Revival Road

Chapter 63

Chapter 63
"It seems that I didn't pay attention to it. I think it reflects the mentality of the employees of the seventh branch factory, or they don't trust the company, or they don't trust you. Among them is the working status of the branch team. There is probably no other explanation. Please. Sit down... In addition to the 95th branch factory, the [-]th branch factory, the [-]th branch factory, the [-]th branch factory, and the [-]th branch factory, as well as the property company, the marketing department, the purchasing department and other units have a very low recovery rate. What does this mean? Please think deeply. Of course, there are good ones too. Needless to say, the first branch factory, the eighth branch factory, the eleventh branch factory, and the quality inspection center have a recovery rate of more than [-]%, which is worthy of praise.

"What do the employees report? It focuses on three aspects: the first is the salary issue. Everyone thinks that the salary is too low and asks for a salary increase. The second is the company's development issue. I am happy that many front-line workers are very happy. Seriously answered this question, and to be honest, I was very moved. Although some suggestions were not so reliable, I saw their hearts in caring about the survival and development of the company. In my opinion, this is the greatest wealth, yes Our hope for revitalizing Red Star. The third is the issue of welfare. We hope that the company will do its best to improve the welfare of its employees, including housing and children’s employment. In addition, the most common issue is the issue of clean government. I don’t want to talk about this. There will be a chance to talk specifically. What I want to say now is that the three issues represent the voices of the employees and point out the direction of our work. We, the two-level team of Red Star, are working hard in this direction. The order, The first is to solve the survival and development of the company, the second is to increase the salary of employees, and the third is to improve benefits so that employees can live a dignified life. Because development is the premise of solving salary and benefits. The starting point and goal of all our work point, it is these three items. Some people may want to say, is it a bit irresponsible for you to say this? Has the team studied it? What is the study? Which leader dares to deny these three items? I dare not. He is a real hero, but we are often naive and ridiculous. The questionnaire once again proved the wise judgment of the old man. The masses helped us point out the direction of work, which not only conformed to the requirements of the superiors, but also conformed to the reality of the company. Don’t you think so? "

Zhao Qingmin took the lead in applauding, and there was warm applause from below.

"The third point is that I want to talk about management issues. This topic is relatively large, and it is not easy to explain it clearly. Moreover, in my ten days, I must have glimpsed the leopard from the inside and pointed it out. If it is wrong, I take full responsibility. Comrades are welcome to point out and criticize.

"Generally speaking, it is more scientific to look at the process from the results. This is what is often said about the success or failure of a hero. A well-run enterprise must have its own unique features in management. If it is not done well, let's just talk about management? Needless to say , Red Star's current management is very difficult. Red Star has problems with Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue, so there must be loopholes in the system. This, no one can deny. I don't have many companies, and the general manager is Shengdong It’s just a family. Compared with Shengdong, Red Star has both deficiencies and advantages. But we should have such a thinking, that is, we should focus on finding deficiencies internally, supplemented by publicizing achievements. The achievements should be made by the superiors Propaganda, let the employees praise, we people, don't be complacent at any time, this is my basic attitude. In the future, I may criticize you more at work, not because you can't see or deny everyone's achievements, the starting point is here.

"In the past ten days, I didn't have many meetings, and I didn't communicate much with the members of the team and the middle-level cadres present here. But I took a quick look at all the branches and most of the workshops, and saw almost all of our work. We have also seen some not-so-good phenomena in our management. Let me talk about it now.

"Management is the eternal theme of the enterprise, and it is also the occupation of everyone here. Whether you are in administration or party affairs, you are engaged in management work. Regarding management, I believe that everyone here has their own experience. In my own My understanding of management is that management is the activity of achieving one’s own goals through the labor of others. Extending this definition, management is the work of being a human being…”

But it's a cliché.Li Luo, who was sitting on Zhao Qingmin's right, had already heard about the "infighting" in the finance department. He estimated that Tao Tang would talk about the price of Donghu Lake, so when Tao Tang talked about management, he pricked up his ears.Li Luo claims to have unique experience in managing people, but Tao Tang's definition of management, Li Luo thinks it is too mediocre.

Tao Tang took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. After replying a text message, he continued, "Management must have a focus, either in stages or consistently. Every enterprise may be different, with cost as the center and quality as the center. In the center, in fact, the same approach works the same way, and different routes lead to the same goal. Of course, focusing on quality will have an impact on cost. I read the company’s administrative work summary last year, and it seems that the company focuses on quality, especially physical quality. In last year’s report, the company’s quality loss was 4300 million yuan, of which the external damage—mainly caused by the loss of the three guarantees of auto parts is 3300 million yuan. It has decreased by 32% year-on-year, saving more than 1000 million yuan. When the quality is improved, the waste and loss will naturally decrease, and the cost will follow. It has been improved. And vice versa. It is said that one leader and one order, one emperor and one courtier, you may think, what new ways will Tao Tang become the general manager? Here I really want to announce the focus of our future management work , that is with lean management as the core..."

Sure enough, he used his magic weapon... Shengdong is Feng Shizhao's pilot unit for implementing lean management, and Tao Tang probably won Feng Shizhao's favor through this.Li Luo had read several brochures on lean management, and the group raised it to a strategic level, but he was not interested in it.I always like to be unconventional, why not focus on quality or cost down-to-earth...

"Lean management has been raised to a strategic level by the group headquarters. It is not my invention. The invention right is in Japan and Toyota. They have persisted for decades and achieved great results. They have been praised and practiced by many famous companies. We It is also considered as a member of the automobile industry. According to some information, Toyota is the car with the highest quality in the world. The evaluation method is statistical method, that is, Toyota is the least found in every 100 new cars. There is an American Famous companies paid a lot of money to hire experts from Toyota to help them do lean. After a period of time, they announced that they had learned and leaned. This result made the Japanese laugh. Because the essence of lean management lies in continuous improvement, there is no end Manage activities..."

Lu Qi was taking notes seriously. Her shorthand skills were not low, and she could write down Tao Tang's speech almost word for word. She wanted to hear Tao Tang's explanation on lean management, because Shengdong was the benchmark set by the group, and Shengdong The core of Dong's experience is lean management.

"For lean management, our system is also developing. Shengdong is a step ahead and has been affirmed by the headquarters. I will disclose a few figures here. In the past three years, Shengdong's quality loss and management expenses have increased by double digits year by year. Reduce the cost rate by one point every year. You can do the math, what does it mean to reduce the cost rate by one point with the current scale of our Red Star? It can roughly save 10 million. [-] million comrades, if used A salary increase can increase income by almost [-]%. And everyone should pay attention, this is calculated without increasing the scale. Now that Shengdong has tasted the sweetness, it feels more and more that leaning has a head...

boast!Han Zhiyong thought, Sheng Dong did a good job, but it is impossible to have such a great effect.

"Recently, at the invitation of Donghu Industrial, I went with Mr. Li and Mr. Jiang..."

Still here.Li Luo thought, let's see what he said, this is not the responsibility of marketing...

"Solved a specific problem, that is, the unresolved contract issue of hundreds of millions. We need orders, but orders are subject to cost, and cost is price. It is difficult for the marketing department to accept the other party's quotation, and the price of the marketing department is approved by finance. I made a decision on the spot in Donghu, and all the price deviations within 10% were all signed. This is a bit arbitrary, but it is necessary. Because time can’t afford to wait, users can’t afford to wait. But we can’t say that finance is messing up, finance It is also for checking. I think the 10% gap can be eliminated by strengthening management. The market economy is like this. You can’t say that users are making things difficult for you. If we don’t do this job, someone else will do it. Users will never be wrong But the price is a science, you can't always slap your head. After returning, Mr. Han arranged a job for the finance, that is, to recalculate the price of Donghu products. This morning, the accounting results of the finance department came out, which was better than I imagined. , the prices of most of the products are affordable, which makes me happy. Why can’t it work in the past? It’s easy to explain in finance, it’s very simple, it is to strengthen cost control, especially waste control. Very correct, this is lean In the future, the financial department should pay close attention to the cost and waste, turn the plan into reality, and constantly improve to keep the cost down! This is what Shengdong did. I just talked about several sets of data from Shengdong. Behind the data is the hard work of Shengdong employees, I believe Red Star can surpass Shengdong, there is no mystery, what they can do, we can do the same."

Li Luo couldn't bear to look at Han Zhiyong, but couldn't see clearly the expression of Han Zhiyong who lowered his head and recorded.He felt happy, Tao Tang's stick hit Han Zhiyong and Ma Guangming's buttocks, it deserved it!

"But Shengdong has gone through a detour. When I first arrived in Shengdong, the boss of the group Feng—he was the general manager of the group at the time, went to Shengdong to inspect, checked Shengdong's implementation of lean practices, and said a few words to me. He used Columbus as an example. Everyone knows that Columbus was the first European to discover the American continent. Now some people in the historian circle question this conclusion, but this is not the subject of our research. History research. Let’s get back to the topic, Mr. Feng said, Tao Tang, I think you can sum up your lean leaning in these three sentences: I don’t know where to go when I set out;

There was a chuckle in the venue, and Lu Qi was laughing.She immediately covered her mouth, thinking that Feng Shizhao was really interesting... I don't know if Tao Tang is making up...

"I tell this joke because Shengdong took a detour, but later tasted the sweetness and achieved results... I have seen the situation at the grassroots level these days, and the situation is a bit like Shengdong's back then, still at the most superficial level , is the stage of on-site management. On-site management is the starting point of lean management, which is true. Is our on-site well? No. Many workshops are messy. Some people may think that we have improved a lot compared to the past, but it doesn’t work There is a big gap between the requirements of the group and the requirements of users. On-site management is not just about cleaning. On-site management is 5S, cleaning, cleaning, sorting, rectifying, and quality. Everyone is familiar with the five elements, but doing well Very poor. The cleaning is not up to standard, the tidying is not good, and the rest is nothing to talk about. Don't underestimate the scene, it exposes almost all the problems of our management, safety, quality, craftsmanship, cost... are all hidden Among them. What is the status quo? Leaks, drips, leaks abound. Let me give you a few examples: There has been a steam leak in the south of the pickling workshop of the No. The cadres can't see it, why don't they care? Probably think it's the power company's business. The power company doesn't care, I don't know if they can't see it or they don't want to take care of it. Steam has to be paid, and it has to be transferred to the Jiufen Factory In terms of cost, what does this mean? The second branch factory is engaged in forging, and the workers do not wear hard hats, work clothes, or even vests...the branch leaders and workshop leaders turn a blind eye. I would like to ask the leaders of the second branch factory , the safety relationship has nothing to do with the cost? A work-related injury, not to mention the suffering of the employees, does the company spend money? There is a lot of scrap iron piled up outside the first workshop of the No. I don’t know how long it’s been there, and no one cares about it... As for the long running water and the ever-burning lights, they are even more common phenomena, so I won’t list them one by one.”

Ma Guangming is in charge of lean, and his heart moved, thinking of the price issue just now: Is this beating me?Still beating Lao Han?

Tao Tang continued, "If the site is not well done, lean will not be able to go deep. The purpose of lean management is to eliminate waste. The direct result is the continuous improvement of efficiency and benefit, the continuous improvement of product quality, and the continuous reduction of costs. Then One step higher is the essential improvement of the relationship between cadres and the masses, and the improvement of employees' sense of ownership. But the starting point is on the spot, and lean management starts from the spot and returns to the spot. Therefore, it is still necessary to vigorously grasp the on-site management. To grasp the on-site management, we must abandon The habit of acting is not to show the leader, nor is it for beauty, but for quality, cost and benefit. I may be a bit arbitrary. I think we have performance elements in the scene, so naturally we can’t go deep. I’ll go I opened a branch factory, which is the No. [-] branch factory. To be honest, it was relatively poor. I didn’t criticize their site that day, but the branch leader probably realized it. I went back a day later, and the site has obviously improved. The improvement should be praised and affirmed. , but I have to ask, is this kind of improvement continuous or one-time? Is it for leaning or to make the leader comfortable? I hope it is the former. If it is the latter, it is meaningless... Here I set up In the future, no matter whether it is the system or the local area, no matter whether it is the system or the local area, you will come to the factory for inspection, and let the leaders see what it looks like without notifying the grassroots.

It was not like this in the past... Ma Guangming thought, this will bring me even more pressure, after all, I am in charge of the scene...

"How to grasp the scene? My experience is two words, the first is clear, and the second is strict. Ming means understanding. To have understanding people, the first is the leader, especially the middle-level administrator. You need to know how to handle on-site management. What to do? There is only one way to learn, there is no shortcut. I suggest organizing a study class in May to learn the essentials of on-site management theoretically, and then go out, for example, to Shengdong to have a look. It is also necessary to train people who are specific on the spot to train the unit and guide the on-site management of the unit. Leaders must not stop, and they can’t catch everything. Strict means strict, true, and not false. To introduce or reiterate The reward and punishment regulations of on-site management, violations will be punished, and whoever violates will be punished. At the initial stage, education should be the main focus, and then rewards and punishments should be the main focus, until the rules are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people... Formation of habits, this is the meaning of literacy When it comes to habits, on-site management must fight a war of annihilation instead of a guerrilla war. What is a war of annihilation? It means that similar problems are completely eliminated and never happen again! For example, you must form a habit of cleaning tools before work, such as wiping machine tools, and you cannot repeat the same problem. Can’t stop. I was dealt with severely in Shengdong, I was dismissed, my salary was cut, I was transferred, and I was laid off... Strictness is love, it is caring for the majority of people, it cannot be hindered by affection, it cannot Mercy. The company has set up a lean management office, which is located in the production and manufacturing department. You can ask the lean management office to set up a rule for hierarchical inspection and hierarchical assessment. The lean management office is only for branch factories, regardless of the following, workshops, sections, and teams. It will be handled by the branch factory. It will take three months to completely change the face of the company's on-site management. This task will be assigned to the production department, me, and Mr. Ma. We will only focus on your lean management. If you can't do it well, you can't achieve it. I will replace you at my request. Please note that I am not changing your post, but dismissing you! I put my words in my head, which is called legislation first. In front of hundreds of people, I dare not break my promise !

"On-site management is not just a grass-roots matter. The answer is yes, yes, if the agency wants to catch the site! Lean management is an all-staff activity, how can the agency be an exception? We require workshop workers not to have things that are not related to work, how can the agency Exception? The comrades in the office go back and check their posts, and take away all the things that have nothing to do with work! No novels, magazines are allowed in the office, and games are not allowed on the computer. We need to conduct an inspection of the government after the festival, and those who violate it will go down as workers! The government department is rectifying its work style, and we also have to carry out a work style rectification. This is the most basic, and there will be new requirements in the future. If you think lean Management is only a matter of the grassroots, so you are wrong. If you want to take the initiative to keep up, you will be beaten if you are passive. I, Tao Tang, have a characteristic of management, that is, I don’t recognize my relatives. No matter who can’t keep up with the pace of the company, I will eliminate him! "

Here comes the trouble.Lu Qi thought, the pile of idle books in her office should be moved back...

"Lean management is not a mysterious thing. The core is eight words, continuous improvement, and elimination of waste. Pay attention to the word continuous. This is an activity with no end. It is necessary to constantly find areas that can be improved, and there is always room for improvement. Its purpose It is to eliminate waste. Waste is in a broad sense, not only saves materials, but also saves people, and more importantly, saves time. Another feature of lean management is that it is all-staff, and it is by no means a matter for the leadership. Initially, it can It is top-down, but after deepening, there will be a bottom-up promotion, and all employees will participate in it... The rationalization proposals we make, small reforms and small reforms are actually part of lean management. Measuring lean Whether management achieves results does not depend on how much cost is reduced, how much waste is reduced, and how much efficiency is improved, but also depends on the participation of employees. Just like the questionnaire I just mentioned, if lean management is promoted in an effective enterprise, there will never be a recovery rate There are only fifty or sixty phenomena. Because employees will closely integrate the enterprise and themselves as a whole, regard the enterprise as their own home, cherish the enterprise like their own home, and deplore all kinds of waste...

"We should admit that there are many unsatisfactory phenomena in management. What do these phenomena reflect? Yes, it is management problems. Management is not so mysterious. Those of us, including Secretary Zhao, Chairman Guo and I, are engaged in In management, management of technology is also management. So what does the management problem reflect? It is the style of work. In my opinion, this is the root of Red Star’s operating difficulties. The style of work is a cliché. Management and administration are also working hard, but the actual situation is not ideal, or very poor. You know, we are all doing specific work, so don’t talk about management and talk about high-spirited, just talk about any strategy, talk about any policy, management is practical. Real things are specific things. What is the quality of a cadre, I feel it is six words, reliable and able to accomplish things. Reliable refers to politics. As a first-level cadre of Red Star, you must understand The mission you shoulder, you must perform your duties without compromise, and you must not have double-mindedness, and you must not treat the company's decision as a trifling matter. Being able to accomplish things refers to the ability to do things. What the company needs are cadres who can actually solve problems, and It’s not a sounding board or a messenger. I don’t care what happened in the past, and I will demand this from you and myself from now on. We must have such confidence and courage that we can change the appearance of Red Star in a short period of time! We can meet the expectations of our employees, which are the three items at the beginning: the income of employees continues to increase, the company achieves sound development, and the company's environmental welfare continues to improve. I ask you, I will do it first, and everyone is welcome to supervise. Today's words are like this Much, thank you all."

There was a recorder on Xu Deyu's desk, and she sat in the third row because she was going to record Tao Tang's speech.She will be responsible for sorting out this speech and publishing it in the newspaper, that's for sure.Because of the recording pen, she didn't record a word, but listened.Of course, he was also looking at Tao Tang who was talking on stage.She noticed that Tao Tang didn't have a script for his lectures, and he spoke completely out of scripts, with data and examples at his fingertips, without hindrance.In terms of eloquence, Tao Tang is by no means inferior to Song Yue, but he has a completely different style from Song Yue...Tao Tang also has big talk and stereotypes, but Tao Tang brings her a different feeling. It seems that she has enough confidence... She doesn't believe that lean management has the power and effect as he said. Every leader has a set of methods. The results of the test are in the staff. If it is true as he said, the income of employees will continue to increase. How good would it be to improve?can he do itXu Deyu shook his head unconsciously and turned off the recorder until he remembered the warm applause.

(End of this chapter)

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