Revival Road

Chapter 210 Investigation Team 2

Chapter 210 Investigation Team II
"It seems Director Fan is unhappy?" Xu Deyu asked Lu Qi after coming out of Tao Tang's office.

Lu Qi looked around, "Leave him alone, crazy... What right does he have to embarrass Mr. Tao? Don't say it's useless, time is running out, you have to help me..." Lu Qi glanced at her watch. It's almost time to get off work, "Let's just find a place to deal with it, and take advantage of the things he said in our minds, let's work overtime at noon..."

"Why don't you go back to eat? What about Director Fan?"

"He can do whatever he likes. I have a poor memory. After a long time, I forget everything..."

"Didn't you make a record? Although I didn't quite understand it, I almost wrote it down..."

"Deyu, won't you do me this favor?"

"I did not mean that……"

Just now, Tao Tang talked about his opinion on the report materials on company relocation and product structure adjustment led by the Ministry of Development and Regulation, and he believed that major changes were needed.But the inspection team entered the factory the day after tomorrow, and the papers had to be handed in tomorrow morning, so Lu Qi was a little anxious.

"Isn't this kind of thing an errand for the factory? Besides, didn't I also receive the task? Besides, your manuscript is too professional, I can't understand it, I'm afraid I can't help..."

"Your writing is so good that even Boss Tao praises you. I'll be in charge of the professional things. You can help me change the structure and reduce the number of words. Doesn't he think it's long-winded? You are good at this." Such a big topic involves The coverage is so wide, and it is requested to be compressed within [-] words, Lu Qi is a little crazy when she thinks about it.

"OK then……"

The two of them didn't even return to the office, and left the east gate of the factory with their notebooks in their hands.

Like bamboo shoots after rain, countless small restaurants popped up on both sides of the east gate, most of which were simple iron houses. Lu Qi really didn't notice, "Oh, why are there so many restaurants popping up all of a sudden? Well, it seems that the one is good... It's been a long time How are you doing, no more oil-splashed noodles?" She pointed to a small restaurant marked "Authentic Xi'an Oil-splashed Noodles".

"I don't can eat whatever you want."

After ordering two bowls of oil-splashed noodles, Lu Qi left half, and Xu Deyu wiped them all out.

Xu Deyu paid the bill first, two bowls of noodles, one plate of cold dishes, a total of 25 yuan.

After leaving the restaurant, Xu Deyu said to Lu Qi, "Sister Lu, you have thoughts..." When the face came, Lu Qi answered a call. Xu Deyu guessed it was Fan Yongcheng's call, and Lu Qi got up and went to the side to answer it. When I came back, I felt a little out of sorts.

"Idiots don't care... Deyu, come out with me, don't be like this, how can I say that my salary is much higher than yours... By the way, your cousin's illness is much better, right?"

"Also... the doctor has to be hospitalized twice a year to nourish the liver and protect the liver. Seeing that it's time again, he doesn't say anything. Thinking of going there on Sunday to catch up with the job in hand, alas ..."

Lu Qi knew that Xu Deyu was sighing for her mission.The company asked the Propaganda Department to produce a brochure about the relocation and for employees. At this point, it must be impossible to cover it.This task fell on Xu Deyu specifically, but she has too many "mother-in-laws" to serve. Minister Cui's is the first level, Chang Wenhai's is the second level, Zhao Qingmin is the third level, and finally there is Tao. Don this level.Now even Zhao Qingmin's test has not been passed. Often the minister thinks it's okay, the deputy secretary says no, the deputy secretary says it's okay, and the minister thinks it's not right.When both the minister and the deputy secretary agreed, the secretary felt that he owed something.Always revising, the number of words has doubled from 15000 words in the first draft to 30000 words.A few days ago, Tao Tang talked about the booklet edited by Xu Deyu (probably given to him by Chang Wenhai or Zhao Qingmin) at a small-scale meeting on relocation. Talked a lot.It’s not that ordinary people don’t care about the company’s development and the adjustment of industrial products, but they are more concerned about what the new city construction brings them. For example, there are a lot of rumors about the renovation of shantytowns. What does it mean to avoid?I have never advocated avoiding the masses, avoiding will only make rumors more prevalent.The public does not know the policy, so we do propaganda.In addition, the focus should be on the changes that some employees will face in their lives, and not on the adjustment of industrial structure and product structure.Some policies that have not yet been determined, honestly tell the employees that they have not yet been determined, and they are still fighting for it... In short, this thing is not good, it needs to be revised...

"Didn't Mr. Tao affirm your dedication?" Lu Qi put her arm around Xu Deyu's shoulders, "He rarely praises means he is very satisfied with you."

Tao Tang talked about the brochure at a meeting convened by his office today. He thought some of the ideas in it were good, and they were written in the language of the masses. He wanted to send the report materials of the Ministry of Regulations for reference. In addition, the two materials had inconsistent formulations. , but also to be consistent, "We can't treat the leaders one way and the masses..." That's why Lu Qi asked Xu Deyu to help with structure and writing.

"Sister Lu, tell me the truth, are you having an argument with Director Fan?"

"I'm an old couple, what's the fuss? He's immature in many ways. Mr. Tao put him in the Political Research Office..."

"I think Director Fan's level is quite high? I don't know how many times more knowledge than me..."

"Forget it, I'll talk to you when I have time, and get down to business first." Lu Qi dragged Xu Deyu back to her office, opened her laptop first, and sat Xu Deyu on her chair. Now that you understand, I will correct it on my computer! Your materials have a short time limit, but I can’t wait to hand in the papers tomorrow morning... You sit down, and I will be your orderly!"

Xu Deyu first copied a manuscript, and then began to read it.She got into the mood soon, and her reading speed was very fast, and she read it in less than 10 minutes.Indeed, this manuscript is a bit lengthy and tedious, and there is a discrepancy between the employee placement chapter and the brochure I drafted, "Sister Lu, I can't change the part of production capacity adjustment and development planning. , There is a slight discrepancy in the caliber of the materials from the Propaganda Department, I am not sure what Mr. Tao means, you have had a lot of contact with him, are you sure he approves of my share?"

"Hey, aren't you right there?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm a little nervous, and the big leaders' speeches are difficult to understand, especially Mr. Tao, the things he said at the conference are relatively coherent, and the small-scale speeches are always erratic... that's good, I'll make changes according to my materials first, you must let him review it, especially point out this part, don't get the meaning wrong, then you will be miserable..."

"I think I heard what he meant clearly... You can change it according to your own way... I will remind him at that time." Lu Qi made Xu Deyu a cup of tea with a disposable paper cup, "You change slowly, the text On the other hand, I will also check for me. I will ask for leave for you on Lao Cui's side."

In Xu Deyu's promotional materials, the reference to the logistics support of employees brought about by the relocation of the production site is more concerned with the interests of employees, and the words are very specific. Lu Qi considered from Tao Tang's standpoint, thinking that being vague is more active.But I didn't expect that the horse's ass was slapped on the horse's leg. Tao Tang not only didn't appreciate it, but criticized her for not explaining the materials clearly.

Xu Deyu typed very fast because her technique was more professional. Not long after going to work, Xu Deyu completed the task assigned to her by Lu Qi, and finally reorganized the manuscript, adjusted the structure of a section, and changed two subheadings. Corrected an unremarkable typo and a few inappropriate punctuation marks, "Okay, you review it. Well, it is four pages short of the original, about [-] words..."

"Don't go, drink some tea." Lu Qi sat back in her seat and began to review the manuscript, "Hey, it's really much better after you make such a change, Deyu, I think you are the right one for Lao Fan's position Who are the candidates?"

"I don't dare to compare with Director Fan. He graduated from a real brand. Hey, sister Lu, did you really have a problem with Director Fan? You don't want to tell me? Hey, I always thought you two were a model couple, at least when I knew you He is the best among the people... Director Fan is really good, don't let people say that you will bully him if you are promoted to a full-time job."

"Am I that kind of person? I've always regarded you as a girl... It's okay to tell you. Do you know why Lao Fan was angry with me last night?"

"Why? It's not because of work, is it? You two have been working closely together recently."

"It can't be said that it has nothing to do with work... Hey, Deyu, we have known each other for decades, do you think I am that kind of person?"

"What kind of person?" Xu Deyu was confused.

"What kind of person is there? A cheating woman."

"Haha, this is nonsense. I don't believe it. No one will believe it."

"Then I really want to thank you. But that bastard in my family suspected me! Are you angry?!"

"Director Fan suspects you?"

"He didn't say it clearly, but there was a stick in his words, am I a fool? I said you made it clear for me, and he shrank his head again, really."

"You, it's always like this... If you have something to say, just say it..."

"If it were you, wouldn't you be angry?"

"I don't know. Really. Because I'm different from you. Sister Lu, you are too good, you are excellent in your work, and you are beautiful. It is inevitable that some people will gossip. But Director Fan shouldn't doubt you. Husband and wife, doubt actually hurts the most. I'm dead...ah, I can't speak, so don't worry..."

"Suspicion is the main reason for the breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife... You are right. Deyu, do you know who he suspects me and?"

"Didn't he say nothing?"

"Maybe you've heard of it too. He suspects Mr. Tao and me!"

"Scared! How is this possible?" Xu Deyu was taken aback.

"Is it impossible? You must know that we were classmates back then, not only classmates, but also the same class, not only the same class, but also the same table! Speaking of which, you are also the person involved, and your brother's accident was actually because of me! That pighead Luo Shaoxing treated me badly." No four, Tao Tang couldn't get used to it, he protected me, and ended up hurting your brother and himself. Who knew that the water would not turn around, Tao Tang came back, and promoted me, and even promoted him, so Someone thought of it..."

"With it?"

"Of course he knows. Without me, would Tao Tang know him as a section chief?"

"Miss Lu..."

"It's okay. I was panicking for Tao Tangqu. Deyu, you are 20 years younger. Have you ever seen a more decent leader than Mr. Tao? I don't care, but I don't allow him to bury Tao Tang like that! This is What's the matter? I won't let even a little girl be spared? Can't Tao Tang have a woman by his side? Just wait and see, this time the inspection team is here, maybe something will happen!"

"Tao is always a good man." Xu Deyu got up and refilled Lu Qi's glass, "Sister Lu, don't get excited, yes, I hated him a little bit at the beginning, but I really can't blame him for my brother's incident. It's clear... Tao is always a good person, you are right, he is the first one for the common people. You are not afraid of the shadow when you are upright, so don't worry about him."

"Being upright is not afraid of the shadow slanting? If there is no such thing as something out of nothing, where did this sentence come from? Forget it, I will send the materials to him right now. Thank you, Deyu. Wait for me to find a chance, I want to ask him Mention you, at least a big increase in income!"

"Don't! I'm not that good!"

"What is proficiency? The leader said that you are enough and you are enough!" Lu Qi said viciously, "What's more, your proficiency is really good! In terms of writing skills, you can rank among the top three in our factory! Tao Tang has discovered this a long time ago. Such a big factory, doesn’t it need a division level to write materials?”

(End of this chapter)

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