Revival Road

Chapter 32 East Lake Tour 1

Chapter 32
"Mr. Tao, you spoke very well at the production administrative meeting yesterday. It's because I didn't do a good job..." Zhao Qingmin came to Tao Tang's office just after work on Wednesday morning, and found that Tao Tang was not wearing work clothes today, but Wearing a short-sleeved shirt, "You're right."

"Please sit down. Secretary Zhao, I have always believed that state-owned enterprises are different from private enterprises that pursue profit as their sole goal. We are responsible for such a tragedy that happened in Red Star."

"Chang Wenhai reported the situation to me. It's really a pity. I plan to mobilize various branches to make a donation, and the trade union will also contribute a little money. Let's talk about it."

"Yes. But the donation must be voluntary. Should the scope be narrowed to the two-level team? You can decide. What I am thinking about is how to prevent this from happening again. That is a very good employee, and the feedback in several aspects is good. Diligence Diligent, hard-working, but overwhelmed by the difficulties of life. It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be."

"The key is that our salary is still low, but it didn't happen today, and it has nothing to do with you. Mr. Tao, I don't think it's appropriate for you to donate a month's salary. Let me quote a sentence from an old man: This kind of thing is even worse. There are many, let’s solve them as a whole.”

It has been Zhao Qingmin's sixth year as a secretary, but he can't remember discussing such issues with the top leaders.He got the news in the morning, and also heard that Tao Tang went to the No. 57 courtyard, and heard that Tao Tang broke into Ma Guangming's regular meeting yesterday before he got off work, because Tao Tang didn't communicate with him, because Tao Tang didn't call him The secretary of the party committee appeared together, but he did not show up.After thinking about it for a long time at night, I felt something was wrong, so I made up for it early in the morning.He didn't sympathize with the young worker who committed suicide, but he didn't want to have a rift with Tao Tang because of a trivial matter.He is 14 years old, and he is [-] years older than Tao Tang. It is his highest ideal to strive for another term and retire safely.

"This kind of thing shouldn't happen with low salary. Wang Luochuan entered the factory at the age of 20 and has worked in Red Star for nine years. During this period, he was elected as an outstanding employee twice. If he wanted to change jobs, he would have jumped. The root cause of his suicide. According to my incomplete understanding, it may be the failure of love that led to the despair of his life. Yes, love is a personal behavior, and the organization can’t control it and shouldn’t. , The workshop director discovered this, and talked to him, I don’t think he will be desperate. Moreover, I don’t think our salary is absolutely low. I understand, five insurances and one housing fund, we also have a lot, plus hidden income, Red Star may not be worse than ordinary private companies. I have already explained to the Human Resources Department and asked them to conduct a survey on the salaries of state-owned and private companies in Hiraizumi. The Labor Bureau must have such data. Secretary Zhao, I think how to promote the benefits of state-owned companies How to carry forward the traditional power of our party’s political and ideological work has always been a big topic, and we still have a lot to strengthen in this regard.”

"You are right to criticize." Zhao Qingmin nodded.Xin said that the headquarters really made a mistake, and this guy should be allowed to sit in his chair.Take a look at the work he came to the factory to do. Except for the general manager's office meeting to arrange and deal with a few irrelevant matters, all his energy was devoted to the party and the masses.Li Luo?Li Luo must be laughing out loud.At the beginning, Song Yuelai started by grasping the power of wealth, but he was lucky enough to fight with himself.

"I was just about to tell you that today I will take a few people to Donghu Group."

"Oh." Zhao Qingmin said thoughtfully, you are a master, you can go wherever you want.In the past, Song Yue never greeted herself when she went out.

"Chairman Tang Yikun from East Lake called me last night and hoped that I would go to him to discuss cooperation issues. Tang is always my middle school classmate and we had dinner together last Saturday. I mentioned the cooperation with him. He agreed to strengthen cooperation. Yesterday afternoon, I just learned about the supporting situation of Donghu Machinery and Donghu Mining products from the production department. I feel that the two sides have a promising future for cooperation, especially in mining machinery. I plan to lead marketing, production, and planning. , the top leaders of research institutes and other units.”

"This is a good thing. Donghu Mining is the largest mining group in Hiraizumi. Half of the coal mines in the city have been bought by Donghu. It's very bullish. Mr. Tang has such a good relationship with you. It's a good thing."

"That's it? I'm leaving now. I'll leave the family affairs to my brother."

In front of Zhao Qingmin, Tao Tang called Zhang Xingwu, "Go to Donghu Industrial. Inform the marketing, production, planning, technology, quality and research institutes. In addition to the main leaders of the department, comrades in charge of contracts and research and development should be brought along. Let the office arrange A bigger car."

"Can Coste?"

"Of course. By the way, inform Mr. Li and Mr. Jiang to go too."

"I'll arrange it right away." Zhang Xingwu turned around and left.

"Wait, I'll arrange specific tasks after I get in the car."

"Understood." Zhang Xingwu looked at his watch and hurried to notify.

"I think of something, and I'll tell you." Zhao Qingmin walked to the door and turned back, "The investigation of Han Ruilin's matter has come to fruition. It's not what the rumors say. Li Luo is a person who hears the wind and it rains."


"Indeed. Chang Wenhai arranged for the security department to understand, and the woman's brother confirmed that he had misunderstood."

"Understood. By the way, I arranged for the Ministry of Labor and Labor to pay back wages. It will be May Day soon, and I wanted to wait for the Ministry of Issuance and Regulations to calculate again, but I won't wait. We can't let the employees pay for our mistakes."

"That's good. Is there enough money?"

"Han Zhiyong will get back at least [-] million this week."

"That's great." Zhao Qingmin smiled, "President Tao, it's different now that you're here."

"That's our money... The headquarters is good at being a man. You see, even you, the secretary, are grateful to Dade."

Half an hour later, Tao Tang boarded Coster who was waiting outside the building. There were already more than a dozen people in the car. Zhang Xingwu and Li Zhibin stood in front of the car. Call me if you have anything to do." After finishing speaking, he got into the car, besides Li Luo and Jiang Shangyun, Liu Shulin, director of the marketing department, Liu Xinjun, director of the regulatory department, Lu Qi, deputy director, and Li Meng, director of the research institute, were all there. A few do not know.Zhang Xingwu, who followed behind, introduced Tao Tang, Jiang Yansheng, assistant general manager and director of the manufacturing department, Ren Liansheng, deputy chief engineer and director of the technical department, Chen Yongliang, director of the quality department, Zuo Yun (female), deputy director of the marketing department, Yikeke Lin Fule, Director, Ren Linwei, Director of the Second Research Institute, etc.

Tao Tang found Lu Qi in the car.He was a little strange, he didn't know why Lu Qi was notified, he didn't say a word, sat down in the most spacious seat reserved for him, said that everyone was present, and then left.The car started.

After leaving the factory gate, Tao Tang turned around, "Comrades, due to time constraints, there was no time to make detailed arrangements. Last night, Mr. Tang Yikun, chairman of the board of directors of Donghu Group, called me and invited us to go to Donghu headquarters today to discuss the two sides. Cooperation matters. Because I made a request to Mr. Tang two days ago, our purpose today is to further broaden the depth and breadth of cooperation with Donghu Group, so as to expand our product line. Because I basically have no idea about the cooperation with Donghu Group. Understood, let's talk about specific matters, especially marketing. Vice President Li?"

Li Luo, who was sitting in the row behind Tao Tang, bowed his body, "President Tao has to decide the big principle. We will follow the tone determined by President Tao."

Tao Tang nodded, "How many contracts have we signed with Donghu this year?"

Lin Fule stood up, just as the car turned a corner, shaking him to sit down again, Tao Tang smiled, "Section Chief Lin, right? Sit down and talk."

"Reporting to Mr. Tao, there are 4.85 million contracts that have been formally signed, and 3.45 million that are under negotiation and have not yet been signed."

"Sounds like a lot. How much did you do with Donghu last year?"

This time it was Zuo Yun who answered, a very masculine lady sitting in the last row next to Lu Qi, "Mr. Tao, the actual production value of East Lake last year was 11 billion."

"Oh. Just now it was said that there are more than [-] million contracts that have not been negotiated. What is the reason?"

Li Luo coughed lightly, "It's mainly because of the price. Donghu requested a price reduction, the most of which was as high as 10%. The Finance Department calculated that it couldn't afford it, so it dragged on."

"Understood. What is the reason for this year's total drop of nearly 30%?"

"Their market is also shrinking." Li Luo directly blocked other people's reports.

Tao Tang kept staring at Lin Fule, who looked a bit sloppy, and saw that he pursed his lips, as if he didn't agree with Li Luo's statement.But Tao Tang remained silent, "Oh, it seems that their life is not easy. Comrades, even if it is 8 million, it is still a big customer, and it is totally worth our trip. Isn't it?" Tao Tang noticed that the team Jiang Shangyun, the oldest chief engineer in the village, sat in a single seat on the other side, "Mr. Jiang, how many products do we have for East Lake?"

"A lot. There are always dozens of them. I don't remember the exact number." Jiang Shangyun asked Ren Linwei of the second office, "Xiao Ren, come and report."

"Easier." Tao Tang reminded.

"We have more than 70 species, and there are some more in the three institutes. There are more than 90 species in total. There are more than a dozen species that are urgently urged by Donghu Lake."

"Is it going well?"

"It's basically under control."

"What is basic?" Tao Tang frowned.He admires precision and hates vagueness.If he was a cadre of Shengdong Company, he would never fool him with words like "basic", "almost", and "approximately".

"There are two, no, three new products will definitely be delayed..." Ren Linwei sensed Tao Tang's dissatisfaction.


Ren Linwei cast a look at Li Meng for help, and Li Meng said, "Mr. Tao, the situation is like this. The main reason is that the manpower is tight. In addition, the other party has repeatedly modified the technical status..."

"Director Li, I don't care what method you use, you must complete the production of new products on time, is that okay?"

"Let's go back to study, mobilize our strength, and try to finish it on time," Li Meng said.

"It's not a fight, but a guarantee. I'll keep an eye on this matter, and I'll go to the second institute to watch it when I get back. Mr. Jiang, spare your energy and pay attention."

"No problem." Jiang Shangyun nodded

Tao Tang didn't ask any more questions, but closed his eyes and fell asleep.The others naturally fell silent.

"They're all scumbags..." Zuo Yun, who was sitting at the back with Lu Qi, whispered to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi didn't say a word.She resented Tao Tang somewhat, but she couldn't tell anyone.Since last Saturday, this is the third time she and Tao Tang have been in close contact. The first time was when he called Luo Chong and himself to his office to discuss the assessment system. occur.The second time was yesterday afternoon's regular production meeting. She was moved by Tao Tang. Tao Tang's true feelings for the employees moved her, even if it was pretending or acting, she was also moved.The third time is now.She likes Tao Tang's sharp style, which is a long-lost seriousness, and she hasn't seen it for a long time.She completely agrees with Zuo Yun's words, this group of people are assholes, they were questioned by Tao Tang, scolded by Tao Tang, they immediately succumbed.

Seeing that Zuo Yun closed his eyes to rest, she took out her mobile phone and found Tao Tang's text message again. She could understand the song "Partridge Sky", and she could barely compose the Xiaoshan Ci she gave him. It was beautiful. The woman's singing voice is beautiful and her body is enchanting. Why not get drunk when such a beautiful woman persuades her to drink?The wine is gone, and the alcohol is still there, but her singing is still lingering in her ears.The night is so peaceful and beautiful, with blue clouds and sky, I still think about her appearance.But she is like the goddess of Wushan, illusory.I am a person who is dreaming of love, I will throw away all the etiquette and law, and quickly step on the poplar flowers to find my sweetheart.

Is he willing to give up "etiquette"?And me?Lu Qi only felt a tightness in her chest.

(End of this chapter)

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