Uncle's Crisis

Chapter 64 Calling him to drink tea

Chapter 64 Calling him to drink tea

Gao Zhiyuan felt that the taste was not right, so he asked him instead: "I said Director Liu, why do you keep holding on to this matter?"

"That's because I think there are articles in it, but it's true. I have no right to ask. The police should ask you."

"what do you mean?"

"Are you pretending to be confused again?"

Gao Zhiyuan was completely annoyed, he stood up, and roared angrily: "Liu Yufeng, what do you mean? Speak directly, let go if you have something to say, don't hide it!"

Liu Yufeng was not in a hurry, and said calmly, "Old Gao, if I tell you, you can't put your nose up on me."

"Say it! What can I do to put my nose on my face?"

"It's just discussing the matter as it stands, and it doesn't involve brotherhood."

"Stop rambling, talk!"

Liu Yufeng cleared his throat and said, "Your words are inherently contradictory, so it's inevitable that people will be suspicious."

"What's the matter? Tell me!" Gao Zhiyuan stomped his feet angrily.

"Gao Zhiyuan, you admitted that your classmate opened the restaurant before, why did you deny it after the accident? Doesn't that explain the problem?"

"Indicate what?"

"It means that there is a ghost in your stomach, and it means that Feng Dazhi's beating is strange. It is very likely that it has something to do with the restaurant, and there is an inexplicable responsibility!"

"Oh, I see. You mean that I instigated the restaurant owner to fight Feng Dazhi?" Gao Zhiyuan stared at Liu Yufeng.

"There is one more thing to doubt."

"Which point?"

"It was agreed in advance that the three of us would go to dinner together, but why did you slip away halfway?"

"Liu Yufeng, why is your mind so dark?"

"Am I dark, or are you dark?"

"Liu Yufeng, listen to me. I didn't go to dinner with them. That's because the head of my wife's work unit has something to do with me. I have to go there!"

"The head of your wife's unit? No, isn't your wife already laid off?"

"Yes, she was laid off, but if she is laid off, can she not have a second job? Can she just stay at home and go around the pot?" Gao Zhiyuan's face was livid, and he clenched his fists, looking like he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Two...two, two leaders, what's the matter with you, why are you arguing so early in the morning?"

Gao Zhiyuan turned his head and saw that it was Feng Dazhi who walked into the office swaggeringly, as if nothing had happened.

Damn, why is this all right again?
Dare to be haunted?

After looking carefully for a while, I saw that he was unscathed, with a calm expression, and he didn't look like he had been hurt at all.

Confused, Dong Xiaowan stepped into the house, looking like a normal person, but a little haggard.

"Feng Dazhi, are you okay?" Liu Yufeng asked.

Feng Dazhi smiled apologetically, and said, "I'm sorry Director Liu, I drank too much last night and accidentally fell and broke my nose."

"It's that simple?"

"Yeah, it's that simple."

"Since you fell down by yourself, why did you call the police?"

Feng Dazhi sat down and said lightly: "It's not me who wanted to call the police, but the proprietress of the restaurant. She was afraid that I would blackmail them, so she not only called the police, but also called 120."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it was purely a false alarm." Feng Dazhi nodded towards Liu Yufeng and said, "Director, I'm sorry...sorry, I'll treat you to a drink another day."

"Drink a fart!" Liu Yufeng was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he said cursingly, "Where is this song coming from? If you break your nose, you will cause storms and earth-shaking in the city, and you won't even let me sleep. !"

Feng Dazhi's face turned cold, and he said, "Director Liu, it's not my fault. I didn't call you over, it was the little policeman who insisted on asking the unit leader to go over. I didn't let him call, but he didn't listen."

Liu Yufeng sneered, turned and went back to his room.

The office fell silent in an instant, and the others arrived one after another, starting their day's work.

Several times, Gao Zhiyuan stared closely at Dong Xiaowan, wanting to ask her what happened last night.

But Dong Xiaowan lay there, her eyes fixed on the computer, her fingers clacking on the keyboard.

Gao Zhiyuan's heart was in a mess, so he didn't have time to work. After browsing the news for a while, he got up and went to the bathroom.

Damn it!

It is said that when people are unlucky, they will stuff their teeth if they drink cold water. This is not true at all.

Just as Gao Zhiyuan was standing in front of the urinal, lighting a cigarette, and puffing, the manager Sun Chaosheng opened the door and walked in.

Gao Zhiyuan wanted to throw away the cigarette, but it was too late, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry not to accept a cigarette given to me by someone else."

Sun Chaosheng didn't shy away from it, and released it generously, saying: "It's okay, I understand that the smoking cessation order is lenient for those of you who are happy with pens. When you really can't write, you can come out and smoke a few, which is also beneficial. Work."

"Thank you, President Sun, for your understanding."

"Don't be rude to me, smoke it... smoke it." After Sun Chaosheng was released, he tightened his belt and walked out. After walking a few steps, he turned around and said, "Come to my office after smoking."

Gao Zhiyuan nodded in response, took a few puffs, and thought to himself: Why is he calling himself over at this time?

Could it be because of Feng Dazhi?
Probably not, and it's not a big deal.Besides, maybe he never did that at all.

Could it be the matter of going to Lingfang Farm to get materials?

Yes, maybe that's the thing!
It would be great if I could go, I really want to go out for a change of environment, if I stay in this smoky place, I will be suffocated!

I don't know what's going on, but Liu Yufeng has always been at odds with him for a while, always finding fault with him for no reason, and even if it's a big deal, he can't get along with him.

Of course, the biggest attraction is Pang Hongzhu. I haven't heard from her for several days, and I really miss her a little bit.

With a heart full of worries, he walked to the general manager's office and knocked lightly on the door.

"Please come in!"

Pushing the door open, he saw Sun Chaosheng sitting cross-legged on the sofa, playing with the tea set leisurely.

"Come... come, have some tea with me."

Gao Zhiyuan asked blindfolded: "Mr. Sun, didn't you say you have something to tell me?"

"It's okay...it's okay, I just want to drink tea and chat with you."

to chat with?

Gao Zhiyuan suddenly thought of Su Meihong, to be precise, his online lover who "believes in an afterlife", and immediately felt uncomfortable.

"Why are you in a daze? Sit...sit..."

Gao Zhiyuan had no choice but to walk over and sit opposite Sun Chaosheng.

Sun Chaosheng poured a cup of tea in front of him and said, "How about the taste of this tea?"

Gao Zhiyuan smiled stiffly and said, "I don't know much about tea."

"You really don't understand? Well, let me tell you, this is the authentic Taiping Houkui. How would you like to try it?" Sun Chaosheng said, taking a sip first.

Gao Zhiyuan tried his best to calm himself down, but the hand holding the teacup was still trembling, he brought it to his mouth, and fell down in a hurry.

Sun Chaosheng said with a smile: "Where do you call it tea tasting? It's simply drinking cold white, what can you taste?"

Gao Zhiyuan's mouth was burning hot, and he said, "I'm impatient, I can't drink Kung Fu tea."

"Are you in a hurry?"

"Yeah, not only urgent, but also straight, it's just a muscle."

"How urgent can it be?"

"Let's put it this way, once the anger comes up, the Heavenly King and I won't be afraid anymore."

"Oh, according to what you said, you're not even afraid of me anymore?"

(End of this chapter)

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