Revival Road

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Fang Keyi
Tao Xiaohe resolutely refuses to return to the factory with Tao Tang, especially after it is possible to have close contact with the idol.When the concert was about to end, Tang Yikun sent a car to take Tao Tang and Fang Ke back to the factory. They made an appointment to contact the next day, and Xiao He handed it over to Tang Yikun.

Mu Shang sent Tao and Fang to Xiaozhao's gate, and Marin went back.It took Tao Tang a long time to knock on the door that Xiao Zhao had locked.

"It's Mr. Tao, I'm sorry, I fell asleep too much..." The sleepy-eyed attendant hastily apologized.

"It's me who should say I'm sorry, it's disturbing your rest, please open another room for me..."

"Hey, good, good..." The attendant looked hard at Fang Ke, went back to the room and found a room card, "303, it's diagonally opposite you."

Tao Tang took the room card and led the silent Fang Lan upstairs.There are few residents in Xiaozhao, and it is even more silent during the festival.

"I live opposite. You can rest. You can sleep more in the morning." Tao Tang opened the door of room 303, plugged in the card to get electricity, and checked the room. It was exactly the same as room 302 where he lived, and it was also a large suite , but some electrical furniture is missing, "Oh, if you want to take a bath, you have to wait," Tao Tang turned on the light in the bathroom and pointed to the electric water heater.

Fang Ke entered the bathroom, and Tao Tang took the opportunity to return to his room and closed the door.

He was unwilling to bring Fang Ke back, but he couldn't push Fang Ke to the Tang family.I hope she leaves Hiraizumi earlier... I wanted to call my mother-in-law, but it was too late.This day was so fucking tiring, Tao Tang turned off the light, lay down on the bed with his clothes on, and fell asleep before he knew it.

In a daze, Tao Tang heard a knock on the door, turned on the desk lamp, went to open the door, only the wall lamp was on in the corridor, under the dim light, he saw Fang Ke standing at the door.

"What's wrong?" Tao Tang looked away, trying not to look at the girl opposite.

"I left my pajamas and a change of underwear at your classmate's house..."

"I have to bear with it for a while, I have to have confidence in the sanitation of my guest house..."

"No. I have to change my underwear every day."

"Then you can only wait until tomorrow morning. You can rest, and you will get your luggage back tomorrow morning."

"Lend me yours, anyway, I'm not much shorter than you... There are also towels, bath liquid... Besides, I'm a little hungry..."

"Okay, okay, you go back, I'll send it to you." Tao Tang got up, found an unopened white shirt and a pair of brand new sports shorts from the closet, and took out his own bath liquid from the bathroom, " There are no new towels, the hotel towels are fine..." Turning around, Fang Ke found that he followed the bedroom, "Why are you here?"

"Why are you guilty? Is there something you don't want me to see?" Fang Ke turned on the ceiling light in the bedroom, looked around, then went into the bathroom and pulled the towel off the hanger, "I don't need anything from the hotel."

"Hey! How can you use mine?"

"I didn't think you were dirty, why are you shouting? Get me something to eat, I'm going to take a shower first..." Fang Ke went back with his things in his hands, and didn't even close the door.

"I only have instant noodles..."

"Instant noodles are also fine." Fang Ke's voice was muffled.

Tao Tang sighed, took out a bucket of instant noodles from the refrigerator, found two more marinated eggs, boiled some water with an electric kettle, soaked the bucket noodles with seasoning, then fell on his back on the bed, and fell asleep again. caught.After an unknown amount of time, Tao Tang heard a noise, opened his eyes and saw Fang Ke, who was wearing his own white shirt and sports shorts, was sitting on the bed and looking at him.

"Really asleep?"

"I'm a little tired today... I'm too sleepy... I didn't sleep well last night..." Tao Tang sat up and rubbed his face vigorously, "The noodles are soaked, and there are two eggs. Take them back and eat..."

Fang Ke didn't move, and continued to look at Tao Tang, "It's pretty neat. Is there someone tidying it up for you? Don't be too corrupt, your predecessor just fell, don't forget."

"Don't worry about that, I'm not that stupid." Tao Tang tried hard not to look at Fang Ke, especially her two jade legs that were mostly exposed.

"That's not necessarily the case. You also said that people who are not supervised have no problems. Who supervises you now? No one?"

"Are you going to eat or not? It's cold!"

Fang Ke laughed, got up and went back to the table, "You should know that I don't eat these condiments, it's over now..."

"You said it earlier."

"Why do you always eat these junk foods? I told you, these things can't be eaten."


Fang Ke got up, picked up the teacup by Tao Tang's bed, went to the bathroom to rinse it, and then filled it with boiling water, "I'm really hungry..." She tore open a marinated egg, "You want one too?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Huh? Where do you usually eat? This guest house?"


"How's the food?"


The two marinated eggs were immediately wiped out by Fang Ke. She took a sip of water, got up and put the water glass on the bedside table, "Are you busy with work? Are you still like Sheng Dong?" Fang Ke sat on the head of the bed, moved back and leaned against the bed Head, "throwing" a leg on the bed.

"Almost." Tao Tang tried to look away from Fang Ke.

Fang Ke chuckled, "Tell me, do I want to meet your family? I'm in a hurry, and I didn't bring any presents."

"It's not necessary. Are you coming back tomorrow?"

"Why did you drive me away?"

"How's the harvest of the Qingdao Art Exhibition?" Tao Tang once again performed his unique skill - changing the subject.

"You don't understand it."

"Yes, I don't understand your life, and you don't understand mine either."

"So, I want to know about your life. I have decided to recruit me into your company."

"What are you kidding?"

"I'm not kidding. I promised my sister to take care of you for the rest of my life."

"Go to bed early. I'm going to bed too..."

Fang Ke jumped up suddenly, "Just hide, hide, I'll see how long you hide! Let me remind you again, I'm already 28 years old!" She rushed out and slammed the door hard.

Tao Tang turned off the light and plunged himself into darkness again.When thinking, he likes the environment where he can't see his fingers.The reason for resolute refusal is not only because of age but also because of personality.If time goes back 20 years, he may not be like this.Young people always care more about appearance, but time will teach people that character is the most important factor in marriage.

Fang Ke and Fang Lan have completely different personalities.The former is extroverted and enthusiastic, while the latter is introverted and reserved.Tao Tang remembered that when he was young, he always brought home his work emotions, yelling at Fang Lan and even throwing things because of a trivial matter.After losing his temper, he immediately blamed himself and regretted it and apologized to his wife.He pretended to be mature and stable at work, but he would always show his feet when he returned home.Fang Lan never got angry because of this, and always used her calmness to defuse his fury.I even said to him, if this will make you more comfortable, don't change it, I understand.

The real understanding came after Fang Lan left, but it was too late.If it was Fang Ke, she would definitely not have Fang Lan's self-cultivation and tenderness, and it would definitely cause quarrels... Besides, Fang Ke likes excitement and all things that are beautiful on the outside. This probably has something to do with her profession, Tao Tang Having seen Fang Ke's paintings, the colors are gorgeous and unrestrained, and the composition is bold and exaggerated, showing her inner unrestrained enthusiasm.Fang Ke told him that she could change and become like her sister.But he knew that Man Shuo's temperament was hard to change, and even if she changed, Fang Lan would be ruined, and she would no longer be her.

To love is free, to be loved is also free.Tao Tang didn't think he had done anything wrong.In addition to personality, age is also an important factor. 15 years old is not a small gap. According to Yin Yutao (she was not referring to Fang Ke at the time, but the students she brought), the gap between a generation is not ten or twenty years, it is Three to five years!Almost every class of students is very different. How many generations are 20 years?It was no small matter that what she cared about, what she liked, what she disliked, had little in common with her.How many conflicts will occur if you live under one roof?Bodhisattvas are afraid of causes, and mortals are afraid of consequences. Tao Tang thinks that he is a mortal after all, but he doesn't have that much patience to coax his young wife.He has examined himself countless times. In fact, he is very selfish. Whether it is work or life, he is always willing to arrange and carry out according to his own rhythm.This character is probably difficult to change.In the end, it was something he seriously doubted. Fang Ke didn't love him, but worshiped him.It is precisely because she lived in her own home for so long as a child that she confused the difference between love and admiration.The most beautiful and reasonable relationship between husband and wife is equality, and the loss of equality will inevitably bury hidden dangers.

How to convince her?That's right, she is 28 years old, she should be talking about marriage.But in Yanjing, this age is actually nothing.She can definitely find the right love and a happy home.

It is also selfish for the parents to agree, and the mother-in-law agrees out of love for Xiaohe and sympathy for herself, which is actually selfish.Fang Ke's parents agreed out of helplessness—Fang Ke was a willful child since he was a child.They didn't really think from Fang Ke's standpoint, only they thought for her.In another 20 years, I will be very old, but I will still be full of energy and vitality.Will such a marriage be happy?He seriously doubts it.Reading the history of Chinese philosophy many years ago, I laughed at the extreme selfishness of Yang Zhu's school of "plucking a hair to benefit the world and not doing it".But it was later discovered that the extreme selfishness advocated by Yang Zhu's philosophy is not always true.The other side of not letting others take advantage of you is not taking advantage of others.In real life, such a proposition is of course not advisable, and it cannot be done.But selfishness does not necessarily hurt others, and universal love does not necessarily benefit the public.This is especially true when it comes to emotional matters.

I didn't do anything wrong either.isn't it?I can't impose it on others, but others have no right to impose it on me...


Hearing a fierce knock on the door, Ye Mei rushed out from the duty room opposite the stairs on the third floor, and saw a tall beautiful woman knocking on Tao Tang's door, "Hey, who are you? You're not here!" Ye Mei shouted.

Fang Ke, who was wearing a Tao Tang shirt and sports shorts, stared at Ye Mei, "Who are you?"

"I'm a waiter! How did you come in? Huh?"

"Where did Tao Tang go?"

"President Tao has gone home. Hey, did you stay here last night? Who did the formalities for you?"

"Tao Tang brought me here, don't you believe me?" Fang Ke looked at Ye Mei, and Ye Mei also looked at Fang Ke.

"President Tao is back?" Ye Mei asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"I'm his girlfriend. You opened the door of his room, and I left my things in his room."

"Are you really Boss Tao's girlfriend?" Ye Mei didn't know about Tao Tang's family affairs, "You're talking nonsense!"

Fang laughed, "Of course you don't know that Tao is always single. You see, this is his shirt. I guess he went to fetch my clothes."

Ye Mei believed it a little bit, that shirt, and that pair of sports shorts definitely did not belong to her, "President Tao is really back?" She was thinking about Fang Ke's words just now.

"Don't believe me?"

Ye Mei took the room card and opened the door of Tao Tang's room. She believed Fang Ke's words after just one glance. Tao Tang had indeed returned, but she didn't know where she went. "I'm sorry. Because I just took over, I didn't See Mr. Tao." The girl immediately cleaned up the instant noodles and other sundries and garbage on the desk.

"You usually clean the house?"

"Yes, the factory sent me to take care of Mr. Tao..." Ye Mei looked at Fang Ke again: she is taller than me... I guess this woman just met Mr. Tao, otherwise why would she open another room?
"It's really corrupt. It's not like he has no hands or feet." Fang Ke was also looking at Ye Mei, "What's your name?"

"My surname is Ye, you can call me Xiaoye."

"Oh, you go... I'm in this room."

"That won't work. You can't be here."

"Why can't I be here?"

"You can't be here alone until your identity is confirmed. What if you lose something? I will be responsible."

Fang Ke felt amused, heard Tao Tang's voice in the corridor, and went out to greet him, and saw Tao Tang came back with his suitcase in one hand and Xiao He in the other.

(End of this chapter)

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