Revival Road

Chapter 65

Chapter 65
Lu Qi had a relatively leisurely life this May Day.Yan Shuzhen from the trade union once contacted her to go out to play, but she refused.Apart from attending a meeting called by Liu Xinjun about the Donghu Steel Pipe Plant, there was nothing else.On the contrary, Lao Fan is quite busy. They will meet the ISO9000 external audit in the second half of May, and they have to conduct a routine internal audit first.In addition, the quality department is implementing Tao Tang's speech, holding continuous meetings, and Chen Yongliang probably wants to make a point of being a top leader.

Lu Qi went to Li Suyi's house again.The compensation has been received, but the murderer—the guy who beat her husband to death with a stick has not been found yet, so they don't care anymore. According to Li Suyi, the police station is also trying to shirk—after all, the murder was not intentional.

The focus turns to the distribution of compensation payments.Li Suyi cried to Lu Qi that it would be better to have no money. Now the family is in a quarrel, all staring at the more than 70 yuan.

Lu Qi couldn't persuade her, and it was still difficult for an upright official to decide on housework.Lu Qi just told Li Suyi that the money belongs to you and should not be given to others. It is okay to give part of it to your in-laws, but others will have no share.Children have a lot to spend money on, so don't be too soft-hearted.

"But Li Wei's (Li Suyi's husband) responsibility for supporting the elderly falls on other people, and they insist on this reason to mess around..."

"You can be responsible. You are not out of his house, so of course you have the responsibility to support the elderly." Lu Qi said to Li Suyi, "But you have fulfilled the responsibility of a daughter-in-law by giving money to your in-laws, and you have also fulfilled your filial piety for Li Wei. Could it be that Isn’t it? If you don’t give money to the old man, then of course you have to take care of it and do your best.”

"Just think like you..." Li Suyi was very grateful to Lu Qi, "If you hadn't interceded with Mr. Tao, how could you get so much money so quickly? Who wants to cause so much trouble?"

In less than a month, Li Suyi lost a lot of weight and her chin became sharp.

"What's their opinion?" Lu Qi still couldn't help asking.

"His brother wants 10, and his sister wants 10... I don't care, but my family won't let me... now relatives can't do it..."

"No. It's outrageous. You have the money, don't you?"

"It's on my card... I want to take it out and save it for the whole period. Besides, should I thank Boss Tao? I don't know what to do."

"There is no need for Mr. Tao. Tao Tang is helping you for the sake of his classmates. His salary is so high that he won't care about your little gift. When we meet, you can just say a few polite words."

"That's always bad... Lu Qi, can you accompany me to thank you in person?"

"You go directly, do you still need me to accompany you? It seems that Mr. Tao has gone home..." Fan Yongcheng is a well-informed person, so what he said should be correct.

Fan Yongcheng attended the meeting on April 4, and he always wanted to interpret Tao Tang's "factory management strategy" from it.He seemed to be disappointed with Tao Tang. He said to Lu Qi: "I must admit that your old classmate is very eloquent. You can bluff people with statistics and examples. But there is nothing substantial."

"What substantial thing do you want?"

"The strategy of managing the factory. You see, from the central government to the local government, there must be a policy agenda, right? What is his policy agenda? Lean management? Can the red star be brought out of the quagmire just by on-site 5S?"

"Didn't people say that on-site management is only the basis of lean management. Shengdong's cost and expense ratio has been reduced by one percentage point every year, which is very remarkable. Thanks to you still paying attention to politics and news, the higher-ups are not always shouting to change the mode of economic growth, Is it changing from extensive to intensive? Isn’t lean management in line with the spirit of the superiors?”

"It's not easy to change the mode of growth!" Fan Yongcheng's research on macroeconomics is comparable to that of Lu Qishen. This horse has always been a sick horse, unable to use its strength. A few years ago, it made a [-] trillion yuan, and now I am reflecting on it. Some articles are very radical, thinking that it has increased the difficulty of economic transformation and made the problem of overcapacity even more serious. …What is four trillion yuan? It is investment-driven. If you don’t engage in investment-driven, economic growth will be weak..."

"Okay, old Fan, don't talk about the national are not the director of the National Development and Reform Commission."

"The reason is the same. Lean management is like encouraging residents to consume. Of course, consumption-driven is the most reasonable, but it is not suitable for the national conditions. Red Star's lean management may improve the operation, but it will not achieve the three goals mentioned by Mr. Tao. Of course, the leadership Well, you always have to come up with some moving slogans. Didn’t Song Yue call out back then to bring out a team with both integrity and ability, so that Red Star can embark on a virtuous cycle? As a result, he went in by himself, and Red Star appeared regular wage arrears..."

"Don't compare Song Yue to Tao Tang." Lu Qi interrupted her husband, "I don't think they are the same kind of people at all."

"I can't say that Tao is always acting, and the response to him is really good. Who knows what will happen in the future? In fact, there is no need to eat cafeterias or ride bicycles to the grassroots. As long as he makes Red Star well, eat small stoves and ride Mercedes-Benz What's the matter again?"

"Eating small stoves and riding a Mercedes-Benz can't fix the factory! Then what do you say? You can write a prescription that works."

"In order for Red Star to regain its glory, it must start a big project. Don't interrupt me, or seize the big opportunity... This opportunity is to relocate. Those rumors are definitely not groundless. Seize this opportunity and get what you want. Well, it is unknown if he will further enter the leadership team of the group."

"Relocate Red Star? Even if it is included in the municipal planning, it will not be easy. The family members of our factory employees add up to [-] to [-], right? It's almost a district in the city. Let alone production, how many houses will be built?"

"That means you are ignorant of current affairs. This project is a favorite for the province and Hiraizumi. How many opportunities are there? How many industries can it drive? If you are the mayor, you still think that the structure of Red Star is small. If I were Mr. Tao, I wouldn’t be doing lean management, as long as I get this out of the way, I’ll get both fame and fortune.”

"My dad doesn't approve of Hongxing's moving. There must be a lot of people who have the same idea as him. Even I don't want to."

"I don't want to either. Going to the development zone may not be as good as the current conditions." Fan Yongcheng glanced at the spotless and tidy living room, "However, the thinking of the leaders is different from that of the common people. There are always conflicts. I can see that you have more admiration for Mr. Tao..."

"Whoever can do a good job in the factory, I will admire him. I won't talk to you, I want to go home, will you go?"

"Is there anything else? If it's okay, I'll go there later."

"My younger brother's family came back today, and I'll help them make some dishes... You are good at cooking, if you are not in a hurry, go buy a fish and some ribs."

"Okay then, I'll go have a few drinks with the old man." Fan Yongcheng put down the book in his hand and went to change clothes.

Lu Qi's son Fan Chao's class organized an outing to Feiyuan Reservoir, and there were only the couple left at home. Lao Fan definitely didn't want to cook for himself, and the relationship between Lao Fan and Lu Qi's parents had always been very harmonious.

Fan Yongcheng is an outsider, but Lu Qi is a child of Red Star.Her father was a demobilized military officer. He was a middle-level officer and retired from the post of secretary of the branch of the property company (called Life Service Center at the time).Lu Qi has a habit of always willing to chat with the old man when she encounters confusion at work.

Fan Yongcheng went to the vegetable market to buy ingredients, and Lu Qi went directly to his parents' house.

"I looked at the factory last night. The new Mr. Tao is not bad, he is different from Song Yue." Father Lu saw his daughter came back, "Where is Yongcheng? What is he busy with?"

"He went shopping for vegetables. How can Dad see that he is different from Mr. Song?"

"It's different if it's different. I don't know what lean management is. I think it's about basic management. That's right. Don't engage in those falsehoods. You must always focus on basic management. This is the essence of the factory manager." OK."

"Yongcheng said that's not okay, it's just a small fight..."

"Why is it a small fight? This is like living a life, you have to be down-to-earth. These years, the factory has been doing nothing, such as creating a harmonious red star, post autonomy, or foreign investment, what is 200 billion, received What effect? ​​It’s all bragging. It’s right to be like Mr. Tao, to focus on the management of canteens and the management of single buildings, and the results will be immediate. , to improve the welfare of employees, how good it is, how practical it is.”

Speaking of this, the door knocked, Lu Qi thought it was Fan Yongcheng who came back, but when she opened the door, she saw her younger brother Lu Wei who worked in the Municipal Committee Office came back with his wife and daughter.The old man immediately became happy when he saw his granddaughter, and just said a few words, Fan Yongcheng and Lu Qi's mother came back together, and the room suddenly became lively.

Fan Yongcheng is always in charge of the cooking on such occasions.Lu Wei joked with her sister again, "Old sister, you are so lucky, why did you choose a brother-in-law like this? You can go to the hall and go to the kitchen. Ruijuan always blames me on your brother-in-law."

"Come on, are you praising him or mocking him?"

Lu Wei smiled and said, "Of course it's a compliment. My brother-in-law is excellent. It's a pity, if my brother-in-law went to do macroeconomic research, he might have achieved great results. How is the factory recently? I heard that you have changed bosses."

"Well, the factory manager has changed," Father Lu said, "It's your sister's classmate."

"Really? That's a good thing. These days, classmates and comrades-in-arms are the hardest relationship. Tell your classmates to promote your brother-in-law."

"It's my high school classmate...he still remembers you."

"Really? Also our Red Star kid? What's your name?"

"Tao Tang. I'm sure you don't know him. You were still in elementary school then."

"I seem to have a little impression... By the way, is it the one who was detained because of a fight and missed the college entrance examination? Yo, pretty amazing. How old is this year? He is in charge of a big company like Red Star... So it was him." Lu Wei remembered What, looked at my sister, but didn't say anything.

"It's him. He was admitted to Fudan University in the second year. It's a blessing in disguise..."

"Red Star has changed its dynasty... Sister, there have been major changes in the city..."

"Really? How did it change?" Father Lu cared more about politics than Lu Qi.

"It hasn't been made public yet, but it's not a secret anymore. Secretary Wang is going to be promoted... the leaders of the city are running like ants on a hot pot these days."

"Is it related to you?" Father Lu asked.

"What does it have to do with me? I'm just a writer, serving everyone is the same. However, working under that psychotic Bai Junsheng is simply tormenting. Secretary-General Huang of the government treats me well. I mentioned it to Secretary-General Huang. Thinking of the government I don't know if it will work... It would be nice if I can go down and find a deputy director with real power, but I really don't want to mess around in the second department."

Bai Junsheng is the deputy secretary-general of the municipal party committee. He follows Bai Yongquan, the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, in charge of the second comprehensive department of the municipal party committee. He is Lu Wei's immediate boss.

"You have been in the agency for seven or eight years, why are you still so naive?" Old Lu Tou disapproved of his son, "It is better to stay in one place than to stay in one place. If you can't get along with the leader, you have to review yourself first!"

"Dad, put away your old ways." Lu Wei said, "It doesn't depend on how well you do these days, the key is whether there are people on it. Haven't you heard of it?" Age is a treasure, diplomas are indispensable, and the relationship is the most important , comprehensively for reference’, my undergraduate degree is no longer an advantage, and my age will soon pass, if I can’t be promoted to a full-time major, my life will be over.”

Lu Qi knew that her younger brother had always wanted to find a real job, and he didn't want to hang in the center anymore. Even if he worked in a nearby county, it would be better than writing materials in the municipal committee office.But she couldn't help with that.

"Xiaowei, I don't know the specific situation, so I can't help you. But Dad is right. It's true that you want to do something practical, but you can't be in a hurry. It's easy to go from the top to the grassroots, but it's difficult to go the other way. Red Star That’s it, and I think the government should do the same.”

"Sister, you don't know the virtue of that surnamed Bai. An outdated joke can't be more appropriate to describe it: drink three catties and five catties without getting drunk, dance three nights and two nights without sleep, bragging and flirting are born... don't mention work, Only work balls don’t know. You can see what a two-faced face is. You can understand it. It’s a spring breeze for the leader, but it’s absolutely frosty for the subordinates. I work under him, and I’ve been unlucky for eight lifetimes.”

"Lu Wei! What kind of messy things have you learned in the municipal party committee all these years! Is there anyone who evaluates leaders like this?" Old man Lu, who was absolutely old-fashioned in thinking, slapped the armrest of the sofa heavily, feeling unhappy.

"Dad, the dishes are almost ready, you can take your seat." Fan Yongcheng, wearing an apron, came out of the kitchen and invited the old man to a seat.

When Lu Qi's family got together, Tao Tang became anxious and became an ant on the hot pot.

(End of this chapter)

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