Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 223 Attending Meetings as Nonvoting Attendants

Chapter 223 Attending Meetings as Nonvoting Attendants
Because Liu Yang lives in school, the school is preparing for the final exam now, so Liu Hua didn't see him.

During the Spring Festival last year, Liu Yuanqing appreciated some of Liu Hua's unique insights, but the father and son never had the opportunity to sit together and have a good chat.Today was an opportunity, and Liu Yuanqing asked Liu Hua a lot of questions.

Liu Hua tried his best to share everything he knew with his father, and the father and son chatted until more than eleven o'clock at night.

Liu Hua was afraid that after twelve o'clock the doorkeeper would fall asleep, and it would be inappropriate to scream again, so he got up and said goodbye.

Seeing this, Chen Shuping said, "I'll be staying at home tonight. Mom has already made the bed for you. Tomorrow morning, Mom will make you your favorite egg soup and noodles."

Liu Yuanqing also said: "It's rare to go home, so just stay at home!"

Liu Hua knew that if he persisted, his parents would definitely feel uncomfortable, so he said happily: "Mom, I have to live at home if I say anything about your egg soup noodles."

"Okay, I'll be staying at home these few days, and I've returned the house in the guest house. What are you doing with the spare money?" Chen Shuping said.

"Okay, mom, I'll listen to you, but today's house can't be refunded."

At eight o'clock in the morning, Liu Hua, who ate the egg soup and noodles made by her mother, came to the guest house from home feeling very happy.As soon as he entered the hall, Director Tian who was standing in the hall waiting for him greeted him.

"Liu Hua, Secretary Sun and the county magistrate are waiting for you in the small conference room of the county party committee, come with me!"

"Director Tian, ​​why are the two leaders looking for me?" Liu Hua asked strangely.

"I don't know either. I was ordered by Secretary Sun to inform you. You will know when you go." Director Tian replied politely.

"Director Tian, ​​please wait for me. I'll come down immediately after I say hello to Sister Ray." Liu Hua said, and before Director Tian could agree, he walked up the stairs quickly.

Liu Hua ran up to the second floor and knocked on Ruili's door.

Ruili opened the door and saw that it was Liu Hua, and complained: "Where did you go last night? You made me listen to your movements all night!"

"Sister Ray, didn't I tell you to visit my parents?"

"But you didn't say you wouldn't come back to stay at night?" Ruili gave Liu Hua a sideways look, with obvious dark circles under her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I was late talking with my dad. My mom didn't want me to leave, so I stayed at home." Liu Hua's expression was apologetic.

"I haven't had breakfast yet, let's go and eat with me." Ruili stopped being pretentious.

"Sister Ray, I just came here to tell you that Secretary Sun and the head of Jiu County came to me, probably to discuss your investment in Yuanshui County. I want to hear what conditions you have first?" Liu Hua said.

"Is that so?! Liu Hua, you know what's on my mind best, and you can just say what you want. Whatever you say is what you say, and I'll listen to you!" Ruili's attitude is very simple, everything depends on Liu Hua .

"Okay, I understand, Miss Ray. Then I'm leaving, you can let Anthony accompany you to have breakfast." Liu Hua said goodbye and went downstairs.

A small meeting is being held in the small meeting room of the county party committee. The participants are: Secretary Sun Zhengxin of the county party committee, the county magistrate in Jiushu, deputy county magistrate Wang Hong in charge of industry, director Li Tianyi of the county public security bureau, director Zhang Shujun of the county finance bureau, county economic committee The Director Du Zhiguo, the Director of the County Planning Commission Lu Yuan, the Director of the County Industry Bureau Lu Yaobei, and the attendee Liu Hua.

Meeting content: Discuss how to accept the investment of F country RG company in Yuanshui County.

After Secretary Sun Zhengxin finished the content of the meeting, he asked everyone to speak enthusiastically.

Li Tianyi, director of the Public Security Bureau, first said: "The task of our Public Security Bureau is to maintain national security, maintain social order, protect citizens' personal safety, personal freedom and legal property, protect Gonggong property, prevent, stop and punish illegal and criminal activities, and protect Reform and opening up and socialist modernization are progressing smoothly”

"Director Li, just say what you want to say, don't go around in circles." Director Zhang Shujun interrupted Li Tianyi's official words.

"Okay, let me just say it directly. Under the current new situation, it is a great thing that the RG company of country F is willing to invest in our county. But I have not received any reports from my superiors about foreign businessmen investing in the country. What should the public security organs do?" A method scheme for providing protection.

If something happens to them in our county, it will cause international conflicts.So on this issue, I have no right to speak, but I respect the decision of the county party committee and county government. " Li Tianyi said.

"After talking for a long time, you didn't say anything!" Du Zhiguo, director of the economic committee, said.

"It can't be said that Director Li didn't say anything. At least he reminded us that what everyone is facing today is a very real problem, that is, the entire province, and even the inland areas of the country, have not encountered any foreign investment problems so far." Wine Said in the book.

"The county magistrate is right, although the special zone is now introducing foreign capital, and it is doing so vigorously, but the results have yet to be verified.

We are such a big country, and every decision of the central government is cautious. Why should we establish a special zone and carry out pilot projects in the special zone?That is to control the development of things to a minimum and sum up the experience of failure and success. "Secretary Sun Zhengxin said.

"I have already reported to the leaders of the provincial party committee on the investment of the RG company from country F in our county. The attitudes of the leaders in the province are also different. Some leaders asked us to make some attempts, but the steps are smaller, and some leaders are resolute. Opposition, so the Provincial Party Committee has not yet come out with a clear attitude.

However, Secretary Kang said to me in private, 'You can handle it according to the situation! ', so Secretary Sun and I called everyone together, and everyone can talk freely about their views. " Said in the wine book.

"Secretary Sun, the RG company in country F is now sending money to our door to cooperate with us. To be honest, this is a good thing we can't wait for, but we are not sure about the attitude of the above. Secretary Kang's words are irresponsible, and they are really going to go wrong. The responsibility for this matter lies with you and the county magistrate." Director Zhang Shujun looked at the two leaders with complicated eyes.

"Secretary Sun and I personally welcome Ms. Ruili to invest in our county. Through selective investment promotion activities, we can drive the development of related industries in our county, which is conducive to our transformation of economic development mode and optimization of industrial structure. , to increase employment opportunities for the vast number of educated youths who have returned to the city, and it is also conducive to social stability." The county magistrate said in the wine book.

"I agree with this opinion. The efficiency of various enterprises is not very good now. Many old employees ask the factory managers for indicators. They want to arrange their children to work in the factory. They often crowd into the factory director's office and make noise. Every time Lao Lu held a meeting of factory directors, the factory directors would complain to me and Lao Lu, clamoring that they couldn’t do their jobs.” Du Zhiguo, director of the economic committee, said with a headache.

"Director Du is telling the truth. Too many monks and too little food is really a headache!" Director Lu Yaobei nodded.

"Especially the educated youths who have returned to their hometowns to participate in labor. Because they can't arrange jobs, they make troubles outside every day, and their parents can't control them. They are really worrying!" Du Zhiguo continued.

Du Zhiguo's words hit the point, and the few people present nodded in sympathy.

"Old Du, what are you worried about? Didn't your girl just arrange to work at Wujinjiaodian Company?" Lu Yuan, director of the planning committee, said.

"Just because my girl arranged, my sister's boy who came back from the city is idle at home, and my old mother is almost counting me down!" Du Zhiguo said with a wry smile.

"This is a very real problem. A large number of idle people has indeed added a lot of unrest to the society. We must find a way to solve it as soon as possible. Recently, there have been frequent incidents of fighting and fighting. The county really needs to quickly solve the employment problem of these educated youths who have returned to the city. .” Li Tianyi said.

"Now there are too many monks and too little porridge, and there is also a problem with the porridge pot. If it is not fixed, the porridge pot will be broken. Therefore, it is necessary to add a new industrial structure. Huaishu Town Commune has set an example for us. They Instead of rushing to do everything like other communes, they have found a new way to stand out according to market demand. Liu Hua, who made suggestions on this point, has the best say." The county magistrate said in the wine book.

Everyone turned their eyes to Liu Hua.

Liu Hua was taken aback for a moment: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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