Revival Road

Chapter 72 Trading

Chapter 72 Trading
For dinner, I chose a Sichuan restaurant newly opened in the commercial building facing the street outside the Golden Olive Community. The environment is not bad, but the quality of the food is very average.Wu Shi'an only said it's a pity, meaning that the chef's level is too average, and I'm sorry for the hotel's hardware.

Fang Ke doesn't eat spicy food, and she usually only eats fruit at night, so the supper she asked Tao Tang that night was nothing to do, so she hardly touched the dishes on the table today.Tao Meiling noticed this, and after careful questioning, she found out that Fang Ke doesn't eat spicy food, so she blamed Wu Shi'an for not being aware of the matter, and not asking clearly before ordering.

Sorry to Wu Shi'an, Fang Ke said that he usually doesn't eat at night.She noticed Tao Tang's distraction, and seemed to have something on her mind.When Tao Youdao and Wu Shi'an were arguing to pay the bill, he could ask Tao Tang in a low voice, "Do you have something on your mind? Are you still angry about what happened at noon?"

"Huh? Why am I angry?" Tao Tang looked at Fang Ke puzzled.

This scene is quite similar to Fang Lan. Back then, Fang Lan always asked him: "Why are you angry? Tell me?"

"I thought you were angry about what happened at noon. Don't take it to heart, is there any bird in the woods?"

"What nonsense? Am I so narrow-minded?" Tao Tang was thinking about the news Wu Shi'an told him just now.

"You are narrow-minded." Fang Ke gave Tao Tang a white look.

"When will you and Xiao He leave? I can arrange to buy tickets for you. By the way, if you have time, send Xiao He back to Binjiang. I don't worry about her leaving alone."

"Don't you think it's too late to ask now? I've already used my mobile phone to book a ticket. I'll take Xiaohe back to Binjiang, and the car will arrive at 08:30 tomorrow morning. I'm not too busy recently, and I will accompany her in Binjiang until the end of the high school entrance examination."

"Oh, is Xiao He going to miss class?"

"It's already entered the general review stage, it doesn't matter."

"Look at me," Tao Tang blamed himself, "I didn't even ask her the results of the preliminary exam, so don't make me a joke."

"I just thought of asking now?" Fang Ke glared at Tao Tang, "You are so incompetent as a father. Let me tell you, according to the results of the first test, you don't have to worry about vocational high school. It's no problem to go to ordinary high school. , but the key middle school is a bit mysterious."

"It's not a big deal if it's not important... The key is interest and method, thank you."

Bai Shuxian and Tao Meiling saw the scene of the two whispering in their eyes.

They took two cars back to the factory, Tao Tang and the other three went back to Xiaozhao, and the rest went back to their homes.Tao Jin and his wife strongly invited Xiaohe to live at home, but Tao Xiaohe refused.

Tao Tang wanted to chat and study with Xiao He, but Zhao Qingmin came up with a trick.

After exchanging pleasantries with Zhao Qingmin, Fang Ke took Xiao He to the opposite room.

"I heard you're back... Didn't bother you?" When Song Yue was here, Zhao Qingmin visited this suite more than once, but now things are different.

"It's this stinky girl who caused the trouble, so I didn't even return to Binjiang." Tao Tang got up to make tea for the secretary, and briefly explained the situation.

"It's normal. The children now are different from when we were young, and we can't look at new problems with the old eyes. The children are not bad, and they look like clever ghosts."

"The high school entrance examination is coming soon, and I have such a leisurely mind... What's the matter?"

"Two things. The first is the house problem. It has been delayed for 20 days, and it has not been implemented in time. I can't delay any longer. I made the decision for you. I chose a house on the fourth floor, which is the best of the remaining three houses. Song Yue's case is not closed, and God knows when it will be concluded... Listen to me, I have already asked Jian'an Company to arrange the decoration, and I don't think you are trendy, practical and generous is the standard. After the design drawing comes out, you will approve it. The house payment The total price is a little over 45, and the factory office will handle the formalities for you after work.”

"I said I don't want it." Tao Tang shook his head.

"Must! This is not up to you. It is related to the stability of the workforce. If you don't buy a house, everyone will think you have temporary ideas. Director Chang Shanqiang of the headquarters even called me on May [-]st to ask about your living arrangements. This is also what Director Chang meant. If money is tight, we can wait until we have this year's performance."

"Secretary, I have already bought a house in Golden Olive. I will go to see it with my family in the afternoon. Aren't you embarrassing me?"

"What kind of house do you buy for Golden Olive? I refunded it. Not to mention the price, it's definitely not as good as our house type."

"How can it be that easy? The contract is signed and the money is paid. Old Zhao, you are fooling around."

"Let's stop talking, listen to me, buy it if you buy it, I guess you won't suffer a loss, and you can definitely afford it. Aren't you going to take the old man back? It's good to get another house. Now , so buying a house can preserve its value, and my wife's stock trading a few years ago didn't give me a headache... This matter is settled like this, and I will make the decision for you!"

"It's not a big deal to buy according to the price. However, the employees have opinions on Building 96," Tao Tang pondered. Said. In addition, after the 96th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the integrity of the government is unprecedented, so I don’t think it’s appropriate.”

"Oh, it's really hard to say. When this building was built, the opinions of the team were not so unified. The main leaders made a decision, and I can't be hard-pressed. It's hard to deal with the empty houses, and it's hard to say anything about who you buy. , In short, I will take responsibility."

"Secretary Zhao, let me just say a few more words. Yang Wenhua and Song Yue are sorry for the Red Star Factory, harming others and themselves. You must have felt that the employees don't trust our team that much. This morning Two workshops were empty, and some employees reported problems to me, including Building 96. The past is over, and what we have to do now, especially the two of us, can no longer rub salt on the wound. Junxin San I can’t even do Mao’s work. Secretary, I got the love, but the house is absolutely gone. I’m alone, why do I need such a big house? Are you scolding? Since it’s empty, don’t waste it. My Opinions, auction it off! The highest bidder wins. After processing, the ears will be clean."

"Is that inappropriate?"

"What's inappropriate? Old people have old ways, new people have new rules, don't you do it the same way for many things? Think about my opinion, discuss it with Chairman Guo after work, there is nothing wrong with it, just do it like this. You see How convenient is it for me to live here? It’s clean, and I live in a star-rated hotel for free, and the staff don’t say anything, which is too much of an advantage. You said there’s one more thing, what’s the matter?”

Zhao Qingmin mused, as if he was still thinking about the house, and he said after a long time, "Oh, that's right, the finance department team, should we consider strengthening it?"

"Oh... Li Jianguo mentioned to me that he was too busy, but I didn't agree. I counted, there are more than 280 leaders at the department level and above in the company, and close to 700 people at the department level. Don't you think our team A little bloated? When I was in Shengdong, I met a head of the local garrison. When I talked about the current ratio of officers and soldiers in the army, I was very worried and thought that it was impossible to fight. Although we are a company and not an army, the reason is probably the same. I am in Shengdong At that time, I recommended a management book to the cadres called "Learning from the People's Liberation Army". Discipline, high morale and dedication. Of course, there is also a reasonable ratio of officers and soldiers. I do feel that the Red Star cadre team is huge and bloated..."

"The situation of the finance department is special, so I suggest strengthening it..." Zhao Qingmin didn't want to listen to Tao Tang's unrealistic ideas. How easy is it to reduce the number of cadres?How many years have you been able to go up and down?Unless you make a mistake, unless you seriously offend the main leaders, who can you avoid?Cutting off a person's future is tantamount to murdering for money... If you want to solve Ming Xiaoyue's problem, you can't bypass Tao Tang, and it will be even worse if you hand over the power to Han Zhiyong.

Tao Tang had to be persuaded... Zhao Qingmin felt helpless. The secretary of the dignified party committee had to work so hard to promote a deputy director. "Mr. Tao, after Quan Jianhe was dismissed, the finance department showed some signs of instability. It would be better to confirm it earlier. Finance, planning Units such as production, labor, and labor are your main staff and executive departments, which can only be strengthened, not weakened."

"Do you have a suitable candidate?" Tao Tang squinted at Zhao Qingmin.

"There is one. I think Comrade Ming Xiaoyue is more suitable."

"Oh, the female chief of the price department... She did a good job in analyzing the prices of Donghu products for me."

"I know her better, she has stronger business ability, and has a big picture. The downside is that she has a stronger personality and offended some people in the unit... Our system is like this, and those who do things are always criticized."

"Time will prove everything."

"That's it. If you agree, will we have a meeting after the festival?"

"I'm afraid the procedure has to go, and Boss Han also needs to talk to him?"

"Mr. Tao, there is a sentence that is not suitable for me to say in my capacity, but I still want to say it today. I don't know if you feel it. Our team, how should I put it, there are problems, the main one is disunity. As for Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue are another problem."

Holding a bottle of mineral water in his hand, Tao Tang listened quietly.

"The disunity is mainly concentrated between Li Luo and Han Zhiyong, and Ma Guangming is also one of them. As for the other comrades, I don't think it matters. It's hard to say that differences at work are disunity, but the contradictions between Han Zhiyong and Li Luo have gone beyond the scope of work. It has already affected the unity of the team and the development of work. In fact, the price problem in the East Lake market is an example. You may feel it, or you may think it is normal. Mr. Tao, I can guarantee that if the organization department is allowed to follow the procedure, Comrade Ming Xiaoyue will Absolutely not able to attend the meeting! Because Peng Jie will uphold the will of some leaders. This is really a great tragedy."

Sadness is certain.But only for you, not necessarily me.

"Secretary Zhao, since you have spoken openly, let me also speak from my heart. The greatest resource of an enterprise is not assets, nor technology, but people. Similarly, the greatest corruption of an enterprise is not in the economy, but in personnel. You I have noticed the phenomenon mentioned above, but I don’t think it matters. In terms of scientific organization, our current system is better than the best, at least better than private enterprises! Some people say that the structure of private enterprises is more in line with the market economy. It is not true. Private enterprises must have some characteristics of state-owned enterprises when they develop to a certain scale. The problems existing in the management of state-owned enterprises cannot be attributed to the organizational structure.

"What is our problem? I think it is management failure and management misplacement. What should be managed is not managed, and what should not be managed is blindly managed. The root of this phenomenon is above and not below. Back to our company, the problem lies with you , me, and Chairman Guo are the three of us. In other words, as long as the three of us manage well, the problems of the Red Star team can be solved. I firmly believe in this. How to manage it? I think we should do our own thing. In the past few years, the reform of the corporate system, the establishment of the board of directors and the board of supervisors, and the emphasis on carrying out work at different levels, are no problem in theory, but in practice it is not as expected. For example, the chairman and general manager, because of the particularity of state-owned enterprises, I think it is There is no need to set up two positions. The higher-ups are obviously aware of this, so it is common for the chairman to also serve as the general manager. In fact, I think it is more reasonable for the party secretary and the chairman to be shoulder-to-shoulder. I mean, , as long as the three of us work together and get our own affairs done well, the affairs of Red Star will be easy to handle! The gangsters at the bottom will always be dragged to the top. On the contrary, the top is doing well, and the bottom is not united. The phenomenon will be reduced or even eliminated. The three of us must act according to procedures and principles when it comes to personnel issues. In the end, we have the final say. Secretary Zhao, we should not only pay attention to the issues you mentioned, but also not take them too seriously. If we really engage in non-organizational activities, let alone an organization minister, it is a company If he is a senior leader, we can replace him as well."

Tao Tang's words are universal nonsense.But Zhao Qingmin read Tao Tang's true meaning from it, which is to ask himself and Guo Tao to follow his baton.Tao Tang can satisfy his request to promote Ming Xiaoyue, and Tao Tang can ignore the assessment results of the organization department, as long as he has the support of himself and Guo Tao.

"I agree with what you said. Don't worry, I will definitely support your work." Zhao Qingmin said immediately.

Weighing the pros and cons, it is beneficial for me to form an alliance with Tao Tang. It is impossible for me to replace Tao Tang. Since the headquarters chose Tao Tang to take over Red Star, this is a fact that cannot be changed.Don't say that Tao Tang didn't have any clues in other people's hands. Even if he had, the headquarters would not allow non-organizational means to evade or even get rid of Tao Tang.

"Let's just leave the house as it is. I don't want it anymore. You can mention it at the next meeting and sell the vacant houses. From a personal point of view, I am deeply grateful for Big Brother's concern. From a work point of view, don't , it will be more beneficial. In addition, I have read a few documents recently, and the central government’s efforts to catch cadres are unprecedented, and we must keep up with them in time. For example, the mass line, the eight regulations, etc., to sort out the current system, if it does not conform to the spirit of the superior, Resolutely abolish it. If it is not clear, make regulations in the spirit of strict requirements. I found that there are indeed many phenomena that do not conform to the spirit of the overall situation in the two-level teams, such as the problem of eating and drinking. I don’t know what is specific about this regulations, but saw some uncomfortable phenomena during the holidays. The masses will not be satisfied, and it does not meet the new requirements of the central government for the construction of the party style. I suggest that the party committee and the discipline inspection committee study these issues. This matter is yours. It’s your job, you should catch it, I’m just making a suggestion.”

"That's a good suggestion," Zhao Qingmin sighed. "To be honest, after Yang and Song's problems were exposed, the eating and drinking style has been restrained, and it was even worse before. I completely agree with your opinion. Like us Red Star, we should overcorrect. Let me think about it. After work, the central team will have a meeting, and some documents will be communicated and studied, and issues related to work style will also be studied.”

"That's good."

"Mr. Tao, you have not been here for a long time, but you have brought a long-lost air. I have been looking forward to this air for a long time, really. I believe that you, the monitor, can lead everyone out of the predicament."

"Can't do without your brother's support."

"I won't bother you anymore. It's rare to see my daughter. I'm really sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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