Revival Road

Chapter 8 East Lake 2

Chapter 8 East Lake II

The phone rang, interrupting Tang Yikun's meditation.After looking at the number, Tang Yikun answered the phone.

"Hmm, um." He didn't speak, just hummed there.Marin knew that it must be the call from the big figures in the officialdom. Except for them, it is impossible for Boss Tang to have such an attitude towards others.

"Don't worry old classmate, this matter will be dealt with. Didn't you say that Tao Tang will return to Red Star as the leader? I'm going to treat him to dinner on Saturday night. Yes, it's in the clubhouse, it's quieter there. Yes, That’s what it means. Come along if it’s convenient for you. What? Are you sure? Well, don’t worry, I’ll never put you in trouble.”

Tang Yikun said to Marin after finishing the call, "Go to Yuehe."

As soon as the word "Yuehe" came out, Marin knew that Boss Tang was really upset.The person who called just now should be Deputy Mayor Zhou Hongyou, otherwise Boss Tang wouldn't call him an old classmate.Zhou Hongyou must be talking about the Huajin Road incident, and the boss, as always, promised to settle the matter.

What can be done?It's just a waste of money.

"Yuehe" is synonymous with the Binhe community, because the community is close to the Yuehe, and Boss Tang always uses Yuehe instead.

There is another house of Tang Yikun in the Binhe community, where his "second wife" Dai Tianxiang lives. There are no more than ten people in the group who know this secret, and Ma Lin is one of them.

Marin kept sending his boss into the villa where Dai Tianxiang lived before driving away.

The 29-year-old Dai Tianxiang can be regarded as a national beauty.Of course, everyone has their own standards for beauty, maybe Dai Tianxiang looks a little fat to ordinary people, but Tang Yikun prefers the plump and charming Dai Tianxiang after giving birth.After Dai Tianxiang gave birth to his son, when Tang Yikun was in Hiraizumi headquarters, he spent at least half a month in Binhe community.

Dai Tianxiang didn't expect Tang Yikun to come back so late.

"Where's Bao'er?"

"Sleeping. Don't wake him up...have you eaten?"

"I'll just take a look..." Tang Yikun knew that in terms of his relationship with Dai Tianxiang, his love for children was more effective.

Children are indeed beautiful.The sleeping son calmed down Tang Yikun's mind.He bent down and stared at his son in the crib.

"It looks more and more like you..." Tang Yikun murmured.

"I think it's still like you. Wang Ma also thinks so."

"No, it's still like you. Look at his nose, it's exactly the same as yours... It's good to be like you, but it's miserable to be like me." Tang Yikun kissed the child's delicate face lightly, left the room, and closed the door lights.

"Want to take a dip?"

"Of course, I'm exhausted..."

"I'm going to drain the water, you change your clothes."

Tang Yikun liked this woman not only because of her beauty, not only because she gave birth to a lovely son for him, but more because of her peaceful temperament.Since following him, she has never asked him for anything, never.It's not like Wei Fengru who is always bitter and jealous, pointing fingers and scolding Huai, and it's not like Lan Ni who is always showing great ambition and endless desire.In this exquisite villa, he felt more and more at home.

Tang Yikun was lying in the huge bathtub, comparing his three women in a fixed relationship.For at least three years, his women have been fixed at three and have not increased.Wei Fengru is his legal wife and his second wife, who gave birth to a son and a daughter for him.Dai Tianxiang had been his secretary for a short time. Since he brought Dai Tianxiang to bed, this woman had left the public eye and became a caged bird he kept.And Lan Ni is a singer who was recruited three years ago, and she is still active on the stage. Because of his full support, Lan Ni's popularity is increasing day by day, and she is gradually becoming a first-line red star.

"Heated porridge for you, what I left for the night...let me rub your back..." Dai Tianxiang silently appeared in the bathroom.

"Come in for a night of clubbing..." The woman's graceful body under the translucent pajamas made him angry.

"Don't... Be honest, let me rub your back... Oops..." The water splashed, and the woman was pulled into the bathtub by him.The wet pajamas were thrown on the light white wooden floor, and the beautiful carcass that he had admired countless times was displayed in front of him.

Half an hour later, Tang Yikun returned to the bedroom with the woman wrapped in a towel in his arms. The child was still soundly asleep.

"Are you in trouble?" Dai Tian drew circles on the man's chest with fingers like onion tubes.

"There are troubles all day long. It's nothing serious. I'm used to it." Tang Yikun stared at the naked woman. Since she left the company, he never talked to her about business matters.

"Money can't be're just too tired. Ah, the porridge is all's all your fault." The woman scolded, got up and wiped her body indiscriminately, and took another pajamas from the bedroom closet Put it on and go to the kitchenette.

Tang Yikun sat up, found a cigar from the bedside table, and lit it with a special match.

"Have some porridge...don't smoke, it's choking..." Dai Tianxiang snatched the cigar from Tang Yikun's hand and carefully extinguished it in the ashtray, "I'll tell you something..."

"Huh?" Tang Yikun gently stirred the porridge with a spoon, looking at Dai Tianxiang.

"My mother is sick, and I want to go back to Hangzhou."

"Is it important? What's the situation?"

"It's okay, I had a minor operation, appendicitis."

"What about Bao'er?"

"I want to take him back."

"Okay." Tang Yikun agreed after a little thought, "I should have accompanied you back. Something has been troublesome recently, I'm sorry... Let me arrange it," Tang Yikun thought for a while, "I'll let Ma Lin drive you back Right. The journey is a bit long, but I don't worry about you walking alone."

"Then can I leave tomorrow?"

"Okay. Leave later, wait for me to prepare some gifts."

"No need. If I leave earlier, I should be home in the evening. I'm a little worried..."

"Alright, let me tell Marin." Tang Yikun picked up Dai Tianxiang's mobile phone on the bedside table, and called Marin.

Dai Tianxiang turned off the light, and snuggled into the man's arms, "Go to sleep, don't think about anything, go to sleep." The man's attitude satisfied her, even though she knew that the so-called accompanying her home was just a consolation.

Perhaps because she let go of her worries, Dai Tianxiang soon fell asleep.

Tang Yikun couldn't fall asleep. After the woman fell asleep, he quietly got up and went to another room, lit a cigarette, and leaned against the bedside to think about his thoughts.

Now, Tang Yikun is thinking about Dai Tianxiang and his son.Since Dai Tianxiang gave birth to Bao'er for him, he has been thinking about this issue.Now it is definitely not possible to use the way he handled similar situations in the past, because he loves this noodle-like son.Perhaps because of the middle-aged child, he found that his love for Bao'er surpassed Tang Tian and Tang Tian.Those are a pair of children born to him by his legal wife Wei Fengru. The eldest son Tang Tian is 16 years old, and his daughter Tang Tian is also 63 years old.He once placed great hopes on his eldest son, and the East Lake Empire he founded (he forbids people around him to use "empire" to refer to his conglomerate but secretly likes this name very much) will eventually be handed over to his eldest son.He owns [-]% of the shares in Donghu Industrial. Calculated in terms of net assets, that is an astronomical amount of wealth. It is impossible for him to bring it into the coffin, and it must be handed over to his heirs.

Before Bao'er, he was at a loss.Because he became more and more disappointed with Tang Tian, ​​even though he was still a young man who didn't know much about the world.Tang Tian is not a dandy in the traditional sense, on the contrary, in terms of his family background, Tang Tian is a rare good boy, he is polite, loves to learn, and is highly praised by relatives and friends.But he was not satisfied because he found that the eldest son was too kind.

For ordinary people, kindness is a virtue.But for the prince of the East Lake Empire, kindness is a serious flaw!Tang Yikun seldom watches TV, let alone movies.He only watches the animal world in TV programs, and the constant predation of the jungle on the East African savannah always arouses his emotion.Isn't it ridiculous that Tang Tian cursed the lion to kill the antelope?What if the lion does not prey on the antelope?Are you starving?As the prince of the East Lake Empire, it is simply unforgivable to say such stupid words.

In Tang Yikun's view, the grasslands of East Africa are the epitome of human society.There is actually no difference between humans and animals. Strong male lions can occupy a vast territory and have a large number of female lions to breed their offspring.There are always wars between male lions for female lions and territories, and the victorious male lions will not hesitate to kill the cubs of other male lions and take possession of their mothers.There is no room for tenderness in the lion's world, failure means death.Or be killed by a stronger male lion, or lose their territory and starve to death.

In Tang Yikun's view, this is fair, at least fairer and simpler than the masked human society.

That day he asked Tang Tian, ​​why don't you think that a lion will starve to death if it can't kill its prey?Tang Tian actually said that cruel animals like lions should be completely extinct.

He was really angry: Heard about the ecosphere?Ever heard of the food chain?I see there is a copy of "Wolf Totem" on your bookshelf, have you read it?Take the prairie wolf as an example. If there were no wolves, the hares would overrun and destroy the grasslands. Is this true?

The son actually said: There are no wolves in the grassland now, and the grassland still exists.

Is that grassland?Is there still a beautiful view of cattle and sheep under the wind and grass?Do you know why?Human beings are too inflated, and the expansion results in the destruction of the grasslands! Didn't you understand the last few paragraphs of "Wolf Totem"?Let me tell you that the cruelty of the human world far exceeds that of the animal world.People are hierarchical.There is a kind of person who is a rule maker. They make rules for others to obey, but they are free to violate the rules they have made.The other kind of people are the opposite. They can only abide by the rules set by others, and they cannot have any room for bargaining. If they violate it, they will be severely punished.Would you rather do the former or the latter?I?Let me tell you, I am not a rule maker. Although I have a huge wealth, I still need to follow the core rules, but the general rules do not need to be followed.example?You drive my car out and run a red light on any street in Hiraizumi City at will, as long as you don't kill anyone, see if anyone will take care of you!

how come?Why no one cares?

Because they know my car.Do you think that license plate can be worn by just anyone?In fact, the car is not important, the key is the owner of the car.They knew that if they caught that car and violated the regulations, I would also have to pay a fine.But the story is not over.What they can punish me is only deducting points and fines.But there is more I can give them.If I am happy, I can donate dozens of cars to them. If I am not happy, I can take off their black hats or drive them out of the police force.You said, if it were you, would you easily fine that car?

You are not the police chief.

But I know the chief of public security?I even know the guy who runs the police chief.

If there is nothing wrong with them, why drive them away?Isn't this bullying?
Son, there are only two kinds of people in the world who are healthy, newborn babies and dead people.

You are bullying people.

I'm just making an analogy.I wouldn't let my driver break the rules on purpose because that wouldn't be good for me either.I'm just telling you a truth, you don't have to make mistakes, but you must have the ability to save them.Just like a lion can squint its eyes to see an antelope grazing not far away, how dare an antelope?

He remembered the innocent and terrified eyes of his son.

How can such a person take over his own class?The result of handing Donghu into his hands is self-evident!Originally, he planned to tell his son the story of the rise of East Lake at an appropriate time, but he hesitated, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it, and in the end even the love between father and son would be gone.

Is this why he allowed Dai Tianxiang to give birth to Bao'er?He didn't think about it carefully.He had ordered several women to destroy the seeds he had planted, and they dared not resist because they knew the consequences of disobeying his orders.But when Dai Tianxiang said that she was pregnant, he warmly reminded her to pay attention to her body and never suggested abortion.Is it because of Dai Tianxiang's beauty?No, he has seen and possessed women more beautiful than her.Is it because he wants one more choice?He didn't remember thinking about it in this way, maybe it was the woman's gentleness that moved him.

Gentleness and obedience are the sharpest weapons of women, but not of men.

Will Bao'er's personality be like her own?he does not know.But he remembered the story of the early Tang Dynasty that Qi Zhen told him.Li Shimin is definitely a hero of a generation, but he can't handle the issue of successors well.He once said that Wu Wang Li Ke was like himself, but he couldn't make up his mind to replace the prince.After abolishing his eldest son Li Chengqian, Li Shimin has been worrying about the successor.In the end, he bestowed Li Ke to death and chose Li Zhi, his son.The government and the public are jubilant, Li Shimin himself is complacent, beautiful children and beautiful women... the result?Li Shimin's descendants were almost slaughtered!Even Changsun Wuji, who supported Li Zhi's succession, died at the hands of Wu Zetian.In his opinion, it was not Wu Zetian who killed Changsun Wuji, but his nephew Li Zhi!

If Li Ke succeeds to the throne, will there be a story about Wu Zetian usurping the Tang Dynasty?
Because of Qi Zhen's narration, he quietly bought the history books of the early Tang Dynasty to read, and the various records made him sweat profusely.

No one understands Taizong's difficulties, his difficulties.In the eyes of the world, Li Shimin is the son of heaven on horseback, leading the army to fight in all directions, and killing and attacking cannot be judged, but he is controlled by others on the issue of heir to the emperor.The emperor is also difficult.

Is he easy?He didn't know if Wei Fengru knew about Bao'er's existence.Secrets are meant to be discovered, and he does not dream of keeping them forever.He wouldn't do that either.If after 20 years (he thinks he has no problem working for another 20 years), he will hand over the power to Baoer, will he achieve a smooth handover?Disaster!He admitted that the "foreign relatives faction" represented by Wei Fengru and Wei Shegang would definitely oppose it desperately.Even his relatives and subordinates in his line may not agree.

Wei Fengru knew that he had a woman outside.She has already admitted it, but she will never hand over the control of East Lake to a bastard.

Now he is very annoying to Wei Fengru and doesn't want to see her.Although she still maintains a good face and figure.Now Wei Fengru is like a sharp knife out of its sheath, with a cold light and a murderous aura.And when he first met her, she was as beautiful and gentle as Dai Tianxiang.If it wasn't like that, how could he have given up on his original spouse who had been married for less than two years, and married Wei Fengru despite the unanimous opposition of his family?The woman not only brought him much-needed funds, but also demonstrated extraordinary ability.He admitted that Wei Fengru was not only his wife, but also a hero of the East Lake Empire.

Because of this, after deciding that Dai Tianxiang would give birth to the child, he strictly prohibited Dai Tianxiang from participating in any company affairs.So far, Dai Tianxiang has strictly abided by his rules without any violation.

He felt sorry.Dai Tianxiang also has parents, she didn't just pop out from a crack in the rock.But he has never met her parents and family.He didn't even know how Dai Tianxiang would face her parents.Now that she is going home with her one-and-a-half-year-old son, how will she tell her parents the fact of having a child out of wedlock?Without asking, he authorized her.

(End of this chapter)

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