The Story of Qingfeng Village

Chapter 2 Secretary Xiao

Chapter 2 Secretary Xiao

Xiao Guangwei set off from Qingfeng Village before dawn, and just caught up with his work time after entering the city, so that he would not waste time. He has a strong sense of time. After all, he came out of the army, and he still maintains some good style.

Xiao Guangwei used to be a communications soldier in the army. After changing his job, he returned to Ningcheng and joined the power company. He worked in the substation below for several years.

It's just that he didn't expect the leader to send him to participate in targeted poverty alleviation and serve as the first secretary of Qingfeng Village.

He drove the pickup truck to the warehouse of the material company subordinate to the power company, and parked the car in the open space of the warehouse.

The people from the materials company were no strangers to seeing the pickup truck covered in yellow mud. The emergency repair vehicle of the electric power department was equipped with a pickup truck. This truck probably came back from some village.

Only the muddy roads in the countryside can make the car look like this.

Xiao Guangwei got out of the car. He was wearing a sky-blue overalls from the power company, a pair of short boots, and his clothes were also covered with mud spots.The short boots were so blurry that they couldn't see their true colors.

Someone who recognized him greeted him, "Old Xiao, you're back."

"Well, I'm back."

"Which mud swing did you roll around in?"

"Hasn't the road over there been repaired yet? Is it so bad?"

Everyone knows that Xiao Guangwei works as the director of the power supply station in Baima Town.

Baima Town is the farthest town below Ningcheng County S.

But the road from the county to the town is still good, it's a cement road, so it shouldn't be like this.

Xiao Guangwei smiled and said, "I went to Qingfeng Village below."

"Oh, I remembered, you were sent to Qingfeng Village as the first secretary. How is it?"

"It's very bad. The road is very bad. There is only one road for machine farming. It used to be only accessible by tractors. No, it's raining, and pickup trucks look like this."

"Then you will have to work hard in the future."

The man patted Xiao Guangwei's shoulder sympathetically.

Xiao Guangwei didn't say anything.

What is there to say?
"Then go get busy, I won't delay you."

Seeing Xiao Guangwei enter the office, he shook his head and said to another colleague: "I heard that he was going to be transferred back to the city, but I didn't expect that he would be sent to the village to help the poor."

"Is it okay to be stationed in the village to help the poor? Didn't he come back after staying for a while. His relationship is still in the company."

"What do you know, this time is different. I heard that you can't come back if you don't get rid of poverty. Qingfeng Village is the farthest and poorest village, and it's another county after that. Oh, there's something to do."

Xiao Guangwei didn't hear the discussion behind it, even if he heard it, he would just laugh it off.

He is very busy now.

Taking over the poverty alleviation work in Qingfeng Village, there are many things to do.He didn't have time to think about it.

As a soldier, he has no reason to back down when he comes out, he can only face the difficulties.

Since the leader trusts and entrusts him with the task of fighting poverty, he must ensure that it is completed.

He has made up his mind to lead the villagers to a beautiful turnaround.

For this reason, he has been in Qingfeng Village for several months.

After entering the office, the section chief stood up and greeted Xiao Guangwei: "Old Xiao, you are back. Thank you for your hard work."

Xiao Guangwei: "It's not hard. It's just that I feel a little worried when I see the people in the village still struggling on the poverty line."

Section Chief: "Yes. I have also lived in rural areas before, and I know those places are poor.

It is our company's kindness that these materials are ready.I originally planned to be taken away, but I didn't expect you to come back. "

The power company donated a batch of materials to Qingfeng Village, which can be regarded as their support for Xiao Guangwei's work.

Xiao Guangwei: "I just want to come back to work. He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to the section chief, saying: "This is what we need in Qingfeng Village. It's going to be winter soon. The lines in Qingfeng Village are aging and need Renovate as soon as possible to ensure the normal use of electricity in the village. "

"Hey, you are the third fire of the new official's appointment, and the first fire started?"

Xiao Guangwei: "I just went here, and I haven't figured out the situation yet. Of course, I chose the ones I am familiar with to carry out the work. Besides, I also cooperate with the company's rural power grid transformation."

"Okay, the company has issued a document asking us to fully support the poverty alleviation work in Qingfeng Village. I will prepare these things for you."

"With your support, I have confidence."

"when are you going back?"

"I'll be back for two days. I'll report to the leaders first, and I'll go to other places to beg for alms and get some sponsorship for Qingfeng Village. Now there's a shortage of people, all kinds of professional talents, in terms of farmland water conservancy, science, etc. Technical guidance on planting and breeding, etc., I am now a bare-bones commander, and it is hard for a clever woman to cook without rice."

The section chief nodded in agreement, "I heard that this time we will strengthen poverty alleviation efforts, and the city plans to transfer people from various departments to distribute them. If you come back to ask for people, it's the right time."

Xiao Guangwei: "I'm coming to drive in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, so please help me load these things into the car."

The section chief looked at the pickup truck outside, "How much can this truck hold?"

"Oh, I can't help it. Qingfeng Village is so poor that it doesn't even have a tractor. Fortunately, I am still a person on the station, so I drove the car back from the station. Otherwise, what should I do?"

The section chief said: "Forget it, don't cry about being poor. I'm a good man and I'll do it to the end. I'll send you a big truck to pull it down for you. Pull it to the station first, and you can figure out what to do next."

"Hey, thank you so much, but I can only pull it to the station. The big cart can't drive to the village, and I have to get stuck in the mud halfway, and I have to find someone to push the cart."

"That's it. It's settled. Go and do your work. I'll help you here. It can be delivered to the town tomorrow."


When Xiao Guangwei came out of the office, he didn't drive a pickup truck, but got on a bus.

The people on the bus hid away seeing that he was covered in mud. If it weren't for the word "electricity" on the blue overalls he was wearing, others would have thought it was mud feet that had entered the city.

After a few stops, Xiao Guangwei got off the car, and his home was nearby.

He didn't call his wife to say he was coming back.

It's useless even if I say it.

Home is still the familiar home.

just quiet at home
At this time, the wife went to work, and the children also went to school.

He hasn't been back for several months. During the summer vacation, his wife brought his son to live in the town for a few days. His son was bitten by mosquitoes all over his head, but he enjoyed it a lot and had a good time with the children in the town. It's fun.

After the son returned to the city, he still reluctantly said that the winter vacation was still coming.

His wife and son are so nice, they never complained about him, which made him have no worries.

Xiao Guanghua took off his boots at the door, went into the bedroom barefoot, took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom, took a comfortable hot bath, put on a clean shirt coat, and looked at himself in the mirror with satisfaction, so that he could Go out and meet people.

Then I found some bread to pad my stomach, and drank some of the pure milk my son drank, and then I went out with my briefcase.

Time is tight, and there are still many things waiting in the village, so I dare not delay too much.

(End of this chapter)

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