Chapter 376

"you are?"

The professors were astonished.
Professor Yu from the next door came out.

"My name is Chen Hua, and my mother's name is Wang Qiang!" Liu Hua introduced himself.

"Are you Xiao Qiangwei's son?" Professor Yu looked at Chen Hua in surprise.

"Little Rose?" Liu Hua didn't react.

"It's Wang Qiang's nickname, we all call her that!" An old professor explained to Liu Hua.

"Oh yes, I am her son! Grandpas, please sit inside!"

Liu Hua gave way to the old professors to the small courtyard, and shouted to the door: "Grandpa and grandma, many grandpas saw you coming!"

Hearing the shout, Wang Zhihan and Li Lin opened the door and came out. Seeing more than a dozen old colleagues walking into the small courtyard, they hurriedly greeted: "Old man, are you all here? Please come to the room!"

"Professor Wang, Professor Li, why are you suddenly back now?"

"Sitting and chatting, seeing the car passing by, everyone guessed that the two of you may be back, so come and have a look!"

"What are you doing running back in such a hot day?"

"Where is it not hot today?" Li Lin smiled.

"Chen Hua, go boil water and make a cup of herbal tea for everyone!" Wang Zhihan said.

A group of people entered the house, and the living room, which looked relatively spacious, suddenly became crowded.

Chen Wenyuan came out of a bedroom. He originally wanted to lie down and take a rest, but when he heard that there were guests at home, he came out to meet everyone out of politeness.

He was wearing army trousers and a white shirt on top. He stood at the entrance of the living room like a bamboo pole, clasped his fists in his hands, and bowed in a circle: "Hi, professors!"

"This is my son-in-law Chen Wenyuan, you have met him before!" Wang Zhihan introduced to everyone.

"Ah! Your son-in-law?"



Everyone was secretly surprised when they saw the white-haired Chen Wenyuan with a haggard appearance and an old face with different expressions.

"My son-in-law was seriously injured during a mission, and he managed to save his life, and he is still recovering." Li Lin hurriedly explained.

"The People's Liberation Army defends the country, it's amazing!"

"You are the cutest people in this country!"

All the old professors praised Chen Wenyuan in return.

Xiao Wang and Xiao Li moved the stools from each room to the living room.

Fortunately, Xiaoshi had boiled two thermoses of water in advance, and Liu Hua brought a large pot of herbal tea into the living room.

There were not enough teacups at home, so Xiao Shi brought out all the bowls in the kitchen.

Liu Hua served herbal tea for everyone, and Xiaoshi, Xiaowang, and Xiaoli delivered the herbal tea to every professor.

Liu Hua and other grandparents and all the old professors had almost greeted each other, so they wanted to open their mouths to speak.

If you don't say anything else, the greetings are over, and you will be leaving.

"Grandfathers, the younger generation wants to ask you for something!" Liu Hua put his hands together in front of his chest as he said.

"Little guy, your grandfather just said that you are a student of Tsinghua University, what can we old people do for you?"

"Hehe, that's right, you are studying chemical engineering, but we have more than we can do!"


The professors laughed.

Chen Hua also grinned, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that that smile was full of bitterness.

"Look at this kid, he seems to be in trouble, don't laugh, listen to him!" Professor Yu noticed that Chen Hua's expression was wrong, and stopped everyone's laughter.

"Okay, listen to the child!"

"Come and listen!"

"Grandpas, you all know that my mother has been missing in Green City for almost two years. We came back this time to find my mother, so I would like to ask my grandpas to help me!"

Chen Hua stood up and bowed to everyone.

Chen Hua's words made the living room suddenly silent.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what Chen Hua meant.

"Son, your name is Chen Hua, right?" Professor Yu asked.

"Yes, Grandpa Yu."

"Tell me! What do we need to do?"

"Please help me find my mother!!"

"Son, it's not that we don't help you. The police can't find your mother even if they come forward. How can we have such old hands and legs?"

"Yes, yes! We also watched Little Qiangwei grow up. She is gone, and we are also very sad, but where can we find her?" Helpless.

"Son, we are all old people who are over seventy years old!" He smiled wryly.

"Hey! It's forty degrees here! You can't walk for an hour, you must be suffering from heat stroke!" His face showed embarrassment.

"Son, you're trying to make things difficult for the grandpas!" You frowned.

"Chen Hua, you are indeed creating a problem for these grandpas!" Li Lin was saddened.

Chen Wenyuan and Wang Zhihan didn't say anything, they just looked at Chen Hua with questioning eyes.

"Can you stop arguing and let the child finish talking first!" Professor Yu pressed his hands in the air.

Everyone silenced immediately, and their eyes stayed on Chen Hua's face.

Chen Hua: "Grandpas, on such a hot day, why am I willing to let you go to the streets to help me find someone?"

Um?What's the meaning?
old professors focus
". For more than a year, the public security department of Greentown and other forces in society have been helping to find my mother.

But as of today, there is still no news.

It's not that they don't try their best, but that manpower is limited.

Finding a missing person is not a matter of a day or two, but a matter of a long time.

It is simply unrealistic for the public security department to concentrate manpower on the search.

So I want to use the relationship of my grandfathers in Greentown to help me find my mother."

Suddenly, amazed, applauded!

What a hero!
". I think that the grandpas here must have many students in Greentown, and many of them must have taken important leadership positions.

Classmates, friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, who have worked in Greentown for many years, must have their own huge network of relationships.

And these networks of relationships spread across all levels of society, and their energy cannot be underestimated.

If my mother is still in Green City, then once the news is spread out through these networks, there should be news soon.

I haven't seen my mother since I was born!

She always thought that I died when I was born, and with the relationship between my father and my grandparents, she was away from home for many years, unable to return home, and suffered a lot of inner suffering
So sad and depressed for so many years!

Last year, she returned to China with great difficulty. She returned to Green City because she wanted to see the place where I was born. I didn’t expect that my mother didn’t know what happened. After meeting Grandpa Yu, she disappeared
Grandpa and grandma are eager to see, sad and sad, looking forward to so many years, finally looking forward to the return of mother, with hope, but they did not expect that their fate would pass by them again.

Mother, she is so pitiful! !
She is the little Qiangwei in the mouth of the grandparents, you watched her grow up!

So, I would like to ask all the grandpas, please help me to find my mother back! "

Chen Hua's words were choked up, and he stood in the middle of the living room with a sad face.

Bow down again and again!

The love between mother and child is moving!
(End of this chapter)

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