Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 217 Chen Baohong's Hidden Secret 3

Chapter 217 Chen Baohong's Hidden Secret 3
Chen Baohong and the others rested at Brother Li's house for a day and a night. The next morning, after Wang Qiang got up and ate the breakfast prepared by Mrs. Li, they bid farewell to Brother Li and Mrs. Li, and continued on their way south.

This time it was a long jeep. On the way, Wang Qiang asked to go to Greentown. She wanted to see her parents quietly.

Wang Qiang's parents are both professors of Greentown University, and the old couple live in the No. [-] courtyard of Greentown University Road, the family courtyard of Greentown University.

Because there were still more than 20 days before Wang Qiang's due date, and Huaifu County was not too far from the provincial capital Greentown, Chen Junsheng agreed after thinking about it.

The jeep arrived at the gate of the Greentown Family Courtyard on the night of the [-]th day of the first lunar month.

"Go in!" Chen Junsheng said to Xiaoding.

When the car was driving towards the compound, the gatekeeper just took a look and didn't care at all.

Following Wang Qiang's guidance, the car drove back along the middle avenue, and stopped on the road in front of a row of conjoined single-family courtyards.

Wang Qiang was full of joy and wanted to open the door to get out of the car, but was stopped by Chen Junsheng who was sitting in the co-pilot.

"Auntie, don't move! Baohong, go down, invite Auntie's parents over, and meet in the car, it's safer!" Chen Junsheng stopped Wang Qiang's behavior, he really didn't dare to take such a risk.

The smile on Wang Qiang's face stopped, she didn't stick to her point of view, she only told Chen Baohong the house number of her house.

Chen Baohong got out of the car, and according to the house number Wang Qiang said, he found the small courtyard where Wang Qiang's parents lived, but saw that the door of the small courtyard was locked outwards.He had no choice but to knock on the courtyard door of the house next door, and an old man with gray hair opened the door and came out.

"Little comrade, who are you looking for?" The old man pushed up his glasses and looked at Chen Baohong.

"Teacher, I'm a relative of Professor Wang's family next door. Do you know where they went?" Chen Baohong pretended to be submissive when a rural person first entered the city.

"Hey! Young man, they don't live here now, you should go back!" The old man said with a sigh.

"Please tell me where they live now?" Chen Baohong asked hastily.

"You can't go to the place where they live, so hurry up and leave! Don't ask so many questions!" The old man turned around and closed the door after speaking.

Chen Baohong hurriedly put his elbow against the door and said, "Teacher, please tell me where they went, please?"

The old man hesitated for a while and said: "They are locked up, I don't know where they are locked up, and you don't need to ask anything else, I don't know if you ask!" The old man turned around and closed the courtyard door after speaking.

Chen Baohong stared blankly at the closed courtyard door.
Chen Baohong walked back with his head drooping, he didn't know how to tell Wang Qiang, because he couldn't bear to destroy Wang Qiang's smile with his own hands.

He had already walked up to the car, but he hadn't thought of what to say.

When Wang Qiang saw Chen Baohong coming back alone, she couldn't control her emotions and suddenly opened the car door.

Wang Qiang is a very sensitive person now. Although she didn't hear what Chen Baohong said to the professor next door, she seemed to have a premonition that something was wrong with her parents.

"Chen Baohong, where are my parents?" Wang Qiang stared at Chen Baohong nervously and asked.

Just as Chen Baohong walked to the front of the car, before he could think of what to say, the car door opened suddenly, and Wang Qiang asked him a question. He was so frightened that he blurted out: "They are locked up!"

"Is it because of our affairs that they have been troubled?" Wang Qiang's face turned white.

"I don't know, that person said he didn't know where it was locked up." Chen Baohong panicked, knowing that he might have caused trouble.

"Dad! Mom! It's all because of me! I'm not filial!" Wang Qiang burst into tears uncontrollably.

"Bao Hong! Get in the car! Close the door!" Chen Junsheng shouted.

Chen Baohong hurriedly closed the door on Wang Qiang's side, ran to the other side, got into the car and closed the door.

"Let's go!" Chen Junsheng shouted to the driver Xiaoding.

Chen Baohong sat beside Wang Qiang, watching Wang Qiang who was crying and didn't know how to comfort her.

Chen Junsheng handed a handkerchief to Chen Baohong, motioning for Wang Qiang to wipe her face.

Chen Baohong stuffed the handkerchief into Wang Qiang's hand. He found that Wang Qiang's hand was cold and felt something was wrong, so he quickly looked at Wang Qiang's face.At this time, Wang Qiang's cry seemed to be a little changed, and there seemed to be groans mixed with it.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Chen Baohong asked in panic.

"My stomach hurts!" Wang Qiang began to moan.

"Not good! Xiao Ding, hurry up, the First Affiliated Hospital of the Provincial People's Hospital is just ahead!" Chen Junsheng also panicked.

At this time, Chen Baohong felt that his cotton trousers next to Wang Qiang seemed to be wet. He touched it with his hand and it was indeed wet. He looked at his hand and found that it was not blood.

"Brother Chen, this..." Chen Baohong didn't know what to say with his hands wet.

"Oh! My aunt's water broke, Xiao Ding, hurry up!" Chen Junsheng is a father after all, and he knew what was going on at a glance.

Chen Baohong almost fainted when he heard it
The jeep quickly drove directly to the door of the emergency room of the First Affiliated Hospital of the Provincial People's Hospital. Xiao Ding hurriedly jumped out of the car and ran to the gate, shouting repeatedly: "Doctor! Help!"

Wang Qiang hugged her stomach and groaned in pain. Chen Baohong and Chen Junsheng carried her out of the car, and a few kind-hearted people came to help. Five or six people carried Wang Qiang to the emergency room.

At this time, Xiao Ding and two nurses ran over pushing the stretcher cart. They put Wang Qiang on the stretcher cart, and the nurse pushed her to the gynecology ward.

Chen Baohong and Chen Junsheng were waiting outside the operating room. A nurse came out and asked them for their household registration booklet and marriage certificate.

Chen Junsheng hurriedly said: "Nurse, because the due date is not yet due, we came to Greentown this time to visit a relative. I didn't expect an accident, so I didn't bring the relevant documents. Human life is at stake. I beg you to show kindness and help my lover first." After delivery, I will definitely call my family to send the documents after dawn."

The nurse went in for a while and then came out and said, "Hurry up and get your documents. The doctor said that if you don't have a marriage certificate, household registration book and letter of introduction, you will be handed over to the Daxue Road Police Station."

"Okay, I'll let someone go back and get it now, you hurry up and help my wife deliver the baby!" Chen Junsheng said hastily.

"Okay!" The nurse nodded and turned into the operating room.

Chen Junsheng originally thought that when he arrived in Huaifu County, he would be able to find connections and contact a gynecologist in the county, and ask her to help Wang Qiang deliver the baby quietly at home.Without a letter of introduction and other documents, Wang Qiang could not enter the hospital to give birth.

Now that this incident has happened, Chen Junsheng will delay it as long as he can, and he only wants the mother and child to be safe.

The doctor came in and out of the operating room several times, and a few more women came out after giving birth, but there was no news from Wang Qiang.

Chen Junsheng asked a doctor who came out, how is Wang Qiang doing?The doctor's answer was that the birth-inducing medicine had already been used, so wait.

Chen Junsheng and Chen Baohong waited anxiously outside the operating room.

At four o'clock in the morning, a doctor came out and said to Chen Junsheng: "Comrade, it's a pity! The baby was born, but because the amniotic fluid broke early and the mother was too emotional, we did our best to rescue it, but unfortunately we couldn't rescue it. "

Chen Junsheng and Chen Baohong were stunned on the spot.
This day was four o'clock in the morning on the seventeenth day of the first lunar month in [-].

(End of this chapter)

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