Uncle's Crisis

Chapter 52 Do You Dare To Stay?

Chapter 52 Do You Dare To Stay?
The woman leaned over, closed her eyes, and burst into tears.

Gao Zhiyuan was in a very complicated mood, but he didn't know how to comfort her.

After shedding tears for a while, Su Meihong wiped it with a paper towel and said, "Honestly speaking, my purpose is really a bit impure. First, I was trapped by love, and second, I wanted to get revenge on him."

"You want to take revenge on Mr. Sun?"

"Yes, he made me do it."


"Because he has a heart of stone."

"No way, he looks good!"

"He is good at disguising, one thing outside, another thing for me when he comes home."

"how could be?"

"It was better in the first few years of marriage. Later, when I became a leader, it started to deteriorate. Later, I simply stopped being with me. For many years, I have been sleeping separately."



"Why do you want to do that?"

"You don't have to worry. He is not good to me, but it doesn't mean he is not good to other people. And he is very good at disguising. In the eyes of outsiders, he is definitely a good old husband and a good father, but he is alone with me. When we are together, we become demons."

"No way?"

"It's not too much to say that about him. If I deliberately slander him, I will be hit with a thunderbolt!"

"Don't...don't! There's no need to swear poisonous oaths." Gao Zhiyuan patted Su Meihong's back lightly, and comforted him, "Maybe you're overcomplicating things. After being together for a long time, the passion will naturally be overwhelmed." consumed."

"No, no, he's different." Su Meihong sighed and said, "Gao Zhiyuan, do you want to know if my feelings for you are real?"

Gao Zhiyuan laughed it off and didn't speak.

Su Meihong went on to say: "In my opinion, feelings are not necessarily that important. Sometimes, feelings are a kind of burden instead. Do you think this is the reason?"

Although Gao Zhiyuan didn't agree with it, he still agreed: "Yes, sometimes feelings are caused by people's sleepiness and fatigue."

"I'm a woman of flesh and blood. I really can't stand his indifference. That's why I want to find a well-educated person to talk to and occasionally create a little romance and warmth. Do you think this is too much to ask? Like this Are you shameless?"

Gao Zhiyuan didn't speak, but held Su Meihong's hand tightly and kneaded it meaningfully.

Su Meihong responded to Gao Zhiyuan with the tenderness in her hands, and murmured: "While I found comfort, I also tasted the pleasure of revenge, and let him feel the feeling of being neglected and betrayed."

"He betrayed you?"

"Yeah, the betrayal was complete."

"Isn't it just chasing after the wind?"

"No, he even dared to attack my good sister."

"That's why you fought back and poached a man away from him?"

"Yes, but not all."

"What else?"

"Don't get to the bottom of it."

"Okay... okay, I won't ask. But I have my own judgment, and I don't think he is that kind of vicious person."

"Everyone has two sides. The side behind him is arrogant by nature, especially after gaining power, it becomes even worse."

"Is there someone outside him?"

Su Meihong nodded and said: "That year, there was an unwritten rule in the headquarters that all the top leaders of the grassroots units could transfer their family members to work in corporate agencies. I thought I had a place, so I was very happy. But who knows, he actually transferred one of my good sisters to the company's finance department."

"You mean they're on good terms?"

"Yeah, I didn't know until it was almost made public."

Gao Zhiyuan's heart sank, and he asked, "What happened later? Did they maintain that relationship?"


"Why didn't you divorce him?"

Su Meihong said helplessly: "I don't want to leave, I would rather endure it than let my child be wronged."

"He didn't ask for a divorce?"

"No, he doesn't want to leave."

"It's all like that, is there still a need to be together?"

"He did it for his own image and his official career."

Gao Zhiyuan let out an oh, but didn't speak.

Su Meihong let out a long breath, wiped her eyes, and a smile appeared on her face instantly, as if she was a different person.

She raised her wine glass and said to Gao Zhiyuan, "I've been looking forward to it, and I've been looking forward to it for several lifetimes before this day comes. After finally sitting together, I won't talk about those sad things. Come on, have a good drink. Come and get drunk."

Gao Zhiyuan clinked his glass, raised his head and downed it.

Suddenly, he had a very urgent idea: drink, drink desperately, get himself drunk as fast as possible, forget everything, or directly become another person and play another role.

"What are you thinking about?" Su Meihong asked him.

"I didn't think about anything, come, drink... drink." Gao Zhiyuan took the initiative to clink glasses with her, and drank it down again.

After drinking several glasses in a row, they all seemed obviously drunk.

Su Mei has a red face like a peach blossom, her eyes are blurred.

But she looked at Gao Zhiyuan and said, "Forget it, stop drinking, if you drink any more, you'll be completely drunk."

"It's good to be drunk. Once you get drunk, you will relieve your worries, and naturally you will not have so many worries."

"No, you can't get drunk, it's easy to do stupid things when you're drunk, what do you think?" Su Meihong lowered her head, biting her lips constantly.

Gao Zhiyuan didn't know what to say, he just smiled foolishly.

"Gao Zhiyuan, let me ask you, do you dare to stay tonight?" the woman asked him.

Gao Zhiyuan pretended to be deep, his mouth was sullen, and he didn't speak.


Gao Zhiyuan remained silent.

"It seems that you are still in the old style. In this case, it's up to you to stay or stay. I can't interfere, and I have no right to interfere."

Gao Zhiyuan faintly heard something in her words, but couldn't taste the connotation, so he asked in a low voice, "Mr. Sun...he really won't come back?"

Su Meihong said: "If you are afraid, then go, just go."

Gao Zhiyuan bowed his head and thought for a moment, then said, "I'm not a coward, I'm just afraid of hurting you."

"You are redundant. As I said, he will never come back."

Obviously, she wanted him to stay.

Gao Zhiyuan nodded.

"Are you still afraid?"

"Okay then, stay and stay!" Gao Zhiyuan said this with great determination, and to cover up his panic, he raised his glass and drank.

"Don't drink...don't drink, it's better to be sober." Su Meihong stood up, went to the bathroom, closed the door, and there was the sound of running water inside.

The figure of the woman in the video appeared in Gao Zhiyuan's mind, and he suddenly felt that the flames were burning.

Looks like it's time to come, it's going to be a romantic evening.

But what happened next made him unexpected, it was simply unimaginable.

After Su Meihong walked out of the bathroom, she went directly to the bedroom.

After another struggle, Gao Zhiyuan stood up and walked in regardless.

Seeing the woman lying there, he sat aside.

Su Meihong said: "Drink too much, lie down for a while."

Gao Zhiyuan didn't speak, and slowly lay on the outside.

Instead, Su Meihong got up, sat leaning against the bed, and looked at him sideways.

Gao Zhiyuan remained motionless, trying to restrain himself.

Su Meihong looked at him quietly, without any aggressive reaction, and did not change her posture for a long time.


(End of this chapter)

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