Revival Road

Chapter 29 Qiu Lin

Chapter 29 Qiu Lin
Tao Tang came out of the third canteen, and saw Qiu Lin hurriedly walking towards him.

"We have found you."

"What happened?"

"Han Zhiyong has lost the money he gave me... Production is about to stop, so you can't criticize me for the collapse of the back wall."

"How much was taken away?"

"1500 million. After the meeting, I received a call from the purchasing department, and all the plans were disrupted."

"Oh, he greeted me... let's go, talk to me."

After 10 minutes, the two returned to Xiaozhao. Seeing Tao Tang come back, Xiaoye opened the door first and took the kettle to change the water.

"You go, don't worry about this. I'll talk to Mr. Qiu about something." Tao Tang took the electric kettle from Xiaoye.

"Tell me, Mr. Qiu." Tao Tang took out a cigarette from the desk drawer, tore open the package, "Do it yourself."

Qiu Lin took out his cigarette and put it back again, "Mr. Tao, 3500 million is not enough anyway, in fact, 5000 million is not enough. Under normal circumstances, the monthly material payment should not be less than 4 million. Always on credit, The sequelae are huge, not to mention the inflated price, the quality is still difficult to guarantee, and there are legal risks. However, if 5000 million is in place, I can guarantee that there will be no problems before mid-May, and 3500 million will not work. Han Zhiyong is always like this, It's kind of bullying..."

"Pay attention to your identity," Tao Tang laughed, "Mr. Han told me that there is a big gap in the outsourcing funds of the production department, and it is not enough to have only the main materials. Mr. Han has probably left for Beijing now. How about it, I Let the financial department make up for you with 1500 million."

"It's easy for me to handle. No, I don't drink tea, so don't bother you."

"Then smoke." Tao Tang took out a pack of cigarettes and threw them to Qiu Lin, "Mr. Qiu, how long do you care about the supply?"

"Less than half a year."

"I just wanted to chat with you, so I'm not in a hurry to go home, right? I eat enough for one person and the whole family is not hungry. Unlike you, don't let my wife say that I, the new general manager, are unreasonable."

Qiu Lin lit up his cigarette and took a deep puff. He looked like an old smoker, "Your matter is the biggest, you say."

"Old Qiu, when were you born?"

"In 67 years, I was the second-to-last in age in the team, and ranked first from the bottom."

Tao Tang smiled, "Then you are older than me. When did you join the factory?"

"In 89, more than 20 years have passed in a flash."

"What kind of positions did you hold before?"

"I was born in technology, research institute, technology department, branch factory technology department, and later became the branch factory manager and assistant to the factory manager. I joined the team the year before last."

"We're pretty much the same, but I've always been in management."

"How can I compare with you? I have studied your experience in Shengdong carefully, and to be honest, I admire it very much. I have been to Shengdong many times, but I have not seen you. There have been great changes in the past few years, not to mention management. Deep improvement, the appearance of Shengdong has changed a lot, especially the on-site management. Jiang Yansheng, oh, is the current production manager. He went to Shengdong to learn lean management the year before last, and he came back and told me that he really didn’t know. Once you see it, you don’t even know.”

"Haha, that's interesting." Tao Tang smiled, "It's the result of the joint efforts of Shengdong. The investment is not large, and the employees basically made the rectification spontaneously."

"That's the only way to learn..."

"Let's not talk about this for now. I want to talk about the purchasing department. Both Song Yue and Yang Wenhuan fell into the supply port, and the department has made a plan. What is the current thinking of the purchasing department? Is the order normal?"

"On the surface, it's okay. What everyone should do, in fact, it is impossible not to be affected."

"Yes, yes, how could it not be affected? After Yang Wenhuan and Ji Liqiang's accident, have special meetings been held to stabilize people's hearts?"

"After I took it, I opened it at least twice, one for the administration and one for the branch. The main purpose was to learn lessons and find problems."

"How's the effect?"

"It's hard to say. Everyone has concerns, and the rumors are still going on, so there is burden."

"There must be burdens, and they should be carried. The purchasing department is famous and notorious. It not only killed two big guys, but also stigmatized Red Star. Without burdens, it is inhumane."

"President Tao, although you have been in office for less than a week, I admire you, really." Qiu Lin suddenly changed the subject.

"Haha, what do you admire about me? We are all team members and comrades-in-arms, so don't say anything silly."

"No, it's sincere. I just ran to the big cafeteria just because you didn't want to eat small stoves. I admire you. But it's not necessary." Qiu Lin extinguished the cigarette butt in the ashtray, "Now, most of the purchasing department Employees are watching jokes, a few key positions are in jeopardy, and the middle-level team is still in shock, this is the real status quo."

"Well, let's not talk about the specific person. Do you think Ji Liqiang's lesson has been learned? The loophole is really closed?"

"Lesson... Mr. Tao, let me tell the truth, you can criticize if it's not suitable. The problem lies at the top. Without Yang Wenhuan's support, why should Ji Liqiang act so nonsense? The top obeys the rules, and the bottom naturally follows the rules."

"What you said is correct. But the middle-level team, party members and cadres are not puppets... There are directors, branch secretaries, and so many section chiefs and team leaders. Why are they all just decorations? Ji Liqiang's violation of discipline does not happen overnight They really can’t see or hear? Leaving aside ordinary employees, let’s just talk about the middle management of the procurement department. I don’t think they are being wronged at all if they are identified as dereliction of duty. Isn’t it?”

"Not wronged, but also wronged." Cheng Tao Tang stood up and poured tea, Qiu Lin lit a cigarette again, "Mr. Tao, you are the top leader, you may not understand all the situation below, and they are also in trouble."

"No, they have problems, and they have big problems. Just now, a technician who has been in the factory for three years can take the interests of the company as his own business. They are all old comrades. They are at the department level, and their seniority salary is several times that of others. Consciousness is not as good as a young man. You bring them my words and the original words, and say that I don’t care about the past, and I care about the future. The purchasing department has become the focus of attention of the employees. This is the purchasing department We must seriously reflect on the lessons learned by Ji Liqiang, start to find loopholes in the system, and then establish rules and regulations to plug the loopholes. If it is done well, I will let the past go, and there will be rewards for meritorious service. There will be no less. Blame me for taking over the procurement team."

"Okay, I will convey it, and convey it at the general meeting of the purchasing department. Rectify and reform from the beginning, and I will be responsible for it personally."

"The system is easy to set, the key is execution."

"Mr. Tao, I am confident that I will do a good job in this area and not hold you back."

"It's not a delay, but an engine. Let's work hard together. It won't delay your meal."

Qiu Lin is a junior in the team. If Yang Wenhuan hadn't collapsed, he would not be in charge of purchasing.Purchasing used to be fat, but now it has become a stinky muddy pond to avoid.Tao Tang's conversation with him today objectively boosted Qiu Lin's morale.

Tao Jin broke in and interrupted the conversation between Tao Tang and Qiu Lin.

"This is my brother..." Tao Tang introduced.

"I know, I won't bother you two anymore." Qiu Lin stood up and said goodbye.

"Is there something wrong?" Tao Tang pushed the cigarette case in front of his elder brother.

"Second brother, how can you eat in the cafeteria? Go home to eat in the future. Or the neighbors should gossip."

"No. I'm short on time, it's convenient to eat in the cafeteria, and I'm used to it. Brother, do you want to ask me for something else?"

"Yes... second child, are you going to deal with Han Ruilin?"

"Where did you hear about it?" Tao Tang became alarmed. He had just had a meeting this afternoon, and he hadn't studied the matter yet. How did it get to his ears?
"Don't ask me any more. The affairs of our factory can't be kept secret at all. Han Ruilin came to me, and he was terrified..."

"Brother, let me tell you seriously, don't meddle in other people's affairs. Whether Han Ruilin violated discipline and whether he should be dealt with is the power of the Party and Government Joint Committee. It doesn't matter if I say it alone."

"Second brother, let me tell you, Han Ruilin is your classmate, a hero and three gangsters..."

"I don't need help from someone like him."

"Second brother, you don't know, there are many such things, not to mention your level, the directors and directors of the branch factory, there are many good friends, can you take care of it?"

"Did Han Ruilin say that?"

"No, it's not. Don't misunderstand." Tao Jin was a little afraid of his younger brother. "Besides, Han Ruilin's incident on Sunday was purely a misunderstanding..."

Tao Tang's cell phone rang, "Wait a minute." He took the cell phone from the bed and connected it.

"Oh, it's you. Hello..." The phone call came from the sales lady of Golden Olive, "95% off? Well, you keep the house, and I will go through the formalities this week." After a little thought, Tao Tang decided to buy it, "Okay, you can send the things you need to prepare to my mobile phone, goodbye."

"You want to buy a house? Where can you buy it?" asked Tao Jin who had just lit a cigarette.

"Golden Olive is not far from the factory, only four or five miles away. My parents are clamoring to come back, so I might as well buy them a house. I went to see it yesterday, and it's okay."

"How big?"

"160... It's a rough house, and it needs to be renovated. By the way, what did you say about Han Ruilin just now?"

"What did I say?" This news made Tao Jin a little confused.

"Han Ruilin..."

"Oh, Han Ruilin was wronged."

"Injustice?" Tao Tang felt amused.

"He has nothing to do with Mu Guihua. Because Mu Guihua's husband is a classmate with Han Ruilin and has a good relationship. After his death, Han Ruilin has been helping Mu Guihua. It was Mu Guihua's younger brother who was messing around that day, and he later admitted it."

"Who admitted it?"

"I didn't make it clear. It was Mu Guihua's younger brother Mu Jianhua who admitted that he was messing around... If you don't believe me, you can ask Mu Jianhua."

"Brother, I don't have time to take care of these bad things. Really. Since someone suggested that Han Ruilin messed with men and women at the meeting, there must be an explanation. I have already handed it over to others. Brother, don't take care of these things, understand? Don't be greedy for petty gains. If they have something to do, ask them to contact me directly, or to the relevant department. Is that why you came here today?"

Tao Jin did accept a generous gift from Han Ruilin.Tao Jin was a little embarrassed when his younger brother told the truth.If the second child hadn't come back, no one would have given him a gift.In fact, he has taken on several jobs, some for promotion, some for job transfer, and some for his children to enter the factory, because Tao Tang only went home once, and time was tight, so he didn't have the chance to talk about it.Han Ruilin's gift was the heaviest and the most urgent, so he agreed to Han Ruilin's statement immediately.But my brother has this attitude...

"It's okay, go back and rest, and tell Han Ruilin that you should behave yourself. I'm his classmate, and I'm also the chairman of Red Star. I can tell which is more important and which is more important."

"Second, it's rare for me to beg you once, give me a promise."

"What's the right word? I don't have the right word here. I'm too busy with serious business, so I don't have time to care about the shitty things in his crotch." Tao Tang frowned.

The phone rang again, this time it was Tang Yikun calling, saying that he had told his subordinates about strengthening cooperation with Red Star, and invited Tao Tang to Donghu Mining Company for a detailed discussion tomorrow.

"Brother is quick. Okay, I agree. Tomorrow? Yes, I'll be there tomorrow." Tao Tang thought for a while and said to Tao Jin, "Brother, I want to invite some people to talk about things, you can go back."

(End of this chapter)

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