Revival Road

Chapter 5 Taking office

Chapter 5 Taking office
Lu Qi entered the large conference room with light music playing fifteen minutes earlier, and it was almost full, only the first few rows had vacant seats.After signing in, Lu Qi had no choice but to sit in the front, just next to Han Ruilin.

As in the past, the first two rows were not seats for her at this level, they were reserved for the assistant general manager and deputy chief engineers.That is a special group, whose position is between the deputy general manager and the middle-level principal, and the chief assistant is a little higher than the deputy chief engineer.Their pay is lower than that of deputy general managers, but much higher than that of middle-level executives.After Lu Qi entered the middle level, she planned her own life goals, which was to take the position of deputy chief engineer, such as deputy chief economist.Of course, she also had an opportunity, but she didn't grasp it, and the opportunity was naturally lost.But she does not regret it, there is always a bottom line in life that must be adhered to, and cannot be easily crossed.But every time she saw the figures of the corpses in the team of the deputy chief division, Lu Qi's heart was inevitably filled with grievances.

"Old classmate, I really didn't expect it..." Han Ruilin had an unconcealable excitement on his face.

Lu Qi didn't say a word, she lowered her head and fiddled with the notebook and gel pen.She knew the reason why Han Ruilin was happy. He and Tao Tang were relatively close when they were in the class.Tao Tang has become the top leader of the company, Han Ruilin has reason to be happy.Lu Qi also knew another reason why he was happy. In the past two years, due to the sharp decline in the company's profitability, various lawsuits, and criticism from the legal office, Han Ruilin's life was naturally difficult.Now that Tao Tang is in power, Han Ruilin probably feels that his hard life should come to an end.

"I heard that Big Face Cat was criticized by Secretary Zhao last night..." Han Ruilin leaned closer to Lu Qi and lowered his voice.

Lu Qi dodged Han Ruilin's approaching head, and a smell of smoke still wafted into her nostrils, "How do you know? The secretary reported to you?"

"Don't speak like that..." There was another person sitting beside him, and Han Ruilin swallowed the rest of the words.

Lu Qi's eyes fell on the rostrum.There is no monogram and no flowers, which is a rarity.The seat sign can be clearly seen. In the middle is Feng Shizhao's seat sign with a larger font. On the left is the seat of Director Zhang of the Provincial Defense Industry Office, and on the right is Tao Tang. Only Zhao Qingmin was arranged in the front row, and even Guo Tao, the leaders of Red Star, was pushed to the back row.After Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue fell from the horse one after another, what the leaders of Red Star need is not to be eye-catching, but to be low-key.

Lu Qi was surprised by Feng Shizhao's presence.The arrival of Feng Shizhao, the leader of the group and alternate member of the Central Committee, was completely beyond her expectations.What does this mean?There is not only the high regard of Tao Tang from the headquarters, but also the serious situation of Red Star Company.But this is a good thing... Lu Qi thinks that the top leadership of Red Star, which has been completely bureaucratized, will correctly interpret the meaning, and the original worries about Tao Tang's smooth control of power will be basically eliminated.In the existing system, power is basically granted by superiors, and your own ability accounts for up to [-]% of the factors. No matter how capable you are, you will achieve nothing without the support of your superiors.

The middle-level cadres in the venue were all whispering, perhaps everyone was aware of the same problem.In the history of Red Star's top leadership change, it was the first time that the top leader of the headquarters came to sit in person.The importance of today's meeting cannot be overstated.Compared with the past, the venue was much more solemn.Everyone knows that Hongxing is about to face major changes. In the usual language, the sky of Hongxing is about to change.

Lu Qi was thinking silently.Unlike most middle-level people, Lu Qi doesn't think about herself.She is 43 years old. For a female corporate cadre, she is already the age of "Red Xia Fei in the sunset and the west mountain". The hope of promotion is basically cut off.She was thinking about the company and the situation Tao Tang would face after he took office.As the leader of the company's core management department, she is well aware of Red Star's operating conditions.If the headquarters does not give the policy, no matter how capable Tao Tang is, it will be difficult to do anything...

Her thoughts naturally turned to Tao Tang, and she suddenly longed to see him. After more than 20 years, what does that bright and straightforward young man look like?

In these years, Tao Tang must have returned to Red Star.Tao Tang's parents moved away later, that is, after Tao Tang made a fortune.Before his parents followed him, it was impossible for him not to come back to visit his parents.But Hongxing is too big, and she lost contact with him after the college entrance examination. She only knew that he was admitted to Fudan University in the second year.Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. Without that accident, he might not have been admitted to Fudan University... What exactly did he experience after graduation?How could such an achievement be achieved in 20 years?The status of Shengdong Company in the group is no less than that of Red Star, especially in recent years, it has become a first-class subsidiary of the group.Perhaps it was because of his success in Shengdong that the group sent him back to Red Star.However, can Tao Tang replicate his success in Shengdong?

Lu Qi took out her phone to check the time, it was already 35:[-], and the protagonists hadn't come yet.She turned her phone to vibrate and put it back in her handbag.It seemed that the meeting of the leadership was not so smooth, otherwise, they would not have been late with a strict concept of time.She further realized that Tao Tang's parachute shattered some people's illusions, and the previous criticism of Song Yue would turn to Tao Tang.Song Yue fell down, giving hope to at least three members of the team, but Tao Tang's airborne shattered their thoughts... He was about to face struggles and internal friction from left and right, how much energy did he have to rectify the operation?
Noticing that Han Ruilin was sitting upright, Lu Qi couldn't help turning her head to look at the door. A group of well-dressed middle-aged people had already entered the door of the conference room. She immediately turned her head and sat down properly.

"Comrades, please be quiet. Please turn off your mobile phone or turn it to silent mode. Now we have a meeting," said Chang Shanqiang, director of the Human Resources Department of the headquarters, who presided over the meeting. Leaders of the meeting: Comrade Feng Shizhao, Chairman of the Group and Secretary of the Party Group... Zhang Jianguo, Director of the Provincial Defense Work Office..."

Lu Qi did not listen to Director Chang's introduction.Ever since Tao Tang sat down, her gaze never left him.She found that Tao Tang had become a complete stranger. She desperately searched for the sunny and handsome shadow of the past on that expressionless face, but she couldn't find it. The ruthless years took away his youthful appearance. Not only did he wear glasses, His hair is already grey, and it stands out so abruptly among the black and shiny black hair on the stage. I remember that he is the same age as me...Since he came on stage, he has been sitting until now, except for Chang Shanqiang who stood up and bowed when he introduced him. For the rest of the time, he remained motionless, looking straight at him, as if he was thinking about something.

"The theme of today's meeting is the adjustment of the main leaders of Red Star Company. There are four items on the agenda of the meeting: first, I will announce the appointment of Comrade Tao Tang by the party group of the group; second, Comrade Tao Tang will make a statement; Speech by Director Zhang; Finally, Chairman Feng is invited to give an important speech. Now for the first item...Zongganzi [2013] No. 15 document, after research by the party group of the group, Comrade Tao Tang was appointed as the chairman and general manager of Hongxing Machinery Co., Ltd. manager……"

Director Chang Shanqiang's tone was dry and nothing new, and everyone already knew the content, no matter which channel it was from.Next, the statement of the new leader is the most important, and its importance exceeds Feng Shizhao's lecture.Generally speaking, on this occasion, Tao Tang may throw out his "factory management strategy".Lu Qi remembers very clearly that Song Yue "ascended the throne" four years ago, and spoke eloquently for an hour and a half on the same occasion, winning warm applause from the middle-level cadres.

Following the rhythm on the stage, the middle-level cadres in the audience applauded politely.Lu Qi was also applauding. Her initial excitement disappeared. The person who took over the highest power of the company actually has nothing to do with her... All my excitement and worries are ridiculous and unnecessary...

But when it was Tao Tang's turn to speak, she still pricked up her ears and held a pen in her hand, but she didn't write down a word.

"Thank you for the trust placed in me by the headquarters," Lu Qi noticed that Tao Tang's voice had changed a lot (in fact, she couldn't remember his voice), "I am sincerely apprehensive about my new position. I am a child of Red Star, and I I was born and grew up in this land, and this is my hometown that I will never forget... Since the headquarters put me in this position, I am willing to work hard with the cadres and workers of Red Star Company to revive the glory of Red Star under the leadership of the headquarters , I am also here to tell the leaders of the headquarters, the two-level leaders of Red Star Company and all the employees of Red Star through you that I will be self-denial, obey the party discipline, state laws and the company's rules and regulations. I will take the lead in doing whatever I ask the following to do. Here, I sincerely welcome your supervision. Thank you everyone.”

It's short, mediocre, and nothing new.Lu Qi, who wanted to hear something new, was greatly disappointed.That’s right, as Sun Dunquan once said, in the trend of history, the vast majority of people can only follow the trend, and only a very small number of people can change history... What if the company fails?As long as you don't go too far, don't offend people while making money like Song Yue, he will be safe and sound. Even if Red Star continues to rot, he can go back to the headquarters or go to another company...

Next, Feng Shizhao spoke.

"Comrades, with the appointment of Comrade Tao Tang, the new team of Red Star Company has been formally formed. Just now I participated in the first meeting of the new team, including Comrade Tao Tang, everyone's speeches are very good They all expressed their determination to do a good job in the enterprise, and I feel gratified. After the meeting, I visited the factory history room again. It was the third time I visited, but each time I was deeply shocked and moved. Let’s go and count Let’s count, how many of the founding leaders have been to Red Star? Premier Zhou, Marshal Zhu De, Marshal Chen Yi, Comrade Chen Yun...and Comrade Deng, the chief designer of our reform and opening up, have all inspected the Red Star factory. This is the glory of Red Star , is the pride of the ancestors. But what about now? I think that Hongxing’s descendants have lived up to the glory and expectations of their predecessors. Yes, Hongxing has encountered difficulties. There are both objective factors and subjective problems. I want to tell everyone The most important thing is that the headquarters has always paid close attention to Red Star Company. The selection of Comrade Tao Tang as the main person in charge of Red Star Company is the result of careful consideration by the party group... Comrade Tao Tang is not very old, but he has rich experience. With outstanding achievements, the party group believes that he can lead Red Star Company out of the predicament. It is hoped that under the correct leadership of the headquarters, the two-level teams of Red Star will carry forward the glorious traditions of their predecessors, carry forward their own advantages, overcome shortcomings, and effectively adjust the industrial structure and product structure. , revive the glory of Red Star..."

Lu Qi carefully recorded the speeches of the top leaders of the group.It was the first time she "listened to" the speech of the top leader of the group, and she didn't understand the true meaning of it, at least she didn't hear the secret of the company's escape, and she didn't even mention the anti-corruption issue that Red Star paid close attention to.Her eyesight is good, and she sits relatively forward, so she can clearly see every wrinkle on Feng Shizhao's face... If she meets him on the street, she will treat him as a retired old man next door, without any special features .But sitting in the center of the stage, he is the strong man in control of this large enterprise group. His every word may be regarded as the highest instruction by his subordinates, and may determine and change the fate of countless people.

No wonder everyone flocks to reserved seats.

(End of this chapter)

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