable to start a business outside the factory.This is entirely the power of the factory, in the hands of the human resources department and the main leaders of the employer.She is not a child of a factory, so the difficulty seems to be much more difficult, but her position is quite special, as long as a big leader speaks, it is easy.She believed that Jia Jianxin could do it, because she knew that Jia Jianxin had done the job of turning a temporary worker in a guest house into a regular worker.When she first came to the big job, she took over the shift of the waitress who was about to take maternity leave. The talkative girl said that she became a regular half a year ago and walked through the back door of Director Jia. It was just a matter of one sentence.

So she became Jia Jianxin's "spy". During the three months since she arrived in Xiaozhao, she reported to Jia Jianxin about Mr. Song's whereabouts at least five times until Mr. Song was taken away. Go Mr. Song, she is on the scene.She felt lucky, because she had planned to follow Mr. Song's path. Mr. Song had already shown his liking for her, and always made jokes with her that were not too outrageous, and asked her to accompany him to the private room on the first floor for dinner. meal.At that time, she was very hesitant, hesitating whether to ask for help.She knew that there was a price to be paid for begging for help. At present, she could not impress the other party with anything except her body.Thinking of Mr. Song's old face with bags under his eyes, she felt sick.

A new boss came, and she faced a new choice, should she continue to follow Jia Jianxin's path, or rely on the new boss?Tao Boss is much younger than Song Yuelai, especially when she heard that Tao Boss is only in his early forties, and Tao is always single, his wife passed away.

It is a difficult choice for Miss Xiaoye to continue to serve as Jia Jianxin's spy, or to "abandon the dark and turn to the bright".When she met Mr. Tao in front of the building and came back from his morning exercise, she had the urge to "confess", but Tao Tang didn't give her a chance to speak. Instead, he blamed her for washing his changed clothes without consent, which made her nervous. Naturally, I dare not "confess".


Tao Tang naturally didn't know that he was being watched.He took a shower, changed his clothes, went to the restaurant on the first floor to have breakfast, and called his parents and mother-in-law after returning to his room. His daughter Xiaohe went to make up lessons, and the mother-in-law reminded him to pay attention to his health, and also mentioned the importance of health. It is said that Fang can prepare to use the "May [-]st" holiday to visit Hiraizumi.He hurriedly said that he had decided to go back to Yanjing on May Day, and his mother-in-law asked him if he would go back to Binjiang to see Xiaohe?He said that Yanjing has official business, and if time permits, he will go to Binjiang from Yanjing.

He didn't want to receive Fang Ke alone in Hiraizumi.Since Fang Ke revealed his feelings for him, he didn't want to face her alone.

Fang is Fang Lan's cousin, Fang Ke was only ten years old when she and Fang Lan got married, and she was still a lively child.Later, even though Fang Ke has grown into a beauty over 1.7 meters tall, even though she obtained a master's degree in Nottingham, she has not grown up, just like her own little sister.

Thanks to the alcohol, last night's experience turned into a series of slides.How could he say those things to Lu Qi?Moreover, after returning to Xiaozhao, he chatted with her by text message.

Damn it, Tao Tang hated his actions.That's right, Lu Qi is a piece of virgin land in the deepest part of his heart that has never been excavated. He was indeed shocked by Lu Qi's confession. He really didn't expect that Lu Qi also had a good impression of him.But how old were they then?What do sixteen or seventeen-year-olds know about love?He can be regarded as a person who has been in the sea, why is he so uncertain?She has her own family, what is she doing?So, in the bedroom of the suite, he slapped himself hard at the mirror in front of the desk.

Picking up the phone, Tao Tang looked through the text messages from last night again.

It was Lu Qi who sent it first: Did you go back?all right?drink more water.

He replied: It's okay, let's go to bed earlier.

Lu Qi: I like Yan Xiaoshan's lyrics very much, and I will give you one.Caixiu held the jade bell diligently, but she was drunk when she fought hard.Dance to the heart of the willow building and the moon, and sing to the end of the peach blossom fan.After farewell, we will meet again.Several times, the dream soul and the king are the same.Tonight, I have left a photo of the silver scorpion, and I am afraid that the reunion is a dream.Call and send partridge days.

He replied: My little father saw the jade flute, the silver lantern was too enchanting.Who can hate getting drunk in the song? After singing, the wine is still not gone.The spring is quiet, the night is long, and the blue sky is far away from the palace of Chu.Menghun is used to being unrestrained, so he stepped on Yang Hua to cross the Xie Bridge.

Lu Qi: You hurt me.

He didn't write back.Lu Qi didn't come back either.

Maybe he really drank too much, but he was able to respond to Yan Xiaoshan's work of the same name.The core of Lu Qi's poem is probably the first two sentences of Xia Tie, but I really shouldn't play this game.

Forget it, stop thinking about such nonsense.His thoughts turned back to his work. Ever since Fang Lan died, he had found an effective way to divert his attention, which was to devote himself wholeheartedly to his work.

Thinking of what he saw in the No. [-] branch yesterday, Tao Tang found the address book prepared for him. Tao Tang dialed the mobile phone of Zhou Bing, the vice president in charge of safety and environmental protection, but no one answered. Minister Mu Qingyun's phone call, "I'm Tao Tang. Yes, it's me. The dust hazard in the Ninth Branch Factory is so serious, do you know it? Are there any measures?"

Mu Qingyun's voice seemed very nervous, but he was quite clear about the environmental protection issues in the polishing process of the No. It was included in the annual safety measures plan of the Ministry of Development and Regulation, but it has not been implemented due to funding problems.

"Mr. Mu, since you are limited by funds and cannot do fundamental governance, what measures are you taking?"

"It's mainly labor protective equipment. Because the weather is getting hotter, employees are unwilling to wear it correctly... Mr. Tao, we have a responsibility... I will review it with you."

"How much does your proposal cost?"

"The solution with the least amount of money also needs 200 million."

Tao Tang felt sad. 200 million does not sound like a small amount, but it is actually nothing to a big factory like Red Star. The 200 million security funds cannot be guaranteed?hell!

"Get ready, next week, tomorrow, and report to me your plan. In addition, how many similar problems are there in the factory? Let's organize and report together."

Thinking of his parents' request to go back to Red Star on the phone just now, Tao Tang decided to visit the Golden Olive Community that he passed by yesterday.He understands how his parents want to come back. They have been talking about their hometown for the past two years.Ye Luo returns to his roots, after all, Hongxing is where they have lived for most of their lives, with their colleagues, friends and all their children.The biggest problem for the parents now is the house. The sister-in-law had already talked about it vaguely that day. Naturally, Tao Tang can’t drive his brother and sister-in-law out of the house. The safest way is to buy a house for his parents. He doesn’t consider buying a second-hand house in the factory. Not to mention the possible relocation of Red Star, in order not to cause trouble for his trouble-loving mother, he must buy a house outside the factory for their retirement, and it should be as close as possible to the factory.That day he noticed the location of the Golden Olive, and he walked for up to 10 minutes, and the price was not expensive.

As for the daughter, there is no problem with Xiaohe's management after her parents come back. Her mother-in-law will take over in Binjiang. Xiaohe was brought up by her mother-in-law, and her relationship with her mother-in-law surpasses that of her parents.After the mother-in-law left, she happened to return the house in Yanjing to the headquarters.The mother-in-law is from Yanjing and has her own house in Dongcheng District. After he was transferred to Beijing, in order to take care of his life, the mother-in-law lived with him in the public house rented to him.

He is not going to call his driver.In fact, he hadn't been in the car allotted to him yet.

There are taxis outside the east gate of the factory, and most of them are black taxis.Most of the black cars belonged to employees of the Red Star Factory, and it seemed that the city had never been in charge of the flood of black cars here.

The black car drivers were the most observant, and immediately concluded that Tao Tang was a car driver, "Where are you going, master? Take mine." Three or four people surrounded him.

"When you come to the city, you know the golden olive?" Tao Tang looked at a driver with a loyal face in his thirties.

"Too well, ten yuan."

"Okay." Tao Tang got on the man's silver-gray Jetta.

"Are you here to ask for the bill?" the driver asked.

"how do you know?"

"I saw you coming from the guest house. It's almost May [-]st, and there must be a lot of bills."

"Oh..." At this time, Tao Tang's phone rang. Seeing that the number was in the section of Red Star, he answered, "Uncle, I'm Xiaowei...where are you?"

"Oh, it's Xiaowei. I'm out to do some errands. In a taxi."

"Uncle, my mother wants you to come home for lunch..."

"Okay, tell your mother, it must be simple, if there are more than four dishes, I will turn around and leave."

"Yeah, do you have relatives in Hongxing?" The driver seemed like a chatty person.

"Well... you are a worker in the factory, right?"

"That's right. The salary is only so small, what should I do if I don't want to find a way to earn some pocket money?"

"I heard that there was a case in the factory recently?"

"You didn't ask for money, did you? The top leaders also fell in. The high officials are like ants on a hot pot. They haven't paid their salaries for two months. Where will they give you money? Listen to me, go back early. Wait. Two or three months, come back when everything is normal."

Before Tao Tang answered the call, the phone rang again, this time it was Vice President Zhou Bing.

"Hello, Vice President Zhou, it's okay... Yes, I have already expressed my opinion to the Technical Security Department just now." Tao Tang thought about Zhou Bing's old and lifeless face and Sun Dunquan's evaluation of him, "Occupational disease prevention is the most important thing. Our responsibility, how can we allow employees to work in such a harsh environment for a long time? Migrant workers? Migrant workers are also human beings. My opinion is rectification, it must be thoroughly rectified. Yes, we will study it tomorrow, goodbye."

Are all the hard-working and dangerous jobs migrant workers?You can't sit idly by.

"Ah, you are the new Mr. Tao, right? Really, I really didn't expect it." The driver turned his head and said.

"Drive your car and be safe."

"I can hear it! You are a good official! I heard that you went to the staff canteen to eat on the first day you took office, and now you are so concerned about occupational diseases. You are a real Communist Party, it is true."

"What's your name? Which unit are you in?"

"My name is Lin Shuisheng, and I work in the wooden box workshop of the labor company. Mr. Tao, those moths have caused a terrible disaster in the factory. I heard that you are the son of our red star. You must treat those moths well..."

"Are you there? Let's stop here." Tao Tang found out 10 yuan and handed it to Lin Shuisheng, "Thank you, Master Lin."

"How can I take your money?"

Tao Tang had already got out of the car, and said to Lin Shuisheng, "Be careful." After finishing speaking, he looked up at the billboard and strode towards the gate of the sales department.

(End of this chapter)

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