Revival Road

Chapter 39 Compensation for Forced Demolition Cases

Chapter 39 Compensation for Forced Demolition Cases
"Old Lu, did you give Boss Tao a wind? This errand is not easy to handle, but it is still satisfactory. At least I feel satisfied." Just after work in the afternoon, Zhao Zhenghong, the director of the legal office, ran to Lu Qi's office.

"What errand?" Lu Qi didn't understand.

"You don't know? Mr. Tao called me over yesterday and asked me to negotiate with Donghu on behalf of the company."

"What are you negotiating with?"

"Of course it's the fault of your classmate's family." Zhao Zhenghong, nicknamed "Big Face Cat", is the director of the legal office, but he doesn't seem to be practicing law. He snatched Lu Qi's water glass and drank it all in one go, "I'm thirsty to death Yes, it's really hot today."

Lu Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she might not be able to use this water glass because she was a bit of a clean freak, "It's done? What's the result?" She seemed very proud of Zhao Zhenghong's tone.

"I just came back from the city at one o'clock. Damn, I didn't even care about the meal. I just went to report to Mr. Tao's office. The Propaganda Department is here, so I ran to you." Zhao Zhenghong picked up a magazine on the table as a fan Fanning.

"My Director Zhao, did you make it clear? What did you fight for?"

"The total is 75, including the hospitalization fees they paid in advance. Do you think this result will satisfy Mr. Tao?"

"75...It sounds like a lot. Li Suyi's husband's monthly salary is probably less than 3000 yuan... Let's count it as 3000 yuan. Ten years is 3 yuan, and 30 years is 90 yuan... Li Suyi is the same age as me. The age of his husband is unknown, so he should be able to live another 30 years. What is the average life expectancy of a man announced by the state? About 75, right? We also need to consider the increase in wages..."

"It's not your calculation." Zhao Zhenghong yelled, "Sister, if you do this, you will kill me. The City Bureau and the Xicheng Branch have also intervened. Our side is not without a little responsibility... In addition, Donghu has also Paying for a house."

"They should have compensated for the house, shouldn't they?" Lu Qi thought of the violent demolition process she learned about when she visited Li Suyi for the second time, and felt that this compensation was really not much.

"Hey, if you are the boss, I have no choice but to resign. You should also count the cost of funds. Can he earn back 75 at once? Even if he throws 75 in the bank, there will be [-] to [-] in interest every year, right? What if you buy a fund?" , buy stocks or do business?"

"Whose stand are you speaking on? I wonder about your attitude."

"Grandma, how do you know the difficulty of the negotiation? If Mr. Tao hadn't greeted Donghu, they would never have given in. Litigation? Just wait."

"Donghu paid the money?"

"Nominally, Deng Guoming's Yinqiao Company paid of course, but representatives from Donghu participated. Yinqiao Company and Donghu have a cooperative relationship. Donghu will definitely not be involved in a lawsuit. Yinqiao Company is an independent legal person." Zhao Zhenghong said again. Lu Qi's water glass was filled with water on the water dispenser, "Sister, you help me with my staff, is President Tao satisfied with the result?"

"I don't know. But I can tell you that Mr. Tao will definitely ask you about the compensation standard in Hiraizumi City," Lu Qi recalled the first time she reported in Tao Tang's office last week, "Our new boss values ​​rules. for sure."

"The compensation standard is different. Because the case is defined as negligence and injury, and this side has to bear a little responsibility. If calculated according to this, there may not be so many." Zhao Zhenghong pondered.

"That's a good deal."

"The key is Li Suyi. I'm afraid you have to come forward to do some work. If she agrees, you can get the money after signing. If you don't agree, the matter will be delayed..."

"Have you seen her?"


"Li Suyi."

"Why do I see her?"

"Hey, you are fighting for her rights on behalf of the company, how can you not see the sufferer?"

"I asked Han Ruilin to look for her, and she said that she wanted 100 million. She is really poor and crazy. No, it wasn't Li Suyi who said it, but her father."

"Ah, I almost forgot. Since it's manslaughter, there must be a murderer, right? If you don't spend some money, you won't be held accountable?"

"Prosecution. Why not? The secretary of the municipal party committee, Wang, personally issued instructions, and the police are concerned. The murderer has been identified, but he escaped and is being arrested. It is because of this that Yinqiao Company is very dissatisfied. What a loss."

"It's not acting, is it?"

"No, no. The police have also gone, and the police will not lie for Deng Guoming..." Just as he was speaking, Zhao Zhenghong's cell phone rang, and it was Li Zhibin calling, saying that Boss Tao let her go.

"I have to go." Zhao Zhenghong hurried away.

Tao Tang is still asking about this matter... Lu Qi thought, 75 yuan in compensation sounds like a lot, plus a house and the refund of her husband's pension fund and other personal parts... Maybe Li Suyi will not save such a large sum in her entire life For the sum of money, the house belongs to the old lady, and Li Suyi only has a share, but the compensation belongs to Li Suyi, and it is not easy for others to dispute.With this money, Li Suyi can give her child out to school, and almost help her child start a family... The price is losing her husband and enduring the pain of being widowed in middle age.Lu Qi took out her phone and wanted to tell Li Suyi the news brought by Zhao Zhenghong, but after thinking about it, she felt that there were some uncontrollable factors in it, so she finally didn't call.My thoughts turned to Tao Tang for some reason, maybe it was brought out by the words "middle-aged widowed" that flashed in my mind just now?Until now, she has not figured out how Tao Tang's wife died and how he got here all these years.Of course, Tao Tang is not Li Suyi, he should not be short of money, but the pain of being widowed in middle age will also be borne and cannot be escaped.

He is too busy.Although standing outside the circle, Lu Qi already felt Tao Tang's heavy work.Less than ten days after he came to the factory, the atmosphere in the office building has changed. The main change is that people go to work early, especially middle-level officials, and there is no longer the phenomenon of arriving after the bell rings.Liu Xinjun, the head of the regulatory department, is an example. Assistant Liu, who is always late, advances his work time by a quarter of an hour, always afraid that Tao Tang will find him.But Tao Tang never looked for him once, and Lu Qi felt Liu Xinjun's uneasiness.Especially after Tao Tang suddenly fired Quan Jianhe from his post.

The reason why Quan Jianhe was dismissed has spread.That person is Boss Han's confidant, who has always been favored and proud.Many people were secretly happy that Quan Jianhe was exonerated.But Lu Qi was a little worried, would Tao Tang kill Quan Jianhe when Han Zhiyong was on a business trip, would he push Han Zhiyong to the opposite side?Among the leaders of the company, Li Luo formed his own system and was the most powerful. Han Zhiyong and Ma Guangming belonged to another faction, and they were always on the same page.Tao Tang has shown signs of using marketing, how can he make another strong enemy?If you push these two factions to the opposite side, you will be very passive at work... Based on her experience, the leader is sometimes very helpless and has to make reluctant compromises. Isn't Song Yue the best example?When hearing the news of Quan Jianhe's dismissal, Lu Qi even regretted that she hadn't taken the initiative to tell Taotang Hongxing Factory's senior management about the complex and sharp power struggle.She hates this senseless fight, but her husband, who only wants to be a commentator but not an athlete, laughs at her naivety. Lao Fan believes that struggle is absolute and harmony is relative.The essence of power is struggle, and if there is no struggle, there will be no control over power.Mr. Tao's choice of object may be negotiable, but beheading the general and offering sacrifices to the flag is a must.If you don't cut off a few who don't have long eyes, who is afraid?She didn't continue to argue with Lao Fan on this issue, because she had never been able to compete with Comrade Lao Fan who was "full of knowledge" but had actually achieved nothing.

I wanted to take the opportunity to go to his office this morning to talk, and it was a good excuse to report the backpayment situation.After the news came out, the whole factory was jubilant, and they all praised the new boss for being a good boss.But she knew that he was sacrificing himself to perfect others.However, Lao Fan also had the same opinion, and it was rare for him to agree with her once.The arrears are a legacy of the predecessor, which cannot be remembered on his head.It's good now, I owe this month's salary, and I can do it all at once, which is less than 1500 million yuan!The old debts are cleared, what about the follow-up production and operation?The production is already in a serious emergency. She is in charge of the top-level assessment. The overall situation is very clear. Jiang Yansheng of the production department said that the 1000 million outsourcing funds are just a drizzle.Qiu Lin's material payment is even bigger, at least three or four hundred million a month.To ordinary people, 1000-[-] million is an astronomical figure, but to the decision-makers of Red Star, [-] million is just a drizzle.The electricity bill alone costs [-] million yuan per month, and the financial cost is even bigger.Coupled with the problem of foreign debts that have already increased legal risks, isn't Quan Jianhe just falling on it?The little money Tao Tang brought back was really not enough to spend.Of course, the main channel of funds is marketing, there is no water upstream, and the downstream is naturally dry.But shouldn't he show the momentum to rectify marketing as soon as he comes?Didn't Li Luo challenge the bosses based on this?With the marketing team pinched in his hands, it was equivalent to strangling the boss's neck.Lu Qi knew that the relationship between Song Yue and Li Luo was extremely tense at one time, but Song Yue finally gave in. He didn't dare to take the risk of losing the market, otherwise it would collapse.

Should I tell him?Lu Qi hesitated.I am just a deputy director, going to talk to the leader about the factions in the team?What is not overreaching?How would he see himself?But she felt that she was not an ordinary deputy, he trusted herself, he never forgot herself, at least regarded herself as a friend.Wasn't what she said at the East Lake Club that day, and asking her about the personnel of the marketing department that day, the best proof?She mentioned Li Suyi's plight to him, didn't he send the "big face cat" out and achieved results?Moreover, he is a good person, a good official, and he is still the cheerful, enthusiastic, sunny and upright Tao Tang in his mind.For his future, I should talk to him...

Zhao Zhenghong is back.

"How?" Lu Qi withdrew her thoughts.

"Boss Tao asked very detailed questions, but it's basically done."

"What do you mean by basic business?"

"Don't you still have your classmate? Do me a favor and persuade her, let's forget it. To be honest, if it wasn't for Mr. Tao's help, the other party would never be so happy."

"Should I thank them for co-authoring?"

"Old Lu, do you really live in a vacuum? Behind the Silver Bridge is the East Lake. What can the city do with the East Lake? East Lake Hanlin is a project that the mayor of Shangguan personally grasped. Huajin Road became intestinal obstruction, and East Lake was affected by the city. Yinqiao was persecuted by Donghu, so they were in a hurry. I only heard their asking price when I went there. To be honest, it was really too much. I reported the situation to Mr. Tao truthfully, and Mr. Tao ordered it. Head. It can be seen that Tao always values ​​friendship, and even asked you to buy some gifts to express condolences to Li Suyi on behalf of the company. He really has no time, and he has to hold a publicity meeting at night. Lao Lu, which boss do you think would do this? Ah, of course, you are classmates."

"He really said that?"

"Hey, do I dare to falsely preach the imperial decree?"

"What's wrong with the propaganda? Secretary Zhao is in charge of it. Why is he in charge of the propaganda?"

"How would I know? Mr. Tao got angry just now and scolded the Propaganda Department. I think Minister Cui walked away with a straight face."

(End of this chapter)

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