Revival Road

Chapter 50 Xu Deyu 3

Chapter 50
Xu Deyu stayed at Lu Qi's house until very late before returning to his nest.When I got home, I realized that I still had an unfinished manuscript. Looking at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock.So she set an alarm for herself and decided to go to the office early tomorrow morning.

This house was left to her by her parents. When she divorced An Guowei, she left the house without leaving the house. She only brought her own clothes and books and left An's house, not even the jewelry bought for her by her married husband's family.Many people said she was stupid, she was really stupid, and the purpose was to completely cut off the marriage that brought her endless harm.She thought she had a salary, enough to support herself.Parents have wages and don't need her financial support, so why do they need those extraneous things?

The house of my parents is a three-bedroom house, built in the 80s, with a construction area of ​​[-] square meters. It is said to be three bedrooms and one living room, but in fact the living room is just a corridor.Fortunately, she is the only one living here, which is enough.

For so many years, except for going to work, Xu Deyu has lived in this space. She has always occupied the darkest and smallest bedroom that she used when she was a girl. After her brother passed away, her parents did not allow her to move the room. There are still her brother’s textbooks on the bookshelf. and reference books.After her parents left, she didn't want to touch everything left by her parents... Every time she walked into the house where they used to live, it seemed that they just went out and would come back... She had repeatedly read "The Three of Us" by Mr. Yang Jiang, There is a sentence in it that always hurts her: the three of us got separated...

She thought, the four of us were also separated on the journey of life.Every time she looks at the family photo on the wall, she has the urge to cry, and she convinces herself every time that her parents and brother just went to another world, where they are waiting for her reunion.Maybe in another 30 years, or 20, she'll be back with them.This time depends on her.After the last relative left, she had chosen to commit suicide. She believed that her mission in this cold world had been completed, and she was not attached to this cruel world.She calmly chooses the way to leave this world. All the methods are learned from books, but the actual use is not so simple. .It was a Saturday, and she took a serious shower, changed into the clothes she bought specially, closed the doors and windows, and quietly waited for the pass to another world.In a daze, she saw her mother who was critically ill, still lying in that room. The scrawny mother took her hand and said to her, Xiaoyu, you have to live a good life, or I will die with regret... Then she She heard a knock on the door. She thought it was the god of death knocking on the door. She didn't move, and she was still lying on the bed, but the knocking kept on, and she finally called him up. It was the grandson of the neighbor Uncle Wang. Like a boy, "Auntie, grandma asked me to bring you ribs, why are you sleeping in broad daylight...

She felt that the boy was the embodiment of her mother, and it was her mother who came to stop her, which instantly dispelled her desire to die.After checking, the wooden windows in her kitchen were too old and could not be closed tightly. Probably the escaped gas was pumped out of the house due to the air pressure.

This matter is Xu Deyu's eternal secret.Except for a little headache, she didn't gain anything.She went to work as usual on Monday, and no one knew what had happened.

Her office is on the third floor of Building No. [-], facing the square, and to the north is Building No. [-] where the company's core power department is located. When she is free, she always looks out of the window to see the crowds coming and going, pondering their purpose.Everyone has their own goals in life, either for fame or for profit. Tai Shigong said that all the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is full of hustle and bustle for profit.But Tai Shigong's words don't apply to her. She lives, she works, and she earns that meager salary, neither for profit nor for fame.Her greatest distress is that she does not know why she is alive.

There are three ultimate propositions in philosophy, who are you?Where are you from?where are you goingExcept that she could answer that her name was Xu Deyu and she was born in September 1973, she couldn't answer anything else.The word Xu Deyu is just a symbol left by her parents to identify others, and it doesn't really represent her.She checked the Internet, and there are many people using the exact same name as her, and they have different identities: the legal representative of the company, a lawyer, a gynecologist, and even a fugitive.If there is one less woman named Xu Deyu in the world, there will be no disturbances.There is a book that says, for our relatives, they live because we live, and when we die, they also die.The book also said that the only evidence that we have been in this world is children.But it was cruel to her.Those who cared about her and cared about her are gone, her brother, her parents.She will not leave any evidence of her existence in this world, she does not have that ability.

That night Xu Deyu didn't sleep well. Before going to bed, she read a section of Fang Fang's "Wuchang City" that she had just borrowed in the June issue of "Long Novel Supplement", and she read it.Fang Fang is her favorite writer. She first got to know Fang Fang through her book "Landscape". At that time, she was still young, but Fang Fang's narrative style left a deep impression on her.But when she closed the magazine and went to sleep, the drowsiness disappeared. She began to think about Li Suyi, thinking that Li Suyi's choice was her choice, and finding the murderer and bringing him to justice was more important than obtaining financial compensation.She could feel the sadness and deep-seated hatred that Li Suyi had endured. That kind of hatred was something she had experienced before. At that time, she wished she could kill those bastards with her own hands.However, she knew it was an impossible task, she couldn't even kill a fish.When her parents were there, Li Suyi's husband once sent a catfish caught from the reservoir. It is a very vigorous fish that will not die for a long time out of the water. When it was delivered, the fish was still alive and kicking. She unexpectedly I couldn't go down and kill the fish by hand, and finally put the fish in a bag and hung it in the kitchen. It was proved that the fish was dead two days later, but the fish was no longer fresh.That scene was very memorable, thinking of her brother from Yu'er, Xu Deyu found that the memory of her brother was already very vague, and she hadn't seen him in her dream for a long time.

She didn't know how long it took until she finally fell asleep, but she was always haunted by one dream after another.In the dream, she was always looking for her mother, as if she was still very young.She had the experience of being lost. She went to Yanjing with her mother when she was six years old, and she was separated from her mother after she came down from the city wall. She cried in fear and couldn't tell the tourists who cared about her where her mother was.Until her mother found her and slapped her across the face, she covered her burning cheeks, but her heart was sweet.In the dream, she was looking for her mother, walking through the maze-like alleys, with wet stone roads under her feet, just like the description in her favorite Dai Wang Shuyu Lane, but she was not the girl with the lilac-like sorrow , but a disheveled ugly girl.Later, when she met a man who was her brother, she felt relieved and held her brother's hand tightly, never daring to let go... The scene changed to a lakeside with a faint blue color, but that man was not her brother and turned into a man with a big beard.His eyes were deep and terrifying, he looked straight at her, and kept talking, but she couldn't hear a word...

Xu Deyu, who was awakened by the alarm, suddenly realized that the man in his dream was Tao Tang!Except for the dark beard, the eyebrows and eyes are the same as the person I met yesterday afternoon.what happened?She was confused, how could I hold his hand and listen to his narrative?

Xu Deyu went to the office at seven o'clock the next morning.After the ministry was criticized by Mr. Tao, the factory newspaper was planning to revise it.Minister Cui and You Benling both talked about Mr. Tao's requirements, discussed in the ministry, and planned to open two columns, one for quality rectification and one for front-line models.In addition to being responsible for drafting, Minister Cui Jian entrusted her with the task of establishing a quality rectification column.Since the quality on-site meeting of the [-]th Branch Factory, seven or eight articles on quality rectification have been received from the Quality Department, the Technology Department, the [-]th Branch Factory, the [-]th Branch Factory and the Fifth Branch Factory. Published at least two manuscripts from the grassroots, and she had already selected two of them. One was written by Lu Qi's husband, Fan Yongcheng, about learning from Mr. Tao's speech. Although it was suspected of flattering, she thought it was well written.The second article is "Where is the gap between us?" written by Tong Zhengjie, the deputy director of the [-]th Branch Factory. ", it dissects and analyzes the quality status of the [-]th branch factory, which is very in-depth.In addition, she also needs to write an editor's note, which will be published on the header of the special issue, which is also a common practice.

Xu Deyu's work is rigorous and serious, not because she has a high level of awareness, let alone to gain the appreciation of the leaders.The main purpose of her work is to pass the time, and time always passes faster when she is concentrating on her work.

She came to the office early today just to complete the editor's note that must be completed.

She doesn't understand quality management, but Cui Jian called her to the quality meeting of the [-]th branch that day, and recorded Tao Tang's instructions with a tape recorder.After she came back, she sorted out Tao Tang's speech. Minister Cui was leaving to sort out the manuscript, and I wondered if he was going to issue a supplement.Recently, Minister Cui has been very nervous, and his work has been much stricter than usual. Several colleagues have been criticized, and the staff of the Propaganda Department, who have always been relaxed and comfortable, have become nervous.She was worried that Minister Cui would ask the editor to read it when he went to work, so she had to figure it out before going to work.

In many cases, the speeches of leaders are universally applicable truths, but empty nonsense.But Tao Tang's speech on quality management ideas is not.The manuscript was sorted out by herself, and there was almost no need to polish the text, just record it according to the speech.She admitted that what he said was good, especially about the concept of high-quality goods and the role of the quality system, which can be regarded as a popularization of quality management knowledge for her.Her editor's note had to be written along the lines of Tao Tang's speech. Xu Deyu began to write the manuscript after waking up. The one-hundred-word manuscript has been completed, and she ignored her colleagues to greet her, carefully revised and polished it, and then printed it out.

At this moment, You Benling came in, "Sister Xu, start a meeting right now."

Xu Deyu put the manuscript into his notebook and went to the conference room of the Propaganda Department.She immediately saw Tao Tang sitting there talking to Cui Jian and Vice Minister Xue Huimin.

As usual, Xu Deyu found a corner and sat down.

"Comrades, please be quiet. We have an impromptu meeting." Cui Jian cleared his throat. "Recently, Mr. Tao has continuously given important instructions on the propaganda work. Today, Mr. Tao came to our department in person. Everyone welcomes Mr. Tao to give us instructions..."

"It's not about instructions, I just want to meet the comrades in the Propaganda Department and talk about my thoughts on the propaganda work..." Tao Tang began to speak.

Xu Deyu quickly recorded Tao Tang's speech in a notebook. She has excellent shorthand skills. As long as she is not too professional, she can write down word by word.But today her heart and hands are completely disconnected, the pen is recording, and her mind is flying away.I looked up several times to see Tao Tang, who was talking eloquently, and paid special attention to his cheeks. There was no beard... Tao Tang, who was speaking, was shining brightly, not the deep horror in the dream.

She didn't recover her thoughts until the applause sounded.I found that I didn't hear what Mr. Tao said at all.

"Which comrade is responsible for the factory newspaper?" Tao Tang asked.

"It's Comrade Xu Deyu. Xiao Xu, stand up..." Cui Jian looked at her dissatisfied.

Xu Deyu was a little nervous.

"Oh, it's you..." Tao Tang nodded with a smile, "Looks like Meiling's classmate, right? I didn't remember until I got back."

She nodded and sat down.It is true that Tao Meiling and Tao Meiling are classmates in middle school, but they have no contact with each other, and have no contact with all classmates.

"Factory newspapers need to change their style, pay attention to the front line, and report on the front line, but don't rush, take your time. The key is to go deep into the grassroots, go to the news by yourself, don't eat the water, it's tasteless..."

"President Tao, don't worry, Minister Cui has already conducted two researches and decided to completely revise the factory newspaper. Recently, he plans to open two columns..." Vice Minister Xue reported.

The meeting lasted for about half an hour, and Tao Tang left.

Xu Deyu handed over the two grass-roots manuscripts he had approved and the editor's note he drafted to Cui Jian, and Cui Jian returned the manuscripts before he got off work in the morning and gave his approval.The manuscript is very clean, with basically no changes, but a few original words of Tao Tang's speech have been added.

"It's purely superfluous." Xu Deyu thought.But it doesn't matter, no one will scrutinize this kind of article.

Xu Deyu didn't expect that Tao Tang and Sun Dequanxiang followed her to her dwelling at night.

"President Tao? Brother Sun?" She was deeply surprised.

"Deyu, Dunquan told you about you. I wanted to see you a long time ago. I'm really sorry that I didn't come until now..." Tao Tang said to Xu Deyu, "Your brother used to be our mutual friend. He is better than us. They are all's a pity...Deyu, I apologize to you, I'm sorry for you, and I'm sorry for your parents..."

"How many years have passed, don't mention it..." Xu Deyu desperately held back tears.

"Ah," Tao Tang stared at Xu Deguang's bright smile on the photo, "Deyu, I have no other intention, I just came to see you." He looked around the extremely simple furnishings at home, "Deyu, if you live or work If anyone needs my help, just ask. As long as I can do it, I will try my best to do it. Don't be polite."

"No. I don't need help, I'm fine..." She just wanted them to go away.

Tao Tang seemed to see her indifference, and left after sitting for less than 5 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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