Revival Road

Chapter 225 The Wind Rises 1

Chapter 225
"Wei Shegang, tell me the truth, did you send someone to do it?" Wei Fengru rushed into Wei Shegang's office aggressively, and shouted at his brother sharply.

"What's the matter? Are you so angry?" Wei She just stood up.Seeing the old sister's expression, he knew that she was really angry.

"Don't pretend to be confused! Let me ask you, where did you hide yesterday?"

The door was gently closed by the secretary.

"Don't mention it! There were two deaths and two injuries in the mine's roof fall! I personally led the team down the mine to save people!"

"What? Which mine?"

"Liuwan. It will be New Year's Day soon. When something like this happened, the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau and a large group of people went to the city... Didn't you read the news?"

"I rarely watch the news now."

Looks like she really doesn't care.How can you, as an entrepreneur, not read the news despite the countless hoaxes in the news?

"It's about to bleed now. The mayor of Shangguan is very angry, and the city is also affected..."

"What happened..." Wei Fengru's anger subsided a little, "Isn't Liuwan doing well all the time..." There is no need to go back now, the most feared thing is dead people, no need to ask, all coal mines of the mining company have stopped production .

"What did you yell at me just now? What happened?" Wei Shegang's eyes were bloodshot and he looked very tired.Wei Fengru noticed that his younger brother's hair was a little messy, it seemed that he was really busy yesterday.Wei Shegang pays great attention to grooming, especially hairdos, at most once a week at a fixed place.

"You really didn't do it?" Wei Fengru asked suspiciously.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with you? Xiao Wang," Wei Shegang called into the secretary, "make a cup of tea for my sister, Jin Junmei."

"It's not you?"

"What a mess! What is worthy of your royal conquest? The sky is falling?"

"Someone beat up the person surnamed Sun the morning before yesterday... the city paid special attention to it, I thought it was you who did it..."

"Which name is Sun?"

"Forget it, it's fine if it's not you. Hey, something happened in the mine, did he go?"

Of course he was referring to Tang Yikun.I don't know when, Wei Fengru and Wei Shegang used "he" to refer to Tang Yikun when they talked about Tang Yikun.

"No. He just called me, and he went to the province to get a loan. I still haven't figured out, what is the origin of this surnamed Sun? What does it have to do with you?"

"It has nothing to do with me...but it has something to do with him. Forget it, I see you are riding a should be busy." Wei Fengru glanced at her younger brother and turned to leave.

"Come on, I'm going to look for you... Have some tea and sit down for a while, hey, I won't see anyone!" Seeing the secretary come in, Wei Shegang waved his hands irritably.

"Director Wu of the City Safety Supervision Bureau is here..."

"Who should receive, let who go." Waving away the secretary, Wei Shegang said to the elder sister, "It's not a big deal, and I won't work for you, a god. Tell me, what happened to that surnamed Sun? He was beaten to death Is it? I haven’t heard of it.”

Wei Fengru's anger had almost subsided, so she briefly talked about Sun Dunquan.

"Wait," Wei Shegang became serious, "What did you say the name of that book was?"

""Daylight". I read about it, and it was indeed written about Donghu..."

"It's weird... First, he should be the one who did this. Why do you suspect me? Second, where did this Sun get the family history of Donghu?"

The doubts in Wei Fengru's heart rose again, "No, it will definitely not be him! Even if he wants to clean up this Sun, it will not be now! If you ask who knows him best, it is me! At this moment, don't say yes A book, no matter how big it is, he can endure it! You are right, someone is messing with him behind the scenes, the purpose is to prevent him from winning the new city project!"

Wei Shegang said coldly, "I know him too. Doesn't he do such things often? What does Luo Shaoxing do?"

"That was in the past! Can fighting the country be the same as defending the country?" Wei Fengru stared at his younger brother, "Luo Shaoxing was taken by Shuai Xiaoping to interrogate himself, it was definitely not him!"

"Who could it be?" Wei Shegang also stared at his sister.

"It's very simple. Whoever benefits from this matter is the one who did it."

"That's Tao Tang. Everyone knows that Tao Tang doesn't want to occupy his territory."

Wei Fengru felt a strangeness from Wei Shegang, "Dagang, you really don't know that book?"

"I really don't know. Do you think I am a person who has time to read? Let alone read online, I haven't finished reading the books he recommended to me a few years ago."

"Forget it..." Wei Fengru stood up, "She Gang, I want to remind you, the so-called 'brothers fight against the wall, and the outside world resists their insults', if he struggles, most of the money he earns will still be in the big pot of East Lake. Conversely, If the pillar of real estate is broken, needless to say about Tang Laosan's pile, can your mining industry survive?"

"Sister, what do you mean? Haven't we talked about this issue many times? If he lives with you wholeheartedly and for his family, what if he loses his fortune in mining? But how did he do it? To ensure the safety of the woman surnamed Dai, he almost emptied the East Lake security department! Who is he watching out for? That's right, I don't want to put all the resources of East Lake on real estate, unless he redistributes the shares!"

Wei Fengru was dumbfounded.The board meeting couldn't be held, so Tang Yikun didn't give everyone a chance to discuss at the meeting. Instead, he reprimanded her for being dizzy and taught him the story of Wu Sansi, as if she had become Wu Zetian, "It's just stupid! That's right, Qi Zhen is an outsider. But it has always been difficult to guard against a house thief! Does Qi Zhen have shares? Will your Wei family take the shares and leave them to Xiaotian? Dreaming!"

"If it doesn't work, let's split up..." Wei Fengru was really embarrassed.

"Separation? Separation at this time? Don't say that the Tang family will not agree, and the government will not agree! In fact, it is pure nonsense. I really regret that I indulged him too much..."

Why can't everyone work together like the beginning of the business?Wei Fengru asked herself countless times.As far as the wealth held by the Tang and Wei families is concerned, it is difficult to say in the whole country, but it is definitely the first in the province. Donghu is owned by the Tang and Wei families. But it didn't exceed 70%. If you calculate your net assets, let alone Xiaotian's generation, you can't spend ten lifetimes.Of course, those assets exist in the form of mines, machinery, real estate and factories. If they are realized, they may not get back that much money and it is not easy to realize it.But Tang Yikun's wealth is not limited to East Lake, how many houses and villas he has bought in coastal cities and scenic spots over the years, even Wei Fengru can't tell.It's a real investment, and the real estate has at least doubled in value.In order to be safer, Tang Yikun began to transfer his wealth "quietly" but legally many years ago. He bought properties in Hong Kong Island, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. She knew all of these, and most of them were based on her Or in the name of a pair of children, this is the real estate part.There are also a large number of shares with excellent growth that even she can't tell. This is movable property. He didn't hide it from her. Many shares are in her hands. It is a long-term investment and has achieved very considerable returns.

A few days ago, Cai Yuanhao (one of the very few people Tang Yikun really respected in his heart) made a special trip to her home to do her work, probably Tang Yikun told Mr. Cai about the recent housework.Wei Fengru's respect for Cai Yuanhao, who is clean and self-respecting but passionate about public welfare, is not inferior to Tang Yikun. For others, Wei Fengru would never allow him to intervene in her family affairs, but Cai Yuanhao is different. She is willing to talk to him and ask him Talk about your worries and pain.

So the two talked for a long time, and Wei Fengru truthfully told the whole story of her conflict with Tang Yikun, and also explained why she insisted on re-dividing the shares.

Cai Yuanhao listened to her quietly for more than an hour, and enlightened her a lot.Cai Yuanhao said that he has been dealing with Tang Yikun for almost 20 years, and he admires Tang Yikun's tactics and sharp vision in the business field. Just like the current new city construction, in a sense, it is Tang Yikun's leadership. Without Tang Yikun's promotion, at least The new city project will not start now.Among the entrepreneurs he knows, no one has surpassed your husband in terms of vision and skill. If Donghu was replaced by anyone at the helm, it would not be what it is today.But he doesn't agree with Tang Yikun's attitude towards life, but there's no way to do it. Society is like this. You know some truths better than me. How should I put it? Equality between men and women can only be an ideal. Human beings have changed from a matriarchal society to a patriarchal society. According to the objective law, it is males who dominate society and families at present and for a long time to come.It is too difficult to ask a person to be perfect, and many people whose situation cannot be compared with him have a much more absurd life than him.As his partner and friend for many years, I can only hope that he will return to the ground after soaring in the sky. I believe that as he grows older, he will become more and more pragmatic, because he is rare smart people.What do you mean by all this nonsense?I just hope that you can understand the situation clearly. The East Lake belongs to Tang Yikun, and it belongs to you too. If you insist on expanding the scope, it can barely be said to belong to your son.But it will never be someone else's. Tang Yikun earns 1 yuan, and he will get back at least 9000 yuan. I dare to say this.Under the current situation, it is indeed not suitable for recalculation and division of shares. Donghu needs to be stable, and competitors need to find no loopholes.You may not know that the super big cake of Hiraizumi New City has attracted countless people, not only local companies in Hiraizumi, but also companies in Beiyang and the province. The government is not the only choice of East Lake... Brother and sister, you are a rare girl Zhonghaojie, some truths are actually very simple, but under the control of angry emotions, you often can't see the situation clearly... Now, whoever hinders Donghu in the new city project, who advocates the separation of Donghu's family, is definitely not on your side superior!Think about it carefully... Tang Yikun is having a hard time right now. It can be said that he is in trouble at home and abroad. Think about it calmly. Tang Yikun has pushed East Lake to a new height through this big project. Who will benefit, and who will be the main beneficiaries?
These words touched Wei Fengru.So she thought of another possibility, and went to Wei Shegang.But the result was very bad, Wei Fengru really felt the danger, if he could find someone who could destroy the East Lake from the inside, there would be no one else besides Wei Shegang!

(End of this chapter)

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