Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 299 What kind of dance are you dancing?

Chapter 299 What kind of dance are you dancing?

Feng Liming came out of Li Ting's house full of anger.He didn't go home, and walked on the street casually without a goal.He saw around the big cross not far away, under every street lamp, there were a group of men and women, carrying a tape recorder, playing Teresa Teng's "Story of a Small Town" and the shepherd song "Shaolin Temple".

Suddenly, an explosive music that had never been heard sounded behind Feng Liming.He turned his head and looked behind him, only to see a young man in his 20s with a large tape recorder in his hand, walking on the road, surrounded by several young men in shirts and flared trousers, imitating him writhing.

When the young man with the tape recorder saw Feng Liming, he handed the tape recorder to the young man next to him, walked over to him and said loudly, "Brother Liming, what are you doing standing here? Let's watch us dance!"

Feng Liming took a closer look and found that it was Qu Tao, the youngest son of Director Qu of the Commercial Bureau.

"What kind of dance are you guys doing? You're waving your arms and kicking your legs, it looks like a group of demons are dancing!" Feng Liming asked, frowning.

"Hey, Brother Liming, you don't know this, right? This is a cassette tape brought to me by a person who came from Guangzhou to find my father. They are all foreign songs. They are danced by Michael Jackson. There is also a video tape. I I followed the space walk for a few days, it was too difficult to learn!" Qu Tao said with a smile.

"Qu Tao, you are so old, why do you still want to play all the time, go to the TV University next year, learn more knowledge while you are young, and you will get started quickly at work. We have to go on the road ahead, and there will be no diploma in the future. , but it is difficult to move an inch." Feng Liming persuaded.

"I see, Brother Liming!" Qu Tao twisted the so-called moonwalk and walked away.

"Qu Tao, go back early, don't let your parents worry about you!" Feng Liming shouted behind him.

"Okay, I'll go back after playing for a while!" Qu Tao shouted without looking back.

To be honest, Feng Liming usually disdains the children of cadres like Qu Tao, who know how to eat, drink and have fun all day long, squandering their parents' efforts, not seeking to make progress, making their parents worry, and there is nothing they can do about him.

For some reason, at this time Feng Liming suddenly envied the heartless Qu Tao, feeling that he lives so freely and unrestrainedly, unlike him who always lives for others to see, it's too tiring!He was thinking about things like this, and walked slowly towards the big cross.

Over the years, he has listened to his parents and teachers, studied hard, and strived to be a good boy praised by everyone. In fact, only he himself knows that he is only doing it for others to see.In fact, he was very restless in his bones.But he had to, because he had ambitions of his own.

During his college years, he performed outstandingly, studied hard, and actively participated in all activities organized by the school. His hard work was not in vain. He became a class cadre, the chairman of the student union, and finally joined the party at school.These are his best resources when it comes to graduation assignments.

Feng Liming knew in his heart that it was precisely because he wore too many beautiful clothes that Li Tianyi felt that he was a promising young man, so he willingly wanted to marry his daughter to him.

"Alas!" Feng Liming was so restless that he actually followed Qu Tao and the others towards the big cross.

"Sister, the county town is different from the countryside. In the village, everyone is already asleep. Look at the city, there are still so many young people playing." Chen Tianming said, looking at the men and women under the street lights.

Chen Tianming, who came out of the department store, was holding a plaid shirt in his hand, which was the most fashionable shirt nowadays.Chen Tianming cherished the shirt under his armpit.

"The thing in their hands is called a tape recorder, which can play many songs." Chen Lingrong said.

"I recognize it. I saw someone mention it in Huaishu Town." Chen Tianming said.

On the steps of the department store stood a lot of men and women watching the excitement, discussing in one go.

The two siblings walked down the steps and joined the crowd of spectators.

Chen Lingrong and Chen Tianming looked at the group of young people dancing in the big cross, with indescribable envy in their eyes!They waved their arms, twisted their waists and hips, and they were full of energy and passion!They released the young and surging power in their bodies to their heart's content, giving people a very shocking impact.

A burst of music with a strong sense of rhythm came from the south towards the big cross. The siblings turned their heads and saw a young man carrying a super-large tape recorder, and several young people followed behind the tape recorder, which was a little exaggerated He twisted and walked to the asphalt road in the middle of the big cross.

The infectious music quickly attracted everyone's attention. The girls dancing under the street lights ran over excitedly, and the young man who was dancing in the middle of the big cross also turned off his tape recorder.

"Qu Tao, I've been waiting for you for a long time, why did you come out so late?" a girl said loudly.

"Qu Tao, we were just practicing the space dance steps you taught yesterday, but we can't learn it, so you can take everyone to practice!" said a young man who was dancing in the middle of the big cross just now.

"Okay, let's practice together!" Qu Tao said loudly, and then led everyone to dance the space dance together.

"Sister, is this also called dance? How do you see how that foot walks? But it looks pretty!" Chen Tianming said excitedly, and he couldn't help but lift his leg and started to learn.

"It's also the first time I've seen dancing like this. I'm afraid this is a group of hooligans. Let's go, so as not to cause trouble." Chen Lingrong pulled Chen Tianming to leave.

"Sister, they are just dancing, let me watch for another 10 minutes if there is any fight and trouble!" Chen Tianming refused to leave, still gesticulating with his hands and feet.

Chen Lingrong pulled him twice but didn't pull him.

A young man with long hair and a moustache, looking slick, came from the west, followed by more than a dozen young men dressed similarly to him.When he saw a group of people dancing in the middle of the big cross, he couldn't help becoming furious.

"Go away, this is our territory, who told you to dance here, and you guys, are it itchy, let you wait here for the boss, but you are here to learn to dance some fucking dance, don't you?" Come here, old man!"

Several dancing young people heard Moustache's scolding, and quickly ran out of the dancing crowd and stood behind Moustache.

"It's broken, the local snakes in Xiguan!" Someone in the crowd who watched the excitement suddenly said.

"If it doesn't work out, there might be a fight in a while!" Someone answered.

"The night before yesterday, in front of the gate of Xiguan Building, local snakes from Xiguan fought with gangsters from Jingfang Brigade. I heard that someone was chopped and injured." Another person said.

"Why don't the Public Security Bureau care about it? Just let them mess around?" A woman's voice.

Chen Lingrong followed the prestige, and saw that the person who was speaking was a young girl who was no less beautiful than herself, with big waves and a white dress, she was particularly conspicuous in front of people.

"No matter what, the perpetrators have already been arrested!" the man replied.

"Keep them locked up for a few more years, and reform their outlook on life inside, so as to save them from making trouble again when they come out." A middle-aged man said.

"The conditions in the city are so good. Let them go to the countryside and work all day, and they will be exhausted to death. Let's see if they still have the energy to make such a fuss?" Chen Lingrong said.

"Who says no?" The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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