Revival Road

Chapter 234 Organization and Personnel 5

Chapter 234 Organization and Personnel Five
"There is a system..." Zhao Qingmin pondered, "It cannot be said that it does not exist, nor can it be said that it is false. But I admit that it is not perfect."

"It's basically false." Tao Tang didn't give Zhao Qingmin any face. "I asked the Human Resources Department to count the year-end performance of last year and the year before. According to the amount given in the responsibility letter, how much was the average deducted from the assessment results? 334 yuan! It’s less than 30 yuan per month. For a mid-level worker who earns 1.1 or more a year, will he care about this amount? No. The most deducted is [-] yuan, and it is said that he has asked the factory many times to explain. If our major indicators are completed, this result is justified, but our indicators are endless. Among the main indicators, revenue, inventory, accounts receivable, and cost expense ratio have not been completed! Only one profit is completed, and I think it is false Yes, it was made by Han Zhiyong! The big indicators are not completed, but the grassroots indicators can be completed? Is it true that a little is deducted if it is not completed? In addition, the original so-called assessment system pays more attention to economic indicators and ignores others. It is something we must correct. The purpose of this assessment system is to truly separate the main aspects of the current job, such as the ability to perform duties, clean and political affairs, and distinguish between grades and grades. Only by rewarding the good and punishing the bad can it be implemented. In my opinion, in addition to business indicators and key tasks, there must be at least the following aspects: implementation of rules and regulations and even party discipline and state laws; responsibility for maintaining and increasing the value of state-owned assets; audit results during the tenure; The situation... The current situation is that as long as the main cadres move, the audit will find a lot of problems, hidden losses are common, if this continues, the company will be hollowed out, what's the matter?!"

Ma Guangming was shocked.If Tao Tang really assessed in this way, life would be difficult for middle-level cadres, especially middle-level executives in business units...

"In order to establish such an assessment system, it is not enough to rely solely on the Department of Development and Regulation. I want to set up a leading group, and the company's leaders, directors and supervisors, and departments such as the Department of Regulations, Finance, Supervision, Party and Mass, General Manager's Office, etc. should join in. Let the Ministry of Development and Regulations take the lead, come up with a plan as soon as possible, pass it on the enlarged board of directors, and then pass it at the workers' congress, let the employees come to supervise and evaluate the middle management. That's right, I just want to make the middle management feel uncomfortable , Employees will be comfortable only if they are uncomfortable.”

"I basically agree. It is right to strengthen the assessment and management of the middle-level team. But the staff representative meeting should not be attended? At most, it can be communicated at the team leader meeting..." Zhao Qingmin always felt that Tao Tang liked to use ordinary people To make a fuss, but he does not agree.It is not the past now, it is easy to mobilize the common people, but it is difficult to close the stalls.

"It's a good idea!" Ma Guangming agreed, "but I have a suggestion. Since the masses are allowed to evaluate the middle-level officials, can the company leaders also be included? Now there are indeed some middle-level officials who are not so obedient, or they look down on people. Dishes, Mr. Tao, they don’t dare not listen to your words, our group of people can’t speak so well sometimes, and our execution ability is naturally compromised..."

"Yes, it's also good to have an upper and lower linkage." Tao Tang nodded, "During the meeting, you can raise this opinion. In the end, there is an exit mechanism. This must be in place, and the sooner the more active."

"But don't launch it this year?" Zhao Qingmin said, "otherwise people will scold you for not teaching."

Tao Tang smiled, "It doesn't matter. Sitting on this chair, wanting not to be scolded can only show naivety. The principle of legislation first is of course correct. But there are a few less effective people who still have to give up their seats, especially considering the establishment of This is especially true for an organization in the form of a business department, otherwise even if a branch is established, there will definitely be endless internal struggles. Seniority is a real thing, and what many old guys rely on is almost left with seniority... Negative things too much!"

This sentence is a bit heavy.Ma Guangming felt that Tao Tang was alluding to Zhao Qingmin, so he interjected, "Mr. Tao, just now at the wine table you mentioned the matter of the vehicle parts branch. I agree, but what about the others? Do you want to establish it immediately?" ?”

The conversation then turned to more sensitive institutional issues.

"There is still a big difference in this matter. Secretary Zhao advocates a step-by-step approach out of prudence, and I still want to complete it in one step. What is reform? It is the redistribution of benefits. Mr. Han believes that it should be launched as soon as possible, while Mr. Li Firmly opposed, it cannot be said that it is unreasonable, as I said just now, we can only balance the two benefits and choose the lesser, and the two evils choose the lesser. I have been in the factory for eight months, and I feel that the traces of our planned economy are too strong. It’s a bit more serious. The branch factory is a profit center, but it is far away from the market, and everything is under the orders of the marketing department. If we have a single product, this system is not bad, but our product sequence has at least three categories, and the problem is more serious. I always think , Production units cannot produce behind closed doors, and scientific research units cannot close their doors to engage in scientific research. They must have zero distance contact with the market. The current system divides scientific research, production and sales into three distinct links, and there are many disadvantages! Old horse, You are in charge of production, you say it yourself, do you consider the market? Do you consider users?"

"The order is the market. That's right?" Zhao Qingmin interrupted.

"Of course. The order placed by the marketing department is the market..." Ma Guangming nodded, "Our production system has two main tasks. One is to ensure the completion of orders, and the other is to ensure quality."

"Look, you have discarded factors such as cost and price. Not to mention anything else, you mainly listen to the marketing department when it comes to users' feedback on product quality, right? This is a big problem! If producers can't Facing consumers directly will reduce the pressure on quality control and improvement. In fact, this is not the biggest drawback, the biggest drawback is cost control! Over the past six months, through the implementation of lean management, the company's total cost has been reduced by a large amount, ensuring However, the cost reduction is not mainly in the production area, but in other aspects! For example, the controllable expenses of the organization. However, in the cost structure, the production cost is the largest part, and the branches have little enthusiasm for it. , this is caused by the system, and the factory directors of the production branch cannot be blamed entirely. Only by making small calculations and letting the workshop directly bear the pressure of costs can this problem be fundamentally resolved. Now everyone is looking forward to wage increases, and in the future , You can put the salary increase and decrease at the grassroots level, those who have the ability will grow, and those who have no conditions should not grow, each according to his ability..."

This is the first time Ma Guangming has heard Tao Tang explain the reasons for establishing several branches with heavy authority.Previously, the Development and Planning Department responsible for organizational setup and responsibilities had sent a draft for comments on organizational reform marked "confidential, please do not spread to the outside world" to the company leaders.It was the beginning.No one will care about the six words marked on the cover of the document. Secrets are always used to pass on, and only things that are public are not noticed.

That night, Jiang Yansheng came to the door and asked him his views on institutional reform.Jiang Yansheng said bluntly, "There are advantages and disadvantages to setting up the four branches of accessories, gearboxes, agricultural machinery, and mining machinery. It is said that Liu Shulin's side has already become a mess, and it is almost time to mobilize people to petition... For the production system, there is no doubt that it will face difficulties. This is a huge change, how to manage the production after the establishment of the branch, and what Lu Qi did is not clear, I am very confused, I want to hear your opinion..."

Ma Guangming did not ask Jiang Yansheng where he saw the material.Perhaps it was Tao Tang who gave it to him, and everyone below was complaining that Jiang Yansheng would take over his job. Ever since he was pulled out by Tao Tang to "specialize" in relocation, there were especially many rumors.Three company leaders have been dumped in a row. Supplement is certain. No one wants to send someone outside. The most vocal ones are Jiang Yansheng and Liu Shulin. It is said that Li Luo has been shouting for Liu Shulin. The organizational reform plan of the National Institutes of Technology has just touched the pain points of the two candidates, Jiang Yansheng and Liu Shulin...

He did not directly reply to Jiang Yansheng's opinion on institutional reform, saying that he had not studied it yet and had not formed a mature view.But Lu Qi's plan undoubtedly has a background. If the superior will study it, he must jump out of the production gate to look at the problem, and don't leave a serious impression of egotism on the superior.

Jiang Yansheng has cooperated with him for many years, and he is generally happy.Jiang respects himself and is capable enough to be regarded as a general on the Hanma line. He supports Jiang Yansheng in his position, so he sincerely reminds this old subordinate.

But the communication between Ma Guangming and Han Zhiyong was much deeper.The day after receiving the document, Ma Guangming went to Han Zhiyong's house. The two lived in the same building, and rarely visited each other.

"I support this plan," said Han Zhiyong straight to the point in Han Zhiyong's quaint study. "This is a good plan. Whether it is streamlining the organization or compressing the production department, it is in line with the trend. I completely agree."

"However, in this way, the original pattern will be completely broken..."

"The wonderful thing is here. The biggest loss is not us, but Li Luo and Qiu Lin. Recently, Qiu Lin has a tendency to fall to Li Luo, you must have seen it. Once the four major branches are established, they need to change first. It's marketing, Li Luo is about to lose his job, haha. I really want to hear what this dear friend has to say... This is my reply to Lu Qi, you can read it..." After finishing speaking, Han Zhiyong handwritten the two-page manuscript He took it out of the drawer and handed it to Ma Guangming.

Ma Guangming looked it over, and Han Zhiyong analyzed the pros and cons of institutional reform, and thought that the pros far outweighed the cons, which is very good.It is suggested that part of the financial and personnel power be delegated to the branch company, "making it an initial market entity with independent accounting and self-responsibility for profit and loss..."

What Tao Tang said just now is equivalent to affirming Han Zhiyong's thinking. This is how the two of them thought of getting together... If Tao Tang persuaded Zhao Qingmin and Guo Tao, and gained the support of the Korean Department, the organization reform plan would go smoothly at the team meeting. Ma Guangming firmly believes.

"I think it's basically feasible..." Up to now, Ma Guangming has not replied to Lu Qi in writing.It has already passed the time given by the Ministry of Regulations, but Lu Qi did not urge.

"Secretary Zhao thinks that it is very risky to launch it all at once. He suggested that the accessories branch be established as a pilot first. Ma, you are in charge of this area. The relocation will start next year. First of all, we must ensure that the market share of this area is not lost... The candidate is very important, who do you think is suitable?" Tao Tang raised a more important question.

(End of this chapter)

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