Uncle's Crisis

Chapter 382 There's a Strange Master Behind It

Chapter 382 There's a Strange Master Behind It
The matter was settled in this way, and Gao Zhiyuan made a duty list after seeking personal opinions based on the registration situation.

He put himself on the first night, and the person on duty with him was Xiao Liu from the seed department.

Zhou Qiaoran also rushed to be on duty, but Gao Zhiyuan thought of her current situation and worried that Pang Renjie would pester her again, so he flatly rejected her request.

She knew Gao Zhiyuan's good intentions, so she didn't insist anymore. After get off work, she took the initiative to buy food, brought it to the reception room, and sat down to eat with them.

After dinner, Gao Zhiyuan asked her if she would go back to her residence.

Zhou Qiaoran shook his head and said, "You two are on duty tonight, so I don't need to hide and hide. I can turn on the lights and do something urgently needed."

"What urgent need?" Gao Zhiyuan realized something and asked her.

Zhou Qiaoran nodded, said you understand, then walked out of the duty room and walked towards the office building.

Because it was a special period, Gao Zhiyuan and Xiao Liu agreed to take turns to sleep, one to sleep in the first half of the night, and the other to rest in the second half of the night.

Xiao Liu said: "You must not be used to going to bed early, then I will take a nap for a while, and then get up to replace you."

Gao Zhiyuan nodded and said, "Alright, I have some things to do, so I brought my notebook and wrote some materials while I was on duty."

Xiao Liu responded and went to the back room.

Gao Zhiyuan sat in the corner, turned on the computer, and sorted out the misdeeds related to Pang Yaozong.

From time to time, he looked up at the office, and seeing the lights inside were always on, he knew that Zhou Qiaoran was doing the same thing, and a strange feeling emerged in his heart.

Suddenly, there was a shout from outside: "Is there anyone inside? Is anyone on duty?"

Gao Zhiyuan hurriedly closed his notebook, stuck out half of his head, and looked out of the window - there were actually two policemen standing outside the gate!

"Open the door... open the door!" The police shouted.

Gao Zhiyuan came out, stood on the steps, and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

The tall policeman said: "This is another question, open the door, we are performing official duties!"

"Executing official duties? Nothing happened here, why did it alarm you?" Gao Zhiyuan stood still.

"You, open the door quickly!" The short one ordered loudly.

Gao Zhiyuan took a step forward and said, "Can I see your ID?"

The tall policeman took out his ID from his pocket and pointed it at Gao Zhiyuan.

Gao Zhiyuan took a glance and asked, "What business do you two have?"

The tall one said: "There was a murder case just now. It is suspected to be related to someone from your unit. Open the door and we will search."

"Murder?" Gao Zhiyuan's heart tightened, and he stammered, "Who...who was killed?"

"You open the door first."

Gao Zhiyuan had no choice but to go back to the house and pressed the button to open the door.

Just as the door was opened a crack, two policemen walked in, looked inside the duty room, saw a person sleeping on the bed, and shouted: "Get up... get up, don't sleep!"

Xiao Liu got up, his eyes widened, and he couldn't say a word.

The big policeman stared at him closely and asked, "When did you come here?"

Xiao Liu said, "I've been here after get off work."

The little man asked Gao Zhiyuan: "Have you ever been out among you?"

Gao Zhiyuan said: "No, we are on duty, and we dare not leave our posts casually."

The big policeman came over, sat in front of the monitor, clicked the mouse skillfully, and checked the video recording.

After watching for a while, he stood up, pointed at Zhou Qiaoran on the screen, and asked, "Where is this woman?"

Gao Zhiyuan asked, "Why are you looking for her?"

The big policeman said: "The homicide that happened tonight is very likely to be related to her. Let's come and investigate."

"What? She has something to do with the murder?"


"She's a woman!"

"The most poisonous woman's heart, do you think she can't do it? Don't be fooled by her appearance, maybe she is Pan Jinlian!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Since she got off work to buy food, she hasn't left the gate for half a step. How could she go out and kill people?"

"It can be commanded by remote control."


Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard a knock on the door of the office building.

Several people turned around and looked over at the same time, only then did they realize that it was Zhou Qiaoran who came out from inside.

"Is your name Zhou Qiaoran?" The tall policeman asked.

"Yes, my name is Zhou Qiaoran, what's the matter?"

"You are involved in a murder case, come with us!"

Zhou Qiaoran walked up to him and asked calmly, "Who was killed?"

"Pretend, you're still pretending, your boyfriend Pang Renjie was killed, and you act like nothing happened, let's go, come with us to the bureau and accept the investigation."

"What? Pang Renjie was killed? You mean he...he died?" Zhou Qiaoran was unusually calm. Not only was he calm, but he looked much more relaxed than before.

The short policeman stared at Zhou Qiaoran and said, "I've disappointed you. Although the knife was inserted into the back of the heart, luckily it wasn't deep enough, and he was rescued again."

Only then did Gao Zhiyuan know what was going on. Pang Renjie, the son of the Pang family, had been plotted against, so he regarded Zhou Qiaoran as a suspect.

He stood up and said, "Both Xiao Wang and I can testify that after eating, Xiao Zhou never left the unit. She definitely didn't do it!"

The tall policeman sneered and said, "This is not something you can prove. The matter is of great importance and must be investigated."

Zhou Qiaoran said: "It's okay, just go, just explain the matter clearly."

Gao Zhiyuan wanted to say something else, but Zhou Qiaoran shook his head, signaling that he didn't need to talk to them anymore, and walked towards the police car parked outside.

After Zhou Qiaoran was taken away, the two lost sleepiness and sat down, guessing the sudden murder without a word.

It can basically be concluded that it was Pang Yaozong's son Pang Renjie who was murdered behind the scenes. He suspected that the case was related to feelings, so he took Zhou Qiaoran away.

Obviously, even if Zhou Qiaoran had the motive to commit the crime, she did not have the conditions to commit the crime, at least she did not have the time to commit the crime.

But just now the police said that she can command by remote control. It sounds like she is here, but through the phone, she can conspire or manipulate the killer to take action, which means that she is an accomplice and the mastermind behind the scenes.

Gao Zhiyuan originally wanted to report to Sun Chaosheng to see if he could use the necessary connections to get Zhou Qiaoran out.

But Xiao Wang said: "It's okay, there's no need to panic, since something happened to Vice President Pang's son, once he is suspected, he will not be released easily; but in turn, there is also an advantage, that is, They will definitely try their best to find out the real culprit, and they won't just pick an innocent person to cover up."

It's not unreasonable for Gao Zhiyuan to think about it. After all, it's late at night, so it's not good to disturb others casually.

What's more, Mr. Sun hadn't slept all night last night, and he couldn't bear to toss him again.

The two talked for a while, and Xiao Wang insisted on letting Gao Zhiyuan go to sleep, while he kept his eyes wide open and was on duty. Although he thought it was meaningless, he still persisted to the end.

Not long after going to work the next day, Zhou Qiaoran returned to work, looking harmless, but more energetic than before.

She went directly to Gao Zhiyuan's office, saying that she wanted to report the situation to him.

Gao Zhiyuan stood up and said, "Don't report to me, report directly to Mr. Sun, maybe he is looking for a relationship to save you."

Zhou Qiaoran nodded in agreement, and went to Sun Chaosheng's office together, and told what he knew about Pang Renjie's "murder".

Last night, Pang Renjie drank a lot of wine with a group of cronies. He thought that he had killed himself yesterday, so he restrained himself and went home to sleep peacefully.

But after sleeping for a while, he couldn't fall asleep anyway, he thought about Zhou Qiaoran, his heart was burning with desire, and he suffered in every possible way.

He simply got out of bed, put on his clothes and went out, walked to the gate of the community, stopped a taxi, and rushed to the place where Zhou Qiaoran rented a new house.

After arriving at the destination, he first called and called several times in a row, but Xiao Zhou refused to answer.

Pang Renjie had drunk too much and was not clear-headed. At this time, he was sure that Xiao Zhou was in the house, so he simply walked to the door and rang the doorbell carelessly.




After pressing countless times, there is still no response.

The kid couldn't stop yelling, so he yelled loudly and started pounding on the door.

Although it was not too late at that time, it was only past ten o'clock, but no one dared to control it. People in the building did not dare to come down, and people outside the building hurried around.

Just as he was frantically tossing and turning, a sharp knife flew out from a dark corner and stabbed it into Pang Renjie's back accurately.

There was only a scream, and the kid fell down on the stone steps in front of the door like a dead dog.

People passing by saw this and called the police.
The police rushed over and saw that the man was unconscious, so he was sent directly to the hospital.

Although the insertion position of the blade was very accurate and impartial, just piercing the back of the heart, but the force was not strong enough to injure the internal organs.

After arriving at the hospital, Pang Renjie woke up, revealed his identity, and immediately attracted the attention of the police.

After a preliminary investigation, they soon made a major discovery, that is, the knife used to assassinate Pang Renjie was exactly the same as the knife used to assassinate "innocent passers-by" last night by "Crazy Zhang" who was the gatekeeper of the farmer's company.

This is a bit strange, the so-called "Crazy Zhang" is dead, and his body is still lying in the funeral parlor freezer, how could he jump out and kill someone?

In other words, the murderer must be someone else.

Who will this person be?
After much deliberation, it is very likely that it has something to do with Pang Renjie's "girlfriend" Zhou Qiaoran, because the two accidents happened to her.

So, they sent someone to "invite" Zhou Qiaoran over, and interrogated him hard and softly, but to no avail.

Just as they opened up their posture and were about to intensify their interrogation, the police received a call from their superiors. They decided that they had arrested the wrong person, and they couldn't wrong a good comrade, so they should release him immediately.

After Sun Chaosheng and Gao Zhiyuan finished listening, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

This matter is too strange, too unbelievable. There are really strange masters in the world who can throw a dagger in the dark night, and can accurately stab the victim's back heart. This skill is really amazing!
Who is this "strange man"?
Why did he kill Pang Renjie and his minions?
Where are you hiding now?


(End of this chapter)

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