Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 288 Healing the Fear in My Heart 2

Chapter 288 Healing the Fear in My Heart 2
Liu Hua leaned against Fang Fang's body, with his head tilted against Fang Fang's neck.Suddenly, a fresh scent of flowers with a hint of bitterness penetrated into his nostrils, making him feel like he was in a garden of brambles and vines.Unconsciously, the fear in my heart suddenly dissipated!
When Fang Fang's warm little hands touched his forehead, his heart instantly settled down.

Fang Fang's moist and hot nose sprayed on his face, and a more intense scent of flowers mixed with a touch of bitterness penetrated into his nostrils.

Liu Hua slowly opened his eyes, he raised his head, and met Fang Fang's anxious and concerned eyes.

"Brother Hua, you scared me to death. How about it? Is it better?" Fang Fang's voice trembled.

"Fang Fang, I seem to smell the smell of vine flowers. Is it your smell?" Liu Hua sat up straight and reached out to hold Fang Fang's hand.At this moment, he felt so at ease in his heart.

"Huh? Are you talking about the smell on my body?" Fang Fang said, tilting her head and smelling it on her body.

"Yes, it's the smell from your body, and your breath also has this smell, but it can't be smelled at a distance, a very faint bitter scent!" Liu Hua affirmed.

"Brother Hua, do you have a dog's nose? I haven't used it for many days, and you can smell it?"

"It's very similar to the smell of vine flowers, but it doesn't seem to be!" Liu Hua frowned and thought carefully.

"Brother Hua, my dad has a friend who is in the aromatherapy oil business. Every time he comes from HK, he will bring me a bottle of aromatherapy oil. I have been using it since I was a child.

I don't like very strong incense and essential oils, so the aromatherapy and essential oils he gave me are all specially made by himself, which contain lavender, rose, sandalwood, chamomile, bauhinia and other ingredients.

I usually use rattan aromatherapy in my room because it has a calming effect.When I take a shower I put a few drops of essential oils in the tub so I don't get bitten, I haven't used them since I came to the farm. "Fang Fang explained to Liu Hua.

"No wonder! I panicked a lot just now, but when I smelled you, I felt as if I had entered my vine garden, and my heart stopped panicking immediately!" Liu Hua has completely returned to normal.But he didn't have the courage to look at the black pool behind him.

"Brother Hua, it's all my fault. You insist on playing in the water to fish for the moon. You are too self-willed! You have worked hard all day, and you have memorized me for so long in the afternoon, and you have little food. You must be hungry. I'm sorry! We will go back right away !” Fang Fang said to Liu Hua apologetically.

Liu Hua really couldn't wish for it, but he still said: "Since we have waited until now, it's a pity to leave. Don't you still want to write down this scene? I will sit next to you and close your eyes to rest. You should observe carefully. It's over. Let's go back!"

"Brother Hua, you are so kind!" Fang Fang was very moved after hearing Liu Hua's words.

"Brother Hua, take it easy, my hand hurts!" Fang Fang couldn't bear the pain in his hand, so he had to remind Liu Hua who was holding her hand and walking silently.

Liu Hua's thoughts were suddenly pulled back by Fang Fang from the memory of the spring pool last year. He quickly let go of Fang Fang's hand and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I was distracted just now! Does your hand hurt?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't hurt anymore!" Fang Fang rubbed her hands together.

Liu Hua looked at Fang Fang in the halo of the flashlight, hesitated and asked, "Fang Fang, do you still use aromatherapy and essential oils?"

"Well, I'm used to it and I've been using it all the time. But I've always used a small amount. I don't want others to smell me and say that I'm a bourgeois Miss Jiao. But as long as I sweat when I exercise, the smell It will be emitted, and it will still be smelled by some people who are close. I have been staying at the farm for the past few days and have not gone back, so it is useless for the past few days. You shouldn’t be able to smell it, right?” Fang Fang didn’t expect Liu Hua to ask suddenly Asked such a question, he replied after being stunned for two seconds.

Liu Hua subconsciously put his left hand under his nose and smelled it. It was Fang Fang's hand that was held just now.

A very faint, almost nonexistent bitter scent penetrated into his nostrils.

Watching Liu Hua's movements, Fang Fang suddenly realized something, and her face turned red to the base of her ears.

"Fang Fang, you go ahead, I'll go behind and show you the way." Liu Hua shook the flashlight in his hand.

"Why?" Fang Fang looked at Liu Hua in the shadow, a little puzzled.

"Oh, nothing!" Liu Hua blushed.

Fang Fang couldn't see Liu Hua's blushing, but she could see that Liu Hua's expression was a little unnatural, and suddenly realized that, she started to laugh.

Fang Fang walked ahead in a good mood, and said in his mouth: "Brother Hua, where are we going? You don't want to go to the spring pool, do you?"

"Yes," Liu Hua replied behind Fang Fang.

"Ah, no way! What's wrong now?" Fang Fang stopped in surprise and turned around.

Liu Hua's feet stopped, and the flashlight in his hand shot upwards, hitting Fang Fang's face.Fang Fang's eyes narrowed immediately, and she raised her hand to block the light from the flashlight.

"I'm sorry!" Liu Hua quickly hit the light on the ground, then made up his mind and said, "It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day! Fang Fang, I want to ask you for a favor, I want to do an experiment!"

"Do an experiment? What kind of experiment?" Fang Fang was completely confused by Liu Hua.

"Don't ask, I'll tell you when I'm sure, okay?"

"All right!"

"In order to save time, and also want to make this experiment more sure, let me carry you on my back, okay? This way we can reach the spring pool earlier."

Fang Fang hesitated and agreed.

Liu Hua calmed down his mood.He walked in front of Fang Fang, handed the flashlight to Fang Fang: "You come to show the way!" Then he squatted down and said, "Come up!"

Fang Fang climbed up Liu Hua's back with a blushing heart.She remembered that when Liu Hua carried her up to the spring pool last year, she climbed up it naturally, why now her face is so enthusiastic and her heart is beating.

Liu Hua picked up Fang Fang on his back and took a deep breath. Fang Fang's smell wafted around his nose unhindered, making him feel extremely good all of a sudden.

He steps forward, faster and faster
Fang Fang was afraid that Liu Hua would trip over something on the road, so she carefully illuminated the road ahead with a flashlight.

Liu Hua quickly walked through the bamboo forest with Fang Fang on his back.

Tranquility had already sent someone to build a path leading to the spring pool.Although it was only small trails, for Liu Hua who was used to running on mountain roads, these were not a problem at all.

Because there were no trees, vines and thorns under his feet, Liu Hua's feet walked as fast as the wind.

Fang Fang, who was lying on Liu Hua's back, watched the rugged mountain road in front of her retreat quickly. Even though she trusted Liu Hua very much, she couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"Brother Hua, walk so fast, be careful not to fall!"

"Don't worry, even if I break my leg, it won't hurt half a hair of yours!"

"Brother Hua, bah bah bah, you actually said some unlucky words!"

"Hehe, I'm joking. This kind of mountain road is not much different from the big road to me!"

"Brother Hua, you are amazing!"

(End of this chapter)

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