Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 274 Potential Economic Benefits

Chapter 274 Potential Economic Benefits

Liu Hua and Gao Qi saw that everything had been arranged properly, so they told everyone to visit some old friends and left with Ruili Tranquility.

Looking at the smooth asphalt road, Liu Hua lamented the changes in Haidong in the past year.

"This is what I wrote to you in the letter. After reading the article in the "Agricultural Daily", the city leaders visited our farm, and then paid for the commune to repair this two-lane asphalt road. The biggest support from the farm." Tranquility introduced.

"Liu Hua, when your article was published in the newspaper, it caused quite a stir. Not only the superiors paid attention to us, but also many people came here this year. There is no shortage of talents in the farm now!" Ruili also said.

"Social benefits can bring potential economic benefits, and what Liu Hua has done is really beautiful." Gao Qi praised.

"To be honest, I really didn't think so much at the time. My original intention was to recruit partners, but I didn't expect that there would be so many chain reactions due to unintentional intervention." Liu Hua laughed.

"You, the leader, raised the banner. We have to work hard! Gao Jun has been working day and night without sleep and food for a year. He is working with all his might. I really admire his leadership and organizational skills now!" Tranquility was full of praise for Gao Jun.

"Yes, thanks to everyone's joint efforts, our project has finally won the support of the Provincial Planning Commission, and the provincial finance has also asked the national finance to allocate funds for agricultural development. We would also like to thank Miss Ray for her strong support, if not She has a large amount of deposits in the Agricultural Bank, and she has come forward to guarantee that we will not get the 5000 million loan amount." Liu Hua said gratefully to Ruili.

"This credit does not belong to any one person. If you hadn't won the project support from the Provincial Planning Commission, I just want to guarantee that the Agricultural Bank will not lend to our farm. But this fund is earmarked for the farm project, you guys Don’t dare to embezzle it!” Ruili reminded Tranquility at the end.

"Don't worry! Miss Ruili, no!" Tranquility replied.

"What do you mean?" Liu Hua looked at Tranquility.

"That's right. Because Huarui Farm is a project applied in the name of Huarui Farm, the above loan is for our farm. Although the finance of the farm is on our farm, because the loan funds are earmarked for special purposes, so I set up a separate account for them, and I remember every incoming and outgoing account very clearly, so there will be no problems. Chairman, you also know that my principles have always been very strong." Tranquility explained.

"Oh, that's it! Then you must take care of the capital and the price and quality of raw materials for Gao Jun. After all, you are a local, and you can't be fooled by many things." Liu Hua confessed cautiously.

"I know. Through the feasibility study and analysis of this project, I know that the price difference of the three materials is so great. Now I always ask the city leaders for approval, and try my best to help Gao Jun get the materials in the plan. But the two of us in the city Years of infrastructure projects have sprung up like mushrooms everywhere, and everyone is vying for the country's supplies, and the prices of the three materials are the same every day, which is really stressful! So we also used a lot of unplanned supplies." Tranquility said.

"Thank you, Tranquility! Thank you!" Liu Hua really didn't know how to praise his wise decision to choose Tranquility as the head of the field.

Only now did Gao Qi understand Liu Hua's determination to ask Tranquility to be the head of the scene at that time.

"It seems that the appointment of a qualified leader requires a certain foresight. A period has a period of employment standards. Liu Hua sees this point more clearly than I do!" Gao Qi thought of this and looked at Liu thoughtfully. Hua: "It seems that I still don't know enough about him!"

"Sister Ray said just now that this project is the result of everyone's joint efforts. This is not bad at all. Without anyone present, this good show would not be possible. Brother Qi and Shu Ya have also contributed a lot to this project, including that Shu Ya. Meng also contributed a lot! I really should thank them two brothers and sisters!" Liu Hua nodded with emotion.

"When your farm is built, can't it be enough to invite the two of them and me to stay here for a few days to express our gratitude?!" Gao Qi said.

"As long as you have a thick skin, you have only done a little bit of work, and you have started to claim credit, and you are still a brother to our chairman?! Cut!" Tranquility rolled a glance at Gao Qi.

Gao Qi immediately fell silent.He has always pursued "a good man does not fight with a woman".

"You have such a mouth! Only Director Jing can control it. You see Brother Qi being bullied by you?! But Brother Qi let you go, understand?" Liu Hua stood up to support his elder brother.

"Understood! Fighting brothers, father and son soldiers! It's only natural for him to help you, I'm just teasing him! Hee hee!"

"You!" Liu Hua looked at the naughty Tranquility helplessly.

Gao Qi had a bitter look on his face, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"By the way, are you still arguing with Gao Jun?" Liu Hua asked Tranquility with a smile.

"Since we are working together, there will definitely be times when we disagree. For the two of us, quarreling is a way of communication. Usually I quarrel with him, and he usually doesn't quarrel with me, but he can choke to death when he speaks in a hurry .” Tranquility smiled.

"Have you interfered with Gao Jun's work?" Liu Hua asked.

"I'm at least a shareholder of the farm, right? I always have the right to make suggestions every day, right?" Tranquility argued.

"As long as it is a decided plan, how to do the work is Gao Jun's right. When he implements the plan, he doesn't like others to point fingers and explain everything. Don't you think he is tired?" Liu Hua criticized Tranquility road.

"This villain, I wrote you a letter to sue me again, let's see how I deal with him when I go back, hum!" Tranquility gritted her teeth.

Several people laughed when they saw the quiet child's temper.

The asphalt road from east to west has been built to the gate of Huarui Farm.

Liu Hua said to Anthony who was driving: "Anthony, stop the car when you reach the gate of the farm."

"Okay!" Anthony started to hit the brakes.

Liu Hua looked at the gate of the farm that he had seen countless times in the photos, and his heart was really surging.

This gate is completely modeled after the gate of Tsinghua University No. [-], but there are still some differences when you look closely, at least the size is different.The lintel of the gate is inlaid with white marble, and the four vigorous characters of Huarui Farm are carved on the white marble.

Speaking of the four characters of Huarui Farm, it was Tranquility's father, Ning Zhiyuan, who found a calligraphy treasure that was sought after by a well-known domestic calligrapher through his connections.

When Liu Hua wanted to build the gate of Huarui Farm, he asked Fang Fang for his suggestion. Fang Fang thought for a while and said, "The farm is so large that it is impossible to build a wall to enclose it. symbolic."

Liu Hua fully agrees with Fang Fang's point of view.He just has a feeling that Fang Fang's opinions can always match his thoughts, and the two of them have a tacit understanding in this regard.

Later, Liu Hua accompanied Fang Fang to visit Tsinghua Garden and walked to the second school gate. Fang Fang suddenly pointed to the photo of the second school gate displayed on the side of the road and said, "That's it. I will help you design a farm gate and gate according to this style." The gate of the farm is a completely down-to-earth Chinese-style gate with a sense of time!"

After Fang Fang's Huarui Farm and Huarui Farm's two gate design drawings were completed, Liu Hua was very satisfied with them, and immediately sent them to Tranquility and Gao Jun with letters.

(End of this chapter)

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