Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 319 It's Totally Reasonable

Chapter 319 It's Totally Reasonable
"Liu Hua, with the personality of Chen Tianliang you mentioned, he probably wouldn't expose Li Yanyan from the Quality Inspection Department of Yuanshui County Glass Factory that he dealt with in front of outsiders, would he?" Gao Qi asked.

"This is the fourth question I'm going to talk about next. If it's someone else, Chen Tianliang will definitely not. The problem is that this person is Li Yanyan, so that's another matter.

Because this Li Yanyan was also a merchant who delivered quartz sand to the glass factory in Yuanshui County.It was because my appearance broke the scandal between her and the owner of the laboratory, Wang Jiming, so their plot to use inferior quartz sand to mix the first-grade quartz sand produced in my uncle's factory fell through completely, and Li Yanyan went bankrupt because of this. It is said that he still owes a huge amount of foreign debt.

I told my uncle and Tianliang the ins and outs of this incident, and asked them to pay more attention in the future and be careful not to be tricked by others.So Chen Tianliang saw that Li Yanyan was pretending to be a salesperson of the Huaifu County Glass Factory, fearing that she would do something wrong again, so he would naturally speak up and kindly remind Dong Dafa.

I didn't expect it to be this Li Yanyan at first, but I went through all the things in the past few days, and then I remembered what happened back then. "Liu Hua explained.

"Oh, that's it!" Gao Qi nodded.

Liu Hua went on to talk: "Now, Li Yanyan has entered the quality inspection department of Yuanshui County Glass Factory through who knows? But I can think of her unwillingness.

From a logical point of view, I think she should hate Wang Jiming the most now.Because Wang Jiming got the benefits, but he dumped Li Yanyan when something happened, how could Li Yanyan let it go.

She must have gotten the news from somewhere, or guessed that there was a hookup between Wang Jiming and Dong Dafa, and Wang Jiming must have gained a lot of benefits from it.

Then if she wanted to take revenge on Wang Jiming, or want to get a share of it, then she must have evidence of the collusion between Wang Jiming and Dong Dafa.Therefore, it is not difficult to guess the purpose of Li Yanyan coming to Guojia Town with a false identity. "Liu Hua further analyzed.

"Oh, company commander, this brother of yours is so powerful, it makes sense for him to think so clearly!" Guo Haiyang slapped his thigh and said.

"Of course, my Gao Qi's brother will not be bad, hehe!" Gao Qi said proudly.

"What's next?" Guo Haiping hurriedly asked Liu Hua.

"Here comes the fifth question. After hearing Chen Tianliang's words, Dong Dafa knew Li Yanyan's real identity. What do you think his first reaction would be? You will definitely think that Li Yanyan is from the quality inspection department of Yuanshui County Glass Factory. Someone came to touch his bottom, so he ran out in a hurry without eating.

But he was one step too late, Li Yanyan had already disappeared, so Dong Dafa would definitely chase after him in the direction of the station.

I think Li Yanyan is not a simple woman, she will not be so stupid, she will definitely hide somewhere in the hotel, and wait until night to go out, after all, this is Dong Dafa's territory, with many eyes and ears, she can't get out of Guo's house in broad daylight town.

But at this moment, something must have happened that forced her to come out of her hiding place.It just so happened that at this time, Chen Tianliang had finished his breakfast and Guo Hongqi came down from upstairs. Guo Hongqi left first, and Chen Tianliang went to his room, then Li Yanyan followed.

As the saying goes: If you are close or not, you are from your hometown.In this foreign land, Chen Tianliang may be the only person Li Yanyan can find who can help her.

She followed Chen Tianliang to the door of the room. After the waiter opened the door for Chen Tianliang, Chen Tianliang entered the room.Country people don't have the habit of locking the door when they enter the room, so Chen Tianliang just closed the door, but didn't lock it from the inside.

Therefore, the waiter saw that Li Yanyan did not knock on the door, but opened the door by herself and walked into Chen Tianliang's room. "Liu Hua stopped here.

Gao Qi nodded: "There is nothing wrong with your analysis, which means that Li Yanyan is hiding somewhere on the first floor, could it be?"

"Bathroom!" Gao Qi, Liu Hua, and Guo Haiyang said in unison.

"Hang Hai, go and find out what happened to the public restroom on the first floor the day Li Yanyan's accident happened. Why did Li Yanyan run out instead of hiding?" Gao Qi ordered.

"Okay!" Guo Haiyang agreed.

"What about me? What am I doing?" Guo Haiping asked hastily.

"We are both out, what about the store? Tomorrow you will help out in the store!" Guo Haiyang ordered to Guo Haiping.

"Okay!" Guo Haiping replied reluctantly.

"Brother Qi, follow Dong Dafa tomorrow and see what he has been doing these two days? If I come out, it means that there is insufficient evidence for Chen Tianliang's murder case. I suspect that he may have to do something. Follow him closely tomorrow." !” Liu Hua said.

"I understand, but how can my two legs run past other people's four wheels?" Gao Qi was a little worried.

"Brother Gao Qi, you ride my Jialing scooter. It's not slow at all. Dong Dafa's car can't run fast in the town. It's going to the county town. There are many people on the road, and its speed can't be fast. , there is no problem in following him on a motorcycle!" Guo Haiping said very confidently.

"That's great! Haiyang, tomorrow I will put on your cotton military cap, your military overcoat, and your kicked cow military boots, fully armed and ready for battle!" Gao Qi joked.

"Company commander, if you ride a motorcycle today, you have to dress like this, or you will freeze to death!" Guo Haiyang laughed.

"We all have missions, what are you doing?" Gao Qi asked Liu Hua.

"I'll go find Chen Lingrong tomorrow, that is, my cousin. The day Chen Tianliang was arrested, she told me that Li Yanyan is Chen Lingrong's good friend. I have to find her to find out the situation." Liu Hua replied.

"Is that the cousin who came up with the idea to poison your little rabbit?" Gao Qi asked.

"Yes, it's her. Haven't you seen it before? It's the fair-skinned, beautiful girl with two big braids standing next to my mother today. Is she very beautiful?" Like my mother?" Liu Hua said with a smile.

"Although her face looks a bit like your mother, she is not as good-looking as your mother. Your mother's face is gentle and kind, which makes people feel very comfortable. There is something in her eyebrows and eyes that people don't like. She is a bit widowed. Looks mean." Gao Qi shook his head and said.

"That's right, my mother is a very kind-hearted person, and she has a very good relationship with my father. I have never heard of the two of them quarreling. People often say that each other comes from the heart!" Liu Hua laughed.

"Your mouth looks a bit like your mother, but you don't look like your father at all!" Gao Qi looked at Liu Hua and said.

"Well, many people say that, even Sister Ray says that. I also think my mouth is very beautiful!" Liu Hua touched his lips and started to quiver.

"Beautiful! An old man with a sloppy beard, what does he look like?" Gao Qi laughed.

"Hey hey hey!" Liu Hua smiled as he stroked the hardened stubble on his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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