Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 281 Brotherhood is as deep as the sea

Chapter 281 Brotherhood is as deep as the sea

Liu Huagao, Qi Ruili, Tranquility, and Jing Zhanbin stayed at the farm last night. They wanted to see what kind of charming picture the farm had in the morning.

While everyone else was still asleep, Liu Hua and Gao Qi had already woken up.In the past two years, Gao Qi has followed Liu Hua to get up in the morning to practice Tai Chi, and he has developed a habit.

The two trotted along the road in the northwest direction. This road was the first stone road in Gao Junxiu's farm and the only sidewalk leading to the sea.The large-scale driveway has not yet started construction because of too much investment.

Liu Hua chose to fight at the beach today because he wanted to see Gao Jun's route for repairing the driveway.

The sky had begun to clear, but the surrounding scenery was still a little blurry. The two of them were talking about road construction while running.

The two of them ran for more than 20 minutes before running to the top of the mountain. Looking at the bay in the distance, a thin strip of white fish belly appeared on the eastern sea at this time. It takes at least ten minutes to see the golden halo before the sun rises. many minutes.

Liu Hua couldn't describe the color of the peaceful sea he saw in his eyes at this time, because the distance was too far and the perspective was too low, as if there was a ray of light in front of him that was tempting him. , wanting to open his arms and swoop down like an eagle.

Thinking in his heart, Liu Hua's arms slowly opened, and his body also slowly leaned forward, as if he wanted to throw his whole body down.

Gao Qi felt that Liu Hua's movements were a bit strange, so he asked aloud, "Brother, what's wrong with you? Do you want to spread your wings like an eagle?"

Liu Hua woke up from the fantasy all of a sudden, and immediately stood up.

"Brother Qi, you're right. I just had this hallucination just now. I felt as if I had grown wings and wanted to fly towards the rising sun!" Liu Hua murmured.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? It's not the first time you've climbed to the top of the mountain, how could you have such assumptions?" Gao Qi felt a little uneasy, and he stretched out his hand unconsciously to grab Liu Hua's wrist.

"It's different! Brother Qi, this is the first time for me to face the black sea on the top of the mountain. The front is so vast, and only a ray of light is calling me. I just have the urge to fly over!"

"Brother, I feel that I don't understand you more and more. I always feel that your heart seems to be trapped by something? You have been trying hard to break free from its shackles. It can also be said that there seems to be something in your heart. A cage, I have this feeling from when you described the Vitex Garden, I didn't think much about it at the time, but now this feeling is becoming more and more obvious!"

"Chi, you studied psychology, right?"

"Well, those who work in my line of work will definitely read books in this area, but there are no books in this area in China. I read the foreign editions. I was forced to learn English by these books."

"Oh, so you sense my weirdness sometimes!"

"Brother, I want to know the reason, you should be clear in your heart."

"I think it's because of Xiao Cang's death. I can't get out of that shadow until now."

"Is it Xiao Cang, the childhood playmate you mentioned who drowned in Putuo?"

"Brother Chi, do you still remember this?"

"I remember all the content of the brothers' chat that night, because it is the deepest memory engraved in everyone's mind, how dare I forget it."

"Thank you Brother Qi. After leaving my grandparents in my hometown, you have been with me all the time, so my heart will not be so lonely."

"Brother, you should open the closed thing in your heart and expose it to the sun, so that your heart disease can be cured."

"I understand, but I'm scared in my heart, and I've been afraid to touch it. Sister Ray saw my seizures when she was at my house, and it scared her!"

"Brother, why did you have a fantasy just now?"

"Because there is a black sea under the vast nothingness, and there is a ray of light in the east. I want to fly there. I think of a place full of light. I don't want to stay by the black water."

"I understand! Brother, don't be afraid, you are a hero who is not afraid of death, how can you be afraid of black water?! Besides, there are my brother, Li Shihong and Song Dajian so many brothers accompanying you. Still There are grandma and grandpa who love you, mom and dad, your sister Ray, and Fang Fang, they all love you sincerely, and at the same time they also need your protection, so you have to be brave and break out of the black cage, Let your heart live under the sun!"

"Brother Qi, thank you!" Liu Hua's right hand grabbed Gao Qi's hand holding his left wrist.

"During the winter vacation this year, I will go back to Yuanshui County with you to see the Putuo you mentioned. I will definitely help you cure the disease in your heart. Now you just need to cheer yourself up every day and tell yourself: 'All the fears It’s all imagined by myself, I am no different from others, and I will not be affected in any way!’, you will gradually get better!” Gao Jun said, holding Liu Hua’s hand tightly.

"I see, Brother Qi! I must have accumulated great virtue in my previous life to meet such a good brother like you!" Liu Hua was moved and sighed.

"It should be said that I have accumulated great virtue in my previous life. In this life, I have met a brother like you who can give me back. I have no regrets in this life! I should thank you, brother!" After Gao Qi finished speaking, he opened his arms and hugged Liu Hua together.

Brotherhood is as deep as the sea, and parental kindness is greater than the sky!Man is based on these two beliefs between the heaven and the earth.

After a long time, the two brothers let go of their arms. They watched the first golden halo rising from the east, and the excitement in their hearts was uncontrollable.

"Brother Chi, I want to shout!"

"Then let's shout together!"

"Qi Ge, what are we calling?"

"Just call us brothers!"

"it is good!"

"Brother, I shouted one, two, three, and we both shouted at the same time!"

"it is good!"

"one two Three!"

"We are brothers!" A shout came from two different throats, and spread far, far away on this empty mountaintop.

The shouts of the two people were filled with the energy of the dantian. If it was in the downtown area, people would run for their lives in shock.But on the top of this empty mountain, facing the gray sea, it seemed so insignificant, without any reaction, even the birds in the forest in the mountain were chirping, and they were not frightened at all.

"Brother Qi, when I was in my hometown, I often climbed to the top of the mountain. Whenever I stood on the highest point, I always felt that I was as small as a speck of dust, which would disappear when the wind blows and the sun shines!" Liu Hua said There is a familiar trance feeling in my heart.

"In this vast universe, we are actually just a speck of dust, but we are endowed with life by nature, let us feel its emotions, otherwise nature will feel lonely, so our ancestors Cai said: 'Human beings are the best friends of nature, and they will never leave them behind us from generation to generation!'" Gao Jun laughed loudly facing the direction of the sea.

"Brother Qi, you are a natural philosopher, you will definitely be a high-ranking official in the future! Unfortunately, I am born afraid of being a leader, and I like to think about things alone! When I was a class monitor in high school, I only knew how to study by myself, and I didn't know how to be a leader. Know how to lead everyone to study together, hehe!"

"But you're doing a great job now! You see, this vast stretch of endless mountains and forests is all your territory! I'm like a parasite here! Hahahaha!"

"Brother Qi, I know it in my heart. In fact, I just came up with an idea. It was all done by Tranquility and Gao Jun!" Liu Hua is very self-aware.

"Brother, you have completely ignored your own ability and role, and you have never thought about it, where would this farm come from without you? Tranquility and Gao Jun raised their arms together, do you think someone will follow them like this?" Do you work hard and rush forward without any scruples? You never know that your extraordinary wisdom and your charisma are your greatest intangible assets! Things that others can't do with all their efforts may be possible for you It’s just a matter of one sentence! You are doing the way of heaven! Do you understand brother? It can be said that even I can’t do this!” Gao Qi said frankly.

Liu Hua stared at Gao Qi blankly but his eyes were out of focus. He was thinking about what Gao Qi said.

(End of this chapter)

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