Chapter 255
In the living room of Huang Xiaoming's house, Shu Ya sat on the sofa alone with a pale face, full of guilt and fear.

In the bedroom, Huang Xiaoming and his mother were arguing loudly and softly.

"Mom, Shu Ya will stay at our house for just one night, so you can accommodate me, okay?" Huang Xiaoming begged his mother in a low voice.

"Xiaoming, Mom is not unreasonable. Isn't it the same for our family to pay for her to live in the guest house in the factory?"

"Mom, I don't understand. Just for one night, my dad and I share a bedroom, and you and Shu Ya share a bedroom. Isn't it good? Why do you have to let her live in the guest house in the factory? There are too many girls It's not safe!" Huang Xiaoming was a little anxious, and his voice couldn't help but rise.

"Since you say that, then Mom will tell you the truth. The daughter Hongxia of Director Wang you met today is the person we are looking for you in the factory. Hongxia is a typist in the office of the main factory. How nice Work, if you hadn't been admitted to Beijing Foreign Studies University, would Director Wang have taken a fancy to our family?"

"It's better not to look at it, I don't like girls like that at all!"

"Son, don't be stupid. Although Hongxia is only a graduate of a technical school, what's the use of such a high education for a girl? After she gets married, she can't take care of the family and help you?"

"Mom, can you respect me a little bit, I won't get along with that Wang Hongxia, you and my dad are just worrying about nothing!"

"You white-eyed wolf, how do you talk to mom? It's up to you to tell you this matter, your dad and I decide, unless you don't recognize me and your dad!"

"Mom, are you still being unreasonable? I won't tell you anymore!"

"With the help of Hongxia's father, it's no problem for you to be assigned to the office building of the factory department after graduation. After a year or two, you will be appointed a section chief or something. What a good marriage is this?!"

"Mom, I want to stay in BJ to work after graduation, and I don't want to go back to Luodu. I don't want to be like you. I just stay in this factory for the rest of my life. What's the point?"

"You said lightly, you work in BJ, do you have that relationship? Your father and I have inquired about it a long time ago. There is no solid relationship. You don't even want to stay in BJ even if you take money. Dream it!"

"Anyway, you don't need to worry about my work, I will figure out a way myself." Huang Xiaoming said this very confidently.

"It's just that skinny girl who doesn't even have a butt. It will be difficult to have a child in the future! She is still from the south, and her living habits are different from ours. If you really want to get married and live together, you will definitely suffer after a long time. No! Let me tell you, what is this called Shuya? Your father and I firmly disagree, you should give up your heart as soon as possible!"

There was a "bang" on the door, and Huang Xiaoming came out of his parents' bedroom angrily.

Shu Ya stood up from the sofa in a daze, tears instantly filled her eyes and flowed down her cheeks.

"Xiaoming, I'm sorry!"

Huang Xiaoming looked at Shu Ya helplessly, and wiped away the tears on Shu Ya's face with the back of his hand: "Shu Ya, I have made you wronged!"

"Don't pretend to be Lin Daiyu here, my son is not Jia Baoyu!" Huang Ma stood at the door of the bedroom and looked at Shu Ya with disgust.

"Mom!" Huang Xiaoming shouted at his mother.

"I'd better go!" Shu Ya walked quickly towards the door of the room with tears in her eyes.

Huang Xiaoming was about to catch up, when Huang's mother suddenly rushed over and hugged his arm, dragged it back vigorously, and shouted: "Let her go!"

"Mom, let me go!" Huang Xiaoming was anxious to get rid of his mother, but the mother held him tightly, and he didn't dare to push his mother to the ground regardless, so he could only push and push with his mother. Hand to break the mother's hand.

"Shu Ya, don't go!" Huang Xiaoming shouted anxiously.

"Xiaoming, thank you!" Shu Ya said and opened the door.She picked up her heavy luggage with both hands, and walked out of Huang Xiaoming's house with difficulty.

Shu Ya came to the corridor, and the door with the soft spring slammed shut behind her.She wiped the tears off her face with the back of her hand, and stubbornly carried the suitcase to the stairs.

In the corridor stood a few middle-aged women listening to the excitement.Seeing Shu Ya come out, they pointed and started talking in a low voice.

Shu Ya was tired out of breath, and finally dragged the suitcase to the stairs.

This is an old-fashioned three-story building. Huang Xiaoming's family lives on the second floor. Shuya looked at the long and tall concrete steps. After thinking about it, she first went down a step by herself, then turned her face upside down, and stretched out her hand to carry her luggage The suitcase began to be dragged up the first step, and she wanted to go down the stairs backwards, dragging the suitcase down one step at a time.

Shu Ya's legs were a little weak, she had hardly eaten since last night's dinner, she just drank a little water.Although the director Wang set up a sumptuous table in a restaurant at noon, how could she eat it.

When she saw that girl named Hongxia followed Huang Xiaoming's parents to pick up the station, and then Huang Xiaoming's parents told her that her nose was not her nose and her face was not her face, she knew what was going on.

Shu Ya lost her balance and fell down the stairs, and she also fell down with her suitcase.

Shuya screamed in horror, but she didn't have the horror scene of somersault because her body fell into a man's arms.

Shocked, Shu Ya looked up at the man who caught her.

"Brother Gao Qi, why are you?"

Gao Qi looked at Shuya in distress, with tears on his pale face, helplessness and sadness in his terrified eyes.

Gao Qi really wanted to hit someone at this moment, and Wuminghuo ran wildly in his body. He bent down to hug the princess, and Shu Ya's body was lifted off the ground.

Shu Ya exclaimed, her arms involuntarily hugged Gao Qi's neck.

"Guo Liang, carry the suitcase!" Gao Qi turned around and shouted to Guo Liang who had just gone upstairs.

"Well, brother Qi, you go first!" Guo Liang stepped aside.

Gao Qi quickly walked downstairs with Shu Ya in his arms.

Zhou Xiaogang, who was waiting at the gate of the family courtyard, was wiping the rear view mirror with a cloth, when he suddenly saw Gao Qi holding a girl in his arms with an angry face, he hurriedly opened the rear door in a daze.

When Shu Ya's mind was able to think, she had already sat in the jeep.

After Guo Liang also boarded the car, Gao Qi ordered Zhou Xiaogang: "Go back to the rest place!"

Huang Xiaoming's father watched the jeep leave, and then walked quickly home, only to see his wife crying and tugging with his son in the room.

"Don't worry about it, everyone is leaving in a jeep!" Father Huang shouted.

"Dad, who do you think left in a jeep?" Huang Xiaoming was startled and asked hastily.

"Who else? That Shu Ya!" Father Huang replied.

"Dad, do you see who it is?"

"I can see clearly that there are three young men. A man in a tunic suit is holding Shu Ya, a man in a police uniform is carrying a suitcase, and a driver looks like an officer of the People's Liberation Army. The jeep has an army license plate." What Father Huang said was really clear enough.

"Is the one you mentioned who hugged Shuya tall and mighty looking?" Huang Xiaoming's mind jumped out of Gao Qi's shadow.

"Yes, it looks like someone who has been a soldier." Father Huang nodded.

"What's the origin of this Shuya, who still has such a good relationship in Luodu?" Huang's mother stopped crying and asked her son.

At this time, Huang Xiaoming's face turned blue, "It seems that Gao Qi was the one who picked up Shuya! How did he find his home? Didn't he go to see relatives? Why did he come to his home in a military vehicle? Why are there still policemen?" ? Who is this Gao Qi?"

Huang Xiaoming didn't answer his mother's question at all.The scene of Shuya crying on campus that day, Gao Qi holding a handkerchief and stuffing it into Shuya's hand appeared in his mind.

"There must be a relationship between them, Shu Ya didn't tell me the truth, she lied to me!" Huang Xiaoming's eyes gradually darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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