Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 202 Shu Meng meets Niu Li by chance

Chapter 202 Shu Meng meets Niu Li by chance
The two of them ran until after eight o'clock in the evening before entering KF City. Under the guidance of passers-by, the two came to the vicinity of Panyang Lake, found a Hanting Hotel, and stayed there after seeing that the conditions were good.

After washing up, the two of them left the hotel gate. According to the guidance of the waiter, the two went straight to the Gulou Night Market.

The Drum Tower Night Market in Kaifeng has a history. It is recorded in "Tokyo Menghua Lu": "The night market lasted until the third watch, and then reopened at the fifth watch. It is like a place to play, and it lasts all night."

The two came to the Gulou Night Market full of hope. Although it was not as lively as imagined, it was not deserted either.

Shumeng, next to the store, bought a few famous Kaifeng foods, such as fried jelly noodles, mutton steamed buns, mashed sweet potatoes, and bucket chicken.

Seeing the signboard on the first floor, the two walked in, and the waiter in the store came up to him in white overalls.

"Comrade, how many?"


"The two comrades are from other places, right? Upstairs, please!" The waiter led the way, and the two walked up the narrow stairs to the second floor and sat down at an empty table.

"Two comrades, our steamed buns on the first floor are beautiful in shape, small and exquisite, with thin skin and rich fillings, filled with soup and oil, delicious taste, like lanterns when lifted, and chrysanthemums when put down. We are also very particular about the selection of materials. The lean meat of the leg is used as the stuffing, the fine powder is used as the skin, and it is steamed over high heat, two comrades, do you want to put it in the fourth drawer first?" The waiter's jingle-like explanation whetted the appetites of Shumeng and Langning.

"According to what you said, the four cages come first." Shu Meng said.

"This is the recipe, let's see what else is needed?" The service eye handed Shu Meng a paper clip.

After reading it, Shu Meng only ordered a tofu soup with milk sauce, and returned the paper clip to the waiter.

"Brother Shumeng, there are so many delicious foods, why don't we have two drinks?" Ronning suggested.

"There is only white wine here, but there is no red wine you want to drink." Shu Meng said.

"Then I'll eat it, I really can't enjoy the spicy baijiu." Ronning picked up a piece of chopped chicken.

"Brother Shu Meng, the first bite feels salty, but after chewing, all kinds of flavors come out, very fragrant and chewy." Ronning enjoyed the bucket chicken.

"Do you think that these famous foods in the inland area have a vain reputation? Many of these famous foods have a history of hundreds of years, and some are even longer." Shu Meng looked at Lang Ning with disdain and said.

At first Shu Meng couldn't get used to Lang Ning's behavior. He felt that Lang Ning was a son of a nouveau riche family who smuggled into HK. He was neither like a mainlander nor an HK person. See people low posture.

But after dating for a long time, Shu Meng discovered that Lang Ning also has a good side. Lang Ning's nature is not bad, even a little timid and cowardly, and he lives a very real life. Shame on you behind your back.

Although Lang Ning participated in framing Liu Hua, he was forced by his father and Du Jinliang, and he did not intend to do so.

The reason why Shumeng was willing to associate with Langning was firstly because the interests of the two families were tied together, and secondly because he sometimes needed Langning to do something for him.

Humans are actually very contradictory animals. After being with Lang Ning for a long time, Shu Meng found that he was used to being with Lang Ning by his side, and he developed a kind of brotherhood towards Lang Ning in his heart.

There were chaotic footsteps coming from the direction of the stairs. Shu Meng looked up and saw three men and two women coming up from the stairs. They looked like students with small tags pinned to their chests.

Shu Meng lowered his eyelids and continued to eat.

"Li Ting, Niu Li, shall we sit at this table?" A boy greeted quickly when he saw that there was still an empty table.

When Shu Meng heard the word Niu Li, his heart was excited, and he couldn't help looking along the voice. It didn't matter, an indescribably beautiful girl came into his sight.

"There is such a beautiful girl in the world, she is so dazzling and beautiful!" Shu Meng was amazed in his heart.

Li Ting stood there, attracting all the diners upstairs.

The picturesque eyebrows are fresh and bright, and the eyes are like blue waves when they turn;

The lips are red and charming, and the charming dimple when smiling can make people intoxicated;

The pink and white skin is as translucent as a baby's, giving people the feeling of blowing bombs;

Elegant temperament shows that she has a good family upbringing;
Standard oriental beauty!
For the first time in his life, Shu Meng stared at a girl's face for such a long time, but if you look carefully at the eyes behind his glasses, there is no focus, because at this moment, there is another woman's face in front of him.

"Li Ting, another apprentice!" Niu Li glanced at Shu Meng who was staring at Li Ting intently, and cursed with her lips curled up.

"Niu Li, you're talking nonsense again!" Li Ting glanced at Shu Meng, the gaze was really uncomfortable, how could he stare at the girl like this?

"Who is talking nonsense? If he dares to stare at you like this again, I will throw chopsticks at you, hum!" Niu Li said angrily.

Five people had already walked to the table, next to Shu Meng's table, Niu Li couldn't help but give Shu Meng a hard look.

Suddenly, she felt that the handsome young man with gold glasses in front of her was so familiar. She couldn't help looking at it, forgetting that it was very impolite and unladylike for her to stare at a man like this.

"Niu Li, what's wrong with you?" Li Ting felt that it was indecent for Niu Li to stare at the man like this, so he pulled Niu Li's arm.

The sound of "Niu Li" made Shu Meng look away from his reverie on Ruili, and looked at the girl next to her in a peasant cotton-padded jacket.

The two people's eyes blended together, and each other's heartbeat quickened.

Shumon stood up.

The familiar eyebrows and eyes reminded him of that naughty little girl who used to be naughty, and the tone of dissatisfaction with others when she spoke moved him.

He glanced at the school badge with red letters on a white background on Niu Li's chest: Central Plains Normal University.

"Comrade, please respect yourself!" The former male classmate warned Shu Meng when he saw Shu Meng's eyes looking wildly.

Shu Meng ignored the boy's warning at all, he walked up to Niu Li in two steps, and grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Little Li, am I right?"

"Ah! Brother Meng, it's really you?! Oh, that's great! Why are you here?" Niu Li was incoherent happily, hugging Shumeng's arm as she did when she was a child, and wanted to make a fuss, only to realize that she had already When he grew up, he had to hug Shumeng's arm and jump up and down excitedly, just like a little sparrow.

"I've grown into a big girl, why are you still the same as when I was a child, so naughty, not ladylike at all!" Shu Meng said with a smile patting Niu Li's head dotingly.In his eyes, Xiaoli is his own sister just like Xiaoya.

"You want a lady? We have one here! Brother Meng, your eyeballs almost fell off when you saw Li Ting just now!" Niu Li pulled Li Ting down in front of Shu Meng: "Brother Meng, let me introduce you , this is my classmate and best friend Li Ting."

"Hello!" Shu Meng greeted Li Ting politely.

"Hello!" Li Ting smiled politely. She hasn't figured out the situation yet?
"Li Ting, this is my brother Shu Meng!" Niu Li's introduction was so confused that the three male students around him were confused.

"Niu Li, you two have different surnames, how did you become your elder brother?" It was the boy who warned Shu Meng earlier.

"We are brothers and sisters with different surnames. What's the matter? Do you have an opinion?" Niu Li glared at the boy.

"No, no!" the boy said quickly.

"I live in the same village as Niu Li. She and my younger sister followed me every day and called me brother. At that time, I usually took the two of them with me when I did things, so Niu Li and I are not brothers and sisters, but they are better than brothers and sisters." Shu Meng explained to the boy, there seemed to be some deliberate elements in the words.

An unknown emotion flashed in Niu Li's eyes.

"That's right!" The boy nodded.

"Come on, let's put the tables together, and I'll treat you today." Shu Meng said to everyone with a smile.

"Brother Meng, are you a local tyrant now? If not, don't hold on, we have a real local tyrant here, Nuo, Jiang Fusheng." Niu Li pointed at the boy just now.

"Don't worry, your brother and I don't have any money, you can't eat me today, so you just let go of your stomach and eat, your brother will take care of me!" Shu Meng couldn't help but nodded Niu Li's upturned little head with his finger. nose.

Lang Ning was also shocked by Li Ting's beauty. Hearing what Shu Meng said, he quickly helped the three male students put the two tables together.

"Grandma, if they know you're back, how happy will they be?" Niu Li thought of her relatives at home.

"I've already been back to Zhaozhuang's home, met grandma, your parents, and ate your mother's stewed egg water at home." Shu Meng put his arms around Niu Li's shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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