Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 386 She Has Resigned

Chapter 386 She Has Resigned
As soon as Chen Hua finished his breakfast, Yu Lixiang sent over thousands of missing person notices.

After getting the things, Chen Hua and Chen Wenyuan got into the car.

Passing by the Friendship Hotel, Xiaoshi drove the car into the compound.

Chen Hua made two room calls in the front lobby, and 5 minutes later, Andre and Liang Sicheng appeared in the lobby.

Andre took Liang Sicheng and Qing Yun to VO*V*, this car was brought by Qing Yun from HK.

Two cars drove out of the Friendship Hotel.

They not only want to give things to Ma Yunbo and Zhang Minghui today, but also invite Ma Yunbo's daughter to accompany them to the piano training class.

When Chen Hua and the others arrived at the Jincheng District Committee, Ma Yunbo had just arrived.

Ma Yunbo's daughter Ma Ke also came along.

After Chen Hua left some materials, he took Marco into the car.

The training class was in a small courtyard at the intersection of Jinshan Road and Chengbei Road. On the way there, we happened to pass the gate of the Provincial Planning Commission on Weier Road, so Chen Hua got out of the car and found Zhang Minghui, and handed the materials to him.

Guided by Marco, they soon arrived at the gate of the small courtyard of the piano training class.

As soon as they arrived at the door, the melodious sound of the piano in the small courtyard came to everyone's ears.

Liu Hua helped Chen Wenyuan out of the car.

Andre couldn't wait to run into the courtyard.

Because of Wang Qiang's departure, Li Hao and Li Yue had to come to the training class early in the morning.

Hearing that Teacher Wang has left and may not come back in the future, the students are all red circles.

Li Mao asked the students to play a short section, and he needed to re-understand each student's learning situation.

Andre walked into the piano room, and soon he was disappointed. There was indeed a female teacher, but she was too young.

Of course, it is even more impossible to be Wang Qiang.

Li Yue was startled when she saw a foreigner suddenly barging in.

"Sir!" Li Yue wondered if the other party could understand her Chinese.

"Miss, hello! Excuse me!" Andre bowed to Li Yue in a gentlemanly manner.

Li Yue was embarrassed all of a sudden.

Li Hao waved his hand, telling the students who were about to play the piano to stop for a while.

"Sir, do you need my help?" Li Yue comforted her little heart.

"I heard that you have a very good piano teacher here, I'll come and have a look." Andre said, spreading his hands.

Li Yue pointed to her father, "Yes, my father, he is very good!"

"NO, I'm talking about a female teacher surnamed Wang."

"Sir, what you are looking for is Teacher Wang Qiangwei, do you know her?"

Chen Wenyuan who had just entered the door trembled when he heard Li Yue's words, "Wang Qiangwei!"

Liang Sicheng's expression was completely frightened.

Andre was so startled by Li Yue's "Wang Qiangwei" that he almost jumped up.

"Wang Qiangwei?! OH! MY GOD! Where is she? Miss, tell me quickly!" Andre grabbed Li Yue's hand.

Chen Wenyuan grabbed Chen Hua's hand nervously, his already pale face became even paler now, only a pair of sharp eyes became deeper and deeper.

Chen Hua could fully understand his father's reaction at this time, and quickly used his other hand to support his father's lower back.

Li Yue was panicked by Andre's actions, and said hastily: "Sir, she has already resigned!"

Chen Wenyuan's eyes froze, "What time?"

"It's noon the day before yesterday!" Li Yue hurriedly replied, pulling out her hand.

Chen Wenyuan asked anxiously, "Where did she go?"

"Go to country F, the plane at 06:30 this morning!"

"Country F? Is it really the mother?!" Chen Hua blurted out in shock.

Li Yue and Li Mao's eyes turned to Chen Hua, and soon, they saw something resembling Wang Qiang on this tall and handsome young man's face.

"Do you have any photos of Wang Qiang here?" Chen Wenyuan was the first to calm down.

"Yes, yes, I have a group photo with Teacher Wang here!" Li Yue quickly found her handbag, took out a small and exquisite wallet from it, opened it, took out a photo inside and handed it over.

Just as Andre stretched out his hand, the photo was no longer in Li Yue's hands. He turned his head quickly, only to see that Chen Wenyuan's expression had changed drastically.

He quickly moved his head over.

Liang Sicheng also quickly moved his head towards him, but he couldn't see anything, so he pushed Chen Hua's head away in a hurry.

In the photo, Wang Qiang and Li Yue are standing under a tree full of pomegranate flowers, and the background is the piano room in this small courtyard.

There were tears in Chen Wenyuan's eyes.

Andre danced excitedly, and hugged Chen Wenyuan: "Chen Wenyuan, we found Wang Qiang!"

"Get out! Let me go!" Chen Wenyuan shouted coldly, and Andre quickly let go of his hand.

"Chen Wenyuan! Are you unhappy?" Andre shouted, pointing at Chen Wenyuan's nose.

Chen Wenyuan ignored Andre, he wiped his eyes with his hands, looked at Li Yue and Li Mao, "I am Wang Qiang's lover, my name is Chen Wenyuan, can you tell me that Wang Qiang is stranded in Green City, Did something happen to her?"

"You are Teacher Wang's lover?" Li Yue looked at the old man in disbelief, and couldn't connect him with the elegant and beautiful Wang Qiang.

Chen Hua thought of something, and immediately took out a notebook from his satchel, turned to a page, and revealed a photo of his parents when they got married.

"Comrade, this is the wedding photo of my father and my mother. Even after more than 20 years, I can still recognize my father." Chen Hua handed the photo to Li Yue.

Li Yue took the photo and looked at it with Li Mao.

Wang Qiang is easy to recognize, she hasn't changed much, but the soldier standing beside her looks much more mature than Wang Qiang.

Li Yue looked at the photo, then at Chen Wenyuan, then at Chen Hua.

Although she couldn't confirm that the old man in front of her was the soldier in the photo, she could still vaguely recognize some features.

Especially standing in front of him was a young man who looked very much like the soldier in the photo and claimed to be Teacher Wang's son.

"My father is a soldier. He is more than ten years older than my mother. In addition, he was on a mission some time ago and was close to death, so..." Chen Hua didn't finish his sentence, but everyone understood what it meant.

Li Yue returned the photo to Chen Hua, "Ms. Wang has lost her memory!"

Sure enough, Chen Hua guessed it right.

"Can you tell us about my mother?"

At this time, Li Yue was also very excited, "It would be great if you found this place one day earlier! Please follow me to the lounge next door!"

Li Yue told everything she knew about Wang Qiang.

"This bed is the bed where Teacher Wang usually rests!" Li Yue pointed to the wooden bed under the back wall.

Chen Wenyuan walked over.

The mat on the bed was obviously left with a darkened mark by Wang Qiang lying on it.

Chen Wenyuan stretched out his hand, gently stroking the imprint on the mat
There is still Wang Qiang's breath
He seemed to touch his lover
(End of this chapter)

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