Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 28 Who Did It?

Chapter 28 Who Did It?
Liu Hua's voice flowed clearly in Tsinghua Garden late at night and in a student dormitory.

"In the past, every time I came back from picking grass, I always had a full basket, and Chen Tianming's basket was covered with a bottom, but now it's the other way around. My uncle asked me what was going on, and I told him the reason. .

Seeing that I like little rabbits so much, my uncle caught me two gray little rabbits from somewhere, one male and one female, which made me very happy.

The uncle dug a hole under the pear tree in the yard, with a small mouth and a big belly, and put the little rabbit in it.

Everything is back on track again, I don't have to pick pigweed for Chen Tianming anymore, the two little gray rabbits are growing up day by day under my careful care, I feel very happy and satisfied. "

Everyone held their breath and listened quietly, and no one interrupted Liu Hua's narration.Because they heard the oppressive and heavy taste from Liu Hua's voice.

Liu Hua's voice became hollow: "One day when I came back from school, I happily lifted the cover of the rabbit's nest, only to find two little rabbits lying in the nest bleeding from all seven orifices, their bodies stiff and dead!

I was terrified, and my whole mind went blank. It is hard for me to describe the feeling of helplessness, desolation, fear, and terror in my heart at that time.

And Chen Tianming and Chen Lingrong stood aside, coaxing with gloating faces.

At this time, the adults all came back from work in the field. Grandpa picked me up, and grandma kept coaxing me, who was pale and lost his mind, by the side.

The uncle squatted down to the entrance of the cave to see, his expression changed at that moment, he glared at Chen Tianming and Chen Lingrong, and shouted sharply: "Say, who did it between you two?" '

The uncle's terrifying appearance made Chen Tianming and Chen Lingrong cry on the spot.

Da Jin was unwilling, "Bao Hong, what are you talking about, uncle, Xiao Fu's little rabbit is dead, what should Tianming and Ling Rong do?" '

'explain!Which of you two did it? 'My uncle didn't pay any attention to Dajin at all.

The uncle looked at the little rabbit's death and seemed to guess something, so he scolded Chen Tianming and Chen Lingrong: "Did you two do it?" '

Chen Tianming was scared, and cried and said: "My sister told me to poison Xiaofu's little rabbit, and he will be able to pick pigweed for me in the future, so I asked my uncle for a small bottle of dichlorvos, and coaxed him Said that our teacher is going to kill the insects, I'

'You are so young, but your heart is so vicious! The uncle grabbed Chen Tianming and slapped Chen Tianming on the buttocks, and the sister-in-law rushed forward to protect Chen Tianming.

I don't know what was going on in my mind at that time, I just felt blood rushing to my head, and I jumped off my grandfather's body.

I must have looked scary at the time, I grabbed the sickle in the basket under the eaves and slashed at Chen Lingrong and Chen Tianming. My uncle saw that my eyes were red, so he rushed over and hugged me, and took the sickle from my hand.

At that time, I had an idea in my mind that these two people were the bad guys in the movie.The projectionists of our commune go to each brigade to show movies once a year. I have watched "Tunnel Warfare", "Landmine Warfare", "Red Lantern", and "The White-haired Girl".So I must kill them two villains and avenge my two little rabbits!
Was he too young to know what death meant?The ignorant are fearless, that's what I was then. "

"Your cousin and cousin are not good things, so you dare to kill two little lives at such a young age, it's too vicious!" Gao Qi said.

"It's unbelievable that two children killed two cute little rabbits for a basket of pigweed!" Li Shihong also said angrily.

"Is this the greed of human nature? At such a young age, he would not hesitate to hurt innocent lives for his own self-interest!" Sunan murmured.

"No, people are different from each other. Don't forget: people are born with good natures. Their natures are similar, but their habits are far away." Song Dajian said.

"Song Dajian, you still dare to recite the things of Feng Zixiu, you are not small!" Shi Wenqing sneered.

"Don't label me indiscriminately, it makes sense." Song Dajian argued.

"Dajian is right. People are born with kindness. The viciousness of Chen Lingrong and Chen Tianming should have a lot to do with his mother." Jiang Zhenhai said.

"I think human nature is inherently different, otherwise there would be no such thing as genetic inheritance." Sunan said.

"I think people's nature should be kind. It's just that the acquired environment and education are different, and the habits of each other have formed a huge difference, so I don't agree with Sunan's point of view." Old scholar Li Chunjiang said slowly. Said vigorously.

"Shut up and listen to Liu Hua first! Liu Hua, does this have anything to do with your No. 1 exam?" Gao Qi asked puzzled.

"There is a direct relationship!" Liu Hua continued: "From that day on, I feel like I have lost my mind. No matter where I am at home, school, or off-campus, as long as I see Chen Lingrong and Chen Tianming, I will die. He jumped up and fought, and every time his eyes were red, he looked like a madman! No one could pull him away or persuade him.

Everyone in the family was scared, especially Da Jin, who hurriedly sent Chen Tianming and Chen Lingrong to Huaishu Town, her natal home.

My grandpa and grandma taught me every day, and even my uncle gave me Chen Tianming's two little rabbits, but I didn't want them.

When the villagers scolded Chen Tianming and Chen Lingrong for being vicious, they would also say to their children, "I can't tell it usually, but once Xiaofu gets annoyed, it's scary enough. It seems that he is just like Tianming Lingrong. Cruel Lord!You'd better not provoke Xiao Fu, so as not to get into a fight, he will fight you desperately! '

Since then, the children in the village seem to be afraid of me, and they don’t play with me as freely as before, but I didn’t notice it at all at the time.

I couldn't find Chen Tianming and Chen Lingrong, I just felt like a heavy weight was pressing on my heart, it was very uncomfortable, now thinking about it, the anger in my heart didn't come out. "

"Liu Hua, you have nothing to blame. You are a person who knows what to love and what to hate. If it were me, I would do the same." Gao Qi comforted Liu Hua.

"I have raised rabbits, and I can understand Liu Hua's feelings. If someone poisons my little rabbit to death, I will fight for him, not to mention that I was only seven years old at that time. It was a normal reaction." Shi Wen Qing also said.

"that is!"

"Yes!" Everyone said in agreement.

"Thank you for your understanding!" Liu Hua shed two lines of tears in the dark, and his heart felt much more comfortable.

"One day, when I was picking pigweed, I walked to the grave of my best friend Xiao Cang, who drowned while taking a bath in Putuo, a fish farm in the village.

Oh, Putuo is our local dialect, which means a pool of stagnant water.

It was the older children in the village who led the six-year-old me and Xiao Cang to sneak to the village's Putuo to take a bath, and Xiao Cang never came up again.

Now I still clearly remember the scene when I walked to Xiaocang's grave. At that time, I felt weak all over. In today's words, my legs seemed to be filled with lead, and my mind was in a daze.

The loess in front of me and the newly grown wheat seedlings were covered with a layer of red. I looked around in a daze and found that everything had turned red.

I struggled to look up at the sky, the sun in front of me turned blood red for some reason, the blood red light seemed to penetrate into my eyes, once my eyes went dark, I didn't know what happened behind.

When I woke up, I was already lying on the bed at home. Grandpa opened and closed his mouth and said something to me, but I couldn’t hear anything. I opened my mouth and asked grandma, what grandpa was talking about, but there was no answer make any noise.From that day on, I became a deaf and dumb person. "

(End of this chapter)

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