Chapter 326
"Because what I don't understand is that Feng Liming seems to be a little too aware of Dong Dafa's situation. He didn't let Ling Rong tell Li Yanyan's words, and he said so confidently that he and Dong Dafa wouldn't make trouble! Dad, all of this is too bad Normal!
"Xiao Fu, if it's as you suspected, you were right in not stopping Feng Liming today. Now he is in the light and we are in the dark. It is convenient for you to investigate some things clearly. We have to be clear about it.

If there is really any conspiracy behind this, we got involved in this matter too early, once they jump the wall in a hurry, it will be really dangerous at dawn! "Liu Huaiqing said calmly.

"Dad, I even suspect now that the reason why the Guyi County Public Security Bureau was able to find my school so quickly is probably because Ling Rong told Feng Liming. Feng Liming notified the Guyi County Public Security Bureau about this, so He arrived at my school at dawn and was arrested overnight." Liu Hua said.

"What you said is entirely possible. Ling Rong must be in a hurry when something happens at dawn, and she will naturally think of asking Feng Liming for help." Liu Huaiqing nodded.

"If Ling Rong really told Feng Liming about Tianliang's going to school to join me, I would doubt Feng Liming's real intention to save Tianliang, it would never be as simple as he said.

Since Feng Liming knew the real purpose of Li Yanyan's going to Guojia Town, he could naturally think that Tianliang was wronged, because Tianliang had no motive to kill, but Dong Dafa did.

If Feng Liming really wanted to help Sister Ling Rong, his normal reaction would be to find out what happened first, instead of informing the police to arrest Tianliang first, and then try to cover up Dong Dafa's crimes.

Dad, my intuition tells me that Feng Liming seems to be in the same gang as Dong Dafa, and their purpose is to put Tianliang to death, let Tianliang be convicted of the murder, let Tianliang be the scapegoat, so that Dong Dafa can be exonerated! "

After listening to Liu Hua's analysis, Liu Huaiqing nodded involuntarily: "Xiao Fu, what you said makes sense. Li Yanyan went to Guojia Town to investigate Dong Dafa, and Dong Dafa killed her to make things worse? Isn't this place without silver 300 taels Is Dong Dafa stupid?"

Liu Hua suddenly thought of Chen Lingrong's words, he stood up and slapped his forehead with his hand: "Dad, I know, just like what Sister Ling Rong said, Li Yanyan must have obtained Dong Dafa's evidence, and he wants to kill people to silence him." !"

"It's logical!" Liu Huaiqing also stood up.

"Li Yanyan's things should still be stored in the Guyi County Public Security Bureau. People from the Public Security Bureau should have searched her salute. I don't know if they have obtained these evidences?" Liu Hua sat down slowly.

"Even if the Public Security Bureau got the evidence, they might not know it. What kind of evidence did Li Yanyan get?" Liu Huaiqing said.

"What evidence does Li Yanyan want to obtain? Only by hearing what did she talk to Ling Rong before she went to Guojia Town? We can guess by analyzing her words." Liu Hua said.

"So Ling Rong has to open her mouth, this Ling Rong is really confused, alas!" Liu Huaiqing sighed a little angrily.

"Dad, if my speculation is true, there must be some connection between Feng Liming and Dong Dafa, and there is only one person who can solve this mystery, Sister Ling Rong!"

"Ling Rong? What do you mean?" Liu Huaiqing didn't understand.

"Yes, Sister Ling Rong is the key! Dad, there must be hidden characters in this case that we haven't seen. It may be one, or there may be many, just like multivariate equations in mathematics. There are unknown xyz in the middle. The associated conditions exist, and Ling Rong is a known condition given by this multivariate equation. Only by making full use of this known condition can we solve this math problem as soon as possible and make the case clear!" Liu Hua said with affirmative tone.

"Xiao Fu, it's really you! This matter made your analysis so clear, that is to say, as long as Ling Rong opens her mouth, many things will surface, right?" Liu Huaiqing said excitedly.

"Yes, Dad! But Sister Ling Rong may not know what these people are doing behind the scenes. I just need her to tell me about the relationship between Feng Liming and the glass factory!"

"Understood! If you want Ling Rong to speak, you still have to rely on your uncle and sister-in-law. I'll send a car to pick them up tomorrow morning. I don't know how long it will take to take the bus! It's okay, you go to bed early All right. I'm going to bed too."

"Okay, Dad! Remember to ask Ling Rong to ask for leave tomorrow afternoon."

"I won't forget, don't worry! Go to sleep!"

"En." Liu Hua nodded.

Liu Huaiqing stood up and left Liu Hua's room.

When Chen Lingrong received a call from Liu Huaiqing at work in the morning, she felt strange, "Uncle, what's wrong? He asked me to ask for leave in the afternoon? Usually he cares most about working hours and asking for leave. Could it be because of Yanyan?"

She finally waited until she was the only one left in the office, so she quickly picked up the phone and called Feng Liming.

A female voice came from the other end of the phone. Chen Lingrong held her breath and did not dare to say anything. The other party continued to feed her a few times and then said, "What happened to our phone recently? There is no sound when I answer it!"

"That's right, I've also answered a few times with no sound. Could it be that the receiver is faulty? I'd better ask someone from the Post Office to fix it!" A man's voice said.

"Xiao Jin, put the phone on, pick it up and listen to see if there is any sound, if there is any sound, call the post office and ask them to send a maintenance person to come over and check." Another voice said.

Chen Lingrong guessed that the person who spoke last might be Feng Liming's section chief, so she put down the phone slowly.

The phone call was not available, and Feng Liming probably wasn't in the office either, so Chen Lingrong thought to forget it, let's wait and see what my uncle had to say during lunch.

Chen Lingrong walked to the door of her aunt's house and was about to knock on the door when she heard her mother Tian Fengmei's voice inside. She felt strange, "Why is mother at my aunt's house?"

"Xiao Fu, what you said is true? That's great! Let me just say, our family Ling Rong is beautiful, just like her aunt, she is a lucky person!" Tian Fengmei's loud voice came from the door out.

Chen Lingrong was shocked, "Xiaofu, what did he know? What did he tell my mother?" She quickly pressed her ear to the door.

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? Ling Rong is her..." Chen Shuping was so anxious that she didn't know what to say.

"Tian Fengmei, shut up, don't you feel ashamed?" Chen Baoping shouted.

"Shame? Yes, what Ling Rong did is indeed a bit inappropriate, but you think, the door of this secretary's house is easy to enter? She can't move her mind? It's good now, the raw rice has been cooked, and we Jia Lingrong is destined to marry Feng Liming!"

(End of this chapter)

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